#White Lives Matter on Georgia campus


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013

Georgia State student organizations rally against the ‘White Lives Matter’ movement lurking on campus

Stickers emblazoned with “White Lives Matter” have been popping up around Georgia State University’s campus for the past month, and the people behind them are currently unknown.

For Georgia State students who remember the White Student Union controversy back in 2013, Patrick Sharp is an easy scapegoat. Sharp, however, refuted this claim, but does say that many people have approached him about the stickers, many of whom could have been the creator.

“Many, if not most white students are tired of racial double standards but don’t want to have lunatics coming after them, as I have. So I don’t know who did it exactly. It could have been any number of people,” he said.

Still, Sharp defended the stickers and said the message behind them is that white people shouldn’t be attacked based on being white. He said white people are not “uniquely evil.”

When asked how these stickers should be dealt with, Sharp said they should be left alone.

“Georgia State should do nothing. It’s not the school’s business to tell people what they can say and think. If people want the school to tell them what they should say and think, they are probably a little too delicate to be attending college to begin with,” he said.

Shakira Thomas, Georgia State freshman and biology major, also said the stickers should not be considered offensive, because they are not a threat. She said they have the same message as “Black Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter.”

“I think it’s supposed to mean that white people want to direct attention to injustices and inequalities that they face, just like police brutality within the black lives matter movement,” she said.

Tori Franklin, Georgia State sophomore and nutrition major, never noticed the actual stickers, just the flyers for anti-racist demonstrations. She said she felt the message behind the stickers could have been a genuine call for attention to white issues, but they probably came out of ignorance.

Georgia State student organizations rally against the ‘White Lives Matter’ movement lurking on campus
If current trends are a clue....black activists probably staged this.

Georgia State student organizations rally against the ‘White Lives Matter’ movement lurking on campus

Stickers emblazoned with “White Lives Matter” have been popping up around Georgia State University’s campus for the past month, and the people behind them are currently unknown.

For Georgia State students who remember the White Student Union controversy back in 2013, Patrick Sharp is an easy scapegoat. Sharp, however, refuted this claim, but does say that many people have approached him about the stickers, many of whom could have been the creator.

“Many, if not most white students are tired of racial double standards but don’t want to have lunatics coming after them, as I have. So I don’t know who did it exactly. It could have been any number of people,” he said.

Still, Sharp defended the stickers and said the message behind them is that white people shouldn’t be attacked based on being white. He said white people are not “uniquely evil.”

When asked how these stickers should be dealt with, Sharp said they should be left alone.

“Georgia State should do nothing. It’s not the school’s business to tell people what they can say and think. If people want the school to tell them what they should say and think, they are probably a little too delicate to be attending college to begin with,” he said.

Shakira Thomas, Georgia State freshman and biology major, also said the stickers should not be considered offensive, because they are not a threat. She said they have the same message as “Black Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter.”

“I think it’s supposed to mean that white people want to direct attention to injustices and inequalities that they face, just like police brutality within the black lives matter movement,” she said.

Tori Franklin, Georgia State sophomore and nutrition major, never noticed the actual stickers, just the flyers for anti-racist demonstrations. She said she felt the message behind the stickers could have been a genuine call for attention to white issues, but they probably came out of ignorance.

Georgia State student organizations rally against the ‘White Lives Matter’ movement lurking on campus

White lives ALWAYS matter.
When does the nonsense stop?

Kids in college should mind their books so they can graduate.
We've let #BlackLivesMatter continue, so unless we're going to be hypocrites #WhiteLivesMatter is just as valid.

And both are likely going down in the books as eye rollers.
‘White Student Union’ challenges Black Lives Matter at University of Illinois

A Facebook page ostensibly created for an audience at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign called “Illini White Students Union” has drawn fire after it characterized the national Black Lives Matter movement as “terrorism.”

Created Wednesday after a protest sympathetic to Black Lives Matter, the page declared itself “for white students of University of Illinois to be able to form a community and discuss our own issues as well as be able to organize against the terrorism we have been facing from Black Lives Matter activists on campus,” as the Daily Illini reported.

The page did not last long in its original incarnation, but was taken down after three hours. It has since been revived here.

“We recognize the right to free speech, and we encourage you to exercise that right when you see examples of racism, discrimination or intimidation on our campus,” Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson, who called the page “extremely disturbing,” wrote in a message Thursday to the student body.

In an anonymous message to the News-Gazette, the page’s administrator discussed Black Lives Matter.

“We feel they disrupt student daily life and activity far too much,” the message read, saying that movement “marginalizes” white students. “… We are in the United States and not Africa and we don’t desire to have an African flag on campus.”

[White Americans long for the 1950s, when they didn’t face so much discrimination]

The current page is bare bones — just a few links to news stories about the controversy with an image of a statue on campus. The “about” section dedicated the page to “White Pride and a safe place for White students,” according to the News-Gazette, though that page appeared to have changed.

A recent post was a clip from the 1998 film “American History X,” in which Edward Norton plays a white supremacist. In the clip, billed as “revelant to all Ferguson news,” Norton’s character denounces the 1992 riots in Los Angeles.

‘White Student Union’ challenges Black Lives Matter at University of Illinois

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