White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

Hey stupid. This so called "accident" was her fault since she was super drunk. And it happened like 3 hours earlier!!! She wasn't looking for help, you fool. Who knows what she was up to?. Just some crazy nut trying to break down your door at 4 AM.

Get your facts straight or GTF outta here

How is that not an "accident"? You're saying she intentionally crashed her car?

She intentionally got herself super-drunk. If someone puts on a blindfold and crashes their car, is that an accident.? THINK, you miserable wretch.
He didn't know she was unarmed or alone. This is like if some idiot stranger points a toy gun at you and you shoot. Are you at fault?
Apples & oranges idiot. He should have locked the door, told her to leave, called police if she refused to leave & stood watch with his gun until they arrived.

Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.
Bullshit pal.

Anyone breaking into your house in the middle of the night ain't there to borrow a cup of sugar.

Anyone breaking into my house in the middle of the night will meet my shotgun up close and personal as I blow them to hell.

I won't bat an eye as I do it and believe me killing their ass won't bother me one little bit.
Knocking on your front door is in no way breaking in or entering. You will go to jail every time for shooting someone like that and it will bother you a lot many times a day.
She was unarmed and he shot her through the door. He deserves what he got.

He didn't know she was unarmed or alone.
But neither did he have any reason to think she was armed or a threat. He had no reason to shoot.

This is like if some idiot stranger points a toy gun at you and you shoot. Are you at fault?
No, it's not like that. If someone is pointing a toy gun at you (that looks close enough to a real gun) then it is reasonable to perceive a threat.
Hey stupid. This so called "accident" was her fault since she was super drunk. And it happened like 3 hours earlier!!! She wasn't looking for help, you fool. Who knows what she was up to?. Just some crazy nut trying to break down your door at 4 AM.

Get your facts straight or GTF outta here

How is that not an "accident"? You're saying she intentionally crashed her car?

She intentionally got herself super-drunk. If someone puts on a blindfold and crashes their car, is that an accident.? THINK, you miserable wretch.

Uhhhhh --- given this thread alone, let alone the rest of your sewage, you're in no position to be using the word "think", Gomer.

Yes, it would be, if it wasn't intentional. That's what the word "accident" means. THINK.
He didn't know she was unarmed or alone. This is like if some idiot stranger points a toy gun at you and you shoot. Are you at fault?
Apples & oranges idiot. He should have locked the door, told her to leave, called police if she refused to leave & stood watch with his gun until they arrived.

Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.

What was she gonna do, breathe on him to death?
Racist fuckwad. As said before, knuckledraggers like you perpetuate this mindless divisive ignorance.
I wonder if it would have helped if he had claimed the Joe Biden defense.

"[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door."
He didn't know she was unarmed or alone. This is like if some idiot stranger points a toy gun at you and you shoot. Are you at fault?
Apples & oranges idiot. He should have locked the door, told her to leave, called police if she refused to leave & stood watch with his gun until they arrived.

Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.

Bullshit! Look out & check all the windows & doors. Wake up, drink some coffee while standing guard, If she is still there, hasn't passed out, police or ambulance haven't come, then offer a pillow, blanket or ride to hospital.

There was no legal justification to shoot anyone in this situation.
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Bullshit! Look out & check all the windows & doors. Wake up, drink some coffee while standing guard, If she is still there, hasn't passed out, police or ambulance haven't come, then offer a pillow, blanket or ride to hospital.

There was no legal justification to shoot anyone in this situation.

Offer her a pillow??? Someone who wants to kill you? HAHAHA. That was a joke post, right? Not even a liberal can be that stupid.
The national press has buried this story because even they know the white man was screwed every way but right side up. If the races were reversed, the press would be howling about this injustice.
This is also a lie.

Numerous National media outlets have been reporting the story, including the trial, verdict, and sentencing.

BS - the sentencing has been buried. 17 years for obvious self-defense is insane.
Buried? I heard about it on NPR. Moron.
I wonder if it would have helped if he had claimed the Joe Biden defense.

"[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door."

That probably would have helped. Couldn't have done any worse than what his legal "defense" did for him. Looks like his lawyers weren't even trying to win the case. It's just awful that he was convicted of murder and then to get 17 years on top of that!!! If the races were reversed no charges would have even been filed. That's for sure.

BS - the sentencing has been buried. 17 years for obvious self-defense is insane.
Buried? I heard about it on NPR. Moron.

NPR??. Nobody watches that. The real networks buried this story cause they don't want whites to find out how one of their own got 17 years for actions that, if done by a black, would have been labeled heroic.
I wonder if it would have helped if he had claimed the Joe Biden defense.

"[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door."

That probably would have helped. Couldn't have done any worse than what his legal "defense" did for him. Looks like his lawyers weren't even trying to win the case. It's just awful that he was convicted of murder and then to get 17 years on top of that!!! If the races were reversed no charges would have even been filed. That's for sure.

Fallacy of false cause. You lose again.
What's it like losing every point? I can't wrap my head around why you keep doing that and expecting different results.

Bullshit! Look out & check all the windows & doors. Wake up, drink some coffee while standing guard, If she is still there, hasn't passed out, police or ambulance haven't come, then offer a pillow, blanket or ride to hospital.

There was no legal justification to shoot anyone in this situation.

Offer her a pillow??? Someone who wants to kill you? HAHAHA. That was a joke post, right? Not even a liberal can be that stupid.

Dude, she didn't want to kill him. Nobody but you thinks that.
There's no justification for shooting someone through your door.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. I can give a million examples where it would be justified. What if they have a gun and are shooting at you thru the door?

That's not what happened here.

details matter.

This guy shot a girl for banging on his door. I mean come on. There is no way he justifiably feared for his life.

And THAT is the only standard that matters, is it reasonable that he feared for his life (or the life of others) when a drunk girl was banging on his door?

Answer, no it is NOT reasonable. Guilty

BS - the sentencing has been buried. 17 years for obvious self-defense is insane.
Buried? I heard about it on NPR. Moron.

NPR??. Nobody watches that. The real networks buried this story cause they don't want whites to find out how one of their own got 17 years for actions that, if done by a black, would have been labeled heroic.

That's true, nobody watches radio, NPR or otherwise, dumbass. But 27 million listen to it. See, there's your problem; you don't know how to use technology.

Even this site, which is where I got the news, posted it right here in the thread that discussed the crime at the time, with a link to the NYTimes story. A fucking MONTH ago.

As did ABC. As did NBC. As did CBS. As did Fox Noise. As did local media in the market you claim to LIVE IN.
Here it is "buried" in France, dumbass.

You are a true intellecutally helpless cretin.
He should have just called the police. If she actually entered his house then the shooting would be justified. That was probably the point of contention here.

I agree. Someone banging on your door? Call a cop.

Someone breaks into your house shoot the fucker.

Well shoot him if he is a threat and wont follow your directions to keep you feeling that he is not a threat.

Bullshit pal.

Anone breaking into my house in the middle of the night sure ain't there to ask for a cup of sugar.

Anyone breaking into my house in the middle of the night will meet my shotgun up close and personal and they will die and won't bat an eye as I blow his or her ass to hell.

You can take the time to find out why they broke in but I won't.

You don't want to live with the knowledge that you killed someone if you can avoid it.

The attributions are having me say things I did not say. Please fix it.

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