Whistle blower Frank Schaeffer exposes right wing rampaging


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Frank Schaeffer was once REALLY big stuff in the Christian right - a favorite speaker at all the important conventions. His father, the late Francis Schaeffer was probably the most important fundamentalist-Protestant scholar of the later half of the 20th Century.

Scary stuff an brings insight into the rightwing's mentality

"white power movement in the name of Jesus"

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Frank Schaeffer was once REALLY big stuff in the Christian right - a favorite speaker at all the important conventions. His father, the late Francis Schaeffer was probably the most important fundamentalist-Protestant scholar of the later half of the 20th Century.

Scary stuff an brings insight into the rightwing's mentality

"white power movement in the name of Jesus"


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Dude, I really hope you run your mouth in a gas station somewhere in NC next to the right kind of people. I'd pay to see that beat down.
Scary stuff an brings insight into the rightwing's mentality
And it would be just as easy to find some extreme example of a lefty to make some asinine sweeping generalization of the left wing's mentality.

Neither way paints a realistic mindset indicative of most people who would identify themselves as left or right wing, so it is a pointless exercise in attacking a political label instead of any actual opinion someone else in a thread has expressed.
Frank Schaeffer was once REALLY big stuff in the Christian right - a favorite speaker at all the important conventions. His father, the late Francis Schaeffer was probably the most important fundamentalist-Protestant scholar of the later half of the 20th Century.

Scary stuff an brings insight into the rightwing's mentality

"white power movement in the name of Jesus"

Whistle blower Frank Schaeffer exposes right wing rampaging tactics

If you had any brains, sorry, I really shouldn't bring up brains when I am talking to you, you wouldn't need to go back to the 1970s reaction to the counterculture movement to criticize people.
From 3 years ago:

"Once again, the volcanic Frank Schaeffer trots out his tiresome shtick about how horrible he was back in the day when he was a conservative Evangelical, and what a rotten man his daddy was, and how it’s time for someone to blow the freakin’ lid off the Religious Right, etc., ad nauseam. It’s dinner-theater psychodrama, this stuff. "

Frank Schaeffer: Go To Hell, Pro-Lifers | The American Conservative

Yes 3 years ago an its gotten worse with the right wing religious fruit loops
Dude, I really hope you run your mouth in a gas station somewhere in NC next to the right kind of people. I'd pay to see that beat down.

Be careful. He'll report you to the FBI and Homeland Security for making terroristic threats. I've been holed up in my bunker all day. Uh oh, I think I hear sirens [email protected]. Christian

Laugh all you want they are looking into your threats
Dude, I really hope you run your mouth in a gas station somewhere in NC next to the right kind of people. I'd pay to see that beat down.

Be careful. He'll report you to the FBI and Homeland Security for making terroristic threats. I've been holed up in my bunker all day. Uh oh, I think I hear sirens [email protected]. Christian

Laugh all you want they are looking into your threats

You haven't been threatened asshole. By all means.
Dude, I really hope you run your mouth in a gas station somewhere in NC next to the right kind of people. I'd pay to see that beat down.

Be careful. He'll report you to the FBI and Homeland Security for making terroristic threats. I've been holed up in my bunker all day. Uh oh, I think I hear sirens [email protected]. Christian

Laugh all you want they are looking into your threats


Aw, "white power". Since it's a Goono thread, I knew somewhere in there had to be something bad about white skinned humans.

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