While We Murder Full Term Babies

Provide Abortions As Primary Health-Care
And Provide Acceptable Cover For Serial Killers

Prolific Medical Industry Serial Killers:
The True Story of Kermit Gosnell and His Victims
Jack Kevorkian - Wikipedia
17 Serial Killer Nurses Who Murdered Their Patients

Not Being On The List
Doesn't Change Why They Are There
And Why They Do What They Do

Yes, you guys keep whining about Gosnell, but Gosnell was the norm before Roe v. Wade. You guys want MORE Gosnells.

Whatever it takes. I'm all for giving those that want an abortion a coat hanger letting them go at it alone.
JoeB131 said:
Yes, you guys keep whining about Gosnell, but Gosnell was the norm before Roe v. Wade. You guys want MORE Gosnells.
Not Whining
Just Pointing Out Where Mass Murderers Operate In Plain Sight
While You Try To Pretend Gosnell Is The Only One Among Many

I've Given You A List Of Mass Murderers
And It's Not All Inclusive, Either
My respect for life is all inclusive and I've never ever said abortion is fine for the "coloreds" but not for others
(which again was Sanger's thing).

Sanger never said anything of the sort. Most of the racist quotes attributed to her are lies and she was praised while she lived by organizations like the NAACP for her work in improving health care.

As an aside, Sanger was also against legalized abortion, because back in her day, abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition before they invented things like anti-biotics.

But if God is a moral being then he undoubtedly is against taking life because someone, someone enabled by the state of New York and others to follow in gruesome lock step, made it legal for people to do so because they can.

God drowned every baby in the world in the great flood, he killed David and Bathsheba's baby to prove adultery was wrong, he killed all the first born babies of the Egyptians, not to mention killing 70,000 Israelites because David took a census.

I'm not sure how you get God is against abortion because they are "innocent babies".

I'm not at all an abortion absolutist so all we've cleared up is your ability to lie and take facts not in evidence to prop up your worthless moronic drivel.

Why aren't you an absolutist? It would seem to me that if you think a fetus is a person and abortion is murder, you should be calling for locking up every woman who gets one, as well as all the doctors who perform them.
God distributes life and death where He will.

Humans don't.

As anyone who defends human trafficking and baby killing is quite aware, most of the women who get abortions are victims as well.
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are being prosecuted on a for-profit basis. the right wing doesn't care about natural rights. they just like to complain about the less fortunate.
Not Whining
Just Pointing Out Where Mass Murderers Operate In Plain Sight
While You Try To Pretend Gosnell Is The Only One Among Many

I've Given You A List Of Mass Murderers
And It's Not All Inclusive, Either

I'm sure it's not... it's also kind of pointless.

I'd be less worried about being killed by a sociopath nurse, and more worried about being killed by an incompetent doctor, as 96,000 Americans die every year due to medical mistakes.

Which has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose.
JoeB131 said:
I'm sure it's not... it's also kind of pointless.
So You Can Pretend
Which has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose.
We Were Discussing Who Works At Planned Parenthood
And That They Are Not There To Provide Adoption

As You Said Yourself In Post 172
JoeB131 said:
They aren't in the adoption business
Provide Abortions
And Acceptable Jobs For Serial Killers
JoeB131 said:
I'm sure it's not... it's also kind of pointless.
So You Can Pretend
Which has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose.
We Were Discussing Who Works At Planned Parenthood
And That They Are Not There To Provide Adoption

As You Said Yourself In Post 172
JoeB131 said:
They aren't in the adoption business
Provide Abortions
And Acceptable Jobs For Serial Killers

Get back to me when you can form a coherent thought.
JoeB131 said:
I'm sure it's not... it's also kind of pointless.
So You Can Pretend
Which has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose.
We Were Discussing Who Works At Planned Parenthood
And That They Are Not There To Provide Adoption

As You Said Yourself In Post 172
JoeB131 said:
They aren't in the adoption business
Provide Abortions
And Acceptable Jobs For Serial Killers

Get back to me when you can form a coherent thought.

You run from coherent thoughts while making claims you're too gutless to back up.
JoeB131 said:
My arguments are pretty clear, buddy.
I'm Sure They Are, To You
I See You Dodging Around Things You've Said

You'll Keep Responding
As Long As Your String Is Pulled
And You Call Anyone 'Needy' ??

You're Going To Be Late
To That Job You Have That's Better Than Everyone Else's
I'm Sure They Are, To You
I See You Dodging Around Things You've Said

You'll Keep Responding
As Long As Your String Is Pulled
And You Call Anyone 'Needy' ??

You're Going To Be Late
To That Job You Have That's Better Than Everyone Else's

Okay, just let the nice doctor know that your medications aren't working anymore.
Why don't someone on our side find a conservative judge to put an injunction on the execution of this New York law and send this to the Supreme Courtto decide the limits on abortion. The New York law and copycat laws in other states is legalizing murder of American citizens. Allow that, then anybody can be murdered if a governor simply signs a Bill passed by a Legislature.
Why don't someone on our side find a conservative judge to put an injunction on the execution of this New York law and send this to the Supreme Courtto decide the limits on abortion. The New York law and copycat laws in other states is legalizing murder of American citizens. Allow that, then anybody can be murdered if a governor simply signs a Bill passed by a Legislature.

SCOTUS would have to overturn Roe, first. Then admit that the states can't regulate abortion as they see fit.

All this law does is codify the protections Roe currently gives women. It really didn't change anything.
When you can't debate, go for the personal insult... Got it.
Sorry dear little snowflake....you totally reject the idea of God, and in quite a nasty way too. Am I supposed to believe your feelings are hurt now because I said there is no God for you, which is in total agreement with what you yourself said to prompt my comment? Am I supposed to feel bad for you now?
They aren't in the adoption business. That's not their job. Their job is to provide health care.
Yes. My point exactly. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill and they are in the business of aborting and snuffing out lives.
They could just mention to women that putting a child up for adoption is an option, but that would cut down on the bottom line for their nasty business, wouldn't it? Better to end lives altogether...it's much more profitable (and ghoulish).
Or they realize lots of other people are in the "taking advantage of poor girls to provide white babies to rich people" racket.
By "taking advantage" you mean paying women lots of money to carry their child to term? Instead of puncturing it's skull and sucking out the baby's brains? Ohhh...how evil!
I have a daughter and she and her husband would love to adopt a child! But they've been on a list for a long time and the pool of children available for adoption is very small. And that means any baby...not just a snowy white one.
Thank you Planned Parenthood for helping to bust up this mean ring of people who take advantage of pregnant women
who might wish to see their child live a happy life instead of aborting him/her. What wonderful humanitarians you are.

Yes, I realize I am splatting you like a bug on a windsheild..
This is what losers always do....they claim victory because they sure as hell can't produce it themselves.
How's that Margaret Sanger quote "research" going there Champ?
Oh, please... you guys tell yourselves all these lies about the VA and NY laws, about improbable scenarios that won't ever happen, because you are just terrified of women controlling their own bodies.
Do you know anything about the new laws in New York? And how Virginia and their racist infanticide happy governor
are following suit and other states claim they are too? Either you know the facts or you can just make as ass of yourself by claiming what's fact really isn't at all. And only a fucking idiot does that.
"That thing I need to take care of on Tuesday". That's what it is when she doesn't want it.
Well you can attempt to dehumanize human life like the Nazis, Joe Stalin and slaveholders did in their own diseased minds but it doesn't change what "that thing" inside the womb is. It's a free country so be an amoral shit bag if it suits you, which it seems to do.
No, guy, anyone who tries to make a woman's body "property of the state" is not being anything near reasonable.
So in your view the state has no duty or right to protect human life anymore? Tell me when this seismic shift in Western culture took place? i guess I missed that.
Read up on the Klan in the 1920s... It had over 6,000,000 members at its peak and candidates of both party sought their endorsement. It was as mainstream as you can get. And while it's easy to condemn them today, 100 years later, Trump says the same kind of shit and you people love him.
Yes. This looks like the Klan was very very popular in 1921 http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text1/politicalcartoonsklan.pdf
It makes me wonder why Margaret Sanger had to stage a clandestine and convoluted
journey just to get to address her KKK ladies if they were so mainstream and acceptable at the time. And it confuses me when I try to rationalize the race riots that broke out all over the country when the controversial pro Klan movie Birth of a Nation came out in 1915....but I guess you and your Wikipedia know better.

As far as Trump and the Klan goes I understand you can't help yourself when you make up slanderous lies about a president you detest. But you only have to make it through the rest of this term and the next one and your little nightmare will be over....maybe.

Don't care.. See point above. Mainstream organization with 6 million members.
You can't even quote your own Wiki "facts" correctly, moron. Show me where the Klan had a membership of six million people at any point. Would you like me to quote again in Sanger's own words what she had to do just to meet with KKK women
in New York? Or is it pointless given your idiotic wall of denial?
Actually, I did. And not surprisingly, you took the quote completely out of context.
Yeah....of course I did. :icon_rolleyes: Do me a favor and put that quote where Sanger compares Australian Aborigines to chimpanzees into it's proper context....okay? I know you will.

When a child has been delivered and breathing on its own the woman's right to choose is over she has no right to select abortion as an option. Roe is silent on the issue of the killing of live births. While Roe doesn't address this issue the Infants Born Alive Protection Act is not and should be passed on a Federal level to prevent women from going to another state to kill their living babies.

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