Whitaker is turning out to NOT be Trump's sabotage "weapon" at DOJ

Not to mention the fact that nothing (including the urinary aspects) of the Dossier has been disproven.
Not to mention the fact that nothing (including the urinary aspects) of the Dossier has been disproven.

Mueller hasn't even tried to verify the dossier. Him and his team should be out on the landfills of the Russian steppe, examining and taking DNA samples from ruined hotel mattresses- comparing those samples with known Russian working gals, who are reputedly the world's finest prostitutes.

That's Mueller's job, to INVESTIGATE, not to sit in Washington DC collecting big money and trying to get patriotic Americans like Dr. Corsi to lie.
Of course there are other things in the Phony Dossier.

But there is an old Latin legal phrase "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

So, if Trump promises you a wall wholly paid by Mexico, or a chepaer and better HC program, does ......Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus" ALSO apply???? LOL

(these Trump ass kissers are too easy to kick around......)

Trump lies. We haven’t had a president who didn’t in a long time. Doesn’t change anything about the dossier
Congress isn't cooperating with President Trump in regards to the wall or health care.

It isn't like Trump isn't ready to act on both of those matters.

So, an asshole like you voted for a moron who did NOT know that congress has a say on these matters????....................Go back to bed........LOL
Whitaker one more money grubbing do anything for money person attached to our government.

....and WHY would any thinking voter opt to follow a money-grubbing, do anything for money, orange clown.....who surrounds himself with equally money-grubbing swamp creatures?
Cause they want their judges and they want to punish immigrants.

Those are the over riding concerns of the Trumpers.

Too bad the judges they want will screw them just as fast as the rest of the middle class and poor
Please define "close ties". If discussing a business proposition for a new Trump Tower in Moscow, that eventually fell through, is a close tie, then you need a better definition of "close ties" (plural).

NO, dimwit.......and I call you Trump ass-kissers, :dimwit" simply because your wit is extremely DIM).......

The argument about close ties i will leave for ethical and legal experts.......HOWEVER, the argument arises as to WHY your orange clown DENIED, over and over that he had NO ties with Russia when he obviously did.....

Answer the above and maybe some candle will make that "dimness" a bit less than what it is now.

Stupid people don't know how to debate. They usually resort to name calling, or straw men, or red herrings, or simply dodging the question they can't answer. First I'll answer your new question:
Trump had no tieS to Russia because the Tower deal that they (Cohen) were negotiating fell thru, i.e. no tie or TIES.

Now its your turn to answer my questions, if your limited intelligence allows:
1. Please define "close ties", that's a plural...
(If discussing a business proposition for a new Trump Tower in Moscow, that eventually fell through, is a close tie, then you need a better definition of "close ties" (plural).)
2. Did any uranium or money change hands, like with Hillary and the dems?
3. Was any subpoenaed evidence destroyed, like by Hillary?
4. Was any "collusion" which is what Mueller is supposedly investigating found?
5. What specific illegal activity by Trump are you saying happened?
6. Did Trump have an illegal server in his bathroom, that Comey failed to prosecute?
7. Did Hillary pay for that Steele Dossier?

Maybe you should read "Debating for Dummies" before responding?

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would understand that I am NOT defending the low-life Whitaker.......ALL that I am stating is that Whitaker is not (YET) following Trump's moronic plan to sabotage Mueller's investigation.

Maybe if you check with a grown up for help...........???

You claimed the left wasn’t having a meltdown over Whitaker. You were wrong
Where is the ruined mattress, where is the Russian hooker DNA?

Why is it important anyhow? Even if President Trump wanted to hire hookers to ruin hotel mattresses in Russia- that's a legal activity and the President can easily afford to buy new mattresses for the hotel.

Only a fucking moron,......like you.....would conclude that the ONLY item contained in the Steele's dossier regards peeing on mattresses.......LOL

Ya gonna get DJT are ya?
Trump had no tieS to Russia because the Tower deal that they (Cohen) were negotiating fell thru, i.e. no tie or TIES.

That's a distinction without a difference.

Trying to get a deal with a hostile foreign power during an election where you are running and that foreign power is aiding your election...is no different than actually succeeding. It exposes you to exactly the same corruption
Trying to get a deal with a hostile foreign power during an election where you are running and that foreign power is aiding your election...is no different than actually succeeding. It exposes you to exactly the same corruption

What Trump ass kissers FAIL to acknowledge, is the WHY would Trump repeatedly LIE that he had dealings with the Russians when he obviously did.

Somehow the orange charlatan knew that such an admission would not go well with his moronic base........BUT, as usual, he was wrong....His base is much MORE stupid than he first surmised.
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.

Yeah.......the House Intel Committee investigation is starting to look a little, how do the french say?

eah.......the House Intel Committee investigation is starting to look a little, how do the french say?


THANK YOU.....finally someone addressed the main point........(but I understand that Hannity tells the sheep to concentrate on Steele....its less "taxing" on their half brain.)
Trying to get a deal with a hostile foreign power during an election where you are running and that foreign power is aiding your election...is no different than actually succeeding. It exposes you to exactly the same corruption

What Trump ass kissers FAIL to acknowledge, is the WHY would Trump repeatedly LIE that he had dealings with the Russians when he obviously did.

Somehow the orange charlatan knew that such an admission would not go well with his moronic base........BUT, as usual, he was wrong....His base is much MORE stupid than he first surmised.

You're missing the greater failing of the ass kissers:

Cohen admitted that Trump had business dealing with Russia well into 2016, and well beyond the January 2016 that Trump claimed.

Trump called Cohen a 'liar' and a 'weak person'.

Then the very next day, Trump's lawyers admitted that Cohen's account of Trump's business dealings were accurate.

The answer, at least according to the president’s lawyers and people close to his family, is no. Although Mr. Trump’s lawyers have long worried that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is trying to catch Mr. Trump in a lie, they said Mr. Cohen’s new account of the Trump Organization’s abortive hotel project in Moscow essentially matches what Mr. Trump himself stated in written answers delivered to prosecutors just nine days ago.

Trump’s Recall of Moscow Deal Matches Cohen’s, President’s Lawyers Say

And even after Trump's lawyers admitted that Cohen was accurate in his claims that Trump continued his business deals LONG after he claimed he had ended them.....wait for it.....wait. for. it.

Trumpies STILL believe that Cohen was lying in his plea deal!

You can't teach that shit. That kind of slavish gulliability has to be bred into you over generations.
You guys are amusing! Seriously! It's like none of you have grasped that Mueller hasn't been investigating Russian "collusion" for well over a year now! Why? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T FIND ANY COLLUSION BETWEEN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN AND RUSSIANS! Why? BECAUSE THAT WAS ALWAYS NOTHING MORE THAN A SMEAR CAMPAIGN PUT ON BY THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN!

Mueller may very well be able to put some people associated with Trump behind bars for tax evasion or lying to Federal agents...but you're seriously naïve if you think Mueller is going to lay a glove on Trump for "collusion!
Trump had no tieS to Russia because the Tower deal that they (Cohen) were negotiating fell thru, i.e. no tie or TIES.

That's a distinction without a difference.

Trying to get a deal with a hostile foreign power during an election where you are running and that foreign power is aiding your election...is no different than actually succeeding. It exposes you to exactly the same corruption

How is this for a "distinction without a difference".....
Hillary's campaign paid $12m via intermediaries to "foreign hostile" Russians for the Steele Dossier. That is Clinton cash going to those nasty Russians.
How about that UraniumOne Deal where Obama and Hillary sold Russia 20% of the US uranium reserve for a $145m "donation" and $500,000 to Bubba for a speech in Russia?
Here is a good one, if the Russians wanted to help Trump and hurt Hillary, then why didn't they release those 33,000 emails that they hacked off her server? Any classified emails would have sunk Hillary, but Putin did not release them. Why not?

Why is trying to get a legal deal with Russians before the election a problem? It isn't, just ask Prof. Dershowitz.
As for the Russians aiding the Trump election, it was generally inept "informational warfare" and no votes were affected as per the US intel community. The dems blame Comey for Hillary's loss, not Russia.
'Information warfare': How Russians interfered in 2016 election

What "corruption" are you whining about? A global business can negotiate deals, period. Hillary has real crimes, Trump doesn't, until Mueller proves otherwise....

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