White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film

The Muslim rioting after bin Laden was killed was horrendous

Don't you REALLY mean "horrific"?

Oh so you guys don't think Al Qaeda was upset, huh?? What fools. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another wingnut who thinks the death of OBL was a bad thing...interesting. What a patriot.


Oh, wait, you're the same wingnut. My bad.

Hello, is any one in there?? These people are pretty p*ssed Obama killed Bin Laden in cold blood. Al Qaeda is alive and well. Taking out Bin Laden was like washing the car before the storm, it looked good for a little while.

So, you're upset that Bin Laden is dead? Interesting...
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Don't you REALLY mean "horrific"?

Oh so you guys don't think Al Qaeda was upset, huh?? What fools. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another wingnut who thinks the death of OBL was a bad thing...interesting. What a patriot.

Nobody thinks it wasn't good, it's spiking the football and rubbing it in peoples faces that is dangerous and exemplifies their naivety.

True heroes and warriors don't need to go looking for accolades, that's why obummer is using this in the manner he is. He's like the annoying kid who never gets off the bench but teases the other team because they beat them.
The hypocrisy is stunning. Libs raved about a statue of the Christian Virgin Mary smeared with dung and the Crucifix upside down in a vat of urine depicted as art. Christians voiced their displeasure and the liberal dominated media laughed. Today the jihad is killing Americans because of an obscure video on you tube and the left is angry at the film maker instead of the jihad.
Anyone, including Sony, has the right to release materials on killing Bin Laden.

The Seals had orders to execute him. They did. Good.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Libs raved about a statue of the Christian Virgin Mary smeared with dung and the Crucifix upside down in a vat of urine depicted as art. Christians voiced their displeasure and the liberal dominated media laughed. Today the jihad is killing Americans because of an obscure video on you tube and the left is angry at the film maker instead of the jihad.

That's funny. I don't remember raving about either one of those works of "art". Actually, I don't consider that art at all; just shock pieces whose sole purpose is to get attention. I also don't remember saying that the people responsible for the rioting in Egypt and Libya and the deaths of the four Americans in Libya, were justified. But don't let that keep you from putting words in my mouth. Carry on, hack.
republicans need to produce their own film about how republican torture led to the killing of bin laden

or a movie about retards that believe every lie the government feeds them as long as it supports their ignorance racism and bloodlust
Muslims want to dispense with secular laws and replace them with religious laws.
Muslims want theocracy.
Muslims will kill anyone who oppose them.
Muslims do not support freedom of speech or of religion.
Muslims treat women as property.
But, but , but this film will make Obama look like a hero.. He wont put a stop to it. I'll believe it when I see it

and Obama and Democrat followers need to stop chanting, Obama killed Bin Laden or have them arrested for saying it.
links in article at site


by John Nolte15 Sep 2012227post a comment

Now that the White House and State Department have made clear that they believe movies compel terrorists to terrorize, it's time for them to get ahead of this problem. And one thing the White House can do immediately is to pressure Sony to stop the release of director Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty," which celebrates the killing of Osama bin Laden.

I'm only saying this because, you know, the White House and the media told me movies inflame and cause terrorism.

Think about it: if the poorly produced and laughably bad trailer for "The Innocence of Muslims" results in chaos, murder, and the burning of foreign outposts all throughout the Middle East, how much rioting and mayhem is a big-budgeted, slickly produced, Oscar-bait blockbuster celebrating the death of the leader of al-Qaeda going to cause?

Moreover, an excuse Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not be able to use in the case of "Zero Dark Thirty" (as she did with "Innocence of Muslims") is the cowardly and self-righteous claim that the federal government and the Obama White House had nothing to do with "Zero Dark Thirty."

all of it here
White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film
This is what some, like Matthew from the crazee Christian far right, want to do to the rest of us.
Muslims want to dispense with secular laws and replace them with religious laws.
Muslims want theocracy.
Muslims will kill anyone who oppose them.
Muslims do not support freedom of speech or of religion.
Muslims treat women as property.
Obama gave the order to kill OBL with policy Bush put in place, "Dead of Alive" and just like Bush is responsible for the deaths of million Muslims during the Afghanistan and Iraq invasion. Except Bush is a war criminal.

A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

Most Muslims did not give a damn about OBL, There were no Muslim protesting at all.
Muhammad is a prophet like Jesus and Joseph Smith.

Bush was a prat but he certainly isn't responsible for the death of millions of muslims during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts my dear.... I think you'll find that the majority of deaths among muslims were the direct result of muslims killing muslims (and they're still at it)...:eusa_whistle:
but not many people care to acknowledge that little bit of inconvenient truth..

As for Muhammad being a prophet? :eusa_hand: PLEEZE, don't make me laugh so much...
He was just a very evil man with a penchant for lewd and murderous behaviour...and his followers are carrying on that fine tradition....with the help of the loony Left all over the Free world..... If I were religious at all I'd be particularly offended that you could even put this thieving, murdering, desert bandit in the same sentence with Jesus (who never killed nor called for the murder of anyone) :salute:
This is what some, like Matthew from the crazee Christian far right, want to do to the rest of us.
Muslims want to dispense with secular laws and replace them with religious laws.
Muslims want theocracy.
Muslims will kill anyone who oppose them.
Muslims do not support freedom of speech or of religion.
Muslims treat women as property.

I have to ask.......What the hell are you on?
Muslims want to dispense with secular laws and replace them with religious laws.
Muslims want theocracy.
Muslims will kill anyone who oppose them.
Muslims do not support freedom of speech or of religion.
Muslims treat women as property.

Yes, Muslim extremists do. Which makes it all the more confusing why Naturegirl -- self-proscribed American patriot - defender of the Constitution -- is sad that one of the leaders of the extremists -- OBL -- is was killed by Americans.
republicans need to produce their own film about how republican torture led to the killing of bin laden

Starring Rosie O'

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A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

This is the problem that they fail to recognize. It was the mocking of Mohammed that has people upset, not just ripping into Muslims, who have been the go-to villians in movies since the 1980's.

It would be much like a movie mocking Jesus Christ in the most offensive ways possible. Would Christians riot over that. Probably not, but only because they aren't living in extreme poverty and have no other way to express their upset.

There is also the additional stricture of representing the Prophet in any way. So if a Muslim filmmaker wanted to do a story about Mohammed's life that was positive and had the most appealing actor possible in it, that would still offend some people.
Jimbo, the far right christians will be the downfall of the USA.

This is what some, like Matthew from the crazee Christian far right, want to do to the rest of us.
Muslims want to dispense with secular laws and replace them with religious laws.
Muslims want theocracy.
Muslims will kill anyone who oppose them.
Muslims do not support freedom of speech or of religion.
Muslims treat women as property.

I have to ask.......What the hell are you on?
Republicans need to produce their own film about how Republican torture led to the killing of bin laden

Or how the Bush admin captured and tortured Lybians against Khaddafi, and then turned them over to Khaddafi to be tortured and killed.
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