Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Sometimes you want to knock your head against a wall talking to republicans Trump asks for help from Russia Ukraine and China knowing it's impeachable and he says Whadda you gonna do about it and repubs bow down asking for another
Wrong, as always. Asking a foreign government to investigate a crook is not "asking for election help."
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary

Eddie's losing it again. Biden's are not crooks? Hahahaha! So cokehead Hunter didn't essentially steal all that money from a job he never would have had without daddy's influence? So Biden should get a pass when the Dems pressured Ukraine for dirt on Trump? Sorry, but Biden isn't guaranteed the nomination. Thus you can't claim anything about an election a year off.
I'm losing it???? You have an answer for why the moron in our WH with held 390 million from Ukraine ,money needed to protect themselves against trumps buddy Putin? And then released it when asking Ukraine president to get dirt on Bidens Now your pos is throwing Perry under the bus ,,saying it was his idea to get this beautiful perfect phone call

You lost it long ago you foaming at the mouth libtard. No money was withheld so you lie again. Trump's re-election may well be the end of you.
Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.

Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........

Showing your ignorance again aren't you? Trump isn't taking a salary. So.......you're an idiot. As usual.

Learn to read much? I made no mention of what Rump was "taking". I stated what the POTUS salary is, and I'm right.

But as far as your specious claim, where's your link? Got a tax return? Yeah me neither.

Hey moron, who's the President? That means that your alleged payment would be going to him. Yet he takes no salary and it has been publicized which charities receive that money. Thus you are wrong. And a liar. As you ALWAYS are.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you have no evidence.

Yep. Neither does anyone else. All you have to run with is the word of a known liar.
If as he said before ,trump is after corruption ,he should start with himself
He should start with Adam Schiff for Brains, Joe Biden and Nazi Pelosi. Did you know that she also has a son who is on the board of a Ukrainian energy company?
No, fucking moron, Pelosi's son is not on a board for a Ukraine energy company.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

I would like to ask a favor THOUGH
"though" is the word that does him in. It demonstrates quid pro quo.
Pure speculation and subjectivism.
Suuure, uh-huh. Words actually do have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is...

though means but, however, nevertheless or in spite of.

Still pure speculation. Speculation will not hold up in any legal proceedings.

It's trump's verbiage, take it up with him. But get in line behind Pelosi.
You have a transcript where Trump solicits the Urkainian president to open an investigation into Trumps chief political rival. Where Trump explicitly connects additional US aid.....to doing this favor for Trump.

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

President: I would like you to do us a favor though...
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?

Yes if Trump said "You're not Etting a billion dollars from the US government unless you do x that benefits me or my kid personally"
That billion dollars was used as leverage after Poroshenko refused for many months to kick Shokin out after he said he would at the behest of several nations and groups, including Ukraine's own parliament.
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?

Yes if Trump said "You're not Etting a billion dollars from the US government unless you do x"
Quid Pro Joe!
You're very good at parroting Trump.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
You didn't what? Call it bribery? Fail to show what Biden got out of it?

What he said on video was not a crime. It's not a crime for the U.S. to give another country money with strings attached for them to make internal changes.

And it's no crime for the president to request that another nation "to look into" possible corruption that occurred in that nation. Especially when there is a treaty to do so.
It is a crime to solicit foreign aid to help with a campaign.

You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
carrying out USA policy is a crime now?? I didn't know that
That's exactly what you are accusing Trump of, moron, carrying out government policy.
He's being accused of asking foreign govt's to help him win an election by digging up dirt on Bidens The moron says he's for rooting out corruption Well then 2 things,,, When did he ask those 3 gov'ts for help rooting out a non political person and why can't he start with himself?? A man with no ethics.....a man who bashes anyone disagreeing with him A man who would be king

Show everyone where Trump said he wanted any foreign government to help him win an election. You guys just make shit up as you go along and increasingly it's not sticking to the wall. Pretty soon corrupt DNC officials along with corrupt DOJ officials (left over from the last Obama administration) will be drowning in their own shit.

Shit, trump's already got you cultists mindlessly parroting, quid pro Joe, as though Biden committed a crime which Zelensky hasn't even investigated yet. Despite tge lack of any evidence of wrongdoing on Biden's part, trump is already heralding this as a victory over Biden, who he says is "going down" over this.

That's one less Democrat trump has to worry about in the election.
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
Brennan is super sleazy.
I hope that he is indicted for his crimes
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.
Actually Shokin has made conflicting statements

At times admitting that there was no investigation but that he was "intending to..." other times he inferred that there was an investigation.

No one else however corroborates this and Shokin of course is universally acknowledged to be a corrupt Kremlin stooge
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.
Actually Shokin has made conflicting statements

At times admitting that there was no investigation but that he was "intending to..." other times he inferred that there was an investigation.

No one else however corroborates this and Shokin of course is universally acknowledged to be a corrupt Kremlin stooge
With an axe to grind against Biden who got him fired.
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.

Oh my

This decision allows the Manhattan D.A.'s office to subpoena eight years of the president’s personal and corporate tax returns.

The Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., has been investigating whether any New York State laws were broken when Mr. Trump and his company reimbursed the president’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, for payments he made in the run-up to the 2016 election to the pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels, who had said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The president's lawyers have called the investigation by Mr. Vance, a Democrat, politically motivated.Mr. Vance has accused the president and his team of trying to run out the clock on the investigation.

In his 75-page ruling, Judge Marrero called the President's legal argument "repugnant to the nation's governmental structure and constitutional values," adding that Presidents, their families, and businesses are not above the law."
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.
Actually Shokin has made conflicting statements

At times admitting that there was no investigation but that he was "intending to..." other times he inferred that there was an investigation.

No one else however corroborates this and Shokin of course is universally acknowledged to be a corrupt Kremlin stooge
Fake News. He was quite clear. Biden shutdown the investigation that was looking into his son's corruption, with a $Billion Quid Pro Quo and bragged about it on video.

Anti-Trump Fraternity and NeverTrump Sorority Collude in Impeachment Scam. “Donald Trump asked President Zelensky to help with the Justice Department’s investigation of efforts to subvert the 2016 election. Donald Trump is the president of the United States. It is part of his responsibility to see that our elections are open and fair. Bottom line: not much to work with there for the anti-Trump fraternity.”
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.

Oh my

This decision allows the Manhattan D.A.'s office to subpoena eight years of the president’s personal and corporate tax returns.

The Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., has been investigating whether any New York State laws were broken when Mr. Trump and his company reimbursed the president’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, for payments he made in the run-up to the 2016 election to the pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels, who had said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The president's lawyers have called the investigation by Mr. Vance, a Democrat, politically motivated.Mr. Vance has accused the president and his team of trying to run out the clock on the investigation.

In his 75-page ruling, Judge Marrero called the President's legal argument "repugnant to the nation's governmental structure and constitutional values," adding that Presidents, their families, and businesses are not above the law."
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Monday granted President Donald Trump a last-minute reprieve in his effort to prevent New York prosecutors from obtaining his tax records.
Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said Friday it is reviewing past investigations into the owner of a gas company linked to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son, raising the possibility of restarting probes.

And yet the Left just assured us that Hunter wasn't being probed when Quid Pro Quo Joe put a $Billion bounty on the Ukraine prosecutor.
Even Shokin, the prosecutor who was sacked at that time, admitted Biden wasn't being investigated.
Actually Shokin has made conflicting statements

At times admitting that there was no investigation but that he was "intending to..." other times he inferred that there was an investigation.

No one else however corroborates this and Shokin of course is universally acknowledged to be a corrupt Kremlin stooge
Fake News. He was quite clear. Biden shutdown the investigation that was looking into his son's corruption, with a $Billion Quid Pro Quo and bragged about it on video.

Anti-Trump Fraternity and NeverTrump Sorority Collude in Impeachment Scam. “Donald Trump asked President Zelensky to help with the Justice Department’s investigation of efforts to subvert the 2016 election. Donald Trump is the president of the United States. It is part of his responsibility to see that our elections are open and fair. Bottom line: not much to work with there for the anti-Trump fraternity.”
Liar. Even Shokin admits there was no investigation into Hunter Biden.
WOW the spin that the left has concocted... Not a smidgen of truth and a shit load of deception... Now they think leaker #2 will give leaker #1 credibility when the transcripts are out for everyone to see and judge for themselves..

You people have nothing and all you can do is lie some more... Priceless...
WOW the spin that the left has concocted... Not a smidgen of truth and a shit load of deception... Now they think leaker #2 will give leaker #1 credibility when the transcripts are out for everyone to see and judge for themselves..

You people have nothing and all you can do is lie some more... Priceless...
""In my great and unmatched wisdom"" billy you're wrong Now your AH abandons the Kurds
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.

Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........

Showing your ignorance again aren't you? Trump isn't taking a salary. So.......you're an idiot. As usual.

Learn to read much? I made no mention of what Rump was "taking". I stated what the POTUS salary is, and I'm right.

But as far as your specious claim, where's your link? Got a tax return? Yeah me neither.

Hey moron, who's the President? That means that your alleged payment would be going to him. Yet he takes no salary and it has been publicized which charities receive that money. Thus you are wrong. And a liar. As you ALWAYS are.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you have no evidence.

Yep. Neither does anyone else. All you have to run with is the word of a known liar.

Soooooooooo, you are an illiterate buffoon.

Trump donates 2nd-quarter salary to Surgeon General's Office - CNNPolitics

Trump donates salary to HHS for 3rd time: President Donald Trump donated his salary for the second quarter — $100,000 — to the office of the Surgeon General in his third salary donation to HHS, according to USA Today.

VERIFY: Yes, Trump has never taken a presidential paycheck

How does that crow taste? How does it feel to be shown to be a moron? Again?
Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........

Showing your ignorance again aren't you? Trump isn't taking a salary. So.......you're an idiot. As usual.

Learn to read much? I made no mention of what Rump was "taking". I stated what the POTUS salary is, and I'm right.

But as far as your specious claim, where's your link? Got a tax return? Yeah me neither.

Hey moron, who's the President? That means that your alleged payment would be going to him. Yet he takes no salary and it has been publicized which charities receive that money. Thus you are wrong. And a liar. As you ALWAYS are.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you have no evidence.

Yep. Neither does anyone else. All you have to run with is the word of a known liar.

Soooooooooo, you are an illiterate buffoon.

Trump donates 2nd-quarter salary to Surgeon General's Office - CNNPolitics

Trump donates salary to HHS for 3rd time: President Donald Trump donated his salary for the second quarter — $100,000 — to the office of the Surgeon General in his third salary donation to HHS, according to USA Today.

VERIFY: Yes, Trump has never taken a presidential paycheck

How does that crow taste? How does it feel to be shown to be a moron? Again?

Soooooooooooooooooooo you're not quite down with the "lurn to reed" thing. Read your own links. Once AGAIN, as I already pointed out, their only source is Rump himself, a known serial liar. Moreover, YOUR OWN LINKS point out that under the law he must be paid. Ergo there is evidence (the law) that he's being paid, while there's only hearsay that he's sending any of it anywhere.

You lose. OK wait that's not quite accurate --- should be past tense. You already lost.

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