White Male Investment Banker Punches Black Female MTA Worker In Face And Is Released Without Bail

Last week, a white investment banker punched a Black woman transit worker at a Brooklyn subway station. It happened at the Stillwell Avenue station on Coney Island. The accused, Jean-Francois Coste, 53, punched 56-year-old train operator Tanya McCray, in the face authorities confirmed Sunday.

McCray was at the beginning of her shift at the station when she was trying to leave the “crew room.” A TWY Local 100 spokesman explained that Coste, who works as a senior equity analyst at Tocqueville Asset Management, tried to enter.

“It’s not a public area. He was apparently drunk,” the rep said. “She pushed the door so it clicks and locks, and he punched her in the face at least twice.” The rep also explained that McCray “got in a few licks in herself, punching Coste in self-defense and swinging her lunch bag, which contained a thermos.”

Coste was arrested at the scene. However, according to police he was ordered released without bail. NYC Transit Chief Operating Officer Craig Cipriano gave a statement shortly after expressing gratitude to the NYPD for arresting Coste and another assailant who assaulted train workers in Times Square just a few days before.

“We have zero tolerance for attacks on transit workers and two senseless assaults days apart on employees just trying to do their jobs for the public is outrageous,” Cipriano explained. “We are grateful that the NYPD made immediate arrests in both cases, at Coney Island and Times Square, and hope the injured workers have a speedy recovery.”

Through a statement provided by The Transit Workers Union, McCray said: “I just hope justice is served. I hope he sees jail time. It’s not fair that people think they can just assault us and it’s ok. It’s not OK. We’re just here to do our job.”

A prime example of white privilege when it comes to the Justice System.

Now had a husband caught up with this cat and whooped his ass, he would be still sitting in jail today.
blame the dembot that voted for no bail in NY.

when you vote for dems, you get crime and violence…nobody is safe
I have a lot of problem with it.

But everyone gets ROR in Brooklyn, why would this be an exception?

BTW, just because someone is accused of a crime doesn't make him guilty. For all either one of us know, she may have said something offensive to him and since he apparently had a few drinks went off on here. Doesn't excuse him, but certainly mitigates it.
Yea for a misdemeanor. That is why you have your day in court. Sorry, claiming you were drunk is no defense.
I don't recall you being very upset when a black thug attacked a bodega worker for not giving away a $2.50 bag of chips to his pig girlfriend for free, and when he killed his black attacker in self defense, was charged with murder. Black privilege you know.
Post that story for us RFC, because I know you probably omitting most of it.
That sounds as stupid as you do, so there is no crime and violence in cities that are run by republicans. Smfh.

When it comes to stupid it is hard to top your idiocy.

You piss and moan about white privilege when the proximal cause of this particular whine fest thread of yours, is a black DA who refuses to prosecute criminals.

So, how about you address the real facts instead of your bullshit "oh woe is me" lies.
When it comes to stupid it is hard to top your idiocy.

You piss and moan about white privilege when the proximal cause of this particular whine fest thread of yours, is a black DA who refuses to prosecute criminals.

So, how about you address the real facts instead of your bullshit "oh woe is me" lies.
Judges set bail, idiot.
When it comes to stupid it is hard to top your idiocy.

You piss and moan about white privilege when the proximal cause of this particular whine fest thread of yours, is a black DA who refuses to prosecute criminals.

So, how about you address the real facts instead of your bullshit "oh woe is me" lies.
His mind is fully controlled by whitey. He is unable to see beyond victimization that white liberals have so easily convinced weaker minds with.
He has no mind.
He is an automaton. Fully programmed and controlled by white liberals, who have convinced him to be a victim. And stay a victim so they can continue to keep black people in a state of dependency on them.
Stronger minded blacks have rejected the victim mentality and think for themselves.
Not any more, idiot. In NY that so called bail reform ties judges hands. They have very little say in bail amounts.

Like I said, ADDRESS THE REAL ISSUE, instead of your childish bullshit.
you are talking with a demklan plantation boy…he doesn’t know the issues…he only knows what Uncle Joe tells him, he can’t think for himself
Not any more, idiot. In NY that so called bail reform ties judges hands. They have very little say in bail amounts.

Like I said, ADDRESS THE REAL ISSUE, instead of your childish bullshit.
he gave me a thumbs down instead of answering the question i asked him.....i guess brutha does not do questions he cant answer...
Last week, a white investment banker punched a Black woman transit worker at a Brooklyn subway station. It happened at the Stillwell Avenue station on Coney Island. The accused, Jean-Francois Coste, 53, punched 56-year-old train operator Tanya McCray, in the face authorities confirmed Sunday.

McCray was at the beginning of her shift at the station when she was trying to leave the “crew room.” A TWY Local 100 spokesman explained that Coste, who works as a senior equity analyst at Tocqueville Asset Management, tried to enter.

“It’s not a public area. He was apparently drunk,” the rep said. “She pushed the door so it clicks and locks, and he punched her in the face at least twice.” The rep also explained that McCray “got in a few licks in herself, punching Coste in self-defense and swinging her lunch bag, which contained a thermos.”

Coste was arrested at the scene. However, according to police he was ordered released without bail. NYC Transit Chief Operating Officer Craig Cipriano gave a statement shortly after expressing gratitude to the NYPD for arresting Coste and another assailant who assaulted train workers in Times Square just a few days before.

“We have zero tolerance for attacks on transit workers and two senseless assaults days apart on employees just trying to do their jobs for the public is outrageous,” Cipriano explained. “We are grateful that the NYPD made immediate arrests in both cases, at Coney Island and Times Square, and hope the injured workers have a speedy recovery.”

Through a statement provided by The Transit Workers Union, McCray said: “I just hope justice is served. I hope he sees jail time. It’s not fair that people think they can just assault us and it’s ok. It’s not OK. We’re just here to do our job.”

A prime example of white privilege when it comes to the Justice System.

Now had a husband caught up with this cat and whooped his ass, he would be still sitting in jail today.
Check NY state laws, dumbass.
Everything is racism to a racist.. smh

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