White Jesus Statues Should Be Torn Down, Black Lives Matters Leader Says


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
What will follow tomorrow? Will whites be obliged to paint faces in black color, going nude and play djembe drums. Today whites already kneel to blacks and must love BLM. Wouldn't it be no better when all alleged victims of the white racism go to Africa back, a continent with the greatest culture, number of Nobel Prize winners and economy in the world.

Writer and activist Shaun King announced Monday that he supports the destruction of statues that depict a white Jesus. King, who has been an outspoken supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, tweeted his remarks on Monday

BLM are the Taliban in America.

BLM are already run America. The police departments in Minneapolis and Seattle will be abolished, no elections are needed anymore.
If you riot, rob and kill you achieve much more as by simple voting.

Whites have no future in America
I agree with the article. I get appalled every time a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,

I don't think there should be any statues of Jesus, remember the commandments, even though they were the Hebrew commandments, according to the scriptures.
BLM are the Taliban in America.

BLM are already run America. The police departments in Minneapolis and Seattle will be abolished, no elections are needed anymore.
If you riot, rob and kill you achieve much more as by simple voting.

Whites have no future in America
The inevitable will happen if that occurs. The nation will collapse or get much more less competitive with other nations. We will be a much more localized economically nation. People with real talents will be valued. The Trades industry will bloom. Massive resources will leave urban areas. Mid level cities will increase using common sense to govern. The military may be another story. However, newer areas may get control of parts of it for their own protections. Perhaps against other areas of the nation not doing as well as they thought they would. There are always options. It depends on how good or bad they may be.
Whites have no future in America
Lets not get carried away

whites are still the majority

and not every person of color is a black lives matter moron

so there is only the illusion that radicals are in control and sane Americans are powerless to stop them
I have no idea where the idea that the African American language, culture and way of life is so superior and only black lives matter.

I suppose in a generation, Jive will be the official language of America, the men will all adopt black culture and wear their pants in the "sagging" fashion with their asses hanging out and the broads will all be ghetto-fabulous, as the prophecy from the group War becomes true, life imitates art, and "The World is a Ghetto".
I agree with the article. I get appalled every time a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,

I don't think there should be any statues of Jesus, remember the commandments, even though they were the Hebrew commandments, according to the scriptures.

The Bible says that Jesus was a carpenter, He had to be in tremendous shape to be getting up on the scaffolds and doing His thing for years. All the biblical figures and long hair- in was the style in antiquity, the tremendous barber school in the Abruzzo had not been founded yet and hadn't yet sent their barbers around the world .
It's just one guy's opinion and not one shared by practically anyone. Just a nut enjoying 15 minutes of notoriety. Black Jesus is as disingenuous as white Jesus. Assuming he was a typical Hebrew male he looked like the guy down at the store who sells beer and smokes. Who cares? No one really pays attention to what he said anymore. The Man has been transformed into a god that approves of any horrible thing you want him to.
I agree with the article. I get appalled every time a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,

I don't think there should be any statues of Jesus, remember the commandments, even though they were the Hebrew commandments, according to the scriptures.

The Bible says that Jesus was a carpenter, He had to be in tremendous shape to be getting up on the scaffolds and doing His thing for years. All the biblical figures and long hair- in was the style in antiquity, the tremendous barber school in the Abruzzo had not been founded yet and hadn't yet sent their barbers around the world .

In only one area they refer to him as a carpenter and in the rest of the bible they refer to him as the carpenter's son. In the article how a Hebrew would of looked in the days of Jesus, deal with it, not what you expect from the movies and the statues.
I agree with the article. I get appalled every time a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,

I don't think there should be any statues of Jesus, remember the commandments, even though they were the Hebrew commandments, according to the scriptures.
a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,
when did this ever happen?.....
I agree with the article. I get appalled every time a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,

I don't think there should be any statues of Jesus, remember the commandments, even though they were the Hebrew commandments, according to the scriptures.

I think it's plausible. Kids in Jesus' day didn't sit around playing Fortnite all day and text each other on phones. They were outside playing games or doing manual work.
If you find a statue of Jesus offensive don't look at it! No one is required to remake society so it pleases you.
What I find offensive are race hustlers like Shaun King and their slimy ilk.
Many continue to refer to her as Momma Jan, a nickname she picked up in the earliest days of TBN’s existence. Jan found one actor who played a motorcycle-riding Jesus especially comforting. The two of them became close friends after Paul’s death and were frequently seen together both at the park and around Orlando, especially for her standing weekly reservation at Winter Park’s now-closed Park Plaza Gardens where she regularly dined with the Jesus lookalike.

I agree with the article. I get appalled every time a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,

I don't think there should be any statues of Jesus, remember the commandments, even though they were the Hebrew commandments, according to the scriptures.
a brown flowing head of hair with 6 pack abs plays Jesus,
when did this ever happen?.....

all the time. Opinion: #HotJesus -- Must He be sexy? - CNN
they all had great bodies?.....would you be saying the same if he was portrayed by a great looking brown guy?...

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