White House Scrubs Iran From Terror Threat Report


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Foreign Policy: Winning "hearts and minds" in Tehran has reached full blossom for the Obama administration. It has even bleached Iran and Hezbollah out of its new intelligence report on worldwide terrorist threats.

President Obama is trying to curry favor with Iran's mullahs to cut a sucker nuclear arms deal. But does he have to look the other way at their proven terror sponsorship?

The 2015 "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community" excludes Iran and its network of terrorist groups, driven by the Shia sect of Islam, from the report's terror section.

This is a sharp turn from 2014, when Iran featured prominently in the report on national security threats. In fact, Iran and its Hezbollah army in Lebanon got its own subsection then.

"Iran and Hezbollah: Outside of the Syrian theater, Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah continue to directly threaten the interests of US allies," last year's U.S. report warned. "Hezbollah has increased its global terrorist activity in recent years to a level that we have not seen since the 1990s."

Now, suddenly, Iran is a pussycat, a rogue country that has funded and directed more terror attacks — including hundreds of attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, not to mention Lebanon — than even al-Qaida over the past three decades.

In fact, Iran has killed more than 1,000 U.S. soldiers in the last 30 years and still hasn't paid a price. More recently, Iran and Hezbollah have stepped up their roles in the Syrian and Iraqi wars.

Meanwhile, first lady Michelle Obama hosted a big White House party celebrating, for the first time, the Iranian New Year known as Nowruz. The event featured a Persian dinner and an Iranian dance troupe.

Mrs. Obama explained that celebrating the Iranian New Year is part of the "traditions that make us who we are as a country," as if Nowruz ranks with Thanksgiving or the Fourth.

While we negotiate away economic sanctions in feeble nuke talks, let's not offend the ayatollah with terror assessments, and while we're at it, let's show him how respectful we are of his culture.

Considering Iran's threat to America and close allies like Israel, this is a disgusting display of appeasement.

Whose side is this president on? We recall Obama's secret overture to Iran in 2008.


Read More At Investor's Business Daily: White House Scrubs Iran From Terror Threat Report - Investors.com
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Shame on you 80% of Jewish Americans who vote for everything democrat. Shame on you.

Fucking Judases.
Whose side is this president on?

do you really need to ask ?

after 6 years of that fuckingmotherfucker fucking with the Constitution, fucking up our once great healthcare system and kissing every tin pot dictators ass across the planet...,

you still need to ask ?

as for being a "president".., he assumed the role of DICTATOR from day one. if there is any human on Earth that never should have been born he is the very best candidate !! :up:
Whose side is this president on?

do you really need to ask ?

after 6 years of that fuckingmotherfucker fucking with the Constitution, fucking up our once great healthcare system and kissing every tin pot dictators ass across the planet...,

you still need to ask ?

as for being a "president".., he assumed the role of DICTATOR from day one. if there is any human on Earth that never should have been born he is the very best candidate !! :up:

Oh, that was from the article. I see right through all of this presidents shit. All of it. It would have been more merciful if this country was hit by a comet.

In my estimation, it is impossible to recover from what this president and what every fucking democrat has done to this country.

That obviously includes every one of their voters. They can all rot in hell. All of them.
Unreal, but not really. Obama needs arrested as some have suggested. His rule is unconstitutional

Get off your phones America and fire Obama now!

Foreign Policy: Winning "hearts and minds" in Tehran has reached full blossom for the Obama administration. It has even bleached Iran and Hezbollah out of its new intelligence report on worldwide terrorist threats.

President Obama is trying to curry favor with Iran's mullahs to cut a sucker nuclear arms deal. But does he have to look the other way at their proven terror sponsorship?

The 2015 "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community" excludes Iran and its network of terrorist groups, driven by the Shia sect of Islam, from the report's terror section.

This is a sharp turn from 2014, when Iran featured prominently in the report on national security threats. In fact, Iran and its Hezbollah army in Lebanon got its own subsection then.

"Iran and Hezbollah: Outside of the Syrian theater, Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah continue to directly threaten the interests of US allies," last year's U.S. report warned. "Hezbollah has increased its global terrorist activity in recent years to a level that we have not seen since the 1990s."

Now, suddenly, Iran is a pussycat, a rogue country that has funded and directed more terror attacks — including hundreds of attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, not to mention Lebanon — than even al-Qaida over the past three decades.

In fact, Iran has killed more than 1,000 U.S. soldiers in the last 30 years and still hasn't paid a price. More recently, Iran and Hezbollah have stepped up their roles in the Syrian and Iraqi wars.

Meanwhile, first lady Michelle Obama hosted a big White House party celebrating, for the first time, the Iranian New Year known as Nowruz. The event featured a Persian dinner and an Iranian dance troupe.

Mrs. Obama explained that celebrating the Iranian New Year is part of the "traditions that make us who we are as a country," as if Nowruz ranks with Thanksgiving or the Fourth.

While we negotiate away economic sanctions in feeble nuke talks, let's not offend the ayatollah with terror assessments, and while we're at it, let's show him how respectful we are of his culture.

Considering Iran's threat to America and close allies like Israel, this is a disgusting display of appeasement.

Whose side is this president on? We recall Obama's secret overture to Iran in 2008.


Read More At Investor's Business Daily: White House Scrubs Iran From Terror Threat Report - Investors.com
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Shame on you 80% of Jewish Americans who vote for everything democrat. Shame on you.

Fucking Judases.

We've already had this lie on the board.

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