Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

The WB went through all the required legal steps . That’s not leaking stupid
This not a valid whistleblower complaint.
This person either was solicited or contacted Adam Schiff-face early on. That removes any validation to the claim. Nevermind the fact that most of the claims proved to be manufactured with a malicious political bias.
This person either was solicited or contacted Adam Schiff-face early on.
Whistleblower contacted STAFF of the House Intelligence Committee, and they told him to go to the IC IG and get an attorney. Them's the rules. He did not talk to Schiff. Schiff did know the complaint was in the works, though, because of that initial contact with the committee.
Whistleblower spoke to Schiff aides before filing complaint

the claims proved to be manufactured with a malicious political bias.
Well, since they were reporting Trump for doing something highly irregular, I guess you could say there was a "bias" there, but a "malicious political bias?" No.
Bullshit. Schiff knew about this complaint before anyone else. If his staff knew, Schiff knew.
Schiff-face has been caught a couple of times taking calls from people with dirt on Trump. We have him on tape taking a call from a couple of Russian comedians who claimed to have naked pictures of Trump. Schiff knows about this shit and simply turns it over to his staff to work out the details. The Times gave him 4 Pinocchios for his lie that he was never contacted by the whistleblower....when evidence was produced that he knew about it over 6 weeks ago.
If doing it is a crime, then trying to do it is also a crime. Shouldn't Schiff be under indictment?
Only if he knew it was a fraud.
This whistleblower incident is fraud, and Adam Schiff-face knows it.
they are obligated to leak when a gvt official is breaking the law, their OATH is to the constitution and all the laws derived from it....

their OATH is not to a mere man...
There is no law breaking. We have the transcript and the word of both Presidents on the call. Everything the Democrats have claimed about this call is a lie in the service of their attempts to overturn the 2016 election.

The Anesthetic Effect of Ukrainegate .

They have underestimated just how tired of the Lying Left's antics in the wake of their 2016 election loss that the American People have become.
Yes we do have the Memorandum Notes, NOT the transcript

and it is clear as day, he was doing precisely what the whistleblower claimed....

And now we have the emails of the ambassadors and diplomats and state dept.... all verifying the whistleblower complaint.
It does no such thing.


So what? The whistleblower's complaint was verified by trump's phone call.
Trumpers are lost in bullshit. The phone call memo and Trump’s “ask” of CHINA say it had merit
Your post makes no sense. The Phone Call had nothing to do with China. China is a separate Biden Scandal where Papa Biden steered $BILLIONS into his coke addled son's pockets, whereas Ukraine was mere $Millions.

Yup. Biden's son was never the subject of *any* investigation or prosecution.

Again, this is the stupidest fucking conspiracy in recent memory. This is literally the conspiracy that they're working with:

That Joe Biden forced Ukraine to get rid of a prosecutor that was neither investigator nor prosecuting his son for any crime whatsoever.

Which is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Yet they repeat it without question.

You can't fix stupid.
Oh sure, the Ukrainians just happy to love funneling millions of dollars to the Vice Presiden'ts coke addled son while the VP controls US money flowing to Ukraine. The prosecutor that got fired says he absolutely was investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt arrangement trading on his father's influence.
that was investigated this May 2019 and the Ukrainians found hunter and his pay, broke none of their laws
I feel bad for the Ukranian President, who is going to piss off Trump if he doesn't dig up dirt on Biden, but who probably doesn't want to be seen as Trump's bitch either.
Considering that the investigation has already been done and an answer given, it puts the guy in a pretty tough spot. Trump will definitely shut off aid to Ukraine if he's pissed.
yes he's in a real pickle, and this is why trump's cancerous intimidation of foreign nations for his own personal political benefit has to be removed

I give it.....two weeks? Before Trumpies are arguing that Trump had an obligation as president to pressure the Ukrainian president into investigating Biden as part of his 'duty to root out corruption'.
This is a lot of US money, of course Trump has a duty to do so.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.

Yup. Biden's son was never the subject of *any* investigation or prosecution.

Again, this is the stupidest fucking conspiracy in recent memory. This is literally the conspiracy that they're working with:

That Joe Biden forced Ukraine to get rid of a prosecutor that was neither investigator nor prosecuting his son for any crime whatsoever.

Which is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Yet they repeat it without question.

You can't fix stupid.
Oh sure, the Ukrainians just happy to love funneling millions of dollars to the Vice Presiden'ts coke addled son while the VP controls US money flowing to Ukraine. The prosecutor that got fired says he absolutely was investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt arrangement trading on his father's influence.
that was investigated this May 2019 and the Ukrainians found hunter and his pay, broke none of their laws
I feel bad for the Ukranian President, who is going to piss off Trump if he doesn't dig up dirt on Biden, but who probably doesn't want to be seen as Trump's bitch either.
Considering that the investigation has already been done and an answer given, it puts the guy in a pretty tough spot. Trump will definitely shut off aid to Ukraine if he's pissed.
yes he's in a real pickle, and this is why trump's cancerous intimidation of foreign nations for his own personal political benefit has to be removed
Trump's son is pocketing Millions and Billions from foreign governments Trump is working with? No wait, it's Your Front Runner's son who is doing that!

"Flat-Out False": WaPo Calls Out Adam Schiff For Lying About Whistleblower

"Schiff earns Four Pinocchios"

What a great Start!
There is no whistle blower with direct first hand knowledge of the call. But there sure is an inner circle leaker. That's where all of this trouble began!
they are obligated to leak when a gvt official is breaking the law, their OATH is to the constitution and all the laws derived from it....

their OATH is not to a mere man...
There is no law breaking. We have the transcript and the word of both Presidents on the call. Everything the Democrats have claimed about this call is a lie in the service of their attempts to overturn the 2016 election.

The Anesthetic Effect of Ukrainegate .

They have underestimated just how tired of the Lying Left's antics in the wake of their 2016 election loss that the American People have become.
Yes we do have the Memorandum Notes, NOT the transcript

and it is clear as day, he was doing precisely what the whistleblower claimed....

And now we have the emails of the ambassadors and diplomats and state dept.... all verifying the whistleblower complaint.
It does no such thing.


So what? The whistleblower's complaint was verified by trump's phone call.
Wrong. Exactly the opposite is the case.
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
carrying out USA policy is a crime now?? I didn't know that
That's exactly what you are accusing Trump of, moron, carrying out government policy.
He's being accused of asking foreign govt's to help him win an election by digging up dirt on Bidens The moron says he's for rooting out corruption Well then 2 things,,, When did he ask those 3 gov'ts for help rooting out a non political person and why can't he start with himself?? A man with no ethics.....a man who bashes anyone disagreeing with him A man who would be king

Show everyone where Trump said he wanted any foreign government to help him win an election. You guys just make shit up as you go along and increasingly it's not sticking to the wall. Pretty soon corrupt DNC officials along with corrupt DOJ officials (left over from the last Obama administration) will be drowning in their own shit.
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.

Yup. Biden's son was never the subject of *any* investigation or prosecution.

Again, this is the stupidest fucking conspiracy in recent memory. This is literally the conspiracy that they're working with:

That Joe Biden forced Ukraine to get rid of a prosecutor that was neither investigator nor prosecuting his son for any crime whatsoever.

Which is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Yet they repeat it without question.

You can't fix stupid.
Oh sure, the Ukrainians just happy to love funneling millions of dollars to the Vice Presiden'ts coke addled son while the VP controls US money flowing to Ukraine. The prosecutor that got fired says he absolutely was investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt arrangement trading on his father's influence.
that was investigated this May 2019 and the Ukrainians found hunter and his pay, broke none of their laws
I feel bad for the Ukranian President, who is going to piss off Trump if he doesn't dig up dirt on Biden, but who probably doesn't want to be seen as Trump's bitch either.
Considering that the investigation has already been done and an answer given, it puts the guy in a pretty tough spot. Trump will definitely shut off aid to Ukraine if he's pissed.
Thanks for sharing your baseless mental construct.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
carrying out USA policy is a crime now?? I didn't know that
That's exactly what you are accusing Trump of, moron, carrying out government policy.
He's being accused of asking foreign govt's to help him win an election by digging up dirt on Bidens The moron says he's for rooting out corruption Well then 2 things,,, When did he ask those 3 gov'ts for help rooting out a non political person and why can't he start with himself?? A man with no ethics.....a man who bashes anyone disagreeing with him A man who would be king

Show everyone where Trump said he wanted any foreign government to help him win an election. You guys just make shit up as you go along and increasingly it's not sticking to the wall. Pretty soon corrupt DNC officials along with corrupt DOJ officials (left over from the last Obama administration) will be drowning in their own shit.

Really?? Pop quiz, THIS easy? Lemme at it.

Anything else? Want to know what color the sky is or which oceans have water in them?
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
I've also read that this guy is tied in with Hillary Clinton. And Schumer. Can anyone verify?
he's not

and it doesn't even matter... that's just obfuscation via mudslinging

all that matters is if the complaint is credible or not

and the IG's office investigated the validity of the complaint and the IG found it both credible and Urgent

and then Trump's several TV confessions of committing the wrong doings
The IG is wrong. The IG didn't even bother to compare the complaint with the text of the phone call.
they spoke with first hand witnesses and found evidence to support it...

the IG and the DNI both found the complaint as credible and urgent

And the whistle blower has been proven CORRECT so far, ON EVERYTHING in his or her complaint! :eek:
Yup. Biden's son was never the subject of *any* investigation or prosecution.

Again, this is the stupidest fucking conspiracy in recent memory. This is literally the conspiracy that they're working with:

That Joe Biden forced Ukraine to get rid of a prosecutor that was neither investigator nor prosecuting his son for any crime whatsoever.

Which is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Yet they repeat it without question.

You can't fix stupid.
Oh sure, the Ukrainians just happy to love funneling millions of dollars to the Vice Presiden'ts coke addled son while the VP controls US money flowing to Ukraine. The prosecutor that got fired says he absolutely was investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt arrangement trading on his father's influence.
that was investigated this May 2019 and the Ukrainians found hunter and his pay, broke none of their laws
I feel bad for the Ukranian President, who is going to piss off Trump if he doesn't dig up dirt on Biden, but who probably doesn't want to be seen as Trump's bitch either.
Considering that the investigation has already been done and an answer given, it puts the guy in a pretty tough spot. Trump will definitely shut off aid to Ukraine if he's pissed.
yes he's in a real pickle, and this is why trump's cancerous intimidation of foreign nations for his own personal political benefit has to be removed

I give it.....two weeks? Before Trumpies are arguing that Trump had an obligation as president to pressure the Ukrainian president into investigating Biden as part of his 'duty to root out corruption'.
no doubt

but that's not for another foreign nation to do for a president as a favor so he could get the defense funds congress allotted them or for a visit to the white house

that's the dept of justice's job to do, following constitutional protections for a citizen being investigated and following laws and agreements between countries if the corruption by the American is abroad...

NOT a Giuliani... and not a President not a bunch of Diplomats and Ambassadors being involved in the plot.

Republicans in the Senate have NO CHOICE but to convict and expel him from office at this point with all the revelations exposed just in the last 24 hours

And Pence, Pompeo, and Barr along with a few more, might all go down with him!
The WB went through all the required legal steps . That’s not leaking stupid
Well you ignorant welp...

They changed the rules specifically for this individual... so that they could not be investigated, so that the origins of the leak were hidden...

This is organized crime and illegal.
No. They were not. Stop repeating this lie.
Please, may we refrain by calling other individuals that you don't agree with, by family names? Thank you.
Are you telling me your family name is somewhere in this post:

"No. They were not. Stop repeating this lie." ?
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.
There is no whistle blower with direct first hand knowledge of the call. But there sure is an inner circle leaker. That's where all of this trouble began!
The whistleblower's info is both first and second hand.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.
There is no whistle blower with direct first hand knowledge of the call. But there sure is an inner circle leaker. That's where all of this trouble began!
they are obligated to leak when a gvt official is breaking the law, their OATH is to the constitution and all the laws derived from it....

their OATH is not to a mere man...
There is no law breaking. We have the transcript and the word of both Presidents on the call. Everything the Democrats have claimed about this call is a lie in the service of their attempts to overturn the 2016 election.

The Anesthetic Effect of Ukrainegate .

They have underestimated just how tired of the Lying Left's antics in the wake of their 2016 election loss that the American People have become.
All I can do here is SMH.
The WB went through all the required legal steps . That’s not leaking stupid
This not a valid whistleblower complaint.
This person either was solicited or contacted Adam Schiff-face early on. That removes any validation to the claim. Nevermind the fact that most of the claims proved to be manufactured with a malicious political bias.
This person either was solicited or contacted Adam Schiff-face early on.
Whistleblower contacted STAFF of the House Intelligence Committee, and they told him to go to the IC IG and get an attorney. Them's the rules. He did not talk to Schiff. Schiff did know the complaint was in the works, though, because of that initial contact with the committee.
Whistleblower spoke to Schiff aides before filing complaint

the claims proved to be manufactured with a malicious political bias.
Well, since they were reporting Trump for doing something highly irregular, I guess you could say there was a "bias" there, but a "malicious political bias?" No.
Bullshit. Schiff knew about this complaint before anyone else. If his staff knew, Schiff knew.
Schiff-face has been caught a couple of times taking calls from people with dirt on Trump. We have him on tape taking a call from a couple of Russian comedians who claimed to have naked pictures of Trump. Schiff knows about this shit and simply turns it over to his staff to work out the details. The Times gave him 4 Pinocchios for his lie that he was never contacted by the whistleblower....when evidence was produced that he knew about it over 6 weeks ago.
about a week or 2 before the whistleblower went to the intel committee aide to ask what to do, he said he reported it to the CIA Legal Office, but nothing came of it...

tonight it is being reported that the CIA Legal office filed a complaint via phone to the DOJ to open an investigation and the DOJ essentially blew her off... shut the complaint down... without doing an investigation in to wrong doing...

so Barr and Trump knew of the complaint of wrong doing, even before the house intel Committee/Schiff.

thus the future WB going to the intel committee to seek advice on what to do,,, the aide told him to file a WB report with the IG, and seek a lawyer.

Barr is in trouble too... along with Pompeo, in all of this....
Oh sure, the Ukrainians just happy to love funneling millions of dollars to the Vice Presiden'ts coke addled son while the VP controls US money flowing to Ukraine. The prosecutor that got fired says he absolutely was investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt arrangement trading on his father's influence.
that was investigated this May 2019 and the Ukrainians found hunter and his pay, broke none of their laws
I feel bad for the Ukranian President, who is going to piss off Trump if he doesn't dig up dirt on Biden, but who probably doesn't want to be seen as Trump's bitch either.
Considering that the investigation has already been done and an answer given, it puts the guy in a pretty tough spot. Trump will definitely shut off aid to Ukraine if he's pissed.
yes he's in a real pickle, and this is why trump's cancerous intimidation of foreign nations for his own personal political benefit has to be removed

I give it.....two weeks? Before Trumpies are arguing that Trump had an obligation as president to pressure the Ukrainian president into investigating Biden as part of his 'duty to root out corruption'.
This is a lot of US money, of course Trump has a duty to do so.
Trumps own family gets a lot of foreign money.
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
HEH: There Is Absolutely Nothing Suspicious And Criminal-Like About Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian Director’s Salary.
  • “You can pretend, if you want, that there was a purpose in hiring Hunter Biden beyond currying favor with his father.
  • You can pretend, as did John Kerry’s State Department, that there was no conflict of interest or quid pro quo involved that involved pressure being removed from Ukraine in return for employing Joe Biden’s kid.
  • You can pretend that Joe Bidens’ interest in firing that prosecutor was some high minded expression of unity with the EU.
Just don’t expect anyone else to go along with that sick fantasy.”

Members of the Democrats of the Fake News Media and Lying DNC excluded, of course.
he likely monetized his own last name, but that in and of itself, is not a crime.

Allegedly, after the UK tried to prosecute them years earlier and Shokin, the corrupt prosecutor would not help them... Burisma tried to clean up their act, and hired a bunch of well known names, for good appearance...

still had nothing to do with Joe Biden's comments about getting the corrupt prosecutor fired.
He didn't monetize his name. He monetized his father's political pull, which means he monetized the federal government.
Hmmm...like the Trump family?
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
I've also read that this guy is tied in with Hillary Clinton. And Schumer. Can anyone verify?
he's not

and it doesn't even matter... that's just obfuscation via mudslinging

all that matters is if the complaint is credible or not

and the IG's office investigated the validity of the complaint and the IG found it both credible and Urgent

and then Trump's several TV confessions of committing the wrong doings
The IG is wrong. The IG didn't even bother to compare the complaint with the text of the phone call.
You know this for a fact huh?
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
carrying out USA policy is a crime now?? I didn't know that
That's exactly what you are accusing Trump of, moron, carrying out government policy.
He's being accused of asking foreign govt's to help him win an election by digging up dirt on Bidens The moron says he's for rooting out corruption Well then 2 things,,, When did he ask those 3 gov'ts for help rooting out a non political person and why can't he start with himself?? A man with no ethics.....a man who bashes anyone disagreeing with him A man who would be king

Show everyone where Trump said he wanted any foreign government to help him win an election. You guys just make shit up as you go along and increasingly it's not sticking to the wall. Pretty soon corrupt DNC officials along with corrupt DOJ officials (left over from the last Obama administration) will be drowning in their own shit.

Really?? Pop quiz, THIS easy? Lemme at it.

Anything else? Want to know what color the sky is or which oceans have water in them?

Sorry, Trump never asked Russia to help him win an election, he asked them to find Hillary's missing emails (the ones she illegally scrubbed before investigators could get them) and after all, Trump was making a joke. Other than being completely off topic your post is ridiculous. Now back to the subject, show me where Trump asked the Ukrainian President to help him win an election. Let's see your proof. As with Hillary, Trump is going after corruption which seems to be rife in the Democrat establishment. You have Schiff the liar, Nadler the deposed head of IC, Pelosi the 'impeachment' bunny, Maxine Waters the loud-mouth babbling fool.....
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
I've also read that this guy is tied in with Hillary Clinton. And Schumer. Can anyone verify?
he's not

and it doesn't even matter... that's just obfuscation via mudslinging

all that matters is if the complaint is credible or not

and the IG's office investigated the validity of the complaint and the IG found it both credible and Urgent

and then Trump's several TV confessions of committing the wrong doings
The IG is wrong. The IG didn't even bother to compare the complaint with the text of the phone call.
they spoke with first hand witnesses and found evidence to support it...

the IG and the DNI both found the complaint as credible and urgent

And the whistle blower has been proven CORRECT so far, ON EVERYTHING in his or her complaint! :eek:
They're both a couple of idiots. They didn't even bother to read the transcript of the phone call. Who are these "first hand witnesses" they spoke to?

The so-called "whistleblower" has been proven dead wrong.

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