White Football coach fired for "racism" for letting players celebrate win with a watermelon!!

His job should never have been taken away. Didn't anyone at that school have enough common sense to explain to the woman that watermelon crosses racial boundaries? As do figs, and salsa and pizza and other stuff.......
No..Eating pizza is racist against Italians. Eating Lo Mein is racist against the Chinese. In fact is one says Chinese people eat Chinese food are labeled as racist.....
In all three examples it is liberal politically correct self hating Caucasians that are at the heart of the labeling of people as racist.
This fucking PC bullshit has gotten WAY out of control.
A winning high-school football coach was fired after the team’s tradition of eating watermelon after games was deemed “inappropriate” and “racist.”

Bud Walpole had been coaching Academic Magnet Raptors football team, and was in the middle of a very successful season, according to CBS Charlotte.

A current Raptors player said the tradition began when players bought watermelons from a man who had been selling them on their route to the game. If they won the game, the team decided, they would eat the watermelon. After they did win, they smashed the watermelon on the ground and then ate it. (The team had to smash their victory fruit because they, understandably, did not have a knife on the sidelines.)"

"The ritual continued at subsequent victories — until one parent from an opposing school allegedly complained."

Football Coach Fired Because Eating Watermelon Is Racist National Review Online

Now eating a watermelon is racist.

Gee, last time I looked, who you fire and hire is your own business, according to conservatives like you.

Sure thing kid.

So now you agree that the government should be able to intervene on behalf of employees unjustly fired?

Good. You're slowly advancing toward liberalism.
Oh please. One of least important issues for liberals is justice.
Better yet, as I was watching the news here, they reported that several parents have hired a lawyer because of the way the whole situation was handled. It seems that every member of the football team was pulled from class, detained in the auditorium for several hours, and each one "interviewed" in a closed room by two school board representatives. No notice was given to the parents, no student was allowed any sort of representation. It will most likely get ugly, soon...

The team members were probably going to be 're-educated' for the horrible crime of eating watermelon, as if doing so proves one is racist.

I hope the parents stick to this and take the school officials to court for the liberal way that they handled this.

It's not loving big government when you expect an employer to live up to their end of the bargain. The guy should not have been fired simply because the team chose to celebrate a win with a healthy snack. My boys both had watermelon after practice because the coaches would buy it. It's refreshing on a hot day.
A winning high-school football coach was fired after the team’s tradition of eating watermelon after games was deemed “inappropriate” and “racist.”

Bud Walpole had been coaching Academic Magnet Raptors football team, and was in the middle of a very successful season, according to CBS Charlotte.

A current Raptors player said the tradition began when players bought watermelons from a man who had been selling them on their route to the game. If they won the game, the team decided, they would eat the watermelon. After they did win, they smashed the watermelon on the ground and then ate it. (The team had to smash their victory fruit because they, understandably, did not have a knife on the sidelines.)"

"The ritual continued at subsequent victories — until one parent from an opposing school allegedly complained."

Football Coach Fired Because Eating Watermelon Is Racist National Review Online

Now eating a watermelon is racist.

So they gave in to the racists who claim racism. Shame. Feel sorry for the kids, but maybe this will be a good lesson for the kids on the team. They will
learn what assholes these adults can be with their small minds. Maybe they will take this lesson with them and recognize this later in life. I'm sure they probably loved their coach
everything is "racist" to negroes and their anti white enablers

Charleston County schools Superintendent Nancy McGinley said:

"He agreed that we will work together on increasing diversity awareness for students and the community," McGinley said.

As part of the district's job offer, the statement said that Walpole was required to provide a "written statement of commitment" to teach students to better respect the differences of others; attend any sensitivity training sessions offered by the school district; and to counsel his players before games to be "extra vigilant in their actions when dealing with others of different racial or ethnic backgrounds."

"I would like to invite our community to join together with me and Coach Walpole to use this as a teachable moment for the benefit of our children," McGinley said in the statement.

The anti white indoctrination is strong in that woman. She's trying to coerce the coach into writing some BS "statement" and make him attend re education classes...

The coach is probably a teachers union member anyway and will probably tell her to take a flying leap.

That's also why they had to figure out a way to "offer" him his job back so quickly....The union.
There are days when I read about situations like this where I get a giant brain cramp like when you drink a slurpee too fast.

Holy toledo. It's bad enough that some one thought eating a watermelon was racist, but that some one actually fired the coach over the complaint is sheer insanity.

What next? I made lasagna tonight. Do I hate Italians? This is nuts.
How about fried chicken, or ribs? Beans, cornbread, pigs feet? At what point will this ridiculous shit stop?
How about fried chicken, or ribs? Beans, cornbread, pigs feet? At what point will this ridiculous shit stop?


If this nation lasted another thousand years, negroes would still blame all dysfunction on white "racism".

The word was weaponized a generation or so back...
White people are slowly beginning to wake up to the scam, though, and the word is losing effect..and the anti whites hate that...
Are grocery stores racist because they sell watermelons? Is KFC racist? Popeys?
A winning high-school football coach was fired after the team’s tradition of eating watermelon after games was deemed “inappropriate” and “racist.”

Bud Walpole had been coaching Academic Magnet Raptors football team, and was in the middle of a very successful season, according to CBS Charlotte.

A current Raptors player said the tradition began when players bought watermelons from a man who had been selling them on their route to the game. If they won the game, the team decided, they would eat the watermelon. After they did win, they smashed the watermelon on the ground and then ate it. (The team had to smash their victory fruit because they, understandably, did not have a knife on the sidelines.)"

"The ritual continued at subsequent victories — until one parent from an opposing school allegedly complained."

Football Coach Fired Because Eating Watermelon Is Racist National Review Online

Now eating a watermelon is racist.

I guess you had to be there to determine if this was racist or not. On the surface it seems harmless. My question would be are there any Black players on his teams and are the opponents he is playing against Black? From this description I can see how this would have been deemed racist.

Football coach reinstated after watermelon ritual - CNN.com

"Players would gather in a circle and smash the watermelon while others were either standing in a group or locking arms and making chanting sounds described as, 'Ooh, ooh, ooh,'" school district Superintendent Nancy McGinley said, describing the noises as "monkey sounds." The watermelon was decorated with caricatures drawn with Sharpie markers, she added.
Does it matter that he was "offered" his job back? It was a stupid reason to fire him in the first place.

Better yet, as I was watching the news here, they reported that several parents have hired a lawyer because of the way the whole situation was handled. It seems that every member of the football team was pulled from class, detained in the auditorium for several hours, and each one "interviewed" in a closed room by two school board representatives. No notice was given to the parents, no student was allowed any sort of representation. It will most likely get ugly, soon...
They dont have to unless the student asks for representation.
So this apparently was retaliation for a black coach who was fired for the tradition of urinating on a Confederate flag after a win against a white school.
That coach was fired, so apparently the NAACP was after a sort of tit for tat result.
I think I am going to have to err on the side of the football team and it's coach. It seems like some people are being very overly sensitive. They have smashed a watermelon and cheered/chanted for the past six games without any reaction or incident. Unless someone can provide evidence that they were in fact doing monkey chants/calls then I may reconsider my position, until then, not so much. It seems like the offended parent is looking to be offended. Football players are a superstitious lot and if they feel like smashing this watermelon after every game was bringing them luck then who cares? This coach so be reinstated and apologized to by school officials for their overreaction.

Do any of you honestly feel that the only black athlete on the team would have been just blithely accepted the actions of his team recent post-game ritual if they were acting in a racist or malicious fashion? I sure as hell don't.

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