White House says Biden will start another war if he doesn't get more money for Ukraine now

Russia isn't even trying. Fact.

Wait until they start rolling out the heavy shit. The Heavy Bombers. the million-man Infantry Units.

They're trying to do it on the cheap.

And I FIRMLY believe we should help Ukraine. I am an "America First" type of guy but I am not a despicable Liberturdian that believes in 'America Only'. I am not an isolationist like so many of my Conservative Brothers and Sisters.

dimocrap FILTH are 'America Last' or 'America Never'.

Russia sucks. Russia has always sucked and Russia will probably Always Suck. Stomping them into the dirt is God's work. For future generations, we need to either do it ourselves or help those that are willing to do it for us.

If Ukraine happens to be corrupt, so be it. I don't care.

The Ukrainian people are fighting the most evil empire in human history..... Not hyperbole. They were and they want to be AGAIN.

Putin's stated purpose is to revive the USSR and her Empire. That, Ladies and Gents is FACT. He says it all the time.

If Sponge Brains Shits Pants wants to be our Useful Idiot and help Ukraine, I'm all for it. Don't care.


They fucking deserve it.

Had our corrupt compromised government not provoked Russia, Ukraine never suffers an invasion and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians wouldn’t be dead and wounded, with much of the nation destroyed and half it’s population fleeing.

Our Founding Fathers knew nonstop foreign interventions lead to tyranny at home. We are watching it happen before our eyes, but you have to open them first.
Peace as in surrender

Putin expected Zelensky and the Ukrainian government to quickly flee to the west
He expected Ukraine forces to not put up a fight.
He expected his generals to have a fail proof invasion plan
He expected he had a modern fighting force

Didn’t happen
Ukraine is none of our business.

Stop the non-stop wars. You’d think after all the failed foreign interventions from Vietnam on, that have resulted in mass death and destruction, all Americans would demand our government stop warring.

Proof Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet. Dumb fuckers too.
Ukraine is none of our business.

Stop the non-stop wars. You’d think after all the failed foreign interventions from Vietnam on, that have resulted in mass death and destruction, all Americans would demand our government stop warring.

Proof Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet. Dumb fuckers too.
A lot of people said thatFrance was none of our business when Hitler invaded it.
Stop the non-stop wars. You’d think after all the failed foreign interventions from Vietnam on, that have resulted in mass death and destruction, all Americans would demand our government stop warring.
Americans are not dying in Ukraine
90% of the aid is going to defense contractors in the US

What is the problem?
$33T Debt
$1T interest on that Debt
We would have to borrow that aid money, when we need to protect OUR southern border.
Much of that debt is the result of the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the wealthy.

When it comes to spending, why is it that you clowns only want to talk about what doing something costs ( except when it comes to tax givaways) but never ever about what the cost of not doing anything is? . Nor do you ever want to discuss the benefits side of the cost benefit equation . You do it on defense, health care, the environment and everything else
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