White House Admits They’re Suing Arizona to Gain Latino Voters…


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010

(WaPo) — President Obama and his political aides privately acknowledge that the government’s decision to sue Arizona over its new immigration law is helping to fuel an anti-immigration fervor that could benefit some Republicans in elections this fall.
But White House officials have concluded that, over the long term, the Republicans’ get-tough message is a major political miscalculation. They predict it will ultimately alienate millions of Latinos, the fastest-growing minority group in the nation.
West Wing strategists argue that the president’s call for legislation that acknowledges the role of immigrants and goes beyond punishing undocumented workers will help cement a permanent political relationship between Democrats and Hispanics — much as civil rights and voting rights legislation did for the party and African Americans in the 1960s.
As a result, although the president is unlikely to press for comprehensive immigration reform this year, he has urged his allies to keep up the pressure on Republican lawmakers.
“Look: The Republicans, if you do the math, cannot be successful as a national party if they continue to alienate Latinos,” said one Democratic strategist familiar with White House thinking on the issue.
The millions of Latinos who spend the time effort and money to get here legally need to be heard. We're not big fans of people making a mockery of the process we held dear.

To bring my mother here from South America, my Dad had to post a bond with the US State Department and sign an affidavit that she would not be a burden on this once great nation.
thanks Capt obvious

next your gonna tell me republicans don't deport them because they like cheap labor.
I have to agree, CF. That's the thing about illegal aliens. They do make a mockery of the people who entered this country legally, through all the proper channels. For whatever reason they left their home country, whether famine, war, religious freedom, vile governmental regimes, they came here with the intention of becoming citizens and helped forge a great country for future generations. They worked hard, they gave of their hearts and minds.

These illegals do far more taking than they do giving. They may work at cheap wages, but they make up for it in the benefits they get from government - a lot of them benefits that US citizens do not get.

This may not be true of ALL illegals, but I've seen the work product of some of them - oh, yes - they can do a particular job ... until they've done it and it's a shit job of which they had no experience, it's a cash transaction, and off they go.

They should not get a free pass into a country for which they have no respect and no loyalty.
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I have to agree, CF. That's the thing about illegal aliens. They do make a mockery of the people who entered this country legally, through all the proper channels. For whatever reason they left their home country, whether famine, war, religious freedom, vile governmental regimes, they came here with the intention of becoming citizens and helped forge a great country for future generations. They worked hard, they gave of their hearts and minds.

These illegals do far more taking than they do giving. They may work at cheap wages, but they make up for it in the benefits they get from government - a lot of them benefits that US citizens do not get.

This may not be true of ALL illegals, but I've seen the work product of some of them - oh, yes - they can do a particular job ... until they've done it and it's a shit job of which they had no experience, it's a cash transaction, and off they go.

They should not get a free pass into a country for which they have no respect and no loyalty.

I wish I could go somewhere else illegally but no other country would take care of me....not like we do here.

Let's face it.....the borders will never be secured as long as Obama is President...because he feels cutting off the borders is like cutting off new Democrat voters. They wear out their welcome with so many here that they need to be replaced somehow.
yeah lets go back to the great days of Bush when only 20 million crossed over. Opps
Opps! Let's blame Bush again!

Newsflash! Bush Isn't The President Anymore! (See 2008 Elections)

If Barry the Communist had any solution he would have implemented it already. But he doesn't so he merely uses the illegal alien issue as a cynical ploy to get the Hispanic vote.

We need a Uniter not a Divider.

(WaPo) — President Obama and his political aides privately acknowledge that the government’s decision to sue Arizona over its new immigration law is helping to fuel an anti-immigration fervor that could benefit some Republicans in elections this fall.
But White House officials have concluded that, over the long term, the Republicans’ get-tough message is a major political miscalculation. They predict it will ultimately alienate millions of Latinos, the fastest-growing minority group in the nation.
West Wing strategists argue that the president’s call for legislation that acknowledges the role of immigrants and goes beyond punishing undocumented workers will help cement a permanent political relationship between Democrats and Hispanics — much as civil rights and voting rights legislation did for the party and African Americans in the 1960s.
As a result, although the president is unlikely to press for comprehensive immigration reform this year, he has urged his allies to keep up the pressure on Republican lawmakers.
“Look: The Republicans, if you do the math, cannot be successful as a national party if they continue to alienate Latinos,” said one Democratic strategist familiar with White House thinking on the issue.

In other words, there is a nice spot on the plantation for Hispanics right next to blacks.

Just wait until daddy government starts really helping them by creating disincentives for forming and keeping together family units and providing subsistence funding to barely keep the resultant broken homes afloat while they disingenuously proclaim a "War on Poverty."

Oh wait, they are already doing it! But now the challenge is to get more people on the plantation. Frightened of losing the little bit of money they get from daddy government, they continue to vote those that enslave them.

A brilliantly nihilistic political policy. Gotta hand it to the Dems, nobody is as sadistic as they are.
I have to agree, CF. That's the thing about illegal aliens. They do make a mockery of the people who entered this country legally, through all the proper channels. For whatever reason they left their home country, whether famine, war, religious freedom, vile governmental regimes, they came here with the intention of becoming citizens and helped forge a great country for future generations. They worked hard, they gave of their hearts and minds.

These illegals do far more taking than they do giving. They may work at cheap wages, but they make up for it in the benefits they get from government - a lot of them benefits that US citizens do not get.

This may not be true of ALL illegals, but I've seen the work product of some of them - oh, yes - they can do a particular job ... until they've done it and it's a shit job of which they had no experience, it's a cash transaction, and off they go.

They should not get a free pass into a country for which they have no respect and no loyalty.

I wish I could go somewhere else illegally but no other country would take care of me....not like we do here.

Let's face it.....the borders will never be secured as long as Obama is President...because he feels cutting off the borders is like cutting off new Democrat voters. They wear out their welcome with so many here that they need to be replaced somehow.

Oh you mean like how they've never been "secured," ever, in our 230 year history? But Obama... O-BAAAAHAHAHAAAAMA!

Maybe it's just a little more complicated than you espouse, eh?
I have to agree, CF. That's the thing about illegal aliens. They do make a mockery of the people who entered this country legally, through all the proper channels. For whatever reason they left their home country, whether famine, war, religious freedom, vile governmental regimes, they came here with the intention of becoming citizens and helped forge a great country for future generations. They worked hard, they gave of their hearts and minds.

These illegals do far more taking than they do giving. They may work at cheap wages, but they make up for it in the benefits they get from government - a lot of them benefits that US citizens do not get.

This may not be true of ALL illegals, but I've seen the work product of some of them - oh, yes - they can do a particular job ... until they've done it and it's a shit job of which they had no experience, it's a cash transaction, and off they go.

They should not get a free pass into a country for which they have no respect and no loyalty.

I wish I could go somewhere else illegally but no other country would take care of me....not like we do here.

Let's face it.....the borders will never be secured as long as Obama is President...because he feels cutting off the borders is like cutting off new Democrat voters. They wear out their welcome with so many here that they need to be replaced somehow.

Oh you mean like how they've never been "secured," ever, in our 230 year history? But Obama... O-BAAAAHAHAHAAAAMA!

Maybe it's just a little more complicated than you espouse, eh?

Funny change in the Obama supporters, have you noticed? In 2008, all we heard was "YES WE CAN!!!"

In 2010, all we hear is, "NO WE CAN'T!!"

Pathetic. Truly pathetic. How about at least trying sometime?
I wish I could go somewhere else illegally but no other country would take care of me....not like we do here.

Let's face it.....the borders will never be secured as long as Obama is President...because he feels cutting off the borders is like cutting off new Democrat voters. They wear out their welcome with so many here that they need to be replaced somehow.

Oh you mean like how they've never been "secured," ever, in our 230 year history? But Obama... O-BAAAAHAHAHAAAAMA!

Maybe it's just a little more complicated than you espouse, eh?

Funny change in the Obama supporters, have you noticed? In 2008, all we heard was "YES WE CAN!!!"

In 2010, all we hear is, "NO WE CAN'T!!"

Pathetic. Truly pathetic. How about at least trying sometime?

Yes, thanks for that. Proof positive that Obama is unilaterally responsible for the immigration issue.:cuckoo:
Oh you mean like how they've never been "secured," ever, in our 230 year history? But Obama... O-BAAAAHAHAHAAAAMA!

Maybe it's just a little more complicated than you espouse, eh?

Funny change in the Obama supporters, have you noticed? In 2008, all we heard was "YES WE CAN!!!"

In 2010, all we hear is, "NO WE CAN'T!!"

Pathetic. Truly pathetic. How about at least trying sometime?

Yes, thanks for that. Proof positive that Obama is unilaterally responsible for the immigration issue.:cuckoo:

If he didn't want to be in charge, he shouldn't have run for president. It's all on him now. He wanted to be in charge, he won, now he has to lead or fail. So far, it's fairly clear the path he's chosen.
Yeap since things are better than what Bush left us I guess its clear what Obama is doing, except of course the cons here who like faked tapes in place of news and cheer cheating in elections.
Funny change in the Obama supporters, have you noticed? In 2008, all we heard was "YES WE CAN!!!"

In 2010, all we hear is, "NO WE CAN'T!!"

Pathetic. Truly pathetic. How about at least trying sometime?

Yes, thanks for that. Proof positive that Obama is unilaterally responsible for the immigration issue.:cuckoo:

If he didn't want to be in charge, he shouldn't have run for president. It's all on him now. He wanted to be in charge, he won, now he has to lead or fail. So far, it's fairly clear the path he's chosen.

And I'll bet you've got a Glen Beck youtube video to support that.

Would that indicate that Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II were all failures as well, since they didn't "Secure the border?"
I would think illegals are the biggest threat to recent legal immigrants that have minimal job skills. I'd be pretty mad, unless I was related.
Yes, thanks for that. Proof positive that Obama is unilaterally responsible for the immigration issue.:cuckoo:

If he didn't want to be in charge, he shouldn't have run for president. It's all on him now. He wanted to be in charge, he won, now he has to lead or fail. So far, it's fairly clear the path he's chosen.

And I'll bet you've got a Glen Beck youtube video to support that.

Would that indicate that Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II were all failures as well, since they didn't "Secure the border?"

None of them are president. Only one person has the power to do anything about this. Obama. Dwelling on how we got here will solve nothing. We find ourselves in precisely this mess at precisely this time. The question is whether we have a leader as president or a failure.

Concerning Glenn Beck. I see him referenced here a lot, but I don't watch him. I don't need either someone to tell me what to think or reaffirm what I already think. I'm more educated on the issues than they are an more educated than them period.
If he didn't want to be in charge, he shouldn't have run for president. It's all on him now. He wanted to be in charge, he won, now he has to lead or fail. So far, it's fairly clear the path he's chosen.

And I'll bet you've got a Glen Beck youtube video to support that.

Would that indicate that Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II were all failures as well, since they didn't "Secure the border?"

None of them are president. Only one person has the power to do anything about this. Obama. Dwelling on how we got here will solve nothing. We find ourselves in precisely this mess at precisely this time. The question is whether we have a leader as president or a failure.

Concerning Glenn Beck. I see him referenced here a lot, but I don't watch him. I don't need either someone to tell me what to think or reaffirm what I already think. I'm more educated on the issues than they are an more educated than them period.

Glenn Beck is just the latest Conservative Boogy-man. When anyone starts getting under their skin and they can't respond with truth they get all pissy and start demonizing them.....he's a drunk....or his chalk-board act is stupid.

Glenn Beck scares the hell out them and what they fear they hate.
If he didn't want to be in charge, he shouldn't have run for president. It's all on him now. He wanted to be in charge, he won, now he has to lead or fail. So far, it's fairly clear the path he's chosen.

And I'll bet you've got a Glen Beck youtube video to support that.

Would that indicate that Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II were all failures as well, since they didn't "Secure the border?"

None of them are president. Only one person has the power to do anything about this. Obama. Dwelling on how we got here will solve nothing. We find ourselves in precisely this mess at precisely this time. The question is whether we have a leader as president or a failure.

Concerning Glenn Beck. I see him referenced here a lot, but I don't watch him. I don't need either someone to tell me what to think or reaffirm what I already think. I'm more educated on the issues than they are an more educated than them period.

Then with all that education, you should realize that it's a complex issue with pros and cons to any approach. Would you agree that history shows us that walls don't work, and that militarizing our border would be unduly burdensome? Would you also agree that our economy has a degree of dependence on illegal immigration?

Here's my theory. It's just a theory, but I'm pretty certain it holds some truth. If we need immigrant workers, why don't we make the visa process easier? Well, I believe it's because when an immigrant is suspected of some sort of riff-raff... Drug/gun running, stealing, harassing women, whatever the case may be... If they're illegal, there is no need to give them process. We can just drag them to the airport by the ear and off they go. Is that a reasonable assertion?
And I'll bet you've got a Glen Beck youtube video to support that.

Would that indicate that Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II were all failures as well, since they didn't "Secure the border?"

None of them are president. Only one person has the power to do anything about this. Obama. Dwelling on how we got here will solve nothing. We find ourselves in precisely this mess at precisely this time. The question is whether we have a leader as president or a failure.

Concerning Glenn Beck. I see him referenced here a lot, but I don't watch him. I don't need either someone to tell me what to think or reaffirm what I already think. I'm more educated on the issues than they are an more educated than them period.

Then with all that education, you should realize that it's a complex issue with pros and cons to any approach. Would you agree that history shows us that walls don't work, and that militarizing our border would be unduly burdensome? Would you also agree that our economy has a degree of dependence on illegal immigration?

Here's my theory. It's just a theory, but I'm pretty certain it holds some truth. If we need immigrant workers, why don't we make the visa process easier? Well, I believe it's because when an immigrant is suspected of some sort of riff-raff... Drug/gun running, stealing, harassing women, whatever the case may be... If they're illegal, there is no need to give them process. We can just drag them to the airport by the ear and off they go. Is that a reasonable assertion?

We have a choice....ether allow them to stay and work...but never vote....or make it extremely difficult for them to find work here and they'll leave.

But this BS about giving them amnesty so you can get their relatives votes or maybe even their votes....that has to end.

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