White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Thanks for your well sourced reporting.

Some people just post he said/she said garbage, but not you.

With people like you on his side, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on when he complains that people are coming out of the woodwork to falsely accuse him.

Let the karma continue.
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:
Thanks for your well sourced reporting.

Some people just post he said/she said garbage, but not you.

With people like you on his side, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on when he complains that people are coming out of the woodwork to falsely accuse him.

Let the karma continue.
Seriously dude, if this was real, and there was a video, CNN still would never mention it. So yes Alex Jones is getting his information from the sources. Expect more soon kiddie.

PS. Keep watching CNN if you want to stay stupid, not that there is any hope for you
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:

They should have been doing this a long time ago.

The problem is the most of the media will only report on things that could hurt Trump. The water down or flat out ignore anything bad about Hillary.
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:

Learn how to write in English:slap:
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:

They should have been doing this a long time ago.

The problem is the most of the media will only report on things that could hurt Trump. The water down or flat out ignore anything bad about Hillary.
The really sad fact is that the liberal Clinton loving media, now includes FOX News
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:

Learn how to write in English:slap:
How about you shut the fuck up ...mmmmK?
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:

Learn how to write in English:slap:
Perhaps you need to learn how to read English, you muckpuck
White House Chef says that Hillary called African servant the N word

Wow are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win. :thup:

Learn how to write in English:slap:
Perhaps you need to learn how to read English, you muckpuck

How are the cons using libtard tactics against the libtards?
You know make any shit up, hurl it and hope it sticks. Bout time cons learned how to play to win.

Is that English?:slap:
Well what do you expect from a Redneck HillBilly from Arkansas.....................

PS. If the moderators believe that they can censor a story like this, they are wrong.

Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef
Owner of Infowars. Your source.

Alex Jones (radio host) - Wikipedia

The Clintons love Black people "fetching their coffee"

Bill Clinton helped sink his wife's chances for an endorsement from Ted Kennedy by belittling Barack Obama as nothing but a race-based candidate.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

After Kennedy sided with Obama, Clinton reportedly griped, "the only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black. Let's just be clear."

Bill Clinton help sink Hillary's chances of a Kennedy endorsement by belitting Obama

They also love making money off of suffering black people

Clinton's HAITI Cash Machine..How Clinton cronyism took advantage of Suffering Black people
Well what do you expect from a Redneck HillBilly from Arkansas.....................

PS. If the moderators believe that they can censor a story like this, they are wrong.

Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef
Owner of Infowars. Your source.

Alex Jones (radio host) - Wikipedia
Someone drops the N bomb on you and your apologetic. my my.
I never apologize. I mean everything I say.
Well what do you expect from a Redneck HillBilly from Arkansas.....................

PS. If the moderators believe that they can censor a story like this, they are wrong.

Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef
Owner of Infowars. Your source.

Alex Jones (radio host) - Wikipedia
Someone drops the N bomb on you and your apologetic. my my.
I never apologize. I mean everything I say.

Do you care that the Clintons made 100 of millions for themselves an their friends off of suffering Black ? No you don't because you're a fraud..:slap:

Clinton's HAITI Cash Machine..How Clinton cronyism took advantage of Suffering Black people
Well what do you expect from a Redneck HillBilly from Arkansas.....................

PS. If the moderators believe that they can censor a story like this, they are wrong.

Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef
Owner of Infowars. Your source.

Alex Jones (radio host) - Wikipedia
Someone drops the N bomb on you and your apologetic. my my.
I never apologize. I mean everything I say.

Do you care that the Clintons made 100 of millions for themselves an their friends off of suffering Black ? No you don't because you're a fraud..:slap:

Clinton's HAITI Cash Machine..How Clinton cronyism took advantage of Suffering Black people
No I dont care. If its true I already know thats what white people always do.
Well what do you expect from a Redneck HillBilly from Arkansas.....................

PS. If the moderators believe that they can censor a story like this, they are wrong.

Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef
Owner of Infowars. Your source.

Alex Jones (radio host) - Wikipedia
Someone drops the N bomb on you and your apologetic. my my.
I never apologize. I mean everything I say.
An apologetic is a defense of your position.

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