White House gives up attempt to ban Jim Acosta, fully restores his press pass

Do you have a credible source for that information?

I think this is a bad move by the white house if true.

I guess they can simply not call on him. Which of course, the fake news channel will then sue to be rude.

following the constitution is a bad move huh - it's damn sure a different move by this admin, no doubt.
Trump looks like a little bitch yet again
I think Trump was too busy making an ass of himself in Fl. This one is probably on Sanders and Shine but someone in DOJ told them they were being foolish. Now they have some rules. We'll see if the WH is actually cabable of following its own rules.
Earlier today or was reported that the White House was trying to ban Jim Acosta from the White House.
The White House has now given up:

The White House on Monday backed down from its threats to revoke Jim Acosta's press pass.

"Having received a formal reply from your counsel to our letter of November 16, we have made a final determination in this process: your hard pass is restored," the White House said in a new letter to Acosta. "Should you refuse to follow these rules in the future, we will take action in accordance with the rules set forth above. The President is aware of this decision and concurs."

The letter detailed several new rules for reporter conduct at presidential press conferences, including "a single question" from each journalist. Follow-ups will only be permitted "at the discretion of the President or other White House officials."
White House backs down from legal fight, restores Jim Acosta's press pass - CNN

His pass had already been restored. It was announced earlier that when the temp
order was lifted he would be banned again.

CNN called for an emergency hearing to stop that. The WH backed off
of that while they complete their new "due process" Code of Conduct
for reporters.

The Code of Conduct for the media will be very simple and all those
reporters covering from the WH will be given a copy and will have to
sign a copy and return it to the WH.

It'll be no different than something every employee signs wherever they
work. It'll have the do's and don'ts of what they can and cannot do
and the possible punishment for not following the code.

That will satisfy the court order. Thus if someone breaks that code,
depending on the severity of the rule, their pass will be taken from
them and due process will have been satisfied
His pass had not already been restored until today. Read the news.

I do read the news.

His pass was restored to him hours after the verdict on Friday
Judge hands CNN a victory in its bid to restore Jim Acosta’s White House press pass
That wasnt a permanent pass. It was temporary, and the White House planned to ban him at 3pm today. Then they flip flopped.
Despite a court order that Acosta not be kicked out of the press pool, the White House sent the reporter and CNN a letter on Friday evening, telling the network it still planned to remove him with a formal announcement at 3 p.m. on Monday.

By that deadline, the White House blinked.

"Having received a formal reply from your counsel to our letter of November 16, we have made a final determination in this process: your hard pass is restored," according to the letter co-signed by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and deputy chief of staff Bill Shine.
White House reverses course, permanently restores Jim Acosta’s press pass
They are going to let him display his assholeism for all to see
He will not behave. He does not want to behave
He does not ask questions. He makes editorial statements and demands Trump respond and tantrums if Trump does not answer the way he wants. Keeps talking, poses new editorial statements, won’t give up the mike. He will self destruct.
Nothing about this has
anything to do with news or information as far as amendments go. It’s about Acosta trying to take over the press room and be a provider of his opinion about what Trump should be doing and how Trump should be answering.
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the fake news channel will then sue to be rude.

LOOK AT YOU! :laugh2: a trumpswab pretending to care about RUDE behavior...

ps jim acosta was not rude, he is not a rude person...
I never start the rude behavior, but I'll be sure to put it in its place. If the so-called journalists in the white house corps cannot be professional, then they need to be gone.
Do you have a credible source for that information?

I think this is a bad move by the white house if true.

I guess they can simply not call on him. Which of course, the fake news channel will then sue to be rude.

following the constitution is a bad move huh - it's damn sure a different move by this admin, no doubt.
The Constitution was not violated. Maybe you could learn what that First Amendment stands for? Here is a hint, access is not part of it.
There is a court order restoring the pass. The judge remarking that Trump never has to call on Acosta.
So, if Acosta continues to attempt to interrupt and butt in when others are talking, will that be sufficient to remove him?

Where is the line? Is there a line?

I don't care either way, I just want to know how much of a jackass the rest of the press can be when they so choose.

Free and open press.


Preface for Wingers: Orange. Man. Stupid.

When a reporter is truly tired of the obtuse, random shit being spewed from the maw of The Orange Virus at a (PDC) propaganda dissemination clinic held in a White House, he/she could lose their patience with said constant deflection in answering their questions. Said reporter will try and press the issue even after The Virus dodges, weaves and calls for silence then becomes enraged. The Orange Man in the White House bans said reporter from playing in their raindeer games.

White House drops bid to revoke Acosta's press pass

Did The Orange Virus and Cult45 really believe that adolescent nonsense would stand? 1ST AMENDMENT, bitches. Fuck wit it at your own peril. :auiqs.jpg: Wingers never learn.
Preface for Wingers: Orange. Man. Stupid.

When a reporter is truly tired of the obtuse, random shit being spewed from the maw of The Orange Virus at a (PDC) propaganda dissemination clinic held in a White House, he/she could lose their patience with said constant deflection in answering their questions. Said reporter will try and press the issue even after The Virus dodges, weaves and calls for silence then becomes enraged. The Orange Man in the White House bans said reporter from playing in their raindeer games.

White House drops bid to revoke Acosta's press pass

Did The Orange Virus and Cult45 really believe that adolescent nonsense would stand? 1ST AMENDMENT, bitches. Fuck wit it at your own peril. :auiqs.jpg: Wingers never learn.
Acosta is a pussy whipped bitch
Preface for Wingers: Orange. Man. Stupid.

When a reporter is truly tired of the obtuse, random shit being spewed from the maw of The Orange Virus at a (PDC) propaganda dissemination clinic held in a White House, he/she could lose their patience with said constant deflection in answering their questions. Said reporter will try and press the issue even after The Virus dodges, weaves and calls for silence then becomes enraged. The Orange Man in the White House bans said reporter from playing in their raindeer games.

White House drops bid to revoke Acosta's press pass

Did The Orange Virus and Cult45 really believe that adolescent nonsense would stand? 1ST AMENDMENT, bitches. Fuck wit it at your own peril. :auiqs.jpg: Wingers never learn.
Acosta is a pussy whipped bitch

That happens to be winning right now, pussy boy. Virus loses again. :auiqs.jpg:
That’s why we call ewe dumbasses libtards! He lost a battle but he won the war! Have ewe seen the list of rules that dumbass Acosta has to live by now? The press used to regulate themselves in the WH. now Trump does.
Ha guess again the pass is temporarily reinstated. The idea is to remove cnn and all of its reporters. There were a lot of new rules an accoster violates one and cnn objects they are gone because that was in the judges ruling. Oh this means for weak minds that accoster can’t get a question. If he interrupts someone else he is gone if cnn objects they are gone.
First Amendment issue, eh.

Another libtard winger strikes.

Yes, First Amendment issue, eh. Anything to add, or are you just flappin your Internet gums?
A First-Amendment issue, eh, Winger?

Why doesn't the White House just let every journalist in who wants to participate?

Winger retard.

Freedom of the press, eh. And yet journalists need security clearances to participate in press conferences.

Stupid winger.

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