Whining about Barry's legacy...

Let us know when Trump does something equivalent to killing bin laden.
Because Trump is becoming failed presidency.
I thought SEAL Team 6 killed bin Laden. Obama sat in a chair and watched.

You are correct

And Osama bin Laden never flew those planes on 9-11

but he co-ordinated the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3000 innocent human beings. All Obama did was reluctantly give the ok to hit OBL. Big difference

Bin Laden gave the order to launch 9-11
Obama gave the order to kill the son of a bitch

true, 3000 vs 1. great record obozo
obama was twice elected to enact policy most Americans agreed with.

trump is nothing more than a clueless gilded charlatan leading like a vindictive candle in the wind...

total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority
Let us know when Trump does something equivalent to killing bin laden.
Because Trump is becoming failed presidency.
I thought SEAL Team 6 killed bin Laden. Obama sat in a chair and watched.

You are correct

And Osama bin Laden never flew those planes on 9-11

but he co-ordinated the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3000 innocent human beings. All Obama did was reluctantly give the ok to hit OBL. Big difference

Bin Laden gave the order to launch 9-11
Obama gave the order to kill the son of a bitch

true, 3000 vs 1. great record obozo

The Great Obama killed much more than 3000 Al Qaeda and Taliban forces
obama was twice elected to enact policy most Americans agreed with.

trump is nothing more than a clueless gilded charlatan leading like a vindictive candle in the wind...

total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.
I thought SEAL Team 6 killed bin Laden. Obama sat in a chair and watched.

You are correct

And Osama bin Laden never flew those planes on 9-11

but he co-ordinated the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3000 innocent human beings. All Obama did was reluctantly give the ok to hit OBL. Big difference

Bin Laden gave the order to launch 9-11
Obama gave the order to kill the son of a bitch

true, 3000 vs 1. great record obozo

The Great Obama killed much more than 3000 Al Qaeda and Taliban forces

killed his muslim brothers????? are you kidding? He helped create those radical muslim murderers. remember the muslim day of prayer created by Obama in DC? remember how he cancelled the national day of prayer? You hero was/is a closet muslim. Get your head out of your ass.
obama was twice elected to enact policy most Americans agreed with.

trump is nothing more than a clueless gilded charlatan leading like a vindictive candle in the wind...

total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

Again you are phrasing it wrong
The American voters did not reject Hillary. Three million more voters pulled the lever for Hillary than for Trump. Over ten million more voters voted for Obama rather than McCain and Romney

Republicans have failed to provide a shred of evidence that illegals or "dead people" voted for Hillary
You are correct

And Osama bin Laden never flew those planes on 9-11

but he co-ordinated the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3000 innocent human beings. All Obama did was reluctantly give the ok to hit OBL. Big difference

Bin Laden gave the order to launch 9-11
Obama gave the order to kill the son of a bitch

true, 3000 vs 1. great record obozo

The Great Obama killed much more than 3000 Al Qaeda and Taliban forces

killed his muslim brothers????? are you kidding? He helped create those radical muslim murderers. remember the muslim day of prayer created by Obama in DC? remember how he cancelled the national day of prayer? You hero was/is a closet muslim. Get your head out of your ass.

More fantasy on your part
Both Al Qaeda and the Taliban existed long before the Great Obama took office. It was the Great Obama who put fear into the hearts of terrorists around the globe with instant death from above

Care to provide a link where The Great Obama cancelled the national day of prayer?
I didn't think you could
total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

Again you are phrasing it wrong
The American voters did not reject Hillary. Three million more voters pulled the lever for Hillary than for Trump. Over ten million more voters voted for Obama rather than McCain and Romney

Republicans have failed to provide a shred of evidence that illegals or "dead people" voted for Hillary
Just as Democrats have failed to produce a shred of evidence supporting their claim of Trumps collusion with Russians. And that is because it was Hillary colluding with them.
Sorry media hounds, the Groper in Chief is setting his own legacy. He'll never destroy historically what Obama accomplished. He can only establish his own legacy with uncountable lies, deceptions and outright bizarre behavior so egregious that he surpasses Nixon in corruptness.

Groper in chief? that was Bill Clinton.

Obama's legacy:
doubled the debt
put more on welfare and in poverty that ever before
put more on unemployment than ever before
divided the country on race, sex, age, income, location, religion, and ethincity
killed 4 americans in Benghazi
traded 4 terrorists for the traitor Bergdahl
destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world
confused young people on which bathroom to use
made the USA the international laughing stock
exchanged the national day of prayer for a muslim day of prayer
refused to enforce our borders and immigration laws
created sanctuary cities
set race relations back 50 years


Who said he can grab women by the pussy because he is a star? After bragging about trying to fuck a hot married woman.

Obama was handed an economy that was shedding over a half a million jobs a month and handed over a trillion dollar deficit.

Republican obstructionist not only divide the country but purposely slowed the recovery.

Extremist killed the 4 Americans.

Healthcare in the US was a disgrace with rising cost and rising premiums long before the AHCA.

World opinion was at its lowest during the Bush administration. (well till now and we are the laughing stock of the world again)

Like McCain said in 2008, "No, he's a decent man....." not a secret Muslim.

Cities have been protecting those immigrants since even before Rudy was protecting them in NY.

We are witnessing the worst since at least Nixon perhaps Harding.

What other lies you got?

no response necessary, you covered the lies quite well. Nothing in your post is true, but that too is not a surprise. But just a few salient points:

1. the stock market is breaking records, your 401K is growing
2. unemployment at its lowest in years
3. illegal immigration greatly reduced
4. companies investing in the US again
5. obamacare being dismantled piece by piece
6. our allies trust us and our enemies fear us. that has not been the case since Reagan
7. the US will be energy independent very soon, the free market will bring alternatives on line when they are viable financially
8. the slime in Hollywood and DC are being identified and called out
9. the corrupt media is losing its hold on the American public, truth is winning again
10. liberalism has failed, as it has in every place it has ever been tried.


1 The stock market had been going up since Mid 2009.
2 Unemployment has been going down steadily under President Obama
3 So has illegal immigration.
4. More continuation from Obama's terms.
5 No it isn't.
6 Our allies do not trust Trump
7 Not as long as most of our our energy is petroleum based.
8 The biglyist slime is the admitted pussy grabber in the White House.
9 No, Faux News has a steady market share of willing rubes. But the truth is still out there.
10 The USA is an experiment in liberalism. Fascist are trying to hamstring us but we the people will turn them out again.
I thought SEAL Team 6 killed bin Laden. Obama sat in a chair and watched.

You are correct

And Osama bin Laden never flew those planes on 9-11

but he co-ordinated the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3000 innocent human beings. All Obama did was reluctantly give the ok to hit OBL. Big difference

Bin Laden gave the order to launch 9-11
Obama gave the order to kill the son of a bitch

true, 3000 vs 1. great record obozo

The Great Obama killed much more than 3000 Al Qaeda and Taliban forces

Indeed, he personally transmitted HIV to them..


  • obama care.jpg
    obama care.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 32
obama was twice elected to enact policy most Americans agreed with.

trump is nothing more than a clueless gilded charlatan leading like a vindictive candle in the wind...

total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

In reality the American voters selected Hillary by a few million votes. It was the EC that gave "The Groper" the win. Hardly a mandate.

It was targeted Russian propaganda of hate towards Sec Clinton that gave him the EC win. He will always be the President with an * by his name for the Russian support he received.

His incompetence in governing is rapidly catching up with him and the GOP.
total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

In reality the American voters selected Hillary by a few million votes. It was the EC that gave "The Groper" the win. Hardly a mandate.

It was targeted Russian propaganda of hate towards Sec Clinton that gave him the EC win. He will always be the President with an * by his name for the Russian support he received.

His incompetence in governing is rapidly catching up with him and the GOP.

The STINK of Russian intervention lingers over the Trump Presidency
total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

Again you are phrasing it wrong
The American voters did not reject Hillary. Three million more voters pulled the lever for Hillary than for Trump. Over ten million more voters voted for Obama rather than McCain and Romney

Republicans have failed to provide a shred of evidence that illegals or "dead people" voted for Hillary

people have been prosecuted for voter fraud. I don't know how many votes were fraudulent, but one is too many, don't you agree?

Ok, lets split hairs, the electoral college rejected Hillary. Trump got 306 EC votes, he needed 270. You were one of the ones who said he had no path to 270. The voters of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, and Ohio proved you wrong. Are all of those americans to be discounted? Do their votes not count as much as votes in CA or NY? Hillary Clinton is/was a criminal, a terrible human being, and a habitual liar. She sold access while SecState to fund the corrupt Clinton foundation (Clinton crime family).
total bullshit. the majority of the country did not agree with Obama's left wing socialist agenda. the majority did not agree with his policy of dividing the country on racial grounds, the majority did not agree with weakening our military, the majority did not agree with his restroom agenda, the majority did not agree with abortion as the primary method of birth control, the majority did not agree with a muslim day of prayer in DC, the majority did not agree with inviting BLM to the whitehouse.

the majority do agree with Trump's policies that will make this country strong, prosperous, and great again.

YOU are the minority. Deal with that reality.

The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

In reality the American voters selected Hillary by a few million votes. It was the EC that gave "The Groper" the win. Hardly a mandate.

It was targeted Russian propaganda of hate towards Sec Clinton that gave him the EC win. He will always be the President with an * by his name for the Russian support he received.

His incompetence in governing is rapidly catching up with him and the GOP.

So, the Russians hacked our election by disclosing the truth about the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the corrupt American media? Is that your point? That the truth caused millions of americans to vote against crooked Hillary?

Next, provide proof that the data leaked by wikileaks came from Russia----------------I'll be waiting.

Finally, lets talk about real Russian corruption, the transfer of 20% of our uranium in exchange for contributions to the Clinton foundation. Lets talk about the FACT that Comey had decided to give Hillary a pass before he interviewed her or any of the evidence.
The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

Again you are phrasing it wrong
The American voters did not reject Hillary. Three million more voters pulled the lever for Hillary than for Trump. Over ten million more voters voted for Obama rather than McCain and Romney

Republicans have failed to provide a shred of evidence that illegals or "dead people" voted for Hillary

people have been prosecuted for voter fraud. I don't know how many votes were fraudulent, but one is too many, don't you agree?

Ok, lets split hairs, the electoral college rejected Hillary. Trump got 306 EC votes, he needed 270. You were one of the ones who said he had no path to 270. The voters of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, and Ohio proved you wrong. Are all of those americans to be discounted? Do their votes not count as much as votes in CA or NY? Hillary Clinton is/was a criminal, a terrible human being, and a habitual liar. She sold access while SecState to fund the corrupt Clinton foundation (Clinton crime family).

Now you are getting there
You can claim that the Electoral College supported Trump

You can never claim that most Americans supported Trump or his policies....they didn't

The PEOPLE do not support out President...as evidenced by his 35% approval ratings
The MAJORITY of the country voted for Obama to be President TWICE

Something Trump cannot claim

we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

In reality the American voters selected Hillary by a few million votes. It was the EC that gave "The Groper" the win. Hardly a mandate.

It was targeted Russian propaganda of hate towards Sec Clinton that gave him the EC win. He will always be the President with an * by his name for the Russian support he received.

His incompetence in governing is rapidly catching up with him and the GOP.

The STINK of Russian intervention lingers over the Trump Presidency

Tell us exactly what they did and how it changed the outcome of the election. I want specifics or STFU
we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

Again you are phrasing it wrong
The American voters did not reject Hillary. Three million more voters pulled the lever for Hillary than for Trump. Over ten million more voters voted for Obama rather than McCain and Romney

Republicans have failed to provide a shred of evidence that illegals or "dead people" voted for Hillary

people have been prosecuted for voter fraud. I don't know how many votes were fraudulent, but one is too many, don't you agree?

Ok, lets split hairs, the electoral college rejected Hillary. Trump got 306 EC votes, he needed 270. You were one of the ones who said he had no path to 270. The voters of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, and Ohio proved you wrong. Are all of those americans to be discounted? Do their votes not count as much as votes in CA or NY? Hillary Clinton is/was a criminal, a terrible human being, and a habitual liar. She sold access while SecState to fund the corrupt Clinton foundation (Clinton crime family).

Now you are getting there
You can claim that the Electoral College supported Trump

You can never claim that most Americans supported Trump or his policies....they didn't

since less than 30% of americans voted, its impossible to know whether "most" Americans support Trump or his policies. What is true is that a majority of Americans consider Hillary a corrupt liar.
we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

Again you are phrasing it wrong
The American voters did not reject Hillary. Three million more voters pulled the lever for Hillary than for Trump. Over ten million more voters voted for Obama rather than McCain and Romney

Republicans have failed to provide a shred of evidence that illegals or "dead people" voted for Hillary

people have been prosecuted for voter fraud. I don't know how many votes were fraudulent, but one is too many, don't you agree?

Ok, lets split hairs, the electoral college rejected Hillary. Trump got 306 EC votes, he needed 270. You were one of the ones who said he had no path to 270. The voters of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, and Ohio proved you wrong. Are all of those americans to be discounted? Do their votes not count as much as votes in CA or NY? Hillary Clinton is/was a criminal, a terrible human being, and a habitual liar. She sold access while SecState to fund the corrupt Clinton foundation (Clinton crime family).

Now you are getting there
You can claim that the Electoral College supported Trump

You can never claim that most Americans supported Trump or his policies....they didn't

The PEOPLE do not support out President...as evidenced by his 35% approval ratings

approval ratings = fake news about fake polls. those same pollsters said Hillary would win in a landslide. Its BS winger, wake up.
we don't elect presidents on popular vote. If we did California, NY, Fla, and Tx would decide all elections, the rest of the states would have no say in it. The EC is there for a very good reason. Hillary lost, get over it.

You guys keep playing that game

You claim that the American people support your policies and then when it is pointed out that they don't you start screaming Electoral College! Electoral College!

The Great Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of the American public. Trump did not even get a majority

In November 2016 the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Your "great Obama" was a great failure, worst president in history. His corruption, lies, and failures created president Trump.

"overwhelming" ? take out the duplicate and illegal votes and the votes of dead people and its very likely that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

In reality the American voters selected Hillary by a few million votes. It was the EC that gave "The Groper" the win. Hardly a mandate.

It was targeted Russian propaganda of hate towards Sec Clinton that gave him the EC win. He will always be the President with an * by his name for the Russian support he received.

His incompetence in governing is rapidly catching up with him and the GOP.

The STINK of Russian intervention lingers over the Trump Presidency

Tell us exactly what they did and how it changed the outcome of the election. I want specifics or STFU

waiting winger, what specifically did the Russians do and how did it change the outcome of the election?

options for your answer:

disclosed the truth about corruption within the DNC
disclosed that Hillary had been given debate questions in advance
disclosed that the DNC cheated Bernie out of votes
disclosed that Hillary had violated national security laws with her private server
disclosed that she lied about it
disclosed that she lied about Benghazi
disclosed that she took bribes from Russia in exchange for contributions to Clinton foundation
Finally, lets talk about real Russian corruption, the transfer of 20% of our uranium in exchange for contributions to the Clinton foundation

Well there you go.......

Not once ounce of US mined Uranium was ever sent to Russia. A nice big cup of nope.

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