White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.
"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.

Again, you are ignoring the fact that there was and continues to be organized practices that keep blacks in a position to remain unequal.
These actions were not historically perpetrated by white folks?
When you have the power you can take out your hatreds and frustrations directly upon the bodies of others. This is what we have done, not only in the above mentioned examples but right here at home. The so-called ghetto was created and not accidentally. It was designed as a virtual holding pen---a concentration camp were we to insist upon honest language---within which impoverished persons of color would be contained. It was created by generations of housing discrimination, which limited where its residents could live. It was created by decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever they would move into white neighborhoods. It was created by deindustrialization and the flight of good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

And all of that is violence too. It is the kind of violence that the powerful, and only they, can manifest. One needn't throw a Molotov cocktail through a window when one can knock down the building using a bulldozer or crane operated with public money. One need not loot a store when one can loot the residents of the community as happened in Ferguson---giving out tickets to black folks for minor infractions so as to rack up huge fines and fees, thereby funding city government on the backs of the poor. Zoning laws, eminent domain, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all of these are forms of violence, however much white America fails to understand that. They do violence to the opportunities and dreams of millions, living in neighborhoods most of us have never visited. Indeed, in neighborhoods we consider so God-forsaken that we even have a phone app now to help us avoid them.

This guy is killing it!!!
Prince George's County, MD and its middle class ($70k median income) black ghetto shoots down the entire premise.

What premise? You just stated a primarily black area, how much money they make on average and Called it ghetto. What point was there? You call black areas ghetto?
A cultural ghetto is still a ghetto.
"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Great thread and a great illustration of the author's point!

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.

they have to LIE. You know their motto: if you repeat a lie enough it might stick with a few people. They are just that low and nasty

and FOR WHAT? To stir up HATE. nothing more
The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.

they have to LIE. You know their motto: if you repeat a lie enough it might stick with a few people. They are just that low and nasty

and FOR WHAT? To stir up HATE. nothing more

Hate can only be stirred if you hate in the first place. If you feel stirred then maybe you should check yourself.
Fuck that shit. I don't care who, of what color rioted for what reason. It doesn't excuse looting as a response to a perceived outrage. Period.

Also, -I- have never responded to a wrong, even one perpetuated against me personally, by randomly committing an act of violence against an unrelated third party or their property, so I reserve the right to judge individual perpetrators for such actions.

Morality shouldn't be decided by how you're feeling at the time, and it damn sure shouldn't be based on a score card that allows periodic acts of violence based on similar acts having also been perpetrated by individuals of a different skin tone. What a ri-god-damn-diculous argument.

That is ridiculous, and whoever said it you should quote them next time.

You're kidding me, right? Did you even read what you posted?

"We are here because of blood, and mostly that of others; here because of our insatiable and rapacious desire to take by force the land and labor of those others. We are the last people on earth with a right to ruminate upon the superior morality of peaceful protest."

This distributes blame for the genocide of the native Americans across all white Americans, which is the same errant, racist function as if I blamed all black Americans for the crimes perpetrated by the crips.

It also says, more to my point, that white Americans' violent history means that current white people can't rightly make a moral judgement on black people rioting. They must excuse it.

In case you're still having trouble putting this all together, the implication (and I use the term loosely, the quote comes a **** hair shy of saying it directly)is that black people rioting must be excused because white people have historically done violent things.

Well I'm half white, and I've never rioted, never stolen anyone's land or labor, never genocided anybody, and don't share this author's illogical view that I should be held personally responsible for the actions of everyone sharing my heritage. So, fuck the rioters. May purveyors of random violence, whatever amount of melanin they possess, be treated in kind.

Nothing this author can point out about history or feelings of oppression excuses someone who commits an act of violence against someone who isn't even responsible for the perceived wrong to which they are responding. Period. Any attempt to do so is disingenuous. You wanna show off your errant white/American guilt, that's fine, but do it in a manner that doesn't encourage anarchy, please. Maybe rock a Che t-shirt and leave the moral pontification to folks who look at moral responsibility from a place of logic, not blind guilt.
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The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.

Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.

Again, you are ignoring the fact that there was and continues to be organized practices that keep blacks in a position to remain unequal.
These actions were not historically perpetrated by white folks?

The consensus of the majority and the political class has been to help.

The op ignores this reality. The left mostly ignores this reality and wants to act as though the last 50 years did not happen.

This has US trying to solve problems by addressing causes that have been gone for generations, instead of the real modern day causes.

Such as illegitimacy.
Another way of saying ' I don't want to hear it'.


A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.

Again, you are ignoring the fact that there was and continues to be organized practices that keep blacks in a position to remain unequal.
These actions were not historically perpetrated by white folks?

The consensus of the majority and the political class has been to help.

The op ignores this reality. The left mostly ignores this reality and wants to act as though the last 50 years did not happen.

This has US trying to solve problems by addressing causes that have been gone for generations, instead of the real modern day causes.

Such as illegitimacy.

"Causes that have been gone for generations"

Department of Justice report on the Ferguson Mo. Police Department - Washington Post

Illegitamacy? Sure, it's a problem. A problem exacerbated by " the war on drugs" and the over policing of young black men. When a large percentage are removed from their communities, incarcerated and any possibility of future productivity is impossible due to a criminal record, this can certainly impact a young man's ability to be a provider for a family.

Rand Paul Tackles Prisons Full Of Black And Brown Kids Amid GOP Reach For Minority Votes

These are just two examples of how there is organized poilicies that are not too different than policies that were in place 50-60 years ago that disproportionally affect black folks. You can believe that is not the case, but your belief is not reality.
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I don't particularly agree with the war on drugs, but the bottom line here is that they /are/ doing something that is considered a crime, else they wouldn't be in jail in the first place. Sometimes we don't agree with laws, but that doesn't give us the right to ignore them, or if we /do/ ignore them then we have to realize we might get punished - speeding for example, we know the laws, we break them anyway, we pay the ticket. That's the way it goes.

That said, I actually wouldn't have a problem with something that would take crimes off someone's record if they stayed clean for a while; like a credit score works kind of. Thing is, we already /do/ this, for kids under 18, at some point people need to grow up and have the personal willpower to /stop/ committing crimes - regardless of if they happen to agree with the law or not. The adult thing to do is to try to get the law changed if you don't agree with it, not just break it then cry cause you got in trouble for breaking it.
I don't particularly agree with the war on drugs, but the bottom line here is that they /are/ doing something that is considered a crime, else they wouldn't be in jail in the first place. Sometimes we don't agree with laws, but that doesn't give us the right to ignore them, or if we /do/ ignore them then we have to realize we might get punished - speeding for example, we know the laws, we break them anyway, we pay the ticket. That's the way it goes.

That said, I actually wouldn't have a problem with something that would take crimes off someone's record if they stayed clean for a while; like a credit score works kind of. Thing is, we already /do/ this, for kids under 18, at some point people need to grow up and have the personal willpower to /stop/ committing crimes - regardless of if they happen to agree with the law or not. The adult thing to do is to try to get the law changed if you don't agree with it, not just break it then cry cause you got in trouble for breaking it.

The adult thing to do is to change the laws and examine our overall criminal justice policies. We have the largest incarcerated population on the planet. Surely there must be more effective and cheaper methods for dealing with some of these social problems.

This all starts with us all being in agreement that there is a problem at all. That's what this thread addresses in part is the inability or unwillingness to believe there are problems at all.

A way of saying that if you want to have a conversation about race, it will be a two way conversation.

The days of libs getting to lecture White American like we were bad children is over.

You open the "conversation" with the premise that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes, then we cannot build ANYTHING from that starting point.

For I strongly reject that premise and will not be party to any policy based on that false claim.

I will not be held responsible for, nor willingly pay a price for sins I have had no part of.

You illustrate the author's point perfectly.
I am white as well. Because I agree with the author does not make me guilty. I personally in no way feel culpable for these actions taken by others. I in no way contributed to them.
That being said, my lack of involvement does not mean they didn't happen. I feel that accepting this inconvenient truth allows me to move foreward with a better understanding of the why, ( why these events happen as they do), rather than the why not, ( why don't blacks want to better themselves).
It will continue to be difficult to move the discussion foreward if one side won't even accept the premise that there was and still is an organized effort to handicap a certain demographic of black America if not blacks in general.

You all talk about riotsand the negative impacts, but never ask the question why it happens. Even with the DoJ report on Ferguson outlining exactly what we are discussing in this thread, you all won't even address it. Therefore, one can only assume....

"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

The author is claiming that White America is guilty of unforgivable crimes. If you agree with him, you are agreeing that you are guilty.

White America, has for several generations had a consensus on HELPING "blacks in general".

The Op claims the exact opposite of historical reality.

We cannot have a discussion based on a complete reversal of the truth.

We certainly cannot address anything issues with any realistic solutions based on completely nonsense.

Again, you are ignoring the fact that there was and continues to be organized practices that keep blacks in a position to remain unequal.
These actions were not historically perpetrated by white folks?

The consensus of the majority and the political class has been to help.

The op ignores this reality. The left mostly ignores this reality and wants to act as though the last 50 years did not happen.

This has US trying to solve problems by addressing causes that have been gone for generations, instead of the real modern day causes.

Such as illegitimacy.

"Causes that have been gone for generations"

Department of Justice report on the Ferguson Mo. Police Department - Washington Post

Illegitamacy? Sure, it's a problem. A problem exacerbated by " the war on drugs" and the over policing of young black men. When a large percentage are removed from their communities, incarcerated and any possibility of future productivity is impossible due to a criminal record, this can certainly impact a young man's ability to be a provider for a family.

Rand Paul Tackles Prisons Full Of Black And Brown Kids Amid GOP Reach For Minority Votes

These are just two examples of how there is organized poilicies that are not too different than policies that were in place 50-60 years ago that disproportionally affect black folks. You can believe that is not the case, but your belief is not reality.


THe reason the prisons are full of black and brown criminals is because coming from single parent homes sets a lot of these kids up to fail.

And this is despite the vast efforts of White America to help.
I don't particularly agree with the war on drugs, but the bottom line here is that they /are/ doing something that is considered a crime, else they wouldn't be in jail in the first place. Sometimes we don't agree with laws, but that doesn't give us the right to ignore them, or if we /do/ ignore them then we have to realize we might get punished - speeding for example, we know the laws, we break them anyway, we pay the ticket. That's the way it goes.

That said, I actually wouldn't have a problem with something that would take crimes off someone's record if they stayed clean for a while; like a credit score works kind of. Thing is, we already /do/ this, for kids under 18, at some point people need to grow up and have the personal willpower to /stop/ committing crimes - regardless of if they happen to agree with the law or not. The adult thing to do is to try to get the law changed if you don't agree with it, not just break it then cry cause you got in trouble for breaking it.

The adult thing to do is to change the laws and examine our overall criminal justice policies. We have the largest incarcerated population on the planet. Surely there must be more effective and cheaper methods for dealing with some of these social problems.

This all starts with us all being in agreement that there is a problem at all. That's what this thread addresses in part is the inability or unwillingness to believe there are problems at all.

THe adult thing to do is to ask why so many blacks seem unable to live within the bounds of the law.

The laws are the result of the democratic process.

Why should the majority adjust it's culture to accommodate the minority?

Do you not believe in democracy?
THe adult thing to do is to ask why so many blacks seem unable to live within the bounds of the law.

The answer to that is simple. It's because a great many black "leaders" and white leftists tell them that "white mans law" doesn't apply to them.

White leftists seek the utter destruction of civil society so that the authoritarian system they yearn for can arise. Young black men are pawns, sacrificed to disrupt and dismantle the Constitutional system we currently hold (barely)

The laws are the result of the democratic process.

Why should the majority adjust it's culture to accommodate the minority?

Do you not believe in democracy?

The intent is not for anyone to adjust. The left seeks the destruction of our society. This is the long game, and has been going on since the 1950's. The left pimped the Occupy Wall Street retards just as much as they do the blacks in Baltimore - whatever is handy - as long as it results in violence.
I don't particularly agree with the war on drugs, but the bottom line here is that they /are/ doing something that is considered a crime, else they wouldn't be in jail in the first place. Sometimes we don't agree with laws, but that doesn't give us the right to ignore them, or if we /do/ ignore them then we have to realize we might get punished - speeding for example, we know the laws, we break them anyway, we pay the ticket. That's the way it goes.

That said, I actually wouldn't have a problem with something that would take crimes off someone's record if they stayed clean for a while; like a credit score works kind of. Thing is, we already /do/ this, for kids under 18, at some point people need to grow up and have the personal willpower to /stop/ committing crimes - regardless of if they happen to agree with the law or not. The adult thing to do is to try to get the law changed if you don't agree with it, not just break it then cry cause you got in trouble for breaking it.

The adult thing to do is to change the laws and examine our overall criminal justice policies. We have the largest incarcerated population on the planet. Surely there must be more effective and cheaper methods for dealing with some of these social problems.

This all starts with us all being in agreement that there is a problem at all. That's what this thread addresses in part is the inability or unwillingness to believe there are problems at all.

THe adult thing to do is to ask why so many blacks seem unable to live within the bounds of the law.

The laws are the result of the democratic process.

Why should the majority adjust it's culture to accommodate the minority?

Do you not believe in democracy?

Here's a question for you coming from an angle you may not have considered.

Do you think it's possible that the higher per capita crime rates among blacks are due in part that black communities are policed at a much higher rate and thereby resulting in more convictions than white communities?
THe adult thing to do is to ask why so many blacks seem unable to live within the bounds of the law.

The answer to that is simple. It's because a great many black "leaders" and white leftists tell them that "white mans law" doesn't apply to them.

White leftists seek the utter destruction of civil society so that the authoritarian system they yearn for can arise. Young black men are pawns, sacrificed to disrupt and dismantle the Constitutional system we currently hold (barely)

The laws are the result of the democratic process.

Why should the majority adjust it's culture to accommodate the minority?

Do you not believe in democracy?

The intent is not for anyone to adjust. The left seeks the destruction of our society. This is the long game, and has been going on since the 1950's. The left pimped the Occupy Wall Street retards just as much as they do the blacks in Baltimore - whatever is handy - as long as it results in violence.

Do you deny or just not believe that this type of policing policy is occurring around the country?

Department of Justice report on the Ferguson Mo. Police Department - Washington Post
I don't particularly agree with the war on drugs, but the bottom line here is that they /are/ doing something that is considered a crime, else they wouldn't be in jail in the first place. Sometimes we don't agree with laws, but that doesn't give us the right to ignore them, or if we /do/ ignore them then we have to realize we might get punished - speeding for example, we know the laws, we break them anyway, we pay the ticket. That's the way it goes.

That said, I actually wouldn't have a problem with something that would take crimes off someone's record if they stayed clean for a while; like a credit score works kind of. Thing is, we already /do/ this, for kids under 18, at some point people need to grow up and have the personal willpower to /stop/ committing crimes - regardless of if they happen to agree with the law or not. The adult thing to do is to try to get the law changed if you don't agree with it, not just break it then cry cause you got in trouble for breaking it.

The adult thing to do is to change the laws and examine our overall criminal justice policies. We have the largest incarcerated population on the planet. Surely there must be more effective and cheaper methods for dealing with some of these social problems.

This all starts with us all being in agreement that there is a problem at all. That's what this thread addresses in part is the inability or unwillingness to believe there are problems at all.

THe adult thing to do is to ask why so many blacks seem unable to live within the bounds of the law.

The laws are the result of the democratic process.

Why should the majority adjust it's culture to accommodate the minority?

Do you not believe in democracy?

Here's a question for you coming from an angle you may not have considered.

Do you think it's possible that the higher per capita crime rates among blacks are due in part that black communities are policed at a much higher rate and thereby resulting in more convictions than white communities?

It's possible.

It's also possible that any such factor could be outweighed by the reluctance of black witnesses, and even victims to cooperate with the police.

Now, would you care to address my point about the laws being democratically enacted and whether that inability of a minority to obey them is a problem that the majority has to adjust to, or the minority has to adjust to?

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