White Male suffrage in the US, Jackson wanted to do away with the EC


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Jacksonian Democracy was built on the following:[4]

· Expanded suffrage – The Jacksonians believed that voting rights should be extended to all white men. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage[5] and by 1856 all requirements to own property and nearly all requirements to pay taxes had been dropped.[

Jacksonian democracy - Wikipedia

the only reason for the EC was wealthy people , who could read and owned property would get together and vote for the President but there is no need for it today.

We are educated enough to know who to vote for, except those "poorly educated" that Trump liked so much.
Women didn't get to vote until 1920, and even though blacks were allowed , they really didn't get to vote till the Civil Rights Act 1960.

Today we are going backwards in time, when I read Georgia,is trying to close black polls due to they are not ADA compliant. So they are deterring black and disabled people to vote???

I know where I live now, they have a ADA compliant (according to them) one SOS, but its not ADA compliant really, and you wait all day. The other one you have to drive to as its not on a bus route, and then you'd have to walk a few blocks, which many can't. So the one ADA compliant one, is in a major mini mall, and like a parking is not up by it, and the ramp is like 15 feet of a steady incline or steps , well lets let an elderly person with a walker make it up the ramp and how about a WC person, scooters are fine but not everyone has one.

I am going to take a picture of it, as they do not have one on the net.
We are educated enough to know who to vote for, except those "poorly educated" that Trump liked so much.
We are "educated" enough to know when we are being insulted and marginalized. Like when the Hildabeast called us "Deplorables".

Liberal hubris will result in Trump being reelected in 2020. .... :thup:
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Those who can't win on ideas, need to suppress those whose ideas lead them to those who can.
think that you are correct , hope so anyway . I'm hoping another term for The TRUMP and then the little i know of Pence , well , he has to be better than ANY 'dem' . Plus i think that The TRUMP vetted and approved Pence as being a good guy Sunni .
I've never understood why those on government assistance (another issue altogether) are permitted to vote to raise that assistance?

What a crazy thing. Miles of mischief.
Those who can't win on ideas, need to suppress those whose ideas lead them to those who can.
---------------------------------------------- look at the lefty mob that just recently tore done a Confederate Memorial WryCatcher .
We are educated enough to know who to vote for, except those "poorly educated" that Trump liked so much.
We are "educated" enough to know when we are being insulted and marginalized. Like when the Hildabeast called us "Deplorables".

Liberal hubris will result in Trump being reelected in 2020. .... :thup:

To be fair, she was right on.
I've never understood why those on government assistance (another issue altogether) are permitted to vote to raise that assistance?

What a crazy thing. Miles of mischief.

So you really think only the employed should get to vote???? How about a disable vet on assistance, or a single working mom with three kids needing assistance because the deadbeat dad hasn't paid child support and is a drunk??

How about her??
We are educated enough to know who to vote for, except those "poorly educated" that Trump liked so much.
We are "educated" enough to know when we are being insulted and marginalized. Like when the Hildabeast called us "Deplorables".

Liberal hubris will result in Trump being reelected in 2020. .... :thup:

To be fair, she was right on.

And she's now president because of it.

Oh wait ... :auiqs.jpg:
I've never understood why those on government assistance (another issue altogether) are permitted to vote to raise that assistance?

What a crazy thing. Miles of mischief.

So you really think only the employed should get to vote???? How about a disable vet on assistance, or a single working mom with three kids needing assistance because the deadbeat dad hasn't paid child support and is a drunk??

How about her??

What don't you understand?
We are educated enough to know who to vote for, except those "poorly educated" that Trump liked so much.
We are "educated" enough to know when we are being insulted and marginalized. Like when the Hildabeast called us "Deplorables".

Liberal hubris will result in Trump being reelected in 2020. .... :thup:

To be fair, she was right on.


to be fair, she would have included the same percentage of Democrats in that insult.

She didn't
Those who can't win on ideas, need to suppress those whose ideas lead them to those who can.
---------------------------------------------- look at the lefty mob that just recently tore done a Confederate Memorial WryCatcher .

Mobs don't think, they emote viscerally. As do those whose vote is determined by a single or a couple of wedge issues (God, Gays, Guns, Abortion).
point is that LEFTY Mobs do mob action in the instance that i just described in Post number 11 which shows the lie of Wrycatchers Post number 3 Penny .
Those who can't win on ideas, need to suppress those whose ideas lead them to those who can.
---------------------------------------------- look at the lefty mob that just recently tore done a Confederate Memorial WryCatcher .

Mobs don't think, they emote viscerally. As do those whose vote is determined by a single or a couple of wedge issues (God, Gays, Guns, Abortion).
------------------------------------------ YOU are not a mind reader plus the fact is thats its NONE of your business as to how and why and what reasons people vote in their PRIVATE Voting WryCatcher . ------------------------- YOU lefty guys are all twisted up in your thinking process WryCatcher .
Look at Penelope whining about how her right to vote is just too, too hard.

And we're educated enough to do that voting thing except half the country you disagree with.
Those who can't win on ideas, need to suppress those whose ideas lead them to those who can.
---------------------------------------------- look at the lefty mob that just recently tore done a Confederate Memorial WryCatcher .

Mobs don't think, they emote viscerally. As do those whose vote is determined by a single or a couple of wedge issues (God, Gays, Guns, Abortion).
------------------------------------------ YOU are not a mind reader plus the fact is thats its NONE of your business as to how and why and what reasons people vote in their PRIVATE Voting WryCatcher . ------------------------- YOU lefty guys are all twisted up in your thinking process WryCatcher .

I don't pretend to be a mind reader, I read, listen and watch, which is necessary and sufficient to render an informed opinion.

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