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White House Expects ‘Greater Enforcement’ Against States That Legalized Recreational Marijuana

The DEA could not enforce drug laws against Marijuana with state support. It seems pretty doubtful they would be successful without state support which they certainly aren't going get in states where it is legal. These states are making a ton money off taxes on the sales. This is just more Trump bull shit in his attempt to further divide the nation.
. Divide the nation or bring a nation together ? Do you really think that parents who are looking into their bright young children's faces, are over joyed that they will soon be trying to purchase or use marijuana by age 14 ? We are trying everyway we can to stop drugs coming across that border down south, and you leftist keep on undermining the nations efforts to get clean. Selfishness is what you leftist are all about, just pure selfishness in wanting what you want no matter what the cost to this nations health and well being are.
I have seen no signs that Trump is bringing the nation together or has any intent to do so. His immigration policy is going to tear the country apart and the continual contradictory statements between him and his staff makes our government look weak and divided. Almost every day Trump makes some radical or incorrect statement and then he or Pence or one of his minions is putting the fires out often saying the very opposite.

Trump is making himself look like a complete fool with his attacks on the FBI, the EPA, and the CIA. These people work for him. He is responsible for them and their actions. The buck stops with Trump, not with the agencies.
. He is dealing with the reminance or left overs from the 8 year Obama fundemental transitional period of these United States, and the only ones offended are the Obama minions. It is out right amazing how polarizing Obama was but he gets a pass ? Pathetic. Obama declared war on this country after elected, and this when he said this day we will fundementally transform these United States of America. What is the definition of fundemental/fundementally/fundementalist ??? Obama was a radical fundementalist.
If he is concerned with his security agencies, then fix them but for God sake, stop complaining about the people that work for you. It makes the president and our government look weak and ineffective. Trump is no longer an outsider. He is Mr. Insider. He is responsible for his administration. Harry Truman said the "Buck stops here". Trump seems to be saying the bucks stops wherever I say it does.
. Trump has been placed in warrior mode by those who condemed him before he ever got his administration off of the ground. The ones who have been complaining and making this nation look a fool has been the left. They are actively trying to implement a coup against an American president. They are using the brainwashed who have bitten their apples in which they have delivered them from the poisoned orchard.
dude; why should we take deists seriously, if they cannot even Obey, Ten simple Commandments from a God?
It is truly astounding, the number of people who cannot get through a day without being high. They have to be high to change a baby's diaper. They have to be high to do anything. Can an addict take a shower or wipe their asses without being high?

We are right now easy for any enemy country to walk in and laugh at these addicts.
Do you start drinking just after breakfast, or with lunch?
It's not a Loyal, State or Federal issue...... it's a Moral issue, which means the Divine has the final say. No substance that alters a person's mental state can ever be Moral.
That includes...
Most colas.

For that matter, it also includes...
Fast cars.
Good sex.
Acro planes.
I just think about all the tax dollars that would go to Mexican cartels if, in places where it is de facto legal right now, the federal law is enforced.

The law is the law is the law, but it's up to the AG to prosecute with discretion, and I think this is a case where the better part of discretion would be to focus on hard drugs like painkillers that are destroying lives in this country.
. Problem with doing drugs is that you start with the gateway drug, and once your innocence is shattered, then you become subjected to trying others in which if not a strong willed person could very well lead to a life long addiction, and eventually a short lived life at that. No one wants their youth to have this as part of the norm, and it shouldn't be made the norm. The penalties for finding an individual growing a few plants, and using it personally should be a misdemeanor, but all other laws should remain as a deterrent to an all out epidemic that reaches the masses in great numbers. How much creativity, productivity, and education is lost in these epidemics ? Do our youth mean nothing to us ? Cartels ? Trump is strengthening the border, and that issue will be part of that process to be considered as well.
So, you support a return to alcohol prohibition, then?
It is truly astounding, the number of people who cannot get through a day without being high. They have to be high to change a baby's diaper. They have to be high to do anything. Can an addict take a shower or wipe their asses without being high?

We are right now easy for any enemy country to walk in and laugh at these addicts.
Do you start drinking just after breakfast, or with lunch?
Why don't you prove I drink anything, at all, ever. Or, just admit you made it up because you are a liar who likes the smell of his own farts.
It is truly astounding, the number of people who cannot get through a day without being high. They have to be high to change a baby's diaper. They have to be high to do anything. Can an addict take a shower or wipe their asses without being high?

We are right now easy for any enemy country to walk in and laugh at these addicts.
Do you start drinking just after breakfast, or with lunch?
Why don't you prove I drink anything, at all, ever. Or, just admit you made it up because you are a liar who likes the smell of his own farts.
Sure, just as soon as you prove I use ganja.
It is truly astounding, the number of people who cannot get through a day without being high. They have to be high to change a baby's diaper. They have to be high to do anything. Can an addict take a shower or wipe their asses without being high?

We are right now easy for any enemy country to walk in and laugh at these addicts.
Do you start drinking just after breakfast, or with lunch?
Why don't you prove I drink anything, at all, ever. Or, just admit you made it up because you are a liar who likes the smell of his own farts.
Sure, just as soon as you prove I use ganja.
You support the use of marijuana. There isn't much difference.
It's not a Loyal, State or Federal issue...... it's a Moral issue, which means the Divine has the final say. No substance that alters a person's mental state can ever be Moral.
Only infidels, protestants, and renegades to a Holy Bible, say that.

Genesis 1:29-31

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

dudes, marijuana is not merely Good, but Very Good.
. Yeah and it was probably meant that the animals were the ones to be OK eating it, and he never said anything about smoking a plant. Humans are creative in their thinking that's for sure.
I just think about all the tax dollars that would go to Mexican cartels if, in places where it is de facto legal right now, the federal law is enforced.

The law is the law is the law, but it's up to the AG to prosecute with discretion, and I think this is a case where the better part of discretion would be to focus on hard drugs like painkillers that are destroying lives in this country.
. Problem with doing drugs is that you start with the gateway drug, and once your innocence is shattered, then you become subjected to trying others in which if not a strong willed person could very well lead to a life long addiction, and eventually a short lived life at that. No one wants their youth to have this as part of the norm, and it shouldn't be made the norm. The penalties for finding an individual growing a few plants, and using it personally should be a misdemeanor, but all other laws should remain as a deterrent to an all out epidemic that reaches the masses in great numbers. How much creativity, productivity, and education is lost in these epidemics ? Do our youth mean nothing to us ? Cartels ? Trump is strengthening the border, and that issue will be part of that process to be considered as well.
So, you support a return to alcohol prohibition, then?
. Get real... We are talking about going forward, not the past. The past is done, but we don't have to keep screwing the country over, and just destroying it right on and on until there is nothing left.
It's not a Loyal, State or Federal issue...... it's a Moral issue, which means the Divine has the final say. No substance that alters a person's mental state can ever be Moral.
Only infidels, protestants, and renegades to a Holy Bible, say that.

Genesis 1:29-31

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

dudes, marijuana is not merely Good, but Very Good.
You post this without thinking. Is it because of the marijuana? Or, do you not know that there are many plants that are deadly?
It is truly astounding, the number of people who cannot get through a day without being high. They have to be high to change a baby's diaper. They have to be high to do anything. Can an addict take a shower or wipe their asses without being high?

We are right now easy for any enemy country to walk in and laugh at these addicts.
Do you start drinking just after breakfast, or with lunch?
Why don't you prove I drink anything, at all, ever. Or, just admit you made it up because you are a liar who likes the smell of his own farts.
Sure, just as soon as you prove I use ganja.
You support the use of marijuana. There isn't much difference.
Whatever you use, it is making you hallucinate.
It is truly astounding, the number of people who cannot get through a day without being high. They have to be high to change a baby's diaper. They have to be high to do anything. Can an addict take a shower or wipe their asses without being high?

We are right now easy for any enemy country to walk in and laugh at these addicts.
Do you start drinking just after breakfast, or with lunch?
Why don't you prove I drink anything, at all, ever. Or, just admit you made it up because you are a liar who likes the smell of his own farts.
Sure, just as soon as you prove I use ganja.
You support the use of marijuana. There isn't much difference.
Whatever you use, it is making you hallucinate.
Yet it's the druggies that kill and maim people. Rudy Eugene who ate a man's face off, including eating his eyes out was only high on marijuana. That's all, just harmless marijuana.

Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests (VIDEO, PHOTOS) | The Huffington Post

Oddly, it's the people who DON'T use drugs at all that druggies complain about.
He was batshit nuts to begin with, and probably a schizophrenic. When you finally go postal, what will your tox report show?

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