Whitaker is turning out to NOT be Trump's sabotage "weapon" at DOJ

Too funny. NOBODY has threatened anything about Mueller, why is the Left harping on something that isn't even being talked about?
Jesushchrist! Because TRUMP is harping about shutting down MUELLER--daily. He tweeted MINUTES AGO, AGAIN about shutting Mueller down!

Good God, how obtuse can you be?
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate? Damn you are stretching to a non fact to support a false narrative like the dimshit ass Licker press.
Just give it few days and he will be insulting Whitaker also hahaha....I told everyone this : I grew up under a dictatorship, and Trump will try his best to be a dictator. LOL.
He attacks the free press
He praises dictators and murderes
attacks allies and democratic countries
He attacks the judicial branch
He wants loyalty from all branches
Luckily he doesn't have the majority of americans behind them.

Free press? You mean the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media owned by 6 conglomerates whose CEOs have seats on the same exclusive "think tank groups that legally spew out fake news and propaganda via the overturning of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947?

The rest of your fool-fueled rant of nothingness was laughable. Those that are awake see this soft-commie coup attempt and the fact that the leftard clown posse useful idiots are doing the the bidding of the very elites that they claim to be fighting against.....tooo fucking funny.
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate?

Read the damn dossier, dimwit........Sreele specifically mentions Trump's shady deal with Russian oligarchs about building in Moscow.....Something that the orange clown repeatedly denied and Cohen just confirmed........
Wait until the telephone recordings by Cohen come out.....LOL
But if they're going to be prosecuted for their crimes, when is Hillary going to be prosecuted for hers?

Excellent question.........But why not ask the

Totally conservative WH
Totally conservative congress
Totally conservative (almost) SCOTUS
Totally republican run DOJ

What do you think?

I think you make a fair point. I don't know why Sessions didn't pursue those things. Maybe he has his own skeletons that he wants to keep hidden. I don't know. I DO KNOW that Hillary broke the law innumerable times and skated. Don't you believe that she should have been prosecuted for her crimes? Or does your outrage against criminals only extend to Republicans?
What the hell was the left expecting? Cohen's indictments are connected to his own conduct. There is no connection to the candidate who was running for president t the time.

Keep your head firmly up your ass, its safer there for your limited intellect.....lol

How could you tell where anyone’s head is yours has become attached to shitbitch Ed ovaries.
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate?

Read the damn dossier, dimwit........Sreele specifically mentions Trump's shady deal with Russian oligarchs about building in Moscow.....Something that the orange clown repeatedly denied and Cohen just confirmed........
Wait until the telephone recordings by Cohen come out.....LOL

"Sreele" (snicker) claims Trump had a shady deal to build in Russia? LMAO! And that would be some kind of crime how exactly? It's not like he was selling America's uranium. China is by far a bigger threat to America's national security, cyber and otherwise and were given access to the patent office under the Bill "drop trou" admin in exchange for campaign contributions BUT??? Trump wanted to build a hotel in Russia = the ROOSKIES fixed the election for Trump.

See as to why I look at snowflake leftards like Natty the idiots that they are?
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate?

Read the damn dossier, dimwit........Sreele specifically mentions Trump's shady deal with Russian oligarchs about building in Moscow.....Something that the orange clown repeatedly denied and Cohen just confirmed........
Wait until the telephone recordings by Cohen come out.....LOL

What shady dealings that is not even part of the “ lie” it was a timeframe statement about the TRUMP TOWER project in Moscow, hardly a hidden shady deal to build a multimillion dollar hotel huh. Yet Another leap to build a false narrative. Dog turd bliper tried to build a long spin from the timeline to a collusion and failed like that stupid bitch on msnbc ratshit maddcow.
The Clinton Foundation was raking in HUGE sums while Hillary was SOS and Bill was giving 20-minute speeches in Moscow for $600K, there were accusations of "pay for play" and never did Obama's corrupt DOJ nor any liberals call for an investigation. Liberals don't have a problem with crime; liberals have a problem with your crime.
There is only ONE group of criminals in Washington DC’s federal government the lying murdering theiving cheating dimshits. Everyone else is an amateur. Time for the FBI to go back to what it was started to do, erase the gangsters from our country. It is high time the dimshit mafia got their dues in SPADES, aces of spades of course.
Here's something you malignant collectivist turds are programmed to ignore.

NO ONE GIVES A FUCK if Trump, Putin, Stormy, 3 russian whores, a faggot from france and a tranny from Bangkok all engaged is a drunken, coke fueled hot oil orgy in a bouncy house at a carnival in Kyrgyzstan followed by a turd fight that traumatized 1000 children forced to watch by Melania with a flame thrower.

He is tearing apart the corruptocracy established by the globalist billionaire sociopaths who own the DNC and enough of the GOP to render it worthless at best.

That was the job he was elected to do, and he's doing it.

You utterly vacuous parasitic pieces of shit elected a meat puppet faggot who was supposed to make SOMETHING...


better than the way it was when it was elected.

Instead we had 8 years of the highest bar stuck at "piss poor" until Trump was elected and then all of a sudden people start investing in shit again. Now these assholes want to impeach the guy before a trial is conducted and believe a complete failure of a human being is going to present a case that for the first time in his career is legitimate.

The bed wetters do not even realize that everything they're accusing Trump of doing (that's even plausible anyway) isn't illegal because they would have to be at least as self aware as the average feral cat.

They are drones, NPC's, tools...

Broken tools, more likely to end up injuring the user....

That was some crazy ass rant there junior
What the hell was the left expecting? If Americans authorized raids on the offices of every lawyer in Washington the federal prisons might be overflowing. Mueller might indict a dozen lawyers and it still doesn't point to the President.
The Cohen indictments are unique to Trump, since he was Trump's lawyer. Such as this example, or this later.
But more importantly, Cohen was negotiating with Kremlin on Moscow business deals during 2016 campaign.
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There is only ONE group of criminals in Washington DC’s federal government the lying murdering theiving cheating dimshits. Everyone else is an amateur. Time for the FBI to go back to what it was started to do, erase the gangsters from our country. It is high time the dimshit mafia got their dues in SPADES, aces of spades of course.

I say we deploy helicopters.
Just give it few days and he will be insulting Whitaker also hahaha....I told everyone this : I grew up under a dictatorship

Bullshit you fuckin liar. You never grew up.

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