White Deputy Shot Dead by Black Man

77 year old Sheriff's Deputy from Simpson Country Mississippi shot dead today by a black escaped inmate. His name was James Blair. Another white victim of black on white violence. Blacks are 10x more likely to kill a white person as vice versa.

Let's see how long sexual assaulter Don Lemon spends on this story. Let's see if Colin Kaepernick or the disgraceful US Women's Soccer team takes a knee for Deputy Blair. Let's see if anyone cares about James Blair. But I know I am wasting my breath...white lives don't matter in today's society.

Authorities searching for escaped Mississippi inmate after deputy is killed
Actually blacks aren't 10x more likely to do that.

Racist whites want to run their mouths about blacks killing twice as many whites as whites do blacks. That's a disingenuous claim made to race bait. In 2018 according to the Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,677 were killed by another white, 514 were killed by a black person. 234 blacks were killed by a black person. While the number of whites killed by blacks is more than double that of whites killing blacks the reality here is that in 2018 whites were 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than anybody else. No matter how the Jared Taylor types want to argue their position, these numbers do not indicate a major epidemic of blacks killing whites. What it shows is that the media ignores a very large problem in the white community where 81 percent of all whites who are killed are killed by another white person. I don't know about you, but 81 percent is a pretty high number. Higher percentages of white on white murder have been completely ignored by the media for decades.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, but it has ignored white on white crime by description.

White lives have always mattered more than anyone elses. Stop crying because white lives now matter the same as everyone else.

I do not know why you are giving stats on white on white violence when the stats I give are black on white violence and vice versa. Meaning blacks are 10x more likely to kill a white person as a white person is to kill a black person. My particular stat has nothing to do with white on white or black on black violence.

Perhaps you lack reading comprehension or do not know what vice versa means.

Also, you posting TOTAL number of murders shows an incredible lack of common sense and intelligence. Blacks make up 13% of the population. Whites make up nearly 70. By posting those stats of total murders you are actually SUPPORTING the claim of black on black violence being a major problem. Think about it. (I know, tough for you). There are about 5X the number of whites than blacks in this country...and yet look at how close the total numbers are.
Well this is obviously a white boy farce as it is well documented in Feelings Land of America that black criminals Never kill white police. The lethality is solely limited to racist white cops murdering innocent black men.
When you complete this Lib 201 course you will then be Woke instead of the sleepy ass white racists that you are.
Dept of New (screw you) World Disorder
77 year old Sheriff's Deputy from Simpson Country Mississippi shot dead today by a black escaped inmate. His name was James Blair. Another white victim of black on white violence. Blacks are 10x more likely to kill a white person as vice versa.

Let's see how long sexual assaulter Don Lemon spends on this story. Let's see if Colin Kaepernick or the disgraceful US Women's Soccer team takes a knee for Deputy Blair. Let's see if anyone cares about James Blair. But I know I am wasting my breath...white lives don't matter in today's society.

Authorities searching for escaped Mississippi inmate after deputy is killed
Oh that's bad.
God speed deputy. But it must be said; this man had no business being in direct contact with prisoners. At his age he should have been performing administrative, or support duties.
77 year old Sheriff's Deputy from Simpson Country Mississippi shot dead today by a black escaped inmate. His name was James Blair. Another white victim of black on white violence. Blacks are 10x more likely to kill a white person as vice versa.

Let's see how long sexual assaulter Don Lemon spends on this story. Let's see if Colin Kaepernick or the disgraceful US Women's Soccer team takes a knee for Deputy Blair. Let's see if anyone cares about James Blair. But I know I am wasting my breath...white lives don't matter in today's society.

Authorities searching for escaped Mississippi inmate after deputy is killed
This will never see MSM airtime
Why would anyone care about some inbred from Mississippi dying?
That was an asshole thing to say you P.O.S.

He's just a pissed off negro that is upset that some white people think Georgy was nothing more than a worthless drug addicted violent felon who died doing what he loves to do, breaking the law.
I understand him, but disapprove of his statements and method of thinking or not thinking. On the other hand your own statement equally depraved. Floyd was no angel, to be sure, but he didn't deserve to die like that at the hands of out of control law enforcement. It is wrong to disparage the dead as if it is a justification for the living to continue the hate. Would the country be better off or worse off if the officers in Minneapolis had simply done their job or were you happier with the riots that spread across the country at the injustice and wrongful death wrought at the hands of lawless law enforcement?
STFU you leftist POS, go fuck yourself with a sagauro, k?
Fuck You! You worthless turd. What do you bring to the table?
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What's the point of this one OP?
my point would be......why the hell is a 77 year old guy still on the active duty roster...
For his part, he was working because he was raising his grandson and probably needed the money and maybe insurance. Hard to say why the county had him in the position. Best intentions can lead to tragic events.
Why would anyone care about some inbred from Mississippi dying?

Why would anyone care about some black criminal from Oklahoma dying? Truth is, black lives only matter when they can be used to push an agenda....
"Why would anyone care about some black criminal from Oklahoma dying?"

Tell me what Black criminal from Oklahoma died and what were the specifics of his death? Then I could tell you why someone would care.

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