White Evangelicals and their kind and forgiving hearts ....

For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? - Jesus Christ

Trump never had a soul to lose in the first place.

I have nothing but low expectations of Trump.

I literally pray to God our country doesn't face a serious crisis while he occupies the White House.
Take a breathe or two and consider that this is not the worst of times. If you knew history, you would know we as a nation have faced much worse. Stop watching DNCTV and take a walk.
I have nothing but low expectations of Trump.

I literally pray to God our country doesn't face a serious crisis while he occupies the White House.
Take a breathe or two and consider that this is not the worst of times. If you knew history, you would know we as a nation have faced much worse. Stop watching DNCTV and take a walk.
I know history very well. Deeply.

I have pointed out the historical relativity to current events many, many times on this forum.
The worship of Trump by certain idiot evangelicals is the inevitable result of the sick and twisted prosperity gospel bullshit which has driven so many misled fools right into the arms of the devil himself.
When Obama was in Office in 2011, only 30% of white evangelicals told pollsters they would forgive a President's immoral behavior.

Now, under 45, it's 72%.
Source: Clinton maintains double-digit (51% vs. 36%) lead over Trump | PRRI/Brookings Survey | PRRI


What do USMBers think changed?
Sexual sins as a rule are forgivable
In my church murder as a general rule is not
Here’s some food for thought Mac.
Have ya ever thought that us righties say stuff just to rattle your cage?
It is the same for me as in the days of Kennedy until the days of Trump.

Not seeing any of this as a real issue, just more of a distraction and if the poll is true, which I have trouble believing most of them, then shame on the evangelicals, sin is sin.
Why do you have trouble believing this Papageorgio ?

I am skeptical of many polls, first off they are a snapshot of a small segment. The way a question is asked will also get a different response than if asked another way. Also the person taking the poll can interpret the answers the way they wish. I started to doubt polls many years ago.

Racist isn't the word I would use, I would say prejudice or bigoted is more accurate. A racist believes that your race is superior, the question nor the answers infer racial superiority, it infers a double standard which is bigotry.

The hypocrisy as far as religious people in general is common to me. I believe in God, I have issues with those that claim to be men of God. Actions speak louder than words and those that have a double standard depending on who is President are hypocrites.
Hey MarcATL What if you heard some crackers were coming to town tomorrow? I'm assuming that town is Atlanta.

What if they were all horse-riding black crackers? :eek:

Srs Bdnss
What the WHAT!?!?!?


Blows your mind, aye?!
A lot of "Crackers" (Wild Cow Herders) down South were runaway slaves and they got the job done, and nobody messed with them. True story, really only applies to southern GA and FL. Nonetheless, it is how it was. I know an old man nigga right now that owns 160 acres adjacent to what used to be my family's property. He got it from his grandpappy. True story. They used to have a bit more. All earned by old boy's grandpa crackin' dat whip and riding. Whatchu really know, Georgia boy? I've noticed your town is slap full of racists. Well, it's not like that here. We know how it really is here. Kinda sad to see the way it is where you are.

Really all of us down south feel sorry for ignorant GA racists. That's black and white, true story.
Last edited:
I have nothing but low expectations of Trump.

I literally pray to God our country doesn't face a serious crisis while he occupies the White House.
Take a breathe or two and consider that this is not the worst of times. If you knew history, you would know we as a nation have faced much worse. Stop watching DNCTV and take a walk.
I know history very well. Deeply.

I have pointed out the historical relativity to current events many, many times on this forum.
Then you need to calm yourself. Maybe try yoga.
I have nothing but low expectations of Trump.

I literally pray to God our country doesn't face a serious crisis while he occupies the White House.
Take a breathe or two and consider that this is not the worst of times. If you knew history, you would know we as a nation have faced much worse. Stop watching DNCTV and take a walk.
I know history very well. Deeply.

I have pointed out the historical relativity to current events many, many times on this forum.
Then you need to calm yourself. Maybe try yoga.

When Obama was in Office in 2011, only 30% of white evangelicals told pollsters they would forgive a President's immoral behavior.

Now, under 45, it's 72%.
Source: Clinton maintains double-digit (51% vs. 36%) lead over Trump | PRRI/Brookings Survey | PRRI


What do USMBers think changed?
Sexual sins as a rule are forgivable
In my church murder as a general rule is not
Here’s some food for thought Mac.
Have ya ever thought that us righties say stuff just to rattle your cage?
Please show me any parable quoting sexual sin is less a sin than murder..

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Ummm, instead of using Obama as your example against Trump why not use Bill Clinton, the guy snowflakes argued in defense of his WH BJ and sexual promiscuity outside of the WH by declaring 'what a President does in his personal life is no one's business'?!

BTW, some of the same Democrats who were using tax dollars to pay off their victims of criminal sexual misconduct voted against Impeachment, Go figure.
The dems never promoted themselves as "the moral majority", or "the party of God"...
I have nothing but low expectations of Trump.

I literally pray to God our country doesn't face a serious crisis while he occupies the White House.

More drama, it isn’t as bad as you claim however partisans are usually delusional.

I know those that thought the end was at hand with Bush, Clinton and Reagan, it is all drama. We will survive like we, do after every President. Nothing new under the sun.
Sexual sins as a rule are forgivable
In my church murder as a general rule is not
You must not read the bible in your church.

Adultery is in the Top Ten, right up there with murder.

Pick up the bible some time and see for yourself. Let me know if you need any help.
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

Matthew 19:9. Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. He said the 80s were his "personal Vietnam", sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this woman young enough to be his daughter:

"Hey, so wait a second, get back to my question," Stern said. "Let's say you're with a hot chick, right? But you're so germ paranoid, and I'm germ paranoid, do you say to them, 'look you've got to go take a medical test before I do you.'"

"Well, you'd like to say that, and sometimes you do," added Trump. "The problem is that sometimes your own chemicals take over and you can't wait."

"So you'll just have straight intercourse with a rubber with them right?" Stern asked.

"Well, I don't know, you know there's lots of different ways of doing it. It's a very complicated subject. They say that more people were killed by women in this act than killed in Vietnam, OK," Trump said.

"Yes, that is true," replied Stern.

"You know, you get criticized for that statement, but that statement is very easily true," added Trump.

Stern responded, "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.
Sexual sins as a rule are forgivable
In my church murder as a general rule is not
You must not read the bible in your church.

Adultery is in the Top Ten, right up there with murder.

Pick up the bible some time and see for yourself. Let me know if you need any help.
Ive read the bible 5 straight years cover to cover.
Just cuz I've derived some opinions of the seriousness of some sins over others probably means I've not only read but ponder what I read.
Remember Paul said all truth is not of equal value when he made the statement "rightly dividing the word of truth."
When Obama was in Office in 2011, only 30% of white evangelicals told pollsters they would forgive a President's immoral behavior.

Now, under 45, it's 72%.
Source: Clinton maintains double-digit (51% vs. 36%) lead over Trump | PRRI/Brookings Survey | PRRI


What do USMBers think changed?
In many cases, there is some racism behind the attitude toward Obama. And I have to admit after observing the naked bigotry on this forum, there is a lot more of it than I realized. A lot more.

However, I think most of it is just partisan hackery.

After all, the Tard Herd froths at the mouth over ANY Democrat caught behaving badly. Al Franken, for example.

But they completely overlook the beam in their own eye. They elected a pussy grabber, after all.

It's not all racism, Marc. Mostly what changed was the party designation after the name.

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