White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

A Jewish kid who grew up in Tennessee has a right to his view on racism but he is vary careful to avoid talking about the democrat party's history of racism and why the hell American Black people blindly vote for democrats who keep them on a special plantation where only the federal government can care for them.
The only thing Bucs keeps saying is its a choice to make good or bad decisions. I agree. But Bucs will not or cannot explain how a black person pays more for the same services as whites and other well documented issues.

I'll take a stab at it:

Stores in that area have a certain amount of cost associated with shoplifters that stores in less crime filled locations do not. In order to account for the kind of thievery we witnessed from Mike Brown they raise their prices to cover those losses. They also have to cover certain expenses that a typical business in a less crime ridden area would; like cleaning up vandalism, extra security, etc. Businesses in "poor" areas also tend to reflect a higher occurrence of workers compensation claims. All of this serves to drive up the end cost to consumers in the area.

Due to the high crime rate, insurance companies likely prorate the cost of insurance on not only businesses but the houses and apartments in that area. (Section 8 probably circumvents most of the cost burden for renters, but then again if they're on section 8 then they are paying /less/ than the services us quote "whites" would so that's beside the point.)

It's also possible that sales taxes and city taxes in these areas may even be a little higher to cover the cost of things stolen, or to clean up vandalism - street lights that are destroyed, stolen street signs, graffiti, etc. I've heard that some officers receive higher pay for policing certain areas, kind of like hazard pay, though I'm not in the mood to look it up at this moment. I do know that officers in higher crime areas tend to get injured on duty more often, which would likely drive the cost of running the police stations - to cover those increased treatment costs.

On "personal" things like the cost of auto insurance; which if your living in an area where cars are vandalized and stolen regularly, they prorate you to start off. They also prorate you for things like parking and speeding tickets, driving violations, accidents, and DUI's - all of which drive up the cost of your insurance.
An essay by left wing activist Tim Wise can be considered and dismissed or pondered but it doesn't rise to the level of a political discussion. It is just a typical left wing alternate experience adventure in liberalism and hatred. According to Wicki, Wise was trained by something called "the people's institute for survival and beyond" after graduating from Tulane. The problem is that the "people's institute etc" is not a motivating factor for Black people to prosper and achieve success. It's a radical left wing hate machine designed to encourage anger and resentment for under-achieving in the modern world. People crawl through the desert to find the greatest Country in the world and prosper. Asians get off the proverbial boat with a couple of bucks in their pockets and prosper and appreciate the freedom of the greatest Country in the world but others would rather whine about slavery and vote for democrats.
I'm not talking about costs rising because of theft. That's easy, everyone knows that. What I asked was how is housing discrimation the fault of blacks upbringing?
I'm not talking about costs rising because of theft. That's easy, everyone knows that. What I asked was how is housing discrimation the fault of blacks upbringing?
Have you ever been to the projects or any apartment rented by blacks? Many of them are neat as a pin. Some are filled with squalor. Discrimination occurs when the housing provider isn't a gambler.
I'm not talking about costs rising because of theft. That's easy, everyone knows that. What I asked was how is housing discrimation the fault of blacks upbringing?
Have you ever been to the projects or any apartment rented by blacks? Many of them are neat as a pin. Some are filled with squalor. Discrimination occurs when the housing provider isn't a gambler.

99% of the people on hoarders are white. White people destroy shit too so that doesn't explain how housing discrimination exists or the reasons for steering.

Steer all the poor blacks into one area and then after you've set the stage complain about the stage. That's as good as Ever curious blaming blacks for HIS racism.

Edit: plus did you just see how you acknowledged housing discrimation exists and used discrimination to justify discrimation? lol
I'm not talking about costs rising because of theft. That's easy, everyone knows that. What I asked was how is housing discrimation the fault of blacks upbringing?
Have you ever been to the projects or any apartment rented by blacks? Many of them are neat as a pin. Some are filled with squalor. Discrimination occurs when the housing provider isn't a gambler.

99% of the people on hoarders are white. White people destroy shit too so that doesn't explain how housing discrimination exists or the reasons for steering.

Steer all the poor blacks into one area and then after you've set the stage complain about the stage. That's as good as Ever curious blaming blacks for HIS racism.

Edit: plus did you just see how you acknowledged housing discrimation exists and used discrimination to justify discrimation? lol

FYI - /Her/

That's not what you asked, but I'll attempt to further my answer based on the new questions/points you have raised.

Do you speak of Section 8 housing, because outside of that program I am unsure what you could possibly mean by "steering" anyone anywhere in particular, much less steering African American's anywhere...

Section 8 is not /only/ for African American's alone. Section 8 is supposed to help by offering lower cost housing to those who are struggling. It was developed to be an assistance program, not some twisted form of PC racial segregation as you are implying here. Do you suggest that the section 8 assistance program be abandoned or restructured somehow?

In any event, section 8 housing is not limited to only "high crime" nor "bad economy" locations. There are several section 8 qualified units in my fairly wealthy town, and our crime is so low that a single robbery is a huge deal; like we're still talking about a robbery that happened two years ago like it's a "problem", and they caught the guy. lol Anyway, we also suffered from a sever lack of workers for our entry level type jobs out here; the spoiled brat kids wouldn't work cause mommy and daddy gave them a big allowance, and the ones who would work ended up doing double time and being very... cranky. Part of why we asked/encouraged our mayor to establish some section 8 areas to bring in workers for those jobs. Last summer we finished building a fairly large grouping of section 8 2-story townhouses in a join venture with a senior center on some land that was procured in a health violation confiscation - it cost us a pretty penny to clean the land up which is why we needed the senior center's help, but our businesses /finally/ have at least most of the workers they needed (and we customer's have much better customer service.) It was a win-win for us (other than the one robbery and a couple minor "disturbing the peace" type incidents that I personally feel have nothing to do with the section 8's - in all honesty I figure it keeps our police officers on their toes when they're stuck "on patrol" out here - they get bored.)

Maybe public assistance folks need to consider some kind of idk advertising and maybe a "transfer" assistance program to help get people out of those jobless areas, and into areas that need workers. Though I understand Alaska might not be an optimal choice being so far away and, well cold heh I cannot imagine that we are (were) the only town in the country that needs workers.

Another thing that comes to mind as a possible issue was one of the bigger talking points against section 8 in our town; what will happen if/when they start making enough to no longer qualify for section 8 assistance... The section 8's priced at around $375-400 for a 1 bedroom and $450-500/m for a 2 bedroom, but the nominal rent in the near area out here is $1k at a minimum, and that's for an efficiency flat type apartment (aka no bedroom). There is really no comparable rent to the section 8's within 30-40 miles, and commuting that on that [possibly] tight budge with the way oil prices flex is problematic. We are still trying to work out a deal with the few "franchised" type businesses we have out here, to possibly transfer those workers to other stores if they income out of the section 8's. In big cities down there I could see a similar problem arising, though I'm unsure if the "small town" solution we're trying would work for them - or us honestly, so far only 2 businesses (a grocery store and a construction type store, both local Alaska/ex-local joints) have even said they would see what they could do...
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!

your a lib and libs started this; they planned this; they want this' they need this- to stay in power.
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!
Prince George's County, MD and its middle class ($70k median income) black ghetto shoots down the entire premise.

now you can take your nasty article. about how "white's" are delusional, they don't get it and they don't want to know and: shove it
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Fuck that shit. I don't care who, of what color rioted for what reason. It doesn't excuse looting as a response to a perceived outrage. Period.

Also, -I- have never responded to a wrong, even one perpetuated against me personally, by randomly committing an act of violence against an unrelated third party or their property, so I reserve the right to judge individual perpetrators for such actions.

Morality shouldn't be decided by how you're feeling at the time, and it damn sure shouldn't be based on a score card that allows periodic acts of violence based on similar acts having also been perpetrated by individuals of a different skin tone. What a ri-god-damn-diculous argument.
White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"
It is the innocence which constitutes the crime.
By Tim Wise / AlterNet
May 6, 2015


Though perhaps overused, there are few statements that so thoroughly burrow to the heart of the nation's racial condition as the following, written fifty-three years ago by James Baldwin:

...this is the crime of which I accuse my country and my countrymen and for which neither I nor time nor history will ever forgive them, that they have destroyed and are destroying hundreds of thousands of lives and do not know it and do not want to know it...but it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the crime

Indeed, and in the wake of the Baltimore uprising that began last week, they are words worth remembering.

It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality, having ourselves rarely been the targets of any of these. It is bad enough that we deign to instruct black people whose lives we have not lived, whose terrors we have not faced, and whose gauntlets we have not run, about violence; this, even as we enjoy the national bounty over which we currently claim possession solely as a result of violence. I beg to remind you, George Washington was not a practitioner of passive resistance. Neither the early colonists nor the nation's founders fit within the Gandhian tradition. There were no sit-ins at King George's palace, no horseback freedom rides to affect change. There were just guns, lots and lots of guns.

We are here because of blood, and mostly that of others; here because of our insatiable and rapacious desire to take by force the land and labor of those others. We are the last people on Earth with a right to ruminate upon the superior morality of peaceful protest. We have never believed in it and rarely practiced it. Rather, we have always taken what we desire, and when denied it we have turned to means utterly genocidal to make it so.

Which is why it always strikes me as precious the way so many white Americans insist (as if preening for a morality contest of some sorts) that "we don't burn down our own neighborhoods when we get angry." This, in supposed contrast to black and brown folks who engage in such presumptively self-destructive irrationality as this. On the one hand, it simply isn't true. We do burn our own communities, we do riot, and for far less valid reasons than any for which persons of color have ever hoisted a brick, a rock, or a bottle.We do so when our teams lose the big game or win the big game; or because of something called Pumpkin Festival; or because veggie burritos cost $10 at Woodstock '99 and there weren't enough Porta-Potties by the time of the Limp Bizkit set; or because folks couldn't get enough beer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake; or because surfers (natch); or St. Patty's Day in Albany; or because Penn State fired Joe Paterno; or because it's a Sunday afternoon in Ames, Iowa; and we do it over and over and over again. Far from mere amateur hooliganism, our riots are indeed violent affairs that have been known to endanger the safety and lives of police, as with the infamous 1998 riot at Washington State University. To wit:

The crowd then attacked the officers from all sides for two hours with rocks, beer bottles, signposts, chairs, and pieces of concrete, allegedly cheering whenever an officer was struck and injured. Twenty-three officers were injured, some suffering concussions and broken bones.


Seventeen years later, one still waits for the avalanche of conservative ruminations regarding the pathologies of whites in Pullman, whose disrespect for authority suggests a larger culture of dysfunction, no doubt taught to them by their rural, corn-fed families and symbolized by the easily recognizable gang attire of Carhartt work coats and backwards baseball caps.

That just sounds like a typical Washington State University drunken weekend. Trying to paint it as racially motivated is nonsense. Kids go to WSU to party. They go to the University of Washington, in Seattle, to be doctors, lawyers and engineers by spending their weekends studying.
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!

your a lib and libs started this; they planned this; they want this' they need this- to stay in power.

So it did happen you just would rather to pretend to know the political affiliation of the white people while I simply state they were white people. Looks like we agree on that basic point.
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!
Prince George's County, MD and its middle class ($70k median income) black ghetto shoots down the entire premise.

What premise? You just stated a primarily black area, how much money they make on average and Called it ghetto. What point was there? You call black areas ghetto?
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!

your a lib and libs started this; they planned this; they want this' they need this- to stay in power.

So it did happen you just would rather to pretend to know the political affiliation of the white people while I simply state they were white people. Looks like we agree on that basic point.

Do you think that if Blacks managed to halve their illegitimacy rate that it would have a tremendous impact, or would any positive effect be overwhelmed by all the white racism in the US?
Fuck that shit. I don't care who, of what color rioted for what reason. It doesn't excuse looting as a response to a perceived outrage. Period.

Also, -I- have never responded to a wrong, even one perpetuated against me personally, by randomly committing an act of violence against an unrelated third party or their property, so I reserve the right to judge individual perpetrators for such actions.

Morality shouldn't be decided by how you're feeling at the time, and it damn sure shouldn't be based on a score card that allows periodic acts of violence based on similar acts having also been perpetrated by individuals of a different skin tone. What a ri-god-damn-diculous argument.

That is ridiculous, and whoever said it you should quote them next time.
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!

your a lib and libs started this; they planned this; they want this' they need this- to stay in power.

So it did happen you just would rather to pretend to know the political affiliation of the white people while I simply state they were white people. Looks like we agree on that basic point.

Do you think that if Blacks managed to halve their illegitimacy rate that it would have a tremendous impact, or would any positive effect be overwhelmed by all the white racism in the US?
Let me understand your question. If blacks were more educated on a whole would that be good?

Thats your question? Do we really...ok...yes, a more educated population is a positive.

"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!
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When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!

your a lib and libs started this; they planned this; they want this' they need this- to stay in power.

So it did happen you just would rather to pretend to know the political affiliation of the white people while I simply state they were white people. Looks like we agree on that basic point.

Do you think that if Blacks managed to halve their illegitimacy rate that it would have a tremendous impact, or would any positive effect be overwhelmed by all the white racism in the US?
Let me understand your question. If blacks were more educated on a whole would that be good?

Thats your question? Do we really...ok...yes, a more educated population is a positive.



Illegitimacy, not illiteracy.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

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