Whitaker is turning out to NOT be Trump's sabotage "weapon" at DOJ

We know who paid $12m for it, that's all we need to know. Then it was used by the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants. I would not brag about the Steele Dossier, it's been called "raw intelligence" which means mostly bullshit.

Tax your half brain a bit, stop listening to Hannity and ask yourself this:

Did the Steele dossier mention that there were close ties between the Trump org. and Russia about building in Moscow????................Yes or No?

Then ask yourself if Cohen recent testimony supports what Steele mentioned in the dossier......

Finally.......apologize for being a Trump ass kisser.
Yawn...Gnat’s upset that Trump’s alive.
What a shock.
There is no " illegal FISA warrants", dope.

Trump ass-kissers stupidity never dies; some morons are still harping on "illegal FISA warrants"..........As if with ALL the power they have in every segment of government, Trump stooges would not have pursued this area......DUMB, fucking dumb.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would understand that I am NOT defending the low-life Whitaker.......ALL that I am stating is that Whitaker is not (YET) following Trump's moronic plan to sabotage Mueller's investigation.

Maybe if you check with a grown up for help...........???
Here's something you malignant collectivist turds are programmed to ignore.

NO ONE GIVES A FUCK if Trump, Putin, Stormy, 3 russian whores, a faggot from france and a tranny from Bangkok all engaged is a drunken, coke fueled hot oil orgy in a bouncy house at a carnival in Kyrgyzstan followed by a turd fight that traumatized 1000 children forced to watch by Melania with a flame thrower.

He is tearing apart the corruptocracy established by the globalist billionaire sociopaths who own the DNC and enough of the GOP to render it worthless at best.

That was the job he was elected to do, and he's doing it.

You utterly vacuous parasitic pieces of shit elected a meat puppet faggot who was supposed to make SOMETHING...


better than the way it was when it was elected.

Instead we had 8 years of the highest bar stuck at "piss poor" until Trump was elected and then all of a sudden people start investing in shit again. Now these assholes want to impeach the guy before a trial is conducted and believe a complete failure of a human being is going to present a case that for the first time in his career is legitimate.

The bed wetters do not even realize that everything they're accusing Trump of doing (that's even plausible anyway) isn't illegal because they would have to be at least as self aware as the average feral cat.

They are drones, NPC's, tools...

Broken tools, more likely to end up injuring the user....

Such a complete waste of cyberspace, Petey........lol

Once again showing a lack of self-awareness
So nat is citing the dossier, a document that is admitted to be a fraud, to prove that Donald trump had shady secret deals with Russia over a multi million public transaction, and he thinks you are stupid.
But if they're going to be prosecuted for their crimes, when is Hillary going to be prosecuted for hers?

Excellent question.........But why not ask the

Totally conservative WH
Totally conservative congress
Totally conservative (almost) SCOTUS
Totally republican run DOJ

What do you think?

I think you make a fair point. I don't know why Sessions didn't pursue those things. Maybe he has his own skeletons that he wants to keep hidden. I don't know. I DO KNOW that Hillary broke the law innumerable times and skated. Don't you believe that she should have been prosecuted for her crimes? Or does your outrage against criminals only extend to Republicans?

I don't know why Sessions didn't pursue those things

But you do. You believe Clinton broke the law because it was hammered into your head that she did. Reality though, is not bearing out that conclusion. There is obviously nothing to prosecute or it would have been done already.

Face it. You were duped.

We believe Clinton broke the law because of the evidence against her. Not to mention the elaborate links people have gone to cover it up
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It's not mutually exclusive for Whitaker to be crackpot and/or unfit to be the AG and for him to not avertly interfere with the investigation.

For all we know his public interviews re. Mueller's investigation were for the audience of one.
We know who paid $12m for it, that's all we need to know. Then it was used by the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants. I would not brag about the Steele Dossier, it's been called "raw intelligence" which means mostly bullshit.

Tax your half brain a bit, stop listening to Hannity and ask yourself this:

Did the Steele dossier mention that there were close ties between the Trump org. and Russia about building in Moscow????................Yes or No?

Then ask yourself if Cohen recent testimony supports what Steele mentioned in the dossier......

Finally.......apologize for being a Trump ass kisser.

You like to call other people that disagree with you dumb, but your partisan brain limits your accuracy.
Please define "close ties". If discussing a business proposition for a new Trump Tower in Moscow, that eventually fell through, is a close tie, then you need a better definition of "close ties" (plural). Did any uranium or money change hands? Was any subpoenaed evidence destroyed? Was any "collusion" which is what Mueller is supposedly investigating found? What specific illegal activity are you saying happened? Did Trump have an illegal server in his bathroom, that Comey failed to prosecute? Did Hillary pay for that Steele Dossier? (you bet your pea brain she did)

So be more careful celebrating, then again Hillary's fireworks were premature too.
Whitaker is now privy to what Mueller has and may have realized that he has hitched his wagon to a lame horse.

If he can't stop the Mueller probe...he may find HIMSELF on the wrong end of history an that could be a problem
So nat is citing the dossier, a document that is admitted to be a fraud,

Hey, moron.....exactly WHO (besides Hannity and his equally stupid buddy, Trump) has proven that the dossier is a total fraud ???

Where is the ruined mattress, where is the Russian hooker DNA?

Why is it important anyhow? Even if President Trump wanted to hire hookers to ruin hotel mattresses in Russia- that's a legal activity and the President can easily afford to buy new mattresses for the hotel.

Only a fucking moron,......like you.....would conclude that the ONLY item contained in the Steele's dossier regards peeing on mattresses.......LOL

Of course there are other things in the Phony Dossier.

But there is an old Latin legal phrase "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

If the libs are lying about the damned mattress, the rest of the crapola can be disregarded as well.
So nat is citing the dossier, a document that is admitted to be a fraud,

Hey, moron.....exactly WHO (besides Hannity and his equally stupid buddy, Trump) has proven that the dossier is a total fraud ???


Ah, the author of the dossiers? When he was sued for defamation in British courts he basically stated that the dossiers were never supposed to be used and the information in them was nothing more than speculation that was never verified. It's what you DO when you've made shit up and are called on it in a court of law!
Please define "close ties". If discussing a business proposition for a new Trump Tower in Moscow, that eventually fell through, is a close tie, then you need a better definition of "close ties" (plural).

NO, dimwit.......and I call you Trump ass-kissers, :dimwit" simply because your wit is extremely DIM).......

The argument about close ties i will leave for ethical and legal experts.......HOWEVER, the argument arises as to WHY your orange clown DENIED, over and over that he had NO ties with Russia when he obviously did.....

Answer the above and maybe some candle will make that "dimness" a bit less than what it is now.
Of course there are other things in the Phony Dossier.

But there is an old Latin legal phrase "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

So, if Trump promises you a wall wholly paid by Mexico, or a chepaer and better HC program, does ......Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus" ALSO apply???? LOL

(these Trump ass kissers are too easy to kick around......)
Of course there are other things in the Phony Dossier.

But there is an old Latin legal phrase "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

So, if Trump promises you a wall wholly paid by Mexico, or a chepaer and better HC program, does ......Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus" ALSO apply???? LOL

(these Trump ass kissers are too easy to kick around......)

Congress isn't cooperating with President Trump in regards to the wall or health care.

It isn't like Trump isn't ready to act on both of those matters.

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