White House Tweet makes ridiculous claims about historical “firsts”

Hmm, I can't find anything that definitively ties the quote to Churchill, but I'll take your word on it as etymology isn't my strong suit.

I also like "Falsehood flies, the truth comes limping after it", which I know to be the work of Johnathon Swift. At least he was comfortable with acknowledging the realities. I'm sure his head would explode with the level of current public discourse.
Many quotes are used by other people, changed slightly or repeated in a more widely disbursed forum.
Often it's the first to write it down, or who gets quoted in the news media, who gets credit.
I think most folks know by now that tweets by either the White House or Trump are for entertainment purposes only.

Have to disagree, there's hundreds of thousands of retweets of his pixelated garbage by his adoring cult.
But his actual feed on one of his tweets is heartening to see: 9 out of 10 lambast his bullshit.
I think most folks know by now that tweets by either the White House or Trump are for entertainment purposes only.
Have to disagree, there's hundreds of thousands of retweets of his pixelated garbage by his adoring cult. But his actual feed on one of his tweets is heartening to see: 9 out of 10 lambast his bullshit.
Hey, let a guy hope a little, willya? :laugh:

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

What do you expect from a man who believes that General Washington liberated airports?
"We"? Where y'all posting from Billy, a safe house in Syria? U.S. scientists split the atom for good or bad depending how you look at it. Most kids today would probably claim that the moon landing happened on JFK's watch but it was Nixon. Other countries might have been working on the telephone but the U.S. developed the concept, marketed it and utilized it . Didn't Al Gore invent the Internet? The American Indians got a raw deal from democrat president Grant but so did the South during the Civil War.

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