White Fragility.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.

There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.
People who degrade Whites should remember who BUILT America. And it was NOT colored barbarians.
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.

She's Jewish. No surprise. I didn't think she was but she is indeed. Nothing new here just more hate whitey racist propaganda. I'll check it out and burn it if my library has it.
This push for white guilt is totally irrational. We're supposed to feel guilty for what our forefathers may have done. It's the same thing as survivor's guilt and there is not a one of the liberals who would ever suggest a survivor should feel any guilt. Imagine telling your child they are guilty for surviving a school shooting or a car crash. Can you reason with these fools who are forcing white guilt on us? No, you can't. They have their talking points and like good little brain-washed zombies they remain stuck on stupid.
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.
People who degrade Whites should remember who BUILT America. And it was NOT colored barbarians.

Even if the blacks were the labor, which they weren’t, they’re not responsible for all the manual labor in the country, that’s ridiculous. Who were the architects and engineers? Blacks? Having said that I’m not responsible for building a goddam Thing, so I take no pride in it. All I want to do is to be left alone and pursue my own happiness
ITS amusing. This basic human sensitivity to ignoring toxic hateful assholes that just happened to have been born with a darker melanin level, it's called Racism? Really? Anybody buy this shit for a minute? OK, I did, then when I confronted by some asshole doing stupid shit calling it "black culture" it lost all credibility. Don't make the same mistake I did.
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.

This post is a prime example of white fragility. White have a 50-60 percent rate of divorce, are arrested more for crimes against family, and drugs/alcohol yet this white idiot is talking about the destruction of the black family. A=Son, don't start thread talking about things you know nothing about.
ITS amusing. This basic human sensitivity to ignoring toxic hateful assholes that just happened to have been born with a darker melanin level, it's called Racism? Really? Anybody buy this shit for a minute? OK, I did, then when I confronted by some asshole doing stupid shit calling it "black culture" it lost all credibility. Don't make the same mistake I did.
True. Rapping ,talkin' is disgusting ,retrograde English ,and burning things down is NOT "Culture".
ITS amusing. This basic human sensitivity to disliking toxic hateful assholes, regardless that just they happened to have been born with a darker melanin level, it's called Racism? Really? Anybody buy this shit for a minute? OK, I did, then when I confronted by some asshole doing stupid shit calling it "black culture" it lost all credibility. Don't make the same mistake I did.
And do you apply the same opinion to white culture?

Here is another example of what DeAngelo describes.
ITS amusing. This basic human sensitivity to ignoring toxic hateful assholes that just happened to have been born with a darker melanin level, it's called Racism? Really? Anybody buy this shit for a minute? OK, I did, then when I confronted by some asshole doing stupid shit calling it "black culture" it lost all credibility. Don't make the same mistake I did.
True. Rapping ,talkin' is disgusting ,retrograde English ,and burning things down is NOT "Culture".
Whites do these things and they do them when they celebrate. Funny how you retards keep talking about blacks burning things up while whites are getting arrested for doing it.
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.

This post is a prime example of white fragility. White have a 50-60 percent rate of divorce, are arrested more for crimes against family, and drugs/alcohol yet this white idiot is talking about the destruction of the black family. A=Son, don't start thread talking about things you know nothing about.
I know this much.100% of the things that make life easier were invented by WHITES. Should I name a few? Cars.TV's. Radio. Steam power. Petroleum power. Mass Production. Micro-Chips. Cures for Polio ,Cholera ,and some forms of Cancer. Airplanes. Without WHITES ,there would be NO civilization. Unless one thinks plowing the ground with sticks and hunting and gathering is civilization.
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.
People who degrade Whites should remember who BUILT America. And it was NOT colored barbarians.
The barbarians were to busy slaughtering native americans. American made it's wealth from our work.
There is nothing new under the Sun. It’s been a little less than a hundred years since Adolph Hitler penned “Mein Kampf”, a handbook blaming a racial component of society, Jews, for the ills of society. Now another equally obnoxious and dangerous racist manual is making the rounds as a bestseller during equally turbulent times. “White Fragility”, a book written by white professor and corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo, smears the entire white race as guilty, unsalvageable tormentors of black America.

The book is the epitome of gaslighting indoctrination aimed directly at white America. People of English, Irish, French, Italian, Polish or Scandinavian descent must now contend with a new wave of groupthink that is essentially a mob that is coming for them. There is no place to run and no place to hide from being white.

The Black Lives Matter movement is erupting into a powerful political party and US corporations are filled with consternation at the mere thought of national boycotts, domestic terror attacks and anything that even looks like bad publicity. So, Diangelo’s book is likely to end up as required reading at company seminars and may even be imposed on students beginning in elementary school.

Unlike the Nazis that took a crude, bludgeoning approach to dealing with the Jews who could not help being Jews, White America too is now presented as unfixable. But Diangelo prefers to destroy the spirit of Caucasian children with the burden of White Guilt and the contrived crime of White Privilege. It does not matter that no white in America ever owned a slave or beat a Negro; the failure of the Great Society bureaucracy has to be explained away by something-“it’s those damned white people, they’re doing it without even realizing it”.

The destruction of the black family structure by academics and politicians is just shunted aside in favor of blaming some irresistible, subconscious flaw in the white race. So now we all get the re-education brainwashing of “White Fragility” that looks more like something from the People’s Temple or the Branch Davidians than any serious forensic examination of Black problems in America.

Anyone in America who is white cannot afford to sit and hope the goodness of the elite hordes will prevail when they come after you and your children. You never said black lives don’t matter; they put those words in your mouth. Fight “White Fragility” with all your might.

This post is a prime example of white fragility. White have a 50-60 percent rate of divorce, are arrested more for crimes against family, and drugs/alcohol yet this white idiot is talking about the destruction of the black family. A=Son, don't start thread talking about things you know nothing about.
I know this much.100% of the things that make life easier were invented by WHITES. Should I name a few? Cars.TV's. Radio. Steam power. Petroleum power. Mass Production. Micro-Chips. Cures for Polio ,Cholera ,and some forms of Cancer. Airplanes. Without WHITES ,there would be NO civilization. Unless one thinks plowing the ground with sticks and hunting and gathering is civilization.
Wrong. You are completely ignorant.
ITS amusing. This basic human sensitivity to disliking toxic hateful assholes, regardless that just they happened to have been born with a darker melanin level, it's called Racism? Really? Anybody buy this shit for a minute? OK, I did, then when I confronted by some asshole doing stupid shit calling it "black culture" it lost all credibility. Don't make the same mistake I did. Its more about fragile black egos, rioting and looting is kinda a example...
ITS amusing. This basic human sensitivity to disliking toxic hateful assholes, regardless that just they happened to have been born with a darker melanin level, it's called Racism? Really? Anybody buy this shit for a minute? OK, I did, then when I confronted by some asshole doing stupid shit calling it "black culture" it lost all credibility. Don't make the same mistake I did.
And do you apply the same opinion to white culture?

Here is another example of what DeAngelo describes.
I've been alternately mugged then assaulted by black male personally and seen blacks commit race based hate crimes. The media never mentions the high black on black murder rate, they focus on a tiny teensy issue of "police brutality" Jessie Smollett's undercurrent of way larger false allegations, that's GINORMUS issue. I personally believe that is the main problem . I believe police brutality is WAY exaggerated. Perhaps we need to put cameras on everyone now, not just the police?
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Blacks are victims but not they are not victimized by white privilege. Beginning in the 1960's they just got too much government love.

We won't be paying attention to bullshit from the daily signal. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Slavery has nothing to do with what whites have done in the 160 years since. And listen white boy, everything you have is due to the government.

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