Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Clearly you don't grok what the word "joke" means.

Your question was answered, directly WITH proof. Took about three-tenths of a second, not exactly the most challenging one I've ever seen. Perhaps you'd like to move on to more complex ones like which way down is or how much two plus two makes.

And no I don't "have" Schiff et al, any of those people. I have ONE dumb questioner who wants to Peewee Herman the answer he gets because he didn't think about the question before he plopped it.

But here, Peewee: Bonus track

the house dems changed the whistle blower rules eliminating the requirement for first hand knowledge just before this whistelblower claim was filed. Liar Shiff had advance knowledge that a Trump hater in the CIA was going to file the false report.

It was all a corrupt dem set up, and the truth is coming out. Pencil neck Schiff should be charged and removed from office for treason.

Yuh huh, just as the whisteblower was "outted" amirite? Because anyone who exposes corruption on "muh team" must be dragged out and charged with capital crimes because ve haf vays, and Ein Treib über alles and shit.

You're like the attorney pleading that his client's murder charge should be dismissed because the judge who signed the search warrant didn't dot the I in the name in his signature. Bravo Madge. Für tribe und country.

how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.

Or as the thread title says, "outted" amirite?

Ain't no way around that. First verb in the damn title. Which you then affirmed with "treason".

Have any clue what "treason" actually means? Here's a hint --- it does NOT mean blasphemy against my cult-of-personality tribe-god. It does NOT mean the kid who points out that your emperor has no clothes.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another

amazing to watch your ignorant political bias. the hillary campaign did exactly what you are claiming Trump is doing but you said nothing. She even PAID for the false foreign interference, but thats OK, right, dems are above the law and the Clintons make the laws to suit their corruption.

Geez dude, wake the fuck up.
Maybe we should have impeached Hillary??? Oh wait..........

when she was SecState and was directly responsible for the deaths of 4 americans in Libya? Yes, you are correct she should have been impeached.

Oh, maybe you are talking about when she paid Russians to create a fake dossier on Trump or when she deleted 33,000 emails after they were subpoenaed by congress.
Both of those items are nothing but republican clap trap,,,that they have fools repeating. Until Hill goes before a jury that finds her guilty of the BS you spout she's as innocent as the new fallen snow All the sins of this CURRENT administration and you avoid talking about them and go back and blame Bill Obama Hill??

Hillary will never be held to account for her crimes, the clinton crime family is above the law, everyone knows that.

If you can give me a specific list of laws that the Trump administration has violated, I will be glad to address each one-------------but you won't, all you can do is post dem libs talking points and lies.
Clearly you don't grok what the word "joke" means.

Your question was answered, directly WITH proof. Took about three-tenths of a second, not exactly the most challenging one I've ever seen. Perhaps you'd like to move on to more complex ones like which way down is or how much two plus two makes.

And no I don't "have" Schiff et al, any of those people. I have ONE dumb questioner who wants to Peewee Herman the answer he gets because he didn't think about the question before he plopped it.

But here, Peewee: Bonus track

the house dems changed the whistle blower rules eliminating the requirement for first hand knowledge just before this whistelblower claim was filed. Liar Shiff had advance knowledge that a Trump hater in the CIA was going to file the false report.

It was all a corrupt dem set up, and the truth is coming out. Pencil neck Schiff should be charged and removed from office for treason.

Yuh huh, just as the whisteblower was "outted" amirite? Because anyone who exposes corruption on "muh team" must be dragged out and charged with capital crimes because ve haf vays, and Ein Treib über alles and shit.

You're like the attorney pleading that his client's murder charge should be dismissed because the judge who signed the search warrant didn't dot the I in the name in his signature. Bravo Madge. Für tribe und country.

how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.

Is that like helping SC judges not get voted on??
the house dems changed the whistle blower rules eliminating the requirement for first hand knowledge just before this whistelblower claim was filed. Liar Shiff had advance knowledge that a Trump hater in the CIA was going to file the false report.

It was all a corrupt dem set up, and the truth is coming out. Pencil neck Schiff should be charged and removed from office for treason.

Yuh huh, just as the whisteblower was "outted" amirite? Because anyone who exposes corruption on "muh team" must be dragged out and charged with capital crimes because ve haf vays, and Ein Treib über alles and shit.

You're like the attorney pleading that his client's murder charge should be dismissed because the judge who signed the search warrant didn't dot the I in the name in his signature. Bravo Madge. Für tribe und country.

how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.

Or as the thread title says, "outted" amirite?

Ain't no way around that. First verb in the damn title. Which you then affirmed with "treason".

Have any clue what "treason" actually means? Here's a hint --- it does NOT mean blasphemy against my cult-of-personality tribe-god.

who "outted" him/her? Schiff? since is appears that Schiff's staff helped write the whistleblower claim it has to be him, right?

and yes, I know what treason means, do you?
Yuh huh, just as the whisteblower was "outted" amirite? Because anyone who exposes corruption on "muh team" must be dragged out and charged with capital crimes because ve haf vays, and Ein Treib über alles and shit.

You're like the attorney pleading that his client's murder charge should be dismissed because the judge who signed the search warrant didn't dot the I in the name in his signature. Bravo Madge. Für tribe und country.

how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.

Or as the thread title says, "outted" amirite?

Ain't no way around that. First verb in the damn title. Which you then affirmed with "treason".

Have any clue what "treason" actually means? Here's a hint --- it does NOT mean blasphemy against my cult-of-personality tribe-god.

who "outted" him/her? Schiff? since is appears that Schiff's staff helped write the whistleblower claim it has to be him, right?

and yes, I know what treason means, do you?

It would seem you do not, since I just pulled the rug out from under your working definition. Because treason has *NEVER* been about personalities. What you got left?

And don't sit here and try to pretend you're not obsessed with personality. Your last umpteen posts have all been about "b-but but Hillary" in a topic that has zero to do with any "Hillary".
the house dems changed the whistle blower rules eliminating the requirement for first hand knowledge just before this whistelblower claim was filed. Liar Shiff had advance knowledge that a Trump hater in the CIA was going to file the false report.

It was all a corrupt dem set up, and the truth is coming out. Pencil neck Schiff should be charged and removed from office for treason.

Yuh huh, just as the whisteblower was "outted" amirite? Because anyone who exposes corruption on "muh team" must be dragged out and charged with capital crimes because ve haf vays, and Ein Treib über alles and shit.

You're like the attorney pleading that his client's murder charge should be dismissed because the judge who signed the search warrant didn't dot the I in the name in his signature. Bravo Madge. Für tribe und country.

how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.
Is that like helping SC judges not get voted on??

the party in control of the senate has always determined whether a SC nominee gets voted on. There is also precedent that no SC votes are taken during the last few months of a presidents term.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will serve on the SC for many more years, and when Ginsburg packs it in, Trump will get to appoint another one. The american people have spoken, deal with it.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.

Or as the thread title says, "outted" amirite?

Ain't no way around that. First verb in the damn title. Which you then affirmed with "treason".

Have any clue what "treason" actually means? Here's a hint --- it does NOT mean blasphemy against my cult-of-personality tribe-god.

who "outted" him/her? Schiff? since is appears that Schiff's staff helped write the whistleblower claim it has to be him, right?

and yes, I know what treason means, do you?

It would seem you do not, since I just pulled the rug out from under your working definition. Because treason has *NEVER* been about personalities. What you got left?

i never said it was about personalities. Its about selling out our country for personal gain. You have never pulled an rugs out except those you are standing on. talking points can never defeat facts, sorry dude, you lose again.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another

amazing to watch your ignorant political bias. the hillary campaign did exactly what you are claiming Trump is doing but you said nothing. She even PAID for the false foreign interference, but thats OK, right, dems are above the law and the Clintons make the laws to suit their corruption.

Geez dude, wake the fuck up.
Maybe we should have impeached Hillary??? Oh wait..........

the US voters impeached her in 2016.
Yuh huh, just as the whisteblower was "outted" amirite? Because anyone who exposes corruption on "muh team" must be dragged out and charged with capital crimes because ve haf vays, and Ein Treib über alles and shit.

You're like the attorney pleading that his client's murder charge should be dismissed because the judge who signed the search warrant didn't dot the I in the name in his signature. Bravo Madge. Für tribe und country.

how do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

I don't need to. That's your obsession, not mine.

My observation, from the beginning of this thread, has been and remains that your "tribe"' thinks the idea of whistleblowing is somehow punishable, ergo the whistleblowee should get off scot free. That's a very interesting revelation of motivations.

totally wrong, but when one party in control of congress changes the rules for political reasons that should be reported and addressed. Generally whistleblowers should remain anonymous and be protected, but if they have committed fraud they should be punished in accordance with fraud statutes.
Is that like helping SC judges not get voted on??

the party in control of the senate has always determined whether a SC nominee gets voted on. There is also precedent that no SC votes are taken during the last few months of a presidents term.


  • George Washington (1796, Justice Samuel Chase and Chief Justice Oliver Elsworth)
  • Thomas Jefferson (1804, Justice William Johnson)
  • Andrew Jackson (1836, Justice Philip Barbour and Chief Justice Roger Taney)
  • Abraham Lincoln (1864, Chief Justice Salmon Chase)
  • Ulysses S. Grant (1872, Justice Ward Hunt)
  • Rutherford Hayes (1880, Justice William Woods)
  • Grover Cleveland (1888, Justice Lucius Lamar and Chief Justice Melville Fuller)
  • Benjamin Harrison (1892, Justice George Shiras, Jr.)
  • William Taft (1912, Justice Mahlon Pitney)
  • Woodrow Wilson (1916, Justices Louis Brandeis and John Clarke)
  • Herbert Hoover (1932, Justice Benjamin Cardozo)
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt (1940, Justice Frank Murphy)
  • Ronald Reagan (1988, Justice Anthony Kennedy)

You'll notice those are ALL election years. Don't sit here and parrot instructed mythologies and think you won't be called on it.

(/utterly offtopic)
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another

amazing to watch your ignorant political bias. the hillary campaign did exactly what you are claiming Trump is doing but you said nothing. She even PAID for the false foreign interference, but thats OK, right, dems are above the law and the Clintons make the laws to suit their corruption.

Geez dude, wake the fuck up.
Maybe we should have impeached Hillary??? Oh wait..........

the US voters impeached her in 2016.

Actually the US voters did no such thing; what they did do was award more votes to her than to anybody else.

The most votes since Reagan I understand. Thousands of them, dancing on rooftops in a very wonderful place in Germany on Seven Eleven.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
yeah, enforcing our laws is often bad for Democrat politicians. The Bidens are crooks. Every decent American knows something fishy is going on when you get paid $83,000/mo when you have no relevant skills and don't even speak the language
Sorry, Trump never asked Russia to help him win an election, he asked them to find Hillary's missing emails (the ones she illegally scrubbed before investigators could get them) and after all, Trump was making a joke. Other than being completely off topic your post is ridiculous. Now back to the subject, show me where Trump asked the Ukrainian President to help him win an election. Let's see your proof. As with Hillary, Trump is going after corruption which seems to be rife in the Democrat establishment. You have Schiff the liar, Nadler the deposed head of IC, Pelosi the 'impeachment' bunny, Maxine Waters the loud-mouth babbling fool.....

Clearly you don't grok what the word "joke" means.

Your question was answered, directly WITH proof. Took about three-tenths of a second, not exactly the most challenging one I've ever seen. Perhaps you'd like to move on to more complex ones like which way down is or how much two plus two makes.

And no I don't "have" Schiff et al, any of those people. I have ONE dumb questioner who wants to Peewee Herman the answer he gets because he didn't think about the question before he plopped it.

But here, Peewee: Bonus track

the house dems changed the whistle blower rules eliminating the requirement for first hand knowledge just before this whistelblower claim was filed. Liar Shiff had advance knowledge that a Trump hater in the CIA was going to file the false report.

It was all a corrupt dem set up, and the truth is coming out. Pencil neck Schiff should be charged and removed from office for treason.

pogo thinks the truth is funny. I think pogo is a brain dead liberal tool

And abuse of the public trust means nothing to you huh mr patriot Redfish?

that means a lot to me and it should to you as well. How do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

The Words Coup D'eTat come to mind and we should be hanging traitors...
Clearly you don't grok what the word "joke" means.

Your question was answered, directly WITH proof. Took about three-tenths of a second, not exactly the most challenging one I've ever seen. Perhaps you'd like to move on to more complex ones like which way down is or how much two plus two makes.

And no I don't "have" Schiff et al, any of those people. I have ONE dumb questioner who wants to Peewee Herman the answer he gets because he didn't think about the question before he plopped it.

But here, Peewee: Bonus track

the house dems changed the whistle blower rules eliminating the requirement for first hand knowledge just before this whistelblower claim was filed. Liar Shiff had advance knowledge that a Trump hater in the CIA was going to file the false report.

It was all a corrupt dem set up, and the truth is coming out. Pencil neck Schiff should be charged and removed from office for treason.

pogo thinks the truth is funny. I think pogo is a brain dead liberal tool

And abuse of the public trust means nothing to you huh mr patriot Redfish?

that means a lot to me and it should to you as well. How do you explain the dems changing the whistleblower rules the day before this claim was submitted?

The Words Coup D'eTat come to mind and we should be hanging traitors...

Actually that's what impeachment is for. Hanging is kind of obsolete. Check your calendar.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.

Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.

Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........
It's actually is quite a big less, and Trump was elected. He earned his position. He didn't get it because his dad was the president.
Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.

Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........
It's actually is quite a big less, and Trump was elected. He earned his position. He didn't get it because his dad was the president.

Actually it's quite a bit more --- $400k to be precise.

You are correct that Rump didn't get it because his dad was POTUS -- that would be Shrub. Rather, Rump got rich because his dad was. Like everything else, handed to him for nothing. All he had to do was play the part of sponge.

You need to look up what the word "earn" means.

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