Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

If as he said before ,trump is after corruption ,he should start with himself
He should start with Adam Schiff for Brains, Joe Biden and Nazi Pelosi. Did you know that she also has a son who is on the board of a Ukrainian energy company?
No, fucking moron, Pelosi's son is not on a board for a Ukraine energy company.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Excuse me. Slight error

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
You didn't what? Call it bribery? Fail to show what Biden got out of it?

What he said on video was not a crime. It's not a crime for the U.S. to give another country money with strings attached for them to make internal changes.

And it's no crime for the president to request that another nation "to look into" possible corruption that occurred in that nation. Especially when there is a treaty to do so.
It is a crime to solicit foreign aid to help with a campaign.

Information isn't a thing of value, moron.

We've been over this
If as he said before ,trump is after corruption ,he should start with himself
He should start with Adam Schiff for Brains, Joe Biden and Nazi Pelosi. Did you know that she also has a son who is on the board of a Ukrainian energy company?
No, fucking moron, Pelosi's son is not on a board for a Ukraine energy company.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Excuse me. Slight error

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine

"Slight error" = you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So where did you get your original info from? Share so everyone can laugh at your sources. :badgrin:
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.
You didn't what? Call it bribery? Fail to show what Biden got out of it?

What he said on video was not a crime. It's not a crime for the U.S. to give another country money with strings attached for them to make internal changes.

And it's no crime for the president to request that another nation "to look into" possible corruption that occurred in that nation. Especially when there is a treaty to do so.
It is a crime to solicit foreign aid to help with a campaign.

Information isn't a thing of value, moron.

We've been over this
Taking out a political rival is a thing of value.
Because they know that Democrats enlisted help from Ukraine in 2016, so this impugning of Trump is yet another case of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing what they have done. And they are terrified of this coming out.
The DNC nor Clinton campaign enlisted the help of the Ukraine.
From my understanding, that Chalua(sp) woman was acting on her own, when asking about Manafort, on no one's payroll. And she had nothing to offer in any kind of quid pro quo for the information, in addition, the damaging information on Manafort was part of a Ukrainian public record.... anyone could have gotten it.

And there were a hand full of Ukrainian officials that did feel threatened on what a Trump presidency would mean to them and their safety due to Donald Trump' s affinity and adoration for Putin and Russia, who had and still is fighting in the Crimea etc region in the Ukraine,

PLUS it had already been announced in our news that someone from TRUMPs campaign changed the RNC Platform at the republican convention... That removed helping the Ukraine as part of their. platform... Manafort denied he was a part of that at the time, but later found to have directed it

THAT is WHY these handful of the Ukrainiant gvt began leaking their own public dirt on Manafort....
Folks making unsubstantiated claims about other people’s wealth, such as the Biden’s, might want to remember that Washington was an honest man.

Really? I'd double check that...

Because Biden was one of our poorest vice presidents.... his yearly tax returns showed him as at most, upper middle class or the lowest upper class level when he was VP....
That picture looks like Obama's home btw.... Before the taller FENCE was installed...
Because no actual impeachment committee has been established, as that would require their vulnerable members from districts Trump carried in 2016 to take an actual position on a dodgy impeachment enterprise.

the 7 congressmen in vulnerable districts are the ones who wrote the op ed, that the Inquiry must be officially started...
The Seven? You have THIRTY SIX Democrats representing Trump Districts and another 8 in even districts. If this blows up on you, and attempting impeachment without clear courtroom quality evidence of actual serious crimes is going to blow up on you. There simply is no doubt about it. You can twist and misconstrue and smear in a Fake News Story, but you can't pull that crap in a real trial. But hey, if you guys can't be convinced of reason, then we have a trial in the US Senate.

Utah 4 R+13 Democratic
Minnesota 7 R+12 Democratic
South Carolina 1 R+10 Democratic
Oklahoma 5 R+10 Democratic
Georgia 6 R+8 Democratic
Texas 7 R+7 Democratic
Virginia 7 R+6 Democratic
New York 22 R+6 Democratic
New Mexico 2 R+6 Democratic
Texas 32 R+5 Democratic
Illinois 14 R+5 Democratic
Michigan 11 R+4 Democratic
Michigan 8 R+4 Democratic
Kansas 3 R+4 Democratic
California 48 R+4 Democratic
Virginia 2 R+3 Democratic
Pennsylvania 17 R+3 Democratic
New York 11 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 11 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 7 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 5 R+3 Democratic
California 45 R+3 Democratic
New York 19 R+2 Democratic
New Jersey 3 R+2 Democratic
New Hampshire 1 R+2 Democratic
Nevada 3 R+2 Democratic
Minnesota 2 R+2 Democratic
Maine 2 R+2 Democratic
Illinois 6 R+2 Democratic
Arizona 1 R+2 Democratic
Pennsylvania 8 R+1 Democratic
New York 18 R+1 Democratic
New Jersey 2 R+1 Democratic
Iowa 3 R+1 Democratic
California 49 R+1 Democratic
Arizona 2 R+1 Democratic

Because Trump said nothing wrong in his conversation. They expected him to keep the text of the call secret, but his transparency foiled their efforts to mischaracterize it.
The call summary appeared pretty damning to me and a heck of a lot of other citizens, especially with the back drop of the congress passed money allotted for the Ukraine;s National Defense against Russia, had been held back by Trump...
Trump never mentioned it, the Ukraine President was unaware it was even being withheld while the Trump Administration completed their corruption review. How much fun do you think it is going to be to simultaneously argue before the US Senate that, First, Quid Pro Quo Joe was Right to threaten to withhold $1B because of Ukrainian corruption, but that Trump deserves to be impeached for temporarily withholding less than half that amount while they checked Ukraine for corruption, when Ukraine didn't even know the money was being held up?
The congressmen have to remember their oath of office, and vote Their conscience... if they lose their election,they lose.... simple as that....

There was NO holding back a billion for his son... his son was never under investigation

Shokin was corrupted by the corrupt.... a Russian sympathizer from the previous Russian puppet presidency... he had to be removed.... it was not Biden's idea, it was US Foreign policy, joined at the hip, with our allies.

No, I do NOT believe what Shokin is claiming now.... And if you were an American, you wouldn't either! :p
IG Stonewalled Congress On Backdated Whistleblower Rule Changes

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, told HPSCI lawmakers during a committee oversight hearing on Friday that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance, which were not uploaded to the ICIG’s website until September 24, state that they were changed in August. Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.
people are saying "fake news" and this never happened. well, we have names that refuse to answer as to why it DID happen.

i simply fail to see how those claiming this is all good can claim an ounce of objectivity if they allow crap like this to go on and then act all agosh in surprise when anyone does anything at all they can call a crime.

now if it didn't happen, why all the hoopla around this?
IG Stonewalled Congress On Backdated Whistleblower Rule Changes

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, told HPSCI lawmakers during a committee oversight hearing on Friday that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance, which were not uploaded to the ICIG’s website until September 24, state that they were changed in August. Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.
people are saying "fake news" and this never happened. well, we have names that refuse to answer as to why it DID happen.

i simply fail to see how those claiming this is all good can claim an ounce of objectivity if they allow crap like this to go on and then act all agosh in surprise when anyone does anything at all they can call a crime.

now if it didn't happen, why all the hoopla around this?
It is hard to take what he says as factual when he states:

That complaint, which was declassified and released by President Donald Trump in September, was based entirely on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false following the declassification and release of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Much of the whistle blower’s statement has not been shown to be false. In fact I don’t think any of it has been. The telephone conversation in and of itself is only one part of the evidence and it is incomplete. It is not verbatim (the White stopped that practice) it is a memo of the call. There are also text messages, and information still to be obtained.

With such a deliberately false claim, it is doubtful the rest is accurate.

Here is another view. Who changed the whistle blower rules?

Facts Matter: Whistleblower rules weren't recently changed

No one, according to The Washington Post. Intelligence Community Directive 120, or ICD 120, the guiding document in this case, was issued in 2014 and last changed in 2016.

An intelligence officer who believes he or she has witnessed wrongdoing can issue an "urgent concern" report by filling out a form, the Post said.

The Federalist, an online magazine, obtained a May 2018 version of the form that included a section titled: Firsthand information required. This language is not in an online form that has only recently been available, the Post said.

The Federalist article went on to claim, "between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, firsthand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings."

But both the May 2018 form and the new online form require the person submitting the document to check boxes indicating whether they have direct and personal knowledge of the wrongdoing or they heard about it from another source.

A statement from the inspector general said the complainant who filed the form about the president checked both boxes.

The process for handling whistle-blower allegations is determined by the law, not a form, the Post said.

According to ICD 120, there must be a "reasonable belief" standard for intelligence officials reporting wrongdoing in which they believe there was "a violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety."
Last edited:
IG Stonewalled Congress On Backdated Whistleblower Rule Changes

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, told HPSCI lawmakers during a committee oversight hearing on Friday that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance, which were not uploaded to the ICIG’s website until September 24, state that they were changed in August. Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.
people are saying "fake news" and this never happened. well, we have names that refuse to answer as to why it DID happen.

i simply fail to see how those claiming this is all good can claim an ounce of objectivity if they allow crap like this to go on and then act all agosh in surprise when anyone does anything at all they can call a crime.

now if it didn't happen, why all the hoopla around this?
It is hard to take what he says as factual when he states:

That complaint, which was declassified and released by President Donald Trump in September, was based entirely on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false following the declassification and release of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Much of the whistle blower’s statement has not been shown to be false. In fact I don’t think any of it has been. The telephone conversation in and of itself is only one part of the evidence and it is incomplete. It is not verbatim (the White stopped that practice) it is a memo of the call. There are also text messages, and information still to be obtained.

With such a deliberately false claim, it is doubtful the rest is accurate.
false from who? you hold trump to some very high standards but don't seem to care rules were changed to allow his testimony. this isn't objective, it's hate for someone and allowing that hate to let some do what you won't let others do.

we have the name of the person in question and he won't answer it. this is far and away more than you get from CNN/MSNBC/CBS/HuffPost that all say "a source familiar with the matter".

why can the left keep changing rules but the right can't?
IG Stonewalled Congress On Backdated Whistleblower Rule Changes

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, told HPSCI lawmakers during a committee oversight hearing on Friday that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance, which were not uploaded to the ICIG’s website until September 24, state that they were changed in August. Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.
people are saying "fake news" and this never happened. well, we have names that refuse to answer as to why it DID happen.

i simply fail to see how those claiming this is all good can claim an ounce of objectivity if they allow crap like this to go on and then act all agosh in surprise when anyone does anything at all they can call a crime.

now if it didn't happen, why all the hoopla around this?
It is hard to take what he says as factual when he states:

That complaint, which was declassified and released by President Donald Trump in September, was based entirely on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false following the declassification and release of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Much of the whistle blower’s statement has not been shown to be false. In fact I don’t think any of it has been. The telephone conversation in and of itself is only one part of the evidence and it is incomplete. It is not verbatim (the White stopped that practice) it is a memo of the call. There are also text messages, and information still to be obtained.

With such a deliberately false claim, it is doubtful the rest is accurate.
false from who? you hold trump to some very high standards but don't seem to care rules were changed to allow his testimony. this isn't objective, it's hate for someone and allowing that hate to let some do what you won't let others do.

we have the name of the person in question and he won't answer it. this is far and away more than you get from CNN/MSNBC/CBS/HuffPost that all say "a source familiar with the matter".

why can the left keep changing rules but the right can't?
The thing is, the rules were not changed (I added more to my post)
IG Stonewalled Congress On Backdated Whistleblower Rule Changes

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, told HPSCI lawmakers during a committee oversight hearing on Friday that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance, which were not uploaded to the ICIG’s website until September 24, state that they were changed in August. Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.
people are saying "fake news" and this never happened. well, we have names that refuse to answer as to why it DID happen.

i simply fail to see how those claiming this is all good can claim an ounce of objectivity if they allow crap like this to go on and then act all agosh in surprise when anyone does anything at all they can call a crime.

now if it didn't happen, why all the hoopla around this?
It is hard to take what he says as factual when he states:

That complaint, which was declassified and released by President Donald Trump in September, was based entirely on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false following the declassification and release of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Much of the whistle blower’s statement has not been shown to be false. In fact I don’t think any of it has been. The telephone conversation in and of itself is only one part of the evidence and it is incomplete. It is not verbatim (the White stopped that practice) it is a memo of the call. There are also text messages, and information still to be obtained.

With such a deliberately false claim, it is doubtful the rest is accurate.
false from who? you hold trump to some very high standards but don't seem to care rules were changed to allow his testimony. this isn't objective, it's hate for someone and allowing that hate to let some do what you won't let others do.

we have the name of the person in question and he won't answer it. this is far and away more than you get from CNN/MSNBC/CBS/HuffPost that all say "a source familiar with the matter".

why can the left keep changing rules but the right can't?
The thing is, the rules were not changed (I added more to my post)
i saw gator provide a PDF. if they didn't change, they didn't change and i wish that crap would stop all around.
Anyone getting paid 83K/mo when he has no skills and doesn't speak the language is probably a crook.

Actually I think the POTUS salary is a bit more than that sooooooooo..........
It's actually is quite a big less, and Trump was elected. He earned his position. He didn't get it because his dad was the president.

Actually it's quite a bit more --- $400k to be precise.

You are correct that Rump didn't get it because his dad was POTUS -- that would be Shrub. Rather, Rump got rich because his dad was. Like everything else, handed to him for nothing. All he had to do was play the part of sponge.

You need to look up what the word "earn" means.

Trump was elected because the american people chose him and rejected crooked hillary. the clintons are also very rich, but unlike Trump, they got theirs at our expense.

I hope you are not claiming that the clintons "earned" their millions, you aren't that dumb are you?

I haven't posted about the "clintons '[sic]" at all. Changing the subject because the current one is too hot to handle is your thing, not mine. And one hopes you are not claiming that Rump "earned" his millions, by the courageous act of standing still while Daddy handed it to him saying "here son, I won't be around to use this money I scammed from the FHA so you take it and continue my sleazy work".

As to your first claim, the american [sic] people didn't "choose" him at all. "Rejected" ""hillary [sic]" got more votes than he did. Moreover, in those constantly-cited crucial states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin --- as well as several others including my own, even including Utah ---- NOBODY won a majority of the state's vote.

How's that for being "chosen by the american [sic] people? A candy with an R after his name can't even win Utah.

MORE moreover, as per usual because of our perverted election-charade system, only 55% of eligible voters even bothered to make the trip, because what's the point, and 46% of those chose Rump. You can do the math but I already did --- 46% of 55% means 25% of the "american [sic}" people made that choice. Feel free to essplain to the class how one-quarter of a population equates to "the american [sic] people".

both candidates knew the rules and how the EC works before the election. One of them used those rules to his benefit and the other didn't. We don't change our constitution because a candidate runs a stupid campaign.

And, without the EC Trump would have campaigned in California, NY, south Florida, and other left wing areas, neither of us can say what the result would have been under those circumstances

and I am quite knowledgeable on the capitalization rules of grammar, I just sometimes forget to hit the shift key------------------please forgive me, teacher.

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