Black Lives Matter Leader: If U.S. Doesn't Give Us What We Want, Then We Will Burn Down This System

..the blacks are giving us no choice but to join the KKK....BLM is worse than the KKK...we have to defend ourselves--the world acknowledges the right to self defense
My fellow Americans, it's come time to make America a Whites only country like the founders intended. They want separation between the races. Let's send them to Senegal and Liberia where President Lincoln originally intended. If not we're going to be in a unfortunate full fledged race war. Whites can no longer be cucks to blacks. We must take charge because White Power Matters.

You forgot to wave your Stars and Bars flag while Saluting, Heil Hitler....
......BLM/blacks have proven to be exactly like the nazis--I've linked this many times
My fellow Americans, it's come time to make America a Whites only country like the founders intended. They want separation between the races. Let's send them to Senegal and Liberia where President Lincoln originally intended. If not we're going to be in a unfortunate full fledged race war. Whites can no longer be cucks to blacks. We must take charge because White Power Matters.

It is you right-wingers who can't live in your own country. The rest of us, of all races and ethnic backgrounds and religions, and both sexes, are AMERICANS, who live here. If you don't like it, get out and find another country. I am of European descent. Why do you shame me in front of my fellow Americans? You are nothing but trash.
You should shut up and move to a inner city.. haha
She believes that Burn Loot Murder doesn't really mean it when they say Kill Whitey.
My fellow Americans, it's come time to make America a Whites only country like the founders intended. They want separation between the races. Let's send them to Senegal and Liberia where President Lincoln originally intended. If not we're going to be in a unfortunate full fledged race war. Whites can no longer be cucks to blacks. We must take charge because White Power Matters.

I don't know if I'd go that far. You can't take this BLM clown seriously. He's really a nobody in the realm of things. If he had the power he thinks he as, he would declare a state (name your choice) to be a black state, and urge all blacks to congregate there.

They could have their own government, their own schools, their own businesses, their own policing. They could isolate themselves from the other 49. Then why doesn't he and his few followers do that? Because most of their people would not follow.

This guy is not the epitome of most black people anymore than Dr. Ben Carson or Walter E Williams are. He's one guy shooting off his mouth. He's meaningless.
This is what happens when democrats pushed whites out of urban areas .. we used to check these animals EASY.. now look at what you did
In all fairness, it wasn't Democrats pushing Whites out of the cities... it was the influx of Blacks, swamping Northern cities beginning as far back as 1916.

It was Dixiecrats and other Southerners driving their Blacks out through Jim Crow Laws and the like... unleashing them on unsuspecting Northerners.

Looks like The South ended-up winning the Civil War after all... it just took 'em 50 years after Appomattox to unleash their ultimate weapon of revenge. ;)

You can still see the vestigial remnants of neighborhoods first built by White Folk, but the resemblance is superficial, and a ghastly echo of their former glory.

Collectively speaking... those 'newcomers' turn everything they touch into $hit... including those glorious, gorgeous old city neighborhoods of former times.
This will be 70% of CONservatives when time comes to fight..rather bow down because "MuH cOnStItUtIoN!

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