White House has acheived PC nirvana


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Politico Hypes Gender-Neutral Bathroom at the White House

Sarah Wheaton touted the new "gender-neutral" bathroom at the White House as "the latest in a series of symbolic steps the Obama administration has taken to work the priorities of the LGBT community into its broader themes of inclusiveness and tolerance" in a Thursday item on Politico.com. Wheaton played up how "the newly designated restroom is an example of how the administration has been advancing the discussion by raising the profile of transgender issues, an area of debate that is especially hotly contested right now." - See more at: Politico Hypes Gender-Neutral Bathroom at the White House

No word yet on the "glory hole" bathrooms.

So is it safe to say that all gender oriented bathrooms are bigoted?
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Politico Hypes Gender-Neutral Bathroom at the White House

Sarah Wheaton touted the new "gender-neutral" bathroom at the White House as "the latest in a series of symbolic steps the Obama administration has taken to work the priorities of the LGBT community into its broader themes of inclusiveness and tolerance" in a Thursday item on Politico.com. Wheaton played up how "the newly designated restroom is an example of how the administration has been advancing the discussion by raising the profile of transgender issues, an area of debate that is especially hotly contested right now." - See more at: Politico Hypes Gender-Neutral Bathroom at the White House

No word yet on the "glory hole" bathrooms.

So is it safe to say that all gender oriented bathrooms are bigoted?

Any and all things to attract the minority demographic voters.

The shill.
They probably spent days of valuable time in meetings discussing this with the POTUS while missing his daily briefings as usual.
So is the self righteous political elite going to start targeting people as bigoted if the hang a male or female sign on bathrooms?

Will the inquisitions now turn towards them?
No progressive defense of Obama?

Can we conclude now that Obama is mentall ill?
You would think that issues with gays is the biggest problem facing this country the way the media is going. They can't seem to find time to give much coverage to much more pressing problems, like the slaughter of Christians or the way veterans continue to be treated in this country.
No progressive defense of Obama?

Can we conclude now that Obama is mentall ill?

It's obvious there are a variety of psychological issues all bed wetters suffer from, but the moonbat messiah suffers from them all. I'm convinced he's a turd burglar as well.
You would think that issues with gays is the biggest problem facing this country the way the media is going. They can't seem to find time to give much coverage to much more pressing problems, like the slaughter of Christians or the way veterans continue to be treated in this country.
Considering an "American" equivalent of beheading or crucifying Christians... I'd say we have our answer. The LGBTQ (whatever the f**k 'Q' stands for) pogrom being conducted against Christian businesses is pretty much a western equivalent.
WTF? Are they public restrooms available to hairy men in dresses in the D.C. area or does Barry Hussein think that a bathroom shared by him and his wife constitutes a gender neutral environment? The administration is getting weirder and weirder in it's dying last two years.
WTF? Are they public restrooms available to hairy men in dresses in the D.C. area or does Barry Hussein think that a bathroom shared by him and his wife constitutes a gender neutral environment? The administration is getting weirder and weirder in it's dying last two years.
You can pretty much count on the bathroom he and the Mrs. use are not located anywhere near those available for public use.

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