White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta (Washington Post)

Acosta said he pushed her out of the way so he could continue to ask questions. She was trying to take the microphone. Sorry. Her job is to take the microphone and pass it to the next reporter.

Like everyone else he gets one question. Maybe one follow up question. There are other reporters and they also get to ask questions.

Acosta should be fired for manhandling that girl.

What a crock of shit, you don't walk up to anyone and just snatch something out of their hand. Also he didn't manhandle that woman, that is just a flat out lie.
I saw it. And Acosta admitted that he pushed her out of the way. He was supposed to give that mic to that girl.

He just stopped her hand from grabbing the mic, he didn't mishandle or assault her. What a bunch of bullshit.
I, like millions of others saw Acosta manhandle that girl. Too bad. its over. He did it and admitted it.
A right wing conspiracy theorist increased the speed of Jim Acosta’s arm movement, to make it seem he was violent against a White House aide as opposed to struggling for the microphone..
Additionally, Acosta’s “Pardon me, ma’am“ utterance was removed from the doctor video:
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Wednesday night shared a video of CNN reporter Jim Acosta that appeared to have been altered to make his actions at a news conference look more aggressive toward a White House intern.

The edited video looks authentic: Acosta appeared to swiftly chop down on the arm of an aide as he held onto a microphone while questioning President Trump. But in the original video, Acosta’s arm appears to move only as a response to a tussle for the microphone. His statement, “Pardon me, ma’am,” is not included in the video Sanders shared.

Critics said that video — which sped up the movement of Acosta’s arms in a way that dramatically changed the journalist’s response — was deceptively edited to score political points. That edited videowas first shared by Paul Joseph Watson, known for his conspiracy-theory videos on the far-right website Infowars.

Sarah Sanders' dishonesty problem just got a little worse.

White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta
Republicans are slime, liars and Pos and I'm being kind
A right wing conspiracy theorist increased the speed of Jim Acosta’s arm movement, to make it seem he was violent against a White House aide as opposed to struggling for the microphone..
Additionally, Acosta’s “Pardon me, ma’am“ utterance was removed from the doctor video:
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Wednesday night shared a video of CNN reporter Jim Acosta that appeared to have been altered to make his actions at a news conference look more aggressive toward a White House intern.

The edited video looks authentic: Acosta appeared to swiftly chop down on the arm of an aide as he held onto a microphone while questioning President Trump. But in the original video, Acosta’s arm appears to move only as a response to a tussle for the microphone. His statement, “Pardon me, ma’am,” is not included in the video Sanders shared.

Critics said that video — which sped up the movement of Acosta’s arms in a way that dramatically changed the journalist’s response — was deceptively edited to score political points. That edited videowas first shared by Paul Joseph Watson, known for his conspiracy-theory videos on the far-right website Infowars.

Sarah Sanders' dishonesty problem just got a little worse.

White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta

Struggling for the microphone?

He was told multiple times to pass on the microphone. What exactly was the struggle? Does he have tourette's or something?

The intern was truly struggling for the microphone, but the retarded idiot wouldn't give it to her. That's why he got banned.
That entire episode (the news conference circus) was a STAGED event by Trump to mitigate the severe Tuesday losses and get his cult members to....once again....hate the media.........A reality show host's poor attempt at "drama."

He staged Acosta not passing the microphone quite well. Was that a clone?
Acosta said he pushed her out of the way so he could continue to ask questions. She was trying to take the microphone. Sorry. Her job is to take the microphone and pass it to the next reporter.

Like everyone else he gets one question. Maybe one follow up question. There are other reporters and they also get to ask questions.

Acosta should be fired for manhandling that girl.

What a crock of shit, you don't walk up to anyone and just snatch something out of their hand. Also he didn't manhandle that woman, that is just a flat out lie.
I saw it. And Acosta admitted that he pushed her out of the way. He was supposed to give that mic to that girl.

He just stopped her hand from grabbing the mic, he didn't mishandle or assault her. What a bunch of bullshit.
I, like millions of others saw Acosta manhandle that girl. Too bad. its over. He did it and admitted it.

Bullshit, only Trumpers are making that bullshit ass claim about her being manhandled and now you got Sarah having videos doctored up.
What makes anyone think Acosta is supposed to be able to ask countless questions after the President is clearly ready to move on?

It was time for him to give up the microphone.

He should have given it up.
A right wing conspiracy theorist increased the speed of Jim Acosta’s arm movement, to make it seem he was violent against a White House aide as opposed to struggling for the microphone..
Additionally, Acosta’s “Pardon me, ma’am“ utterance was removed from the doctor video:
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Wednesday night shared a video of CNN reporter Jim Acosta that appeared to have been altered to make his actions at a news conference look more aggressive toward a White House intern.

The edited video looks authentic: Acosta appeared to swiftly chop down on the arm of an aide as he held onto a microphone while questioning President Trump. But in the original video, Acosta’s arm appears to move only as a response to a tussle for the microphone. His statement, “Pardon me, ma’am,” is not included in the video Sanders shared.

Critics said that video — which sped up the movement of Acosta’s arms in a way that dramatically changed the journalist’s response — was deceptively edited to score political points. That edited videowas first shared by Paul Joseph Watson, known for his conspiracy-theory videos on the far-right website Infowars.

Sarah Sanders' dishonesty problem just got a little worse.

White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta
Jim Acosta had no right to get aggressive with a young lady who was a White House intern. Acosta is a stupid arrogant prick. Looks like Democrats are already going stupid. Enjoy your short lived control of House. You think a majority of Americans agree with Acosta and his actions? You dickheads help the conservatives.
There's NO convincing Trump cult members that reality should prevail.....It is better for these morons to lie to themselves and keep drinking that orange kool-aid.....

It will be up to smarter republicans and independents to smack down this idiot-in-chief.
I just watched the videos side by side again, and I swear, If there's a difference, it is so mi-nute, I just don't see it.
What makes anyone think Acosta is supposed to be able to ask countless questions after the President is clearly ready to move on?

It was time for him to give up the microphone.

He should have given it up.
You don't make rhe rules and neither does Donald Trump. Our founders did that in rhe First Amendment. The reporter was following his obligation and duty as specified in the First Amendment.
It was definitely altered by several frames.

They just did a segment on Inside Edition concerning this. They showed the 2 videos side by side, and frame by frame. The 2 videos are identical up until the time that Acosta slid his arm between them. The original continues frame by frame, but the one tweeted out by Sanders (and created by InfoWars), stops for around 5 to 7 frames, then speeds up suddenly to catch up to the other one. The one that was frozen and then sped up makes the interaction between Acosta and the intern look more violent than what it actually was.

And.................Acosta clearly said "pardon me" in the original video. It was left out of the one that was tweeted out by Sanders.

If you go to the link provided, it's the Inside Edition segment, and it shows the 2 contrasting videos and how one was slowed down. It also shows Acosta surrendering his press credentials to the Secret Service outside of the WH.

Did the White House Share a Doctored Video From Infowars of Jim Acosta Allegedly Karate-Chopping an Intern?

I can't get the damn site to play, Avast keeps saying there is some malware or something on it.
What makes anyone think Acosta is supposed to be able to ask countless questions after the President is clearly ready to move on?

It was time for him to give up the microphone.

He should have given it up.
You don't make rhe rules and neither does Donald Trump. Our founders did that in rhe First Amendment. The reporter was following his obligation and duty as specified in the First Amendment.

He was allowed to do his job and then it was time to let someone else do theirs.
What makes anyone think Acosta is supposed to be able to ask countless questions after the President is clearly ready to move on?

It was time for him to give up the microphone.

He should have given it up.
You don't make rhe rules and neither does Donald Trump. Our founders did that in rhe First Amendment. The reporter was following his obligation and duty as specified in the First Amendment.

He was allowed to do his job and then it was time to let someone else do theirs.
He did not feel his job was complete and that his questions were being answered. Trump did not have the knowledge, skill or temperament to diplomatically or professionally to end the questioning. Instead, he got caught being unable to answer those questions and denying a reporter's First Amendment right. An "assault" charge is just a deflection away from what should be rhe main story. Denial of First Amendment Free Press is the real story.
They got it from INFOWARS. I mean that's a fucking cliche. They know no one less scummy they could have approached to DOCTOR THEIR FILM? They used INFOWARs? FOX wouldn't do it for them?

Chrisst, Do these people do ANYTHING honest? Anything? They are SCUM top to bottom. And if they aren't hired because they are SCUM, they become SCUM. .

White House photography association slams Sarah Sanders for sharing ‘manipulated’ video of Acosta’s interaction with intern


08 NOV 2018 AT 15:48 ET


Sarah Sanders appears on Fox News (screen grab)

The White House News Photographers Association on Thursday slammed press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for sharing what appears to be a manipulated video of CNN’s Jim Acosta allegedly mistreating a female intern.

“The White House News Photographers Association is appalled to learn that the White House spokesperson may have shared a manipulated video of CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s interaction with a White House intern during a news conference,” Whitney Shefte, the organization’s president, wrote in a statement.

“As visual journalists, we know that manipulating images is manipulating truth,” the statement continued. “It’s deceptive, dangerous and unethical.”

“Knowingly sharing manipulated images is equally problematic, particularly when the person sharing them is a representative of our country’s highest office with vast influence over public opinion,” the statement concluded.

View image on Twitter

Zoe Daniel

Statement from @whnpa on White House use of doctored video of @Acosta incident

3:14 PM - Nov 8, 2018
Former FBI special agent Asha Rangappa noted after Sanders shared the video on Twitter that it appears to have come from InfoWars.

White House photography association slams Sarah Sanders for sharing 'manipulated' video of Acosta's interaction with intern

White House calls CNN “Fake. News”

To prove it, they post a doctored video from InfoWars
It all comes down to if the video was doctored, and if WH staffers knew it was and presented it to the public knowing it was.

If it was Sarah, or anyone else, they MUST go.

If they honestly didn't realize the video was altered, then that should be forgiven, but they must check these things like this out in the future.
Someone of Sanders stature is supposed to check

The link to InfoWars should be the first clue
What makes anyone think Acosta is supposed to be able to ask countless questions after the President is clearly ready to move on?

It was time for him to give up the microphone.

He should have given it up.
You don't make rhe rules and neither does Donald Trump. Our founders did that in rhe First Amendment. The reporter was following his obligation and duty as specified in the First Amendment.

He was allowed to do his job and then it was time to let someone else do theirs.
He did not feel his job was complete and that his questions were being answered. Trump did not have the knowledge, skill or temperament to diplomatically or professionally to end the questioning. Instead, he got caught being unable to answer those questions and denying a reporter's First Amendment right. An "assault" charge is just a deflection away from what should be rhe main story. Denial of First Amendment Free Press is the real story.

Acosta’s opinion is irrelevant.

It was time for him to give up the microphone, whether he liked it or not.

The President clearly was done with him, so he should have given someone else the opportunity to ask questions.
What makes anyone think Acosta is supposed to be able to ask countless questions after the President is clearly ready to move on?

It was time for him to give up the microphone.

He should have given it up.
You don't make rhe rules and neither does Donald Trump. Our founders did that in rhe First Amendment. The reporter was following his obligation and duty as specified in the First Amendment.

He was allowed to do his job and then it was time to let someone else do theirs.
He did not feel his job was complete and that his questions were being answered. Trump did not have the knowledge, skill or temperament to diplomatically or professionally to end the questioning. Instead, he got caught being unable to answer those questions and denying a reporter's First Amendment right. An "assault" charge is just a deflection away from what should be rhe main story. Denial of First Amendment Free Press is the real story.

Acosta’s opinion is irrelevant.

It was time for him to give up the microphone, whether he liked it or not.

The President clearly was done with him, so he should have given someone else the opportunity to ask questions.
In my opinion, you are ignoring, or putting little importance on the First Amendment issue of Free Press. Reporters have a right to ask questions and pressure politicians for answers to those questions. If politicians are allowed to simply evade answering questions they are denying a reporters right to ask the questions. A politician only has a right to refuse a question if he plainly states he or she refuses or chooses to evade answering the question. Attacking the reporter or taking away the mike is a form of depriving a reporter's right to free press.
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