Whining about Barry's legacy...

His legacy is:
--Strategic defeat in Iran

--Tactical defeat on immigration

--Leading from behind....and losing ground in the process.

-- Strategic patience....what to do while doing nothing

But I got to keep my doctor...because I'm not on Obamacare..

Link...vapid analysis from Z....at CNN...

Here's why Obama stays quiet as Trump attacks his legacy - CNNPolitics

Let us know when Trump does something equivalent to killing bin laden.
Because Trump is becoming failed presidency.

Let us know when Trump does something equivalent to killing bin laden.
Because Trump is becoming failed presidency.
this the bin laden Clinton could have had?

Hussein's legacy goes like this:
Best black President ever.
Last black President.
Only President ever elected based on "color".
First President with an un-American name.
First President born outside of the U.S.
First President to only govern on behalf of our lowest grade.
First President to "tweak" our Constitution to benefit foreigners and fuck over Americans
First President to spend his way out of trouble for lack of governing ability.

Yep, that nutless Negro was pretty awesome. If you're low grade twisted filth you felt saved by the half black Jesus...shit he even gave you a cell phone...haha
But I'm thinking my 14 year old could have done an equivalent job with $10 trillion of your money.....He did elect Donny T for us...no Hussein = No DJT.
Everything Crooked Donnie does is temporary

Obamacare funding will be reinstated, Congress will not impose new sanctions in Iran, Dreamers will be allowed to stay, the wall will not be built

Crooked Donnie is a temporary annoyance who will bring his party down with him

Coming from the loon who said that there was no way Trump could win-----------------------------------------------LOL, zero credibility, winger, zero.

I underestimated the stupidity of the voting public

Most did
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!


Serves you right moocher
Everything Crooked Donnie does is temporary

Obamacare funding will be reinstated, Congress will not impose new sanctions in Iran, Dreamers will be allowed to stay, the wall will not be built

Crooked Donnie is a temporary annoyance who will bring his party down with him

Coming from the loon who said that there was no way Trump could win-----------------------------------------------LOL, zero credibility, winger, zero.

I underestimated the stupidity of the voting public

Most did

wrong, you underestimated the intelligence of the voting public, most dems and libs did.

sorry, dude, but the American people are not as stupid as you on the left think they are.

the voters rejected: Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general in the 2016 election and they will continue to reject the left and dems as long as you fools try to ram big government socialism up their collective asses.
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!


Serves you right moocher

she paid for your free healthcare-----------------YOU are the moocher
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!


Serves you right moocher

We have healthcare thru my husband's employer, part of his benefits package, dumbass. Sweet Jebus you're stupid
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!


Serves you right moocher
Isn't this the kind of negative sentiment that the left always accuses the right of?
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!


Serves you right moocher
Isn't this the kind of negative sentiment that the left always accuses the right of?

the liberal creed: punish success and reward failure.
His legacy is:
--Strategic defeat in Iran

--Tactical defeat on immigration

--Leading from behind....and losing ground in the process.

-- Strategic patience....what to do while doing nothing

But I got to keep my doctor...because I'm not on Obamacare..

Link...vapid analysis from Z....at CNN...

Here's why Obama stays quiet as Trump attacks his legacy - CNNPolitics
Just make up stuff that is either a lie or doesn't mean anything.

And look at Trump.

Working to give nuclear weapons to Iran.

Not sure what to do about DOCA.

America is not leading at all. Our allies don't trust us and Trump's only friend is Putin.

Remember when Trump said better healthcare for everyone? I guess that means none.

And now, he's blaming everything on congress and looking around to see what he could ruin next.

Good job.

Wonder how Puerto Rico is doing?
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!

Is that you? Elizabeth Miller in Indiana?
His legacy is:
--Strategic defeat in Iran

--Tactical defeat on immigration

--Leading from behind....and losing ground in the process.

-- Strategic patience....what to do while doing nothing

But I got to keep my doctor...because I'm not on Obamacare..

Link...vapid analysis from Z....at CNN...

Here's why Obama stays quiet as Trump attacks his legacy - CNNPolitics
Just make up stuff that is either a lie or doesn't mean anything.

And look at Trump.

Working to give nuclear weapons to Iran.

Not sure what to do about DOCA.

America is not leading at all. Our allies don't trust us and Trump's only friend is Putin.

Remember when Trump said better healthcare for everyone? I guess that means none.

And now, he's blaming everything on congress and looking around to see what he could ruin next.

Good job.

Wonder how Puerto Rico is doing?
How is the view from lala land?
Ear's "legacy" ...driving the middle class into the ground.

Benjamin Miller
October 6, 2015 · White Pigeon, MI ·

Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014
So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month
So got a nice little fine
Thanks for the affordable care act.
Thanks for making it so affordable!!

Is that you? Elizabeth Miller in Indiana?

No you idiot, Derp. It's someone that got raped over your Dear Leader's asinine Obunglescare
His legacy is:
--Strategic defeat in Iran

--Tactical defeat on immigration

--Leading from behind....and losing ground in the process.

-- Strategic patience....what to do while doing nothing

But I got to keep my doctor...because I'm not on Obamacare..

Link...vapid analysis from Z....at CNN...

Here's why Obama stays quiet as Trump attacks his legacy - CNNPolitics
Just make up stuff that is either a lie or doesn't mean anything.

And look at Trump.

Working to give nuclear weapons to Iran.

Not sure what to do about DOCA.

America is not leading at all. Our allies don't trust us and Trump's only friend is Putin.

Remember when Trump said better healthcare for everyone? I guess that means none.

And now, he's blaming everything on congress and looking around to see what he could ruin next.

Good job.

Wonder how Puerto Rico is doing?

he decertified the Iran deal, now its up to congress.

DACA is a mess, an illegal program that has become established. But the dems don't want to fix it, they want open borders, free stuff for illegals, and a new dem voting block. That's what this is about, nothing more.

He is dismantling the failed obozocare piece by piece since congress doesn't have the balls to do what they were elected to do. It will get done.

Puerto Rico is not getting repaired because of corruption within its government, especially the mayor of San Juan. Trump has sent everything they need.

Yes, Trump has done a good job so far. In spite of lies and attacks from all sides.
Sorry media hounds, the Groper in Chief is setting his own legacy. He'll never destroy historically what Obama accomplished. He can only establish his own legacy with uncountable lies, deceptions and outright bizarre behavior so egregious that he surpasses Nixon in corruptness.
Sorry media hounds, the Groper in Chief is setting his own legacy. He'll never destroy historically what Obama accomplished. He can only establish his own legacy with uncountable lies, deceptions and outright bizarre behavior so egregious that he surpasses Nixon in corruptness.
You are correct! Trump will never erase the fact that Barry was the first, and last black President.
Sorry media hounds, the Groper in Chief is setting his own legacy. He'll never destroy historically what Obama accomplished. He can only establish his own legacy with uncountable lies, deceptions and outright bizarre behavior so egregious that he surpasses Nixon in corruptness.

Groper in chief? that was Bill Clinton.

Obama's legacy:
doubled the debt
put more on welfare and in poverty that ever before
put more on unemployment than ever before
divided the country on race, sex, age, income, location, religion, and ethincity
killed 4 americans in Benghazi
traded 4 terrorists for the traitor Bergdahl
destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world
confused young people on which bathroom to use
made the USA the international laughing stock
exchanged the national day of prayer for a muslim day of prayer
refused to enforce our borders and immigration laws
created sanctuary cities
set race relations back 50 years

Sorry media hounds, the Groper in Chief is setting his own legacy. He'll never destroy historically what Obama accomplished. He can only establish his own legacy with uncountable lies, deceptions and outright bizarre behavior so egregious that he surpasses Nixon in corruptness.

Groper in chief? that was Bill Clinton.

Obama's legacy:
doubled the debt
put more on welfare and in poverty that ever before
put more on unemployment than ever before
divided the country on race, sex, age, income, location, religion, and ethincity
killed 4 americans in Benghazi
traded 4 terrorists for the traitor Bergdahl
destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world
confused young people on which bathroom to use
made the USA the international laughing stock
exchanged the national day of prayer for a muslim day of prayer
refused to enforce our borders and immigration laws
created sanctuary cities
set race relations back 50 years


Who said he can grab women by the pussy because he is a star? After bragging about trying to fuck a hot married woman.

Obama was handed an economy that was shedding over a half a million jobs a month and handed over a trillion dollar deficit.

Republican obstructionist not only divide the country but purposely slowed the recovery.

Extremist killed the 4 Americans.

Healthcare in the US was a disgrace with rising cost and rising premiums long before the AHCA.

World opinion was at its lowest during the Bush administration. (well till now and we are the laughing stock of the world again)

Like McCain said in 2008, "No, he's a decent man....." not a secret Muslim.

Cities have been protecting those immigrants since even before Rudy was protecting them in NY.

We are witnessing the worst since at least Nixon perhaps Harding.

What other lies you got?
Everything Crooked Donnie does is temporary

Obamacare funding will be reinstated, Congress will not impose new sanctions in Iran, Dreamers will be allowed to stay, the wall will not be built

Crooked Donnie is a temporary annoyance who will bring his party down with him

Coming from the loon who said that there was no way Trump could win-----------------------------------------------LOL, zero credibility, winger, zero.

I underestimated the stupidity of the voting public

Most did

wrong, you underestimated the intelligence of the voting public, most dems and libs did.

sorry, dude, but the American people are not as stupid as you on the left think they are.

the voters rejected: Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general in the 2016 election and they will continue to reject the left and dems as long as you fools try to ram big government socialism up their collective asses.

The entire world said....America is not stupid enough to elect Donald Trump

We were stupid enough
The Great Obama's legacy is set

Crooked Donnie will have a legacy of destruction

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