White House Butler Dead -- CORONAVIRUS!

Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
Trump hasnt sent any Covid+ patients to the nursing homes. Only blue state governors so far.
I thought it was a Cuomo, New York thing. Are you saying other governors made the same stupid order?
Ya DEMOCRAT did it, but you blame Trump, figures dumb ass.
I blame Cuomo for his stupidity, and I have written extensively about it hre on this board. I am no democrat and Cuomo gets no pass from me. I blame trump for his failures, under-reactions, message manipulation, slow reaction, the failure of Federal Government to react in time to get a handle on this thing in time to prevent it becoming the national epidemic it has become. I am no trumper or republican and trump gets no pass from me. Idiots in New York are responsible for putting Cuomo in office. Did You help put trump in office? If so, it ain't impressive.
Im proud of helping to put the greatest president in 200 years in office. I dont expect you'll sway many Trump supporters. Trump and Cuomo dont compare AT ALL
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.

The level of sympathy here is disappointing....

A man died.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
It's the democrats that approve of beating the bedridden old to death.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
Trump hasnt sent any Covid+ patients to the nursing homes. Only blue state governors so far.
I thought it was a Cuomo, New York thing. Are you saying other governors made the same stupid order?
Yep. Michigan, California and a couple others I dont remember. Never leave the government in charge of anything that could personally affect your life

In mid-April Whitmer issued an executive order that ultimately instructed many of the state's nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients. That put other residents in jeopardy, and may well have contributed to the high death rate in Michigan nursing homes.

Wow. I didn't know Whitmer had done an executive order like that also. Thanks for posting it. I am on here quite a bit, but had not seen it here or Drudge or Memeorandom, on FOX or other mainstream media. I thought Cuomo was the only one that stupid while talking like MR. Sensible in his little daily diatribes that every network was giving free coverage for. If you know of any others Democrat or Republicans governors that ordered state nursing homes to accept COVID recovering patients I would like to know it. I may have been a business major, but I never failed a science course in my life badly enough to not know, that is the single most stupid move that could have been made and world health experts had identified seniors as most at risk for negative outcomes early in the pandemic, so those governors knew also.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
You need to sell that bullshit to Cuomo.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

A 91-year old is dead?! Who could of predicted that?!
Annie Glenn died yesterday killed by the Chinese virus. If not for that she would have lived another 20 years. Gone before her time. She was 100.

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine, on counting the death anyone that old as a #CoronaHoax2020 death. Someone that old was surely close to dying anyway, with or without any such disease to help them along.

The only rational reason for attributing such deaths to #CoronaHoax2020 is to artificially inflate the death numbers for that virus, as authorities have already been caught red-handed doing.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
Trump hasnt sent any Covid+ patients to the nursing homes. Only blue state governors so far.
I thought it was a Cuomo, New York thing. Are you saying other governors made the same stupid order?
Ya DEMOCRAT did it, but you blame Trump, figures dumb ass.
I blame Cuomo for his stupidity, and I have written extensively about it hre on this board. I am no democrat and Cuomo gets no pass from me. I blame trump for his failures, under-reactions, message manipulation, slow reaction, the failure of Federal Government to react in time to get a handle on this thing in time to prevent it becoming the national epidemic it has become. I am no trumper or republican and trump gets no pass from me. Idiots in New York are responsible for putting Cuomo in office. Did You help put trump in office? If so, it ain't impressive.
And yet of the two democrat and Republican only Trump was willing to do ANYTHING, all the left derided him for his actions and told people there was no threat. There is a reason New York is the worst and it aint cause of Trump.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
Trump hasnt sent any Covid+ patients to the nursing homes. Only blue state governors so far.
I thought it was a Cuomo, New York thing. Are you saying other governors made the same stupid order?
Ya DEMOCRAT did it, but you blame Trump, figures dumb ass.
I blame Cuomo for his stupidity, and I have written extensively about it hre on this board. I am no democrat and Cuomo gets no pass from me. I blame trump for his failures, under-reactions, message manipulation, slow reaction, the failure of Federal Government to react in time to get a handle on this thing in time to prevent it becoming the national epidemic it has become. I am no trumper or republican and trump gets no pass from me. Idiots in New York are responsible for putting Cuomo in office. Did You help put trump in office? If so, it ain't impressive.
And yet of the two democrat and Republican only Trump was willing to do ANYTHING, all the left derided him for his actions and told people there was no threat. There is a reason New York is the worst and it aint cause of Trump.
You have never heard me standing up for stupidity. Democrat or Republican. Cuoma was and is a fool, but most of the country does not care about him, as he is not important to most people in the country. He is New York's problem. As long as he is there and I am here, I don't mind, cause he don't matter, the classic mind over matter response. I am not at all impressed with donnie and what he has done, said, suggested, prevented, partially caused and I won't be sold a bill of goods on him.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

Up until now, I was so glad Hillary had not won. For the next few hours though, I will wish she had won so we could add him to the kill list.

You have to wonder how many times hillury called this gentleman the N-word..... both to his face and behind his back. She was quite comfortable with the N-word and a shameless closet racist.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

He was on a special I saw about the White House staff. He came to meet President Obama, although he had already retired. Now THAT is a man who could tell some stories, I bet.
So sorry he died in that awful way.
Dying any way is awful.
Last year dying by mass-shootings was awful.
Now dying from the Democrat's Chinese Flu is the only way to die in an awful way.
Were all doomed! Doomed I tell you!

91 is a pretty good run. I wish his family peace. I am just glad trump didn't catch him on 5th Avenue and make an example of him to prove a point. Older American do not count for much in this white house or his followers.
Trump hasnt sent any Covid+ patients to the nursing homes. Only blue state governors so far.
I thought it was a Cuomo, New York thing. Are you saying other governors made the same stupid order?
Yep. Michigan, California and a couple others I dont remember. Never leave the government in charge of anything that could personally affect your life

In mid-April Whitmer issued an executive order that ultimately instructed many of the state's nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients. That put other residents in jeopardy, and may well have contributed to the high death rate in Michigan nursing homes.

Don't forget Pa. where Wolf, the super asshole, and his tranny health minister, who moved her own mother out of the home and into a hotel, had 67& of all deaths occurring at old peoples facilities.

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