White House Wants to Keep Gas Prices High


Yes, he's just been AWFUL at increasing oil production in this country.

Got anything else you want to reveal you don't know dick about?

Shows how easily you are fooled by the rhetoric of this administration.

Oil prodcution tsakes place in multiple arenas.....two being federal land and state land.

Since Obama, production on federal regulated land is down dramatically.

However, production on state and private land is up dramatically.....and that is ONLY becuase the feds cant control it.

LMAO...I find the weakness of your mind very humorous....and apprently, Obama sees you in the same light.

You're both wrong.

Prove it.

Yes, he's just been AWFUL at increasing oil production in this country.

Got anything else you want to reveal you don't know dick about?

Shows how easily you are fooled by the rhetoric of this administration.

Oil prodcution tsakes place in multiple arenas.....two being federal land and state land.

Since Obama, production on federal regulated land is down dramatically.

However, production on state and private land is up dramatically.....and that is ONLY becuase the feds cant control it.

LMAO...I find the weakness of your mind very humorous....and apprently, Obama sees you in the same light.

You're both wrong.



Becuase you said so?

I bet you cant find anything that refutes it.
Blaming Obama for gas prices is just the flavor of the month for the uneducated portion of the GOP.

No different than when the Democrats blamed Bush for it in 2008. Funny how it was ok to blame the president when there is a Republican in the White House, but when it flips to the Dems the president is no longer responsible.

Oh, I get it. You're part of the school that preaches 2 wrongs do in fact make a right. I'm sure you'll go far in life with that mindset.

You're from the school of "it's ok if my guy does it" and "rich guys don't pay enough taxes", i'm sure you'll go far in life with that mindset.

Yes, he's just been AWFUL at increasing oil production in this country.

Got anything else you want to reveal you don't know dick about?

Shows how easily you are fooled by the rhetoric of this administration.

Oil prodcution tsakes place in multiple arenas.....two being federal land and state land.

Since Obama, production on federal regulated land is down dramatically.

However, production on state and private land is up dramatically.....and that is ONLY becuase the feds cant control it.

LMAO...I find the weakness of your mind very humorous....and apprently, Obama sees you in the same light.

You're both wrong.

review this:


  • $Federal-Energy-Production-vs-North-Dakota-600px.png
    15.7 KB · Views: 44
No different than when the Democrats blamed Bush for it in 2008. Funny how it was ok to blame the president when there is a Republican in the White House, but when it flips to the Dems the president is no longer responsible.

Oh, I get it. You're part of the school that preaches 2 wrongs do in fact make a right. I'm sure you'll go far in life with that mindset.

You're from the school of "it's ok if my guy does it" and "rich guys don't pay enough taxes", i'm sure you'll go far in life with that mindset.

You're ability to read who I am is amazing. Nothing gets past you.

Yes, "my guy" is perfect and can do no wrong.
With the national average of gas prices hitting $3.65 a gallon, nearing $6 in some parts of the country, and poised to head even higher, America’s families are wondering when the bleeding at the pump will stop. But for Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu, those steep prices aren’t even a concern. In fact, he says his goal is not to get the price of gasoline to go down.

Chu delivered those stunning remarks in testimony before Congress yesterday. When Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) asked Chu whether it’s his “overall goal to get our price” of gasoline lower, Chu said, “No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy.”

Secretary Chu Says His Goal Is Not to Lower Gas Prices

You know they want it high, they want UN AGENDA 21, and us to live as serfs

Yes, he's just been AWFUL at increasing oil production in this country.

Got anything else you want to reveal you don't know dick about?

Obama has nothing to do with the current oil production. More state lands and private lands have been opened up for oil production, but it’s no thanks to Obama. In fact, he has actively fought energy development, closing federal lands opened by his predecessor.

PolitiFact | Barack Obama says U.S. oil production is at eight-year high


Domestic crude oil production increased by an estimated 110 thousand bbl/d to 5.59 million bbl/d in 2011. A 380-thousand bbl/d increase in lower-48 onshore production in 2011 was partly offset by a 40-thousand bbl/d decline in Alaska and a 230-thousand bbl/d decline in output in the Federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM).

Forecast total crude oil production increases by 240 thousand bbl/d in 2012 and by a further 90 thousand bbl/d in 2013. Continued increases in lower-48 onshore crude oil production of 340 thousand bbl/d in 2012 and 110 thousand bbl/d in 2013 overshadow declines averaging about 20 thousand bbl/d in Alaskan output each year and a 90 thousand bbl/d decrease in 2012 GOM production (U.S. Crude Oil and Liquid Fuels Production Chart). The rise in production is driven by increased oil-directed drilling activity, particularly in onshore shale formations. The number of onshore oil-directed drilling rigs reported by Baker Hughes increased from 777 at the beginning of 2011 to 1,245 on February 3, 2012.

Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

so he gets no credit that we are producing more oil, but gets all the blame for the higher prices?

Fuck you.

Either he has nothing to do with oil, or he does, you can't have it both ways..

Fuck you and anyone else who thinks like you.

are you that short on reasoning ability?

No...he is not to blame for the prices increasing....but he is to blame for doing nothiung about it...seeing as only HE can.

Yes, he's just been AWFUL at increasing oil production in this country.

Got anything else you want to reveal you don't know dick about?

Obama has nothing to do with the current oil production. More state lands and private lands have been opened up for oil production, but it’s no thanks to Obama. In fact, he has actively fought energy development, closing federal lands opened by his predecessor.

PolitiFact | Barack Obama says U.S. oil production is at eight-year high


Domestic crude oil production increased by an estimated 110 thousand bbl/d to 5.59 million bbl/d in 2011. A 380-thousand bbl/d increase in lower-48 onshore production in 2011 was partly offset by a 40-thousand bbl/d decline in Alaska and a 230-thousand bbl/d decline in output in the Federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM).

Forecast total crude oil production increases by 240 thousand bbl/d in 2012 and by a further 90 thousand bbl/d in 2013. Continued increases in lower-48 onshore crude oil production of 340 thousand bbl/d in 2012 and 110 thousand bbl/d in 2013 overshadow declines averaging about 20 thousand bbl/d in Alaskan output each year and a 90 thousand bbl/d decrease in 2012 GOM production (U.S. Crude Oil and Liquid Fuels Production Chart). The rise in production is driven by increased oil-directed drilling activity, particularly in onshore shale formations. The number of onshore oil-directed drilling rigs reported by Baker Hughes increased from 777 at the beginning of 2011 to 1,245 on February 3, 2012.

Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

so he gets no credit that we are producing more oil, but gets all the blame for the higher prices?

Fuck you.

Either he has nothing to do with oil, or he does, you can't have it both ways..

Fuck you and anyone else who thinks like you.

Who stopped the keystone pipeline and overrided federal judges to keep drilling moratoriums in tact?....
so he gets no credit that we are producing more oil, but gets all the blame for the higher prices?

Fuck you.

Either he has nothing to do with oil, or he does, you can't have it both ways..

Fuck you and anyone else who thinks like you.

are you that short on reasoning ability?

No...he is not to blame for the prices increasing....but he is to blame for doing nothiung about it...seeing as only HE can.

no, no he really can't.He doesnt control the free market.
But if you want him to take over evrything, just say so and our prices might go down. But if you do you can't later bitch about how government is in control.

I stand by my fuck you.

when you decide to educate yourself in business and be able to debate a business issue...get back to me.

But if you are going to continue to regurgitate talking points that the DNC knows the mindless will regurgitate....it is not worthy of my time to interact with you.

FYI....offering incentives does not mean controlling.
so he gets no credit that we are producing more oil, but gets all the blame for the higher prices?

Fuck you.

Either he has nothing to do with oil, or he does, you can't have it both ways..

Fuck you and anyone else who thinks like you.

Who stopped the keystone pipeline and overrided federal judges to keep drilling moratoriums in tact?....

keystone was the Nebraska governor.....oh and those moratoriums that are now lifted and we have a boom going on down there?

swing and a miss!

Institute for Energy Research | Oil and natural gas production on federal land is declining
no, no he really can't.He doesnt control the free market.
But if you want him to take over evrything, just say so and our prices might go down. But if you do you can't later bitch about how government is in control.

I stand by my fuck you.

when you decide to educate yourself in business and be able to debate a business issue...get back to me.

But if you are going to continue to regurgitate talking points that the DNC knows the mindless will regurgitate....it is not worthy of my time to interact with you.

FYI....offering incentives does not mean controlling.

i know its such a hard concept to understand that any oil we produce goes onto the world market for people to buy up. Where in that world market you have people bidding up the price of a barrel everyday.

Something of which no president controls, nor can control.

and i asked you a question. What do you want him to do? Nationalize oil and keep it here? flood the market with american oil? thats giving him a lot of control. Well more so the government control...

We've been over these topics before, i am over repeating myself over and over again just to watch stupid fucking retards say the same shit over and over again.

Obama gets the blame because he is the president. He is top dog and thats the only reason. same with Clinton, bush, or anyone else who sits in that chair.

Like I said..

Offering incentives does not mean controlling.

Forget it...you are stuck oin the talking poiints and cant free yourself from them.

You regurgitate what you hear...you dont actually think about "what COULD be done"....

It may work for you......
With the national average of gas prices hitting $3.65 a gallon, nearing $6 in some parts of the country, and poised to head even higher, America’s families are wondering when the bleeding at the pump will stop. But for Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu, those steep prices aren’t even a concern. In fact, he says his goal is not to get the price of gasoline to go down.

Chu delivered those stunning remarks in testimony before Congress yesterday. When Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) asked Chu whether it’s his “overall goal to get our price” of gasoline lower, Chu said, “No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy.”

Secretary Chu Says His Goal Is Not to Lower Gas Prices

Obama publically stated that he wants high gas prices.
A logical person would have posted evidence to support such a statement, but then again that's someone who uses logic.
You people aren't really good at keeping up with the news, are you? Obama has said he wants gasoline prices here to rise. (That's so we can all start buying electric cars to keep our own costs down.)

Steven Chu has said that "we need to figure out a way..." to make our gas prices equivalent to those in Europe. (roughly $10/gallon)

Pay fucking attention and we won't have to prove everything we try to tell you.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
you know Plasma....we had a serious urban development issue here in the US years back.

No one wanted to buy land in "bad neighborhoods" and build new investment properties. Why should they? What was the insentive?

The result? Housing for lower income families was literally disappearing. Buildings would become rundown and no one wanted to buy them and fix them up....and they were condemning them.

So what happened?

Section 42. Known as LIHTC for the less informed.

The problem quickly disappeared.

Or we could do it your way...."nothing can be done becuase the top dog says so"
With the national average of gas prices hitting $3.65 a gallon, nearing $6 in some parts of the country, and poised to head even higher, America’s families are wondering when the bleeding at the pump will stop. But for Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu, those steep prices aren’t even a concern. In fact, he says his goal is not to get the price of gasoline to go down.

Chu delivered those stunning remarks in testimony before Congress yesterday. When Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) asked Chu whether it’s his “overall goal to get our price” of gasoline lower, Chu said, “No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy.”

Secretary Chu Says His Goal Is Not to Lower Gas Prices

I see someone has been paying to their talking points.

No-one, left or right, has any influence on the price of oil, unless they start a war.

In the Bush era, the price of oil should have gone right back down after the major fighting in Iraq ended. It did not.

And now, with a world-wide oil glut, there is absolutely no reason why the price of gas shouldn't be at about $2.00 a gallon.

No reason, that is, except for the fact that the oil companies themselves have been intentionally shutting down refineries left and right.

You see, this way, they make twice the profit. Once, on the Oil and then again on the energy futures, that they are happy to invest in through "dark markets" ala Enron.

Meanwhile they keep attention off themselves by having partisan hacks blame each other for the high price of gas every election year.
so he gets no credit that we are producing more oil, but gets all the blame for the higher prices?

Fuck you.

Either he has nothing to do with oil, or he does, you can't have it both ways..

Fuck you and anyone else who thinks like you.

Who stopped the keystone pipeline and overrided federal judges to keep drilling moratoriums in tact?....

keystone was the Nebraska governor.....oh and those moratoriums that are now lifted and we have a boom going on down there?

swing and a miss!

Keystone was Obama, keep drinking that Kool Aid :thup: and did your messiah lift the moratoriums?

Even you can't say with a straight face that Obama was for the Keystone pipeline........
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Obama publically stated that he wants high gas prices.
A logical person would have posted evidence to support such a statement, but then again that's someone who uses logic.
You people aren't really good at keeping up with the news, are you? Obama has said he wants gasoline prices here to rise. (That's so we can all start buying electric cars to keep our own costs down.)

Steven Chu has said that "we need to figure out a way..." to make our gas prices equivalent to those in Europe. (roughly $10/gallon)

Pay fucking attention and we won't have to prove everything we try to tell you.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I know, you've all proven me to be a complete idiot. So it shouldn't be that hard to link to the news story that Obama said he wanted to gas prices to rise. So far I've seen a couple of grainy videos, some before he was president that don't actually show him saying that he wants gas prices to rise.

We know I'm an idiot, so show us how smart you are and post up that link to prove how big and tough you are. I'll wait oh wise one.
Blaming Obama for gas prices is just the flavor of the month for the uneducated portion of the GOP.

No different than when the Democrats blamed Bush for it in 2008. Funny how it was ok to blame the president when there is a Republican in the White House, but when it flips to the Dems the president is no longer responsible.

Oh, I get it. You're part of the school that preaches 2 wrongs do in fact make a right. I'm sure you'll go far in life with that mindset.

Not at all, but what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The price of oil has more to do with world market, but a case can be made for both Obama and Bush's monetary policies as well as Obama's energy policies being contributors to the rise in prices.
His policies having an residual effect on gas prices is one thing. Designing your policies with the intention of raising gas prices is a totally different ballgame. That's the difference that the loons here can't seem to make. He doesn't WANT gas prices to go up, but he realizes that just may happen due to policies he favors that he feels are important enough to warrant a potential gas price increase.


And Hitler didn't WANT to gas the Jews, but he realized that just may happen due to policies he favored that he felt were important enough to warrant genocide.

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