White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film

A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

Are the Muslims who are attacking our embassies, burning our flags, and killing our State Dept. personnel "radical"???
White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film

He's lovin this shit.. He's not stopping anything. Inciting is more like him.
Look how he's divided out citizens.. He loves chaos. It's all part of the Agenda.

He's finished and he knows it.. They all know it. He doesn't give two shit what happens form here on out.
It's obvious.

Shit, even Kirsten Powers is talking him down now.

I look forward to having you in my FEMA camp.


How do you know the FEMA camps are for constitutionalists and not Left Wingers like yourself? You're easy prey.. I'm not.

You forget America fought many wars and lost many brave men and woman fighting against what you stand for. You're in trouble bitch.
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Islam is in the 21st century, as was Christianity through the 18th century, unable to co-exist with free speech and religious freedom.

I hope that may change for Islam, that practicing the freedom of religion frees the sectarians.
A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

Stop making sense, the OP cannot accept it. Of course there is no comparison; it is akin to claiming the killing of David Koresh would offend Christians.*

*Though some on the right STILL revere white supremacist Randy Weaver a/k/a scum of the earth.

lol, I see it went right over your head too
It's not broadbrushing when no Muslims step forward with condemnation of the dancers and MardiGras-style Kill-white-people Islamofascists are so happy at the demise of 3,000 Americans.

If broadbrushing is fun, speak for yourself. But while we're on the topic of "broadbrushing" I may as well have a little fun with it. You know that thundering sound of hoofbeats? You will! It's the sound of decent liberals being sick of extremists like President Obama making a dash for the Republican Party where decency and frugality are models of encouragement. The tax and spenders? The overspenders are dwindling because overspending didn't get them what they really wanted.

Broadbrushing fun? Meh!

That's not true, since a lot of Muslims came out on our side after 9/11.
NOT reported on the Pub Propaganda Machine. Like the dupes, unfair and unbalanced...

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