White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

LOL!!! Trust me bro, from a white perspective youre right. But from any other perspective you're wrong wrong wrong.

Blacks are doing better than ever. You believing it or not isnt a factor.

Look, you're a mindless partisan hack. The party you serve seeks to crush the United States Constitution and establish a centralized, authoritarian system. The violence that you applaud is one means to that end. So the party views the violence of Ferguson and Baltimore as positive, since the goal is the destruction of society.

HOWEVER to say that race relations are "better" because of violence is stupid.

And blacks ARE doing better than ever, Reagan changed the economic status of America's black population, which continued to rise through Clinton and Bush - though it has fallen under Obama. However, the violence you praise is the means to ENDING these advances.

Black Americans prosper for the same reasons any other Americans do - this is the secret your massah's in the DNC never tell you. There is no difference in black success than white success - hard work, intelligence, focus on the customer. You want to be an angry black man burning down business? That's fine, but you will NEVER be a success. You want to be a success, then the path is no different for you than it is for anyone else.
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out
White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"
It is the innocence which constitutes the crime.
By Tim Wise / AlterNet
May 6, 2015


Though perhaps overused, there are few statements that so thoroughly burrow to the heart of the nation's racial condition as the following, written fifty-three years ago by James Baldwin:

...this is the crime of which I accuse my country and my countrymen and for which neither I nor time nor history will ever forgive them, that they have destroyed and are destroying hundreds of thousands of lives and do not know it and do not want to know it...but it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the crime

Indeed, and in the wake of the Baltimore uprising that began last week, they are words worth remembering.

It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality, having ourselves rarely been the targets of any of these. It is bad enough that we deign to instruct black people whose lives we have not lived, whose terrors we have not faced, and whose gauntlets we have not run, about violence; this, even as we enjoy the national bounty over which we currently claim possession solely as a result of violence. I beg to remind you, George Washington was not a practitioner of passive resistance. Neither the early colonists nor the nation's founders fit within the Gandhian tradition. There were no sit-ins at King George's palace, no horseback freedom rides to affect change. There were just guns, lots and lots of guns.

We are here because of blood, and mostly that of others; here because of our insatiable and rapacious desire to take by force the land and labor of those others. We are the last people on Earth with a right to ruminate upon the superior morality of peaceful protest. We have never believed in it and rarely practiced it. Rather, we have always taken what we desire, and when denied it we have turned to means utterly genocidal to make it so.

Which is why it always strikes me as precious the way so many white Americans insist (as if preening for a morality contest of some sorts) that "we don't burn down our own neighborhoods when we get angry." This, in supposed contrast to black and brown folks who engage in such presumptively self-destructive irrationality as this. On the one hand, it simply isn't true. We do burn our own communities, we do riot, and for far less valid reasons than any for which persons of color have ever hoisted a brick, a rock, or a bottle.We do so when our teams lose the big game or win the big game; or because of something called Pumpkin Festival; or because veggie burritos cost $10 at Woodstock '99 and there weren't enough Porta-Potties by the time of the Limp Bizkit set; or because folks couldn't get enough beer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake; or because surfers (natch); or St. Patty's Day in Albany; or because Penn State fired Joe Paterno; or because it's a Sunday afternoon in Ames, Iowa; and we do it over and over and over again. Far from mere amateur hooliganism, our riots are indeed violent affairs that have been known to endanger the safety and lives of police, as with the infamous 1998 riot at Washington State University. To wit:

The crowd then attacked the officers from all sides for two hours with rocks, beer bottles, signposts, chairs, and pieces of concrete, allegedly cheering whenever an officer was struck and injured. Twenty-three officers were injured, some suffering concussions and broken bones.


Seventeen years later, one still waits for the avalanche of conservative ruminations regarding the pathologies of whites in Pullman, whose disrespect for authority suggests a larger culture of dysfunction, no doubt taught to them by their rural, corn-fed families and symbolized by the easily recognizable gang attire of Carhartt work coats and backwards baseball caps.

I remember the riots in 64' and 68'.

Now those were riots......not these media driven looting-fests.

I remember seeing the smoke from Los Angeles all the way down in San Diego. Those riots went on for months. Back then they had a reason to be pissed. Not now. This Bullshit is all fabricated by the prick in the Whitehouse with the wife who felt unwelcome everywhere she went growing up.

Poor Michelle......Poor Barack. Slumming it in the Ivy-League. One lived in Hawaii and the other in Chicago. They both be down fo the struggle.

"Cotton on the roadside, cotton in the ditch
We all picked the cotton but we never got rich" - Song Of The South​
This Bullshit is all fabricated by the prick in the Whitehouse with the wife who felt unwelcome everywhere she went growing up.

I think the police shooting unarmed people is what we're talking about not going to the museum since its hard to go when you're dead
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

Yes there has been an effort. There is still bias in the system though.
I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

Except maybe the Ferguson police department as well as the courts. Why do you not acknowledge this reality?
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

Yes there has been an effort. There is still bias in the system though.

There has been enormous and sustained effort. The bias in the system is now mostly in favor of blacks, as shown by the New Haven FIrefighter discrimination.
Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

Except maybe the Ferguson police department as well as the courts. Why do you not acknowledge this reality?

Ferguson my ass.

America has been focused on HELPING blacks for 50 years.

For the OP to state otherwise is a slap in the face of every white American.
I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

I know what I'm not held responsible for. I'm saying I wasnt a Nazi yet my funds go to prop up Israel. I've said that 3 times and everytime you reply its talking about something I didnt say

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

No, its just you think it is and proclaim it to be so.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

Intent? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. So I dont care what the intent is or was. Someone cannot rise from an already lofty postition so what are they rising from? And should I be super happy because whites decided to throw down a oily rope?

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

It was the policy and that policy held by generations. Convincing you or you believing it is of no concern. Its obvious you think everything is going swell
The bias in the system is now mostly in favor of blacks, as shown by the New Haven FIrefighter discrimination.

:rofl: One case proves racism and discrimination against blacks has gone away does it?

If I showed one case of discrimination do I win?
Since I know of no white Americans that own any black Americans, I don't think they give a shit that you won't forgive them for something they didn't do...
Your grudge has 0 effect on them.
Stop being an historic victim and pull a Ben Carson on whitey. Amount to something.

I was never a Nazi but go figure my taxes go toward Israel. And since no one complains about that it seems to ring shallow

Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

Rise from equality to 'special' equality.
I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

Except maybe the Ferguson police department as well as the courts. Why do you not acknowledge this reality?

Ferguson my ass.

America has been focused on HELPING blacks for 50 years.

For the OP to state otherwise is a slap in the face of every white American.

In the 1990s, The Johns Hopkins-affiliated Kennedy Krieger Institute knowingly exposed children and families---most of them black---to potentially dangerous levels of lead, as part of a study to determine the most cost-effective methods for removing lead paint from older buildings in poor neighborhoods. Their research entailed recruiting poor families to move into apartments and houses where three different levels of lead abatement had been utilized (telling them little or nothing about the risks involved) and then observing the lead levels in the children's blood over time. Although most children saw reductions in the levels of lead in their blood, some of the kids in homes where the less expensive and thorough method of lead abatement had been used were exposed to lead levels high enough to have significant effects on brain development. Rather than simply eliminate the lead entirely, regardless of the cost, or knock down lead-infested buildings and start over again with new and non-toxic housing for Baltimore's poor, prominent and respected researchers used low-income black families as guinea pigs. That I could reference here Tuskegee and most white folks would have no idea to what I was referring speaks volumes.
I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

Except maybe the Ferguson police department as well as the courts. Why do you not acknowledge this reality?

Ferguson my ass.

America has been focused on HELPING blacks for 50 years.

For the OP to state otherwise is a slap in the face of every white American.

You are a hard headed fool.
What's this? White America bending over backwards?
Department of Justice report on the Ferguson Mo. Police Department - Washington Post

I've posted this at least a half a dozen times and no one will address it.
"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"
YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

Except maybe the Ferguson police department as well as the courts. Why do you not acknowledge this reality?

Ferguson my ass.

America has been focused on HELPING blacks for 50 years.

For the OP to state otherwise is a slap in the face of every white American.

You are a hard headed fool.
What's this? White America bending over backwards?
Department of Justice report on the Ferguson Mo. Police Department - Washington Post

I've posted this at least a half a dozen times and no one will address it.
"They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

Thats because they dont see racism as being a problem. Sure it can cause a problem when the people who have guns and arrest powers hold those racist opinions but you shouldnt sweat it because, hey, at least you're not a slave anymore right?

Stop "slapping their faces" with talk of wanting to be equal and stuff. Its mean
Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

I know what I'm not held responsible for. I'm saying I wasnt a Nazi yet my funds go to prop up Israel. I've said that 3 times and everytime you reply its talking about something I didnt say

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

No, its just you think it is and proclaim it to be so.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

Intent? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. So I dont care what the intent is or was. Someone cannot rise from an already lofty postition so what are they rising from? And should I be super happy because whites decided to throw down a oily rope?

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

It was the policy and that policy held by generations. Convincing you or you believing it is of no concern. Its obvious you think everything is going swell
Your tax money is not going to Israel because someone thinks you or America are guilty of "unforgivable crimes" against Jews.

And plenty of people complain about our support of Israel.

This is a crappy analogy.

I still get charged for it, so use any adjective you like, I wasnt a nazi and I get paid.

You dont complain about that so cut it out

YOu are not making any sense.

Contrary to your vision of White America as working to keep blacks down, there has been a strong consensus to help blacks rise for 50 years.

Nazi? Paid? I don't know what point you are even trying to make.

I'm sorry, I meant...I'm not a nazi but I still have to pay to Israel. As soon as I hear anyone complain about that you'll have some credibility.

Now I ask you, if there has never been any "holding blacks down" then why on earth would you point to policies that help blacks rise?

Rise from what? Rise from rise? :rofl:

YOu are not being asked to pay money to Israel because you are being held responsible for Nazi crimes.

I know what I'm not held responsible for. I'm saying I wasnt a Nazi yet my funds go to prop up Israel. I've said that 3 times and everytime you reply its talking about something I didnt say

You are asking that Whites in America today be held responsible for the crime of slavery that was committed by other people over a century ago.

Which is unacceptable.

No, its just you think it is and proclaim it to be so.

I did not claim that there was NEVER any "holding blacks down". It just has not been the policy or intent of White American for 50 years.

Intent? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. So I dont care what the intent is or was. Someone cannot rise from an already lofty postition so what are they rising from? And should I be super happy because whites decided to throw down a oily rope?

You are the one claiming that IT IS the policy now, and has been forever.

It was the policy and that policy held by generations. Convincing you or you believing it is of no concern. Its obvious you think everything is going swell

Your point about Israel and not being a nazi has nothing to do with the topic.

YOur op does hold modern American responsible for "unforgivable crimes" against blacks.

Your op ignores the intent AND the policies of the last 50 years.

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