White House Fears Website Collapse


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
White House Fears Website Collapse

The White House is delaying a planned ObamaCare marketing campaign because it remains fearful that a rush of consumers to the troubled HealthCare.gov website would overwhelm the system.

According to a New York Times report on Wednesday, the Obama administration is trying to strike a balance between the push for a diverse pool of healthcare enrollees, and the reality of what the problem-plagued website can handle.

The Times report is the latest frustrating news for supporters of the Affordable Care Act, who have consistently been assured by the administration that the website would be able to accommodate the vast majority of consumers by Nov. 30.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday the Obama administration would meet its self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline to have HealthCare.gov running better.

“We are definitely on track to have a significantly different user experience by the end of the month,” Sebelius said on a conference call with state and local elected officials about the ObamaCare rollout.

The Times report seems to cast doubt on that assertion. Officials say the website can presently handle about 50,000 simultaneous users, but worry that the looming enrollment deadline, and promises that the site will be working better, could draw five times that number over the weekend.

But those hoping to use coverage they’ve purchased under the healthcare law by Jan. 1 must have purchased a plan by Dec. 23, and the administration desperately needs to release some promising enrollment numbers before the end of the year.

A marketing push could help that push considerably. The insurance industry has also been sitting on a pile of cash it plans to use to get the word out about the federal exchanges but won’t risk spending those dollars until it knows the system can handle the traffic.

White House fears website collapse | TheHill

Why do they keep assuring the public the website will work on a certain date when they have no knowledge that is the truth at all? Just when do they learn?
I am not defending the ACA, but does anybody truly understand what "simultaneous" means?
The majority of time on any web page, including this one, is reading or typing, and these are not actions that invoke work on the part of the server(s).
Almost any site would come to halt if 50K simultaneous requests were received within a sub one second period of time.
Of course, this might demonstrate that non-IT administrators have little technical knowledge of such things.
White House Fears Website Collapse

The White House is delaying a planned ObamaCare marketing campaign because it remains fearful that a rush of consumers to the troubled HealthCare.gov website would overwhelm the system.

According to a New York Times report on Wednesday, the Obama administration is trying to strike a balance between the push for a diverse pool of healthcare enrollees, and the reality of what the problem-plagued website can handle.

The Times report is the latest frustrating news for supporters of the Affordable Care Act, who have consistently been assured by the administration that the website would be able to accommodate the vast majority of consumers by Nov. 30.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday the Obama administration would meet its self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline to have HealthCare.gov running better.

“We are definitely on track to have a significantly different user experience by the end of the month,” Sebelius said on a conference call with state and local elected officials about the ObamaCare rollout.

The Times report seems to cast doubt on that assertion. Officials say the website can presently handle about 50,000 simultaneous users, but worry that the looming enrollment deadline, and promises that the site will be working better, could draw five times that number over the weekend.

But those hoping to use coverage they’ve purchased under the healthcare law by Jan. 1 must have purchased a plan by Dec. 23, and the administration desperately needs to release some promising enrollment numbers before the end of the year.

A marketing push could help that push considerably. The insurance industry has also been sitting on a pile of cash it plans to use to get the word out about the federal exchanges but won’t risk spending those dollars until it knows the system can handle the traffic.

White House fears website collapse | TheHill

Why do they keep assuring the public the website will work on a certain date when they have no knowledge that is the truth at all? Just when do they learn?

Meanwhile back at the ranch: The taxpayers are hoping and praying for a website collapse.
They should definitely sue the crappe out of CGG or whatever the corp that did the website- why Pubs/dupes think private businesses are so great is beyond me...probably the obscene profits screwing the gov't lol...

Go to Healthcaresherpa.com if you're so eager...3 chinese guys in SF did it right....
The majority of time on any web page, including this one, is reading or typing, and these are not actions that invoke work on the part of the server(s).
Almost any site would come to halt if 50K simultaneous requests were received within a sub one second period of time.

Right. Look how often amazon.com crashes. And twitter.

Ohhh.... they don't?

FAIL :eek:
The majority of time on any web page, including this one, is reading or typing, and these are not actions that invoke work on the part of the server(s).
Almost any site would come to halt if 50K simultaneous requests were received within a sub one second period of time.

Right. Look how often amazon.com crashes. And twitter.

Ohhh.... they don't?

FAIL :eek:

Other government sites don't crash either. The government usually has the best technology. I am sure that Amazon, as well as the USPS gets that many requests at the same time. I've never been unable to use either site. Ever.
The majority of time on any web page, including this one, is reading or typing, and these are not actions that invoke work on the part of the server(s).
Almost any site would come to halt if 50K simultaneous requests were received within a sub one second period of time.

Right. Look how often amazon.com crashes. And twitter.

Ohhh.... they don't?

FAIL :eek:

Other government sites don't crash either. The government usually has the best technology. I am sure that Amazon, as well as the USPS gets that many requests at the same time. I've never been unable to use either site. Ever.

I think I know their secret. They didn't use Michelle's former roommate in Canada to build the Website. Think that may have something to do with it?
Right. Look how often amazon.com crashes. And twitter.

Ohhh.... they don't?

FAIL :eek:

Other government sites don't crash either. The government usually has the best technology. I am sure that Amazon, as well as the USPS gets that many requests at the same time. I've never been unable to use either site. Ever.

I think I know their secret. They didn't use Michelle's former roommate in Canada to build the Website. Think that may have something to do with it?

No doubt about it. But where I worked the tech guys worked for the government. This little bit of outsourcing was done to feather the next of her friends. Ironically, it may have destroyed them.
Does anyone notice how dishonest the White House is already on this issue. Here is the report from the WashPost on the 12thNov:
Troubled HealthCare.gov unlikely to work fully by end of November, as White House vowed - The Washington Post
Speaking in Dallas a week ago, President Obama said that the “Web site is already better than it was at the beginning of October, and by the end of this month, we anticipate that it is going to be working the way it is supposed to, all right?”

Here is CNN reporting today.
White House: Enroll in Obamacare, but not too fast - CNN.com
Now look at Sibelius' statement:
In a conference call Tuesday with state and local officials, Sebelius said the website improvements targeted for the end of November aren't "a magic 'turn on the on switch'" to fix HealthCare.gov, but a continual process in which "the experience is vastly improved each and every day."

"We are definitely on track to have a significantly different user experience by the end of this month -- that was our commitment -- than people experienced on October 1," Sebelius said.

They went from "working the way it's supposed to" to "a significantly different user experience" as the benchmark for improvement.
They already know the website will not work come 1 Dec. They are covering their traces to claim their promises are actually being kept.
White House Fears Website Collapse

The White House is delaying a planned ObamaCare marketing campaign because it remains fearful that a rush of consumers to the troubled HealthCare.gov website would overwhelm the system.

According to a New York Times report on Wednesday, the Obama administration is trying to strike a balance between the push for a diverse pool of healthcare enrollees, and the reality of what the problem-plagued website can handle.

The Times report is the latest frustrating news for supporters of the Affordable Care Act, who have consistently been assured by the administration that the website would be able to accommodate the vast majority of consumers by Nov. 30.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday the Obama administration would meet its self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline to have HealthCare.gov running better.

“We are definitely on track to have a significantly different user experience by the end of the month,” Sebelius said on a conference call with state and local elected officials about the ObamaCare rollout.

The Times report seems to cast doubt on that assertion. Officials say the website can presently handle about 50,000 simultaneous users, but worry that the looming enrollment deadline, and promises that the site will be working better, could draw five times that number over the weekend.

But those hoping to use coverage they’ve purchased under the healthcare law by Jan. 1 must have purchased a plan by Dec. 23, and the administration desperately needs to release some promising enrollment numbers before the end of the year.

A marketing push could help that push considerably. The insurance industry has also been sitting on a pile of cash it plans to use to get the word out about the federal exchanges but won’t risk spending those dollars until it knows the system can handle the traffic.

White House fears website collapse | TheHill

Why do they keep assuring the public the website will work on a certain date when they have no knowledge that is the truth at all? Just when do they learn?

Well you have to laugh. Liberals big government isn't really working. Most notable the state Obamacare sites are working just fine. The last report I heard--the Fed Obamacare site will be working up to 80%--:cuckoo: but we all know how well our personal computers work when they're working at 80%--:lol:

They should definitely sue the crappe out of CGG or whatever the corp that did the website- why Pubs/dupes think private businesses are so great is beyond me...probably the obscene profits screwing the gov't lol...

Go to Healthcaresherpa.com if you're so eager...3 chinese guys in SF did it right....


The rest of the post however is pure horse crap as there are probably a thousand or more web developement companies that could have had a fully functioning site up for a fraction of the cost and half the time.

Remember, these Bozo's took more time to develop the Obamacare crap website than it took us to win WWII.

The law is not a gonner no matter how many times you sit and say it's done and over. I agree with Franco and Pop23 that the contractors who built the website royally screwed up. But, the law is here to stay and the Republicans would be better served to helped make it better and come up with some ideas of their own rather than shouting from the rooftops about how it's a failure and done with. That's only gonna get them so far. As far as the website goes, they need to get it fixed ASAP. No more excuses. Get it done. This is getting ridiculous.
The law is not a gonner no matter how many times you sit and say it's done and over. I agree with Franco and Pop23 that the contractors who built the website royally screwed up. But, the law is here to stay and the Republicans would be better served to helped make it better and come up with some ideas of their own rather than shouting from the rooftops about how it's a failure and done with. That's only gonna get them so far. As far as the website goes, they need to get it fixed ASAP. No more excuses. Get it done. This is getting ridiculous.

If they havent gotten it done now, despite 3 years and virtually unlimited funds, what makes you think they will in the future?
Prohibition was here to stay too. They even passed a COnstitutional amendment on it.

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