White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
If she was drunk, that is what made her a threat. People can do anything when they are under the influence.

God bless you and the man always!!!


I disagree. I have come home drunk lots of times, did I threaten my wife by doing so? No.

There is no evidence that either wanted to kill the other. Just two confused people for different reasons and one is tragically dead.
^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!

^^^ Oh well. At least you don't see me pounding on the door of a stranger after getting completely wasted. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. And you never will because I am not stupid enough to drink anything that is only going to compromise my way of thinking later on. Actually you will never see me doing a lot of things which is a statement that I couldn't be more proud to make. :) :) :)
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BS - the sentencing has been buried. 17 years for obvious self-defense is insane.
Buried? I heard about it on NPR. Moron.

NPR??. Nobody watches that. The real networks buried this story cause they don't want whites to find out how one of their own got 17 years for actions that, if done by a black, would have been labeled heroic.

That's true, nobody watches radio, NPR or otherwise, dumbass. But 27 million listen to it. See, there's your problem; you don't know how to use technology.

Even this site, which is where I got the news, posted it right here in the thread that discussed the crime at the time, with a link to the NYTimes story. A fucking MONTH ago.

As did ABC. As did NBC. As did CBS. As did Fox Noise. As did local media in the market you claim to LIVE IN.
Here it is "buried" in France, dumbass.

You are a true intellecutally helpless cretin.

I almost feel sorry for the idiot you're beating up on. LOL! The amount of racism on this forum is mind blowing. It makes me want to shower, then burn my clothes.

17 years not enough, he should have been shot, alongside with the OP...
^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!


I don't drink, so no. But I've seen enough drunks to know that an unarmed teenage girl in such a state -- or for that matter anyone -- doesn't have the hand/eye coordination to be any kind of threat. I further know that there was already a door between them -- a door he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to.

So no, an unarmed drunk teenager does not deserve a sucker shot to the face just because she's black or any other color. Take that to the moral bank.

If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough.

I get unsolicited phone calls all the time. I tell them to stop; they don't. So I have the right to go to their office and shoot them in the face? Through the door??
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

You're pulling on our legs, right?

Though intoxicated, trespassing and apparently hysterical, this girl was in trouble and needed help. While he couldn't have known the entirety of the situation in that moment, how in the world can you justify the use of deadly force in this instance? This is clearly a case of the wrongful use of a firearm with horrifically tragic consequences for all.
There's no justification for shooting someone through your door.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. I can give a million examples where it would be justified. What if they have a gun and are shooting at you thru the door?
That would be stupid unless you can see through doors. They could have a hostage or someone could be walking across the street. If someone is shooting through your door, find cover and be armed if possible and call 9/11.

BS - the sentencing has been buried. 17 years for obvious self-defense is insane.
Buried? I heard about it on NPR. Moron.

NPR??. Nobody watches that. The real networks buried this story cause they don't want whites to find out how one of their own got 17 years for actions that, if done by a black, would have been labeled heroic.
You're right - nobody watches it.....because NPR is radio. National Public Radio. Conservatives like to call it liberal media. And plenty of people watch it.

Holy shit, you are one dumb motherfucker:eusa_hand::lmao:
The national press has buried this story because even they know the white man was screwed every way but right side up. If the races were reversed, the press would be howling about this injustice.

Why don't you post a story about a black guy/gal that shot a white guy/gal OUTSIDE his/her house. Key word OUTSIDE.
That would be stupid unless you can see through doors. They could have a hostage or someone could be walking across the street. If someone is shooting through your door, find cover and be armed if possible and call 9/11.

Make sure you write '9-1-1' as conservatives will sue you because they can't find the '11' on their phone.
That would be stupid unless you can see through doors. They could have a hostage or someone could be walking across the street. If someone is shooting through your door, find cover and be armed if possible and call 9/11.

Make sure you write '9-1-1' as conservatives will sue you because they can't find the '11' on their phone.
Grow up.
^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!


Still not a lethal threat.

Holly I pray that you or your loved ones do not take such drastic action in such a situation.

It would be very harsh to live with financially as well as emotionally.

Human life is sacred and precious, even us drunks. :D
That would be stupid unless you can see through doors. They could have a hostage or someone could be walking across the street. If someone is shooting through your door, find cover and be armed if possible and call 9/11.

Make sure you write '9-1-1' as conservatives will sue you because they can't find the '11' on their phone.

Lawsuits over stupid shit like that is for libtards, not conservatives, which is why the Trial Lawyers Guild almost always supports Dimbocrapic candidates.

BS - the sentencing has been buried. 17 years for obvious self-defense is insane.
Buried? I heard about it on NPR. Moron.

NPR??. Nobody watches that. The real networks buried this story cause they don't want whites to find out how one of their own got 17 years for actions that, if done by a black, would have been labeled heroic.

That's true, nobody watches radio, NPR or otherwise, dumbass. But 27 million listen to it. See, there's your problem; you don't know how to use technology.

Even this site, which is where I got the news, posted it right here in the thread that discussed the crime at the time, with a link to the NYTimes story. A fucking MONTH ago.

As did ABC. As did NBC. As did CBS. As did Fox Noise. As did local media in the market you claim to LIVE IN.
Here it is "buried" in France, dumbass.

You are a true intellecutally helpless cretin.

I almost feel sorry for the idiot you're beating up on. LOL! The amount of racism on this forum is mind blowing. It makes me want to shower, then burn my clothes.

Yeah, you really should go do that, right now.

Those conservative kooties, aka thought and 'stating facts' can leap across your computer monitor and cause you to start thinking for yourself and shit, maybe even get something right for once! Cant have that! None of your libtard friends would associate with you once you start to make sense and leave the libtard stupid shit behind you. You know, things like wanting equal standing before the law for ALL races, genders, religions, etc. Downright crazy.

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