White America's Greatest Delusion: "They Do Not Know It and They Do Not Want to Know It"

He just said it was a good article. Does that mean kill whitey when looking with white eyes like the weeks and weeks of riots?

The whole "blame whitey" shit is old.

You stupid fucks want a race war that you can't hope to win. There is a level of stupidity in you that reeks of self-destruction.
whitey did it decades ago, so it's ok for us to do it.

I'd like to see the part that says this. Did you stumble into the wrong place?

So....lets stop speaking in broad generalities.

Specifically. ..what exactly is stopping a 12 year old black kid in a poor neighborhood who is on the eve of becoming a teenager and high school student from:

- Staying in school
- Not committing crimes
- Not creating children out of wedlock
- Taking advantage of the vast number of programs available to poor minorities for post high school education
- Getting an entry level job
- Doing what his supervisor says...and moving up in that job

What...SPECIFICALLY. ..is stopping him?

CLOSED CAPTION....you never answered this ↑↑ question. Specifically. Not broad "whites just dont get it" rants.

What specifically stops a black kid from making those simple choices I listed above?

Did you miss the answer covered in the article which I posted on page 2?

whitey did it decades ago, so it's ok for us to do it.

I'd like to see the part that says this. Did you stumble into the wrong place?

So....lets stop speaking in broad generalities.

Specifically. ..what exactly is stopping a 12 year old black kid in a poor neighborhood who is on the eve of becoming a teenager and high school student from:

- Staying in school
- Not committing crimes
- Not creating children out of wedlock
- Taking advantage of the vast number of programs available to poor minorities for post high school education
- Getting an entry level job
- Doing what his supervisor says...and moving up in that job

What...SPECIFICALLY. ..is stopping him?

Great questions and one answered in the article:

White America, as it turns out, has a long and storied tradition of not knowing, and I don't mean this in the sense of truly blameless ignorance, for this ignorance is nothing if not cultivated by the larger workings of the culture. We have come by this obliviousness honestly, but yet in a way for which we cannot escape culpability. It's not as if the truth hasn't been out there all along. It was there in 1965, for instance, when the majority of white Californians responded to the rebellion in the Watts section of Los Angeles by insisting that it was the fault of a "lack of respect for law and order" or the work of "outside agitators," while only one in five believed it was due to persistent unemployment and the economic conditions of the community. The truth was there, but apparently imperceptible to most whites when we said in the mid-1960s---within mere months of the time that formal apartheid had been lifted with the Civil Rights Act of 1964---that the present situation of black Americans was mostly their own fault, while only one in four thought white racism, past or present or some combination of the two, might be the culprit (1).

Even before the passage of national civil rights laws in the 1960s, whites were convinced there was nothing wrong. In 1962, eighty-five percent of whites said black children had just as good a chance as white children to get a good education in their communities---a claim so self-evidently absurd in retrospect that it calls into question the ability of whites to perceive even the most elemental realities of the country in which they lived. And by 1969, a mere year after the death of Martin Luther King Jr., forty-four percent of whites told a Newsweek/Gallup National Opinion Survey that blacks had a better chance than they did to get a good paying job---two times as many as said they would have a worse chance. In the same poll, eighty percent of whites said blacks had an equal or better chance for a good education than whites did, while only seventeen percent said they would have a worse opportunity (2).
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You're right. We dont. Neither do Asians. Or Hispanic immigrants. Heck...most blacks living in suburbs dont care either.

Nothing is stopping black kids from making decisions that will lead to a better life.

Those who choose not to? We dont care. You're right. And nothing will make us care.

I agree nothing is stopping black kids from making decision that will lead to a better life. And if you thought thats what this is about you should read past the 1st paragraph
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You're right. We dont. Neither do Asians. Or Hispanic immigrants. Heck...most blacks living in suburbs dont care either.

Nothing is stopping black kids from making decisions that will lead to a better life.

Those who choose not to? We dont care. You're right. And nothing will make us care.

I agree nothing is stopping black kids from making decision that will lead to a better life. And if you thought thats what this is about you should read past the 1st paragraph

I read it. To summarise: "Whites dont care blah blah blah..unfair to blacks..blah blah..race race race..whah whah wha..."

So...glad you finally acknowledged that NOTHING is stopping blacks from making better life choices. The "problem" becomes so much easier to understand with that acknowledgment.
So...glad you finally acknowledged that NOTHING is stopping blacks from making better life choices. The "problem" becomes so much easier to understand with that acknowledgment.

Were you mistakenly addressing someone that said the opposite and thought it was me?
This thread truly hits a nerve.

It does.

Anytime someone says "Its your fault I made all these terrible choices in my life"....it hits a nerve.

Thats basically his links argument. They made shitty decisions. Blamed white people. And now are mad that whites dont give a damn.

Thats the Cliff Notes version.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You missed the point.

We are tired of being lectured TO.

You want to discuss issues, we are there.

If you open the discussion with the premise that whites are so ignorant that they don't even know they are ignorant, and that they want to remain ignorant?

Piss off.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You missed the point.

We are tired of being lectured TO.

You want to discuss issues, we are there.

If you open the discussion with the premise that whites are so ignorant that they don't even know they are ignorant, and that they want to remain ignorant?

Piss off.

Agree. They want to have the race talk....but only in a way that they are the professor and we are the class.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You missed the point.

We are tired of being lectured TO.

And like I said you were "tired" of it before blacks could or were allowed to lecture.

You want to discuss issues, we are there.

If you open the discussion with the premise that whites are so ignorant that they don't even know they are ignorant, and that they want to remain ignorant?

Piss off.

Well, I've opened before by saying ask me a question and I can tell you from a black point of view but it always ends up quickly going into a "I dont understand why cant blacks..." discussion.

Of course you dont understand because even when I try to explain it you get mad and defensive.

Then end it with "I'm tired of it"

YOU'RE tired of it? Words? Sheesh, imagine how tired you'd be if it resulted in actual actions.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You missed the point.

We are tired of being lectured TO.

And like I said you were "tired" of it before blacks could or were allowed to lecture.

You want to discuss issues, we are there.

If you open the discussion with the premise that whites are so ignorant that they don't even know they are ignorant, and that they want to remain ignorant?

Piss off.

Well, I've opened before by saying ask me a question and I can tell you from a black point of view but it always ends up quickly going into a "I dont understand why cant blacks..." discussion.

Of course you dont understand because even when I try to explain it you get mad and defensive.

Then end it with "I'm tired of it"

YOU'RE tired of it? Words? Sheesh, imagine how tired you'd be if it resulted in actual actions.

You open your thread with an attack on Whites and then complain that we are defensive?

Imagine that.
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You missed the point.

We are tired of being lectured TO.

You want to discuss issues, we are there.

If you open the discussion with the premise that whites are so ignorant that they don't even know they are ignorant, and that they want to remain ignorant?

Piss off.

Agree. They want to have the race talk....but only in a way that they are the professor and we are the class.

Much like the way if someone has a police discussion you are the professor and we are the class?

Or maybe just that you have experience and I want to say it in a snarky defensive way
"It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality,"

This is where I stopped reading.

The problem is not that White America is lecturing. THe problem is that White America is tired of being lectured TO.
About what? Civil rights? MLK? Police brutality?

If you continued reading (which you didn't and the entire point that whites arent interested in knowing about) you would see that no matter the time or circumstances whites have always not cared since before blacks were even allowed to lecture anyone on anything

You missed the point.

We are tired of being lectured TO.

And like I said you were "tired" of it before blacks could or were allowed to lecture.

You want to discuss issues, we are there.

If you open the discussion with the premise that whites are so ignorant that they don't even know they are ignorant, and that they want to remain ignorant?

Piss off.

Well, I've opened before by saying ask me a question and I can tell you from a black point of view but it always ends up quickly going into a "I dont understand why cant blacks..." discussion.

Of course you dont understand because even when I try to explain it you get mad and defensive.

Then end it with "I'm tired of it"

YOU'RE tired of it? Words? Sheesh, imagine how tired you'd be if it resulted in actual actions.

You open your thread with an attack on Whites and then complain that we are defensive?

Imagine that.

An "attack"? See? Super defensive when nothing in it was an "attack"
Not sure whose grave I would rather take a shit on, Tim Wise or Michael Moore.
If I only had enough money to buy airfare to travel to one of the cemeteries, I guess I would have to flip a coin.
My advice though to both of these pricks, make sure you're going to be cremated, if you don't guarantee you your grave will forever be fouled over and over.
Some folks are going to be consumed by their white guilt no matter what, and they're going to overcompensate by lowering standards for blacks to assuage their guilt. It's not exactly a secret that isolating people by lowering standards for people ultimately hurts them; it's not about helping them, it's about assuaging the guilt.

Great, knock yerself out.

Others of us have all the white guilt sucked out of us and really don't give a shit any more. We'll continue to judge people based on the content of their character.

We are here because of blood, and mostly that of others; here because of our insatiable and rapacious desire to take by force the land and labor of those others. We are the last people on Earth with a right to ruminate upon the superior morality of peaceful protest. We have never believed in it and rarely practiced it. Rather, we have always taken what we desire, and when denied it we have turned to means utterly genocidal to make it so.
This sounds like a challenge.

I suppose it's time to forsake the pretenses and return to more overt means of subjugating non-whites. :p

Seriously, ClosedCaption: What do you want conservatives to do? Forsake the rule of law? Double down on "racism of low expectations" policies such as Affirmative Action that are instrumental in perpetuating racist attitudes? Give black strangers a hug?

Give us something actionable. Tell me, in plain language: what can I, Virgil the white guy, do to help rectify the situation? Obviously my policy of showing no preference to either blacks or whites--holding all men to a common standard--isn't good enough for you, so give me a concise, tangible description of what is.
We are here because of blood, and mostly that of others; here because of our insatiable and rapacious desire to take by force the land and labor of those others. We are the last people on Earth with a right to ruminate upon the superior morality of peaceful protest. We have never believed in it and rarely practiced it. Rather, we have always taken what we desire, and when denied it we have turned to means utterly genocidal to make it so.
This sounds like a challenge.

I suppose it's time to forsake the pretenses and return to more overt means of subjugating non-whites. :p

Seriously, ClosedCaption: What do you want conservatives to do? Forsake the rule of law? Double down on "racism of low expectations" policies such as Affirmative Action that are instrumental in perpetuating racist attitudes? Give black strangers a hug?

Give us something actionable. Tell me, in plain language: what can I, Virgil the white guy, do to help rectify the situation? Obviously my policy of showing no preference to either blacks or whites--holding all men to a common standard--isn't good enough for you, so give me a concise, tangible description of what is.

And by the way, whatever the hell it is that you're supposed to be will in addition to living your own life, meeting challenges, working hard, providing for your family.

Get ready to take notes and roll up your sleeves.


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