Whitaker is turning out to NOT be Trump's sabotage "weapon" at DOJ

What shady dealings that is not even part of the “ lie” it was a timeframe statement about the TRUMP TOWER project in Moscow, hardly a hidden shady deal to build a multimillion dollar hotel huh. Yet Another leap to build a false narrative. Dog turd bliper tried to build a long spin from the timeline to a collusion and failed like that stupid bitch on msnbc ratshit maddcow.

Then WHY THIS, dickhead???...................LOL

Trump Denied Having Any Business Dealings With Russia a ... - Slate

h[URL='https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-s-new-russia-deal-defense-it-was-just-business-n941856']Trump's new Russia deal defense: Just business as usual - NBC News

https://www.nbcnews.com/...trump/trump-s-new-russia-deal-defense-it-was-just-busine...8 hours ago - As a candidate and afterward, Trump said repeatedly that he didn't have any businessdealings with Russia. “I have no dealings with Russia,” ...[/URL]
Trump denies any links to Russia: 'No loans, no nothing' - CNBC.com

https://www.cnbc.com/.../trump-denies-any-links-to-russia-no-loans-no-nothing.htmlMay 11, 2017 - Trump specifically said he has no investments or loans in or from Russia. ... "I have had dealings over the years where I sold a house to a very wealthy ... But other than that, I have nothing to do with Russia," Trump said. Trump ..

Trump Denies Business Dealings With Russia. His Former Lawyer ...
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.

I noticed that Trump ass kissers didn't like my reference to Steele's dossier.....BUT, not peep as to why slimy Nunes exonerated Cohen...and NOW, Cohen has basically stated that he fooled the whole House GOP committee since they're nothing but Trump stooges.
What the hell was the left expecting? If Americans authorized raids on the offices of every lawyer in Washington the federal prisons might be overflowing. Mueller might indict a dozen lawyers and it still doesn't point to the President.
The Cohen indictments are unique to Trump, since he was Trump's lawyer. Such as this example, or this later.
But more importantly, Cohen was negotiating with Kremlin on Moscow business deals during 2016 campaign.

What did you find in the text of these links, conjecture, nothing wrong with worldwide development no crimes, nothing in the shit at all but a punks opinion and an old divorce story that was bullshit years ago.
I noticed that Trump ass kissers didn't like my reference to Steele's dossier.....BUT, not peep as to why slimy Nunes exonerated Cohen...and NOW, Cohen has basically stated that he fooled the whole House GOP committee since they're nothing but Trump stooges.

Yeah same stupid shit post with no more damn evidence or information. So kiss your messiahs balls after you drain them and suck it up. The dossier is still all fake, the charge is still just for misstating the timeline. So next spinning spiderweb to nowhere. What is shady about a deal to build a hotel? It was in the public records long before Trump even started his campaign. Building a hotel is a private enterprise and all perfectly legal.

Every link you posted is the same bullshit. Just a response of the same many times debunked LIES.
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What the hell was the left expecting? If Americans authorized raids on the offices of every lawyer in Washington the federal prisons might be overflowing. Mueller might indict a dozen lawyers and it still doesn't point to the President.
The Cohen indictments are unique to Trump, since he was Trump's lawyer. Such as this example, or this later.
But more importantly, Cohen was negotiating with Kremlin on Moscow business deals during 2016 campaign.

What did you find in the text of these links, conjecture, nothing wrong with worldwide development no crimes, nothing in the shit at all but a punks opinion and an old divorce story that was bullshit years ago.
The divorce story was just to show that Cohen was Trump's lawyer.
Somehow the link to Cohen's kremlin negotiations got messed up. This is correct link. It's the most clear link between trump-russia to date.
Trump's CFO was given immunity, so it could end up that the plans for Moscow Trump Tower continued into his presidency.
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.
So you are saying snowflakes prematurely pissed their pants un-necessarily over fears Whitaker would shut everything down and send all the Democrats involved to jail....

Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.

Steele's fake dossiers are no more accurate NOW then when he made them up two and a half years ago, Nat! You Trump haters keep hoping something will surface that shows "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and it's simply not there! That's the only thing that's "crystal clear" here!
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.

The Steele Dossier doesn't have a shred of proof associated with it.

Where is the ruined mattress, where is the Russian hooker DNA?

Why is it important anyhow? Even if President Trump wanted to hire hookers to ruin hotel mattresses in Russia- that's a legal activity and the President can easily afford to buy new mattresses for the hotel.
Too funny. NOBODY has threatened anything about Mueller, why is the Left harping on something that isn't even being talked about?

Yup and by the same token nobody knows what Whitaker is doing.

They can make stupid guesses but nobody knows.
But if they're going to be prosecuted for their crimes, when is Hillary going to be prosecuted for hers?

Excellent question.........But why not ask the

Totally conservative WH
Totally conservative congress
Totally conservative (almost) SCOTUS
Totally republican run DOJ

What do you think?

I think you make a fair point. I don't know why Sessions didn't pursue those things. Maybe he has his own skeletons that he wants to keep hidden. I don't know. I DO KNOW that Hillary broke the law innumerable times and skated. Don't you believe that she should have been prosecuted for her crimes? Or does your outrage against criminals only extend to Republicans?

I don't know why Sessions didn't pursue those things

But you do. You believe Clinton broke the law because it was hammered into your head that she did. Reality though, is not bearing out that conclusion. There is obviously nothing to prosecute or it would have been done already.

Face it. You were duped.
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate? Damn you are stretching to a non fact to support a false narrative like the dimshit ass Licker press.

If you actually bothered to know what's in the dossier, it would be apparent.
Exactly...The "pissing hookers" is the least important (although most salacious) part of the Dossier.

Unfortunately that is the one part that would "move the needle" the most with the American people...not the collusion with a foreign hostile power
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate? Damn you are stretching to a non fact to support a false narrative like the dimshit ass Licker press.

If you actually bothered to know what's in the dossier, it would be apparent.

We know who paid $12m for it, that's all we need to know. Then it was used by the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants. I would not brag about the Steele Dossier, it's been called "raw intelligence" which means mostly bullshit.
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.

Maybe not but he's feeding Trump info from the investigation, humpty started tweeting night before last and he knew what was going to happen.
Where is the ruined mattress, where is the Russian hooker DNA?

Why is it important anyhow? Even if President Trump wanted to hire hookers to ruin hotel mattresses in Russia- that's a legal activity and the President can easily afford to buy new mattresses for the hotel.

Only a fucking moron,......like you.....would conclude that the ONLY item contained in the Steele's dossier regards peeing on mattresses.......LOL
We know who paid $12m for it, that's all we need to know. Then it was used by the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants. I would not brag about the Steele Dossier, it's been called "raw intelligence" which means mostly bullshit.

Tax your half brain a bit, stop listening to Hannity and ask yourself this:

Did the Steele dossier mention that there were close ties between the Trump org. and Russia about building in Moscow????................Yes or No?

Then ask yourself if Cohen recent testimony supports what Steele mentioned in the dossier......

Finally.......apologize for being a Trump ass kisser.
Given the BOMBSHELL of Michael Cohen's guilty plea and all of the very interesting tidbits about Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, it is crystal clear that Whitaker is either NOT overseeing the Mueller investigation, or, Whitaker is in full agreement to let the Mueller investigation proceed under the oversight of Rob Rosenstein without any interference.

As an aside, the Cohen act of contrition also offers TWO important revelations:

One, that the House investigation of Cohen was a damn FARCE......and

Two, that the Steele's dossier is turning out to be more accurate than the Trump ass kissers' had hoped.
How in the hell does it make the dossier any more accurate? Damn you are stretching to a non fact to support a false narrative like the dimshit ass Licker press.

If you actually bothered to know what's in the dossier, it would be apparent.

We know who paid $12m for it, that's all we need to know. Then it was used by the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants. I would not brag about the Steele Dossier, it's been called "raw intelligence" which means mostly bullshit.
There is no " illegal FISA warrants", dope.
If there were, Trump and the Republican congress would have done something about them.
It's only raw until it's confirmed. Well, Trump's business with Russia is confirmed.

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