White House- Israel "undermining" two-state solution

They've been undermining a two-state solution since Bibi has been in office

Its become clear that the Palestinians are not capable of a two state solution at this point in time. Maybe never.
if anyone believes israel wants peace they are a fool
Israel's version of peace.

All of Palestine without the Palestinians.
It is actually Israeli land. The squatters are there on the border because of Egypt. Not Israel. Egypt needs to relocate them.
Once again, no its not, most of it belonged to the Palestinians.

Most of it was State land under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire.
The land was given to the Jews by British Mandate. It was part of the British Empire. There was no Palestine community to be moved. It was desolate. The squatters were Arabs that had moved to Israel and were living and working in peace with the Jews. Egypt told them to get out, as they were planning to invade Israel. They did. Egypt lost. Egypt refused to let the displaced Arabs into Egypt. They are Egypt's problem.
Surprising what the con Isreal gov't has been doing right? :doubt:

State Dept. criticizes Israeli settlement expansion, demolitions
JERUSALEM — The Israeli government’s plans to build new units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and a spate of home demolitions in Palestinian areas over the past week have drawn sharp criticism from the Obama administration.

Israel “is systematically undermining the prospects for a two-state solution” with the Palestinians, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement Wednesday.

“We strongly oppose settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace,” the statementsaid.

Who would you suggest Bibi negotiate with for a 2 state solution? Need an answer Dottie. Hamas in Gaza? Or the smoking heap of what's left of the PAuthority in the WBank?

You need a PARTNER and a recognized LEADERSHIP to negotiate.. EXCEPT !!!! !

If BO would get off his bony ass and get the NEIGHBORS together to create a state FOR the PAlis. They could leave it in trust for them until they got their act together.

There IS no Pali National movement or government right now.. Hasn't been one for a decade. Life goes on...
I'm sorry, your source didn't post through.
They've been undermining a two-state solution since Bibi has been in office

Its become clear that the Palestinians are not capable of a two state solution at this point in time. Maybe never.
ANOTHER unsourced opinion. Sheesh. You israel- firsters take the cake.
How old are you? 10?
Maybe if you took your head out of DailyKos once every 10 years or so you'd see what scum the Arabs are.
Surprising what the con Isreal gov't has been doing right? :doubt:

State Dept. criticizes Israeli settlement expansion, demolitions
JERUSALEM — The Israeli government’s plans to build new units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and a spate of home demolitions in Palestinian areas over the past week have drawn sharp criticism from the Obama administration.

Israel “is systematically undermining the prospects for a two-state solution” with the Palestinians, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement Wednesday.

“We strongly oppose settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace,” the statementsaid.
The more surprising thing here is that you actually expect Israel to just stand and watch the Palestinians pile loads of good will and efforts into that "two states solution" idea.
Surprising what the con Isreal gov't has been doing right? :doubt:

State Dept. criticizes Israeli settlement expansion, demolitions
JERUSALEM — The Israeli government’s plans to build new units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and a spate of home demolitions in Palestinian areas over the past week have drawn sharp criticism from the Obama administration.

Israel “is systematically undermining the prospects for a two-state solution” with the Palestinians, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement Wednesday.

“We strongly oppose settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace,” the statementsaid.

Who would you suggest Bibi negotiate with for a 2 state solution? Need an answer Dottie. Hamas in Gaza? Or the smoking heap of what's left of the PAuthority in the WBank?

You need a PARTNER and a recognized LEADERSHIP to negotiate.. EXCEPT !!!! !

If BO would get off his bony ass and get the NEIGHBORS together to create a state FOR the PAlis. They could leave it in trust for them until they got their act together.

There IS no Pali National movement or government right now.. Hasn't been one for a decade. Life goes on...
I'm sorry, your source didn't post through.

Your too lazy to read more than a couple sentences (tl:dr) and now you want ME to source the FACT that there is no Pali Leadership to negotiate with? Take a flying fuck back to the TwitterVerse willya?
Your too lazy to read more than a couple sentences (tl:dr) and now you want ME to source the FACT that there is no Pali Leadership to negotiate with? Take a flying fuck back to the TwitterVerse willya?

speak secondary school -level English and get back to me
Your too lazy to read more than a couple sentences (tl:dr) and now you want ME to source the FACT that there is no Pali Leadership to negotiate with? Take a flying fuck back to the TwitterVerse willya?

speak secondary school -level English and get back to me

tl:dr no source.

And to make MY post a LEGAL post -- If you need a "source" to know who the Palestinian Leadership is (or is not) -- perhaps you shouldn't be ripping Bibi -- just for a being a "con".

Good - Bye..
They've been undermining a two-state solution since Bibi has been in office

Its become clear that the Palestinians are not capable of a two state solution at this point in time. Maybe never.
ANOTHER unsourced opinion. Sheesh. You israel- firsters take the cake.

Oh please. What kind of source do you want for that?

The behaviour of Hamas in Gaza? Building tunnels instead of houses?
The incitement of stabbing and car ramming attacks in Israel proper?
Throwing rocks and molotovs at innocents who visit the Temple Mount?

What part of that screams "we are ready to be a State" to you?
Surprising what the con Isreal gov't has been doing right? :doubt:

State Dept. criticizes Israeli settlement expansion, demolitions
JERUSALEM — The Israeli government’s plans to build new units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and a spate of home demolitions in Palestinian areas over the past week have drawn sharp criticism from the Obama administration.

Israel “is systematically undermining the prospects for a two-state solution” with the Palestinians, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement Wednesday.

“We strongly oppose settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace,” the statementsaid.

It is their land under 1923 international law, so why shouldn't they build on it ?

if anyone believes israel wants peace they are a fool

Get it right is anyone believes the arab muslims want peace they are morons, making you a moron as the evidence shows Israel has asked for peace since may 15 1948
Surprising what the con Isreal gov't has been doing right? :doubt:

State Dept. criticizes Israeli settlement expansion, demolitions
JERUSALEM — The Israeli government’s plans to build new units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and a spate of home demolitions in Palestinian areas over the past week have drawn sharp criticism from the Obama administration.

Israel “is systematically undermining the prospects for a two-state solution” with the Palestinians, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement Wednesday.

“We strongly oppose settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace,” the statementsaid.

The day Israel takes the advice of D.C., especially the mindless democrats, is the day they may as well pack up and leave the region.

"Undermining the prospects for a two state solution..." right.
That assumes the other side wants a two state solution or EVER wanted a two state solution.
so no sourcing for any of that bloviation?

Do you believe that international laws that support Israel should be forced on the arab muslims, just as international laws that support the arab muslims are forced on the Jews.

If you do then the arab muslims have no legal right to any of the land other than trans jordan as international law says it is Jewish NATIONal home land

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