White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

She intentionally got herself super-drunk. If someone puts on a blindfold and crashes their car, is that an accident.? THINK, you miserable wretch.

You do realize that the cheese has slid off your cracker and fallen into the toilet now, right? I do free-of-charge sessions for folks like you if you're light on scratch. No fire arms allowed though, okay?

The board notes you never addressed the point i raised and instead made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

The personal attack is yours. In bold.

Now go cram it back up your ass where it came from, shitstain.
This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.
This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.

So you're advocating perjury for white people?
She intentionally got herself super-drunk. If someone puts on a blindfold and crashes their car, is that an accident.? THINK, you miserable wretch.

You do realize that the cheese has slid off your cracker and fallen into the toilet now, right? I do free-of-charge sessions for folks like you if you're light on scratch. No fire arms allowed though, okay?

The board notes you never addressed the point i raised and instead made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

The personal attack is yours. In bold.

Now go cram it back up your ass where it came from, shitstain.

But i also addressed the issue. You didn't. You never do. It's always just personal attacks we get from you hate-filled liberals.

It's just awful that he was convicted of murder and then to get 17 years on top of that!!!

This has to be the stupidest statement ever. Like you get convicted of murder then go to Saint Tropez lol

Hey stupid. The defense asked for 6 years so it appears that was doable. Maybe he could have gotten even less. THINK

The defense is on HIS side, stupid. It's the prosecution that makes the case against him.
Or isn't that allowed?
She intentionally got herself super-drunk. If someone puts on a blindfold and crashes their car, is that an accident.? THINK, you miserable wretch.

You do realize that the cheese has slid off your cracker and fallen into the toilet now, right? I do free-of-charge sessions for folks like you if you're light on scratch. No fire arms allowed though, okay?

The board notes you never addressed the point i raised and instead made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

The personal attack is yours. In bold.

Now go cram it back up your ass where it came from, shitstain.

But i also addressed the issue. You didn't. You never do. It's always just personal attacks we get from you hate-filled liberals.

Your own thread title, wallowing in the ignorance of a story that's a month old, goes out of its way to describe "super-drunk black" yet never mentions "female", "tennager" or "unarmed". Then you blame your own ignorance on black people and media "burying" a story because Numero Uno missed it. Then you made up another fiction that she was "breaking in" and denied that car accidents are "accidents". Then you attack me, pin it on somebody else, then you act surprised that the motherfucker got a sentence after being found guilty.

You're a lying racist hack sack of pus-infested wank product, and that's an insult to pus.
He didn't know she was unarmed or alone. This is like if some idiot stranger points a toy gun at you and you shoot. Are you at fault?
Apples & oranges idiot. He should have locked the door, told her to leave, called police if she refused to leave & stood watch with his gun until they arrived.

Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.

Wafer never even called the cops before he blew her face off. He should have told her to leave his property, looked out & check all the windows & doors, found his phone, called 911, woke up & drank some coffee while standing guard.

There was no legal justification to shoot anyone in this situation. She didn't even damage his property. Wafer blew a hole in his own door.
This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.

What the heck are you smoking?

This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.

What the heck are you smoking?


Well, other than the white guy part, you shouldn't tell the cops anything till you have spoken to a lawyer first.
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
If she was drunk, that is what made her a threat. People can do anything when they are under the influence.

God bless you and the man always!!!


Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?

Yes, I do believe Holly is insane.

No, she is more sane than 99% of the people here.

That's scary.

No, there is nothing wrong with her personality.

But you seem awfully judgemental.

Does her politeness and kindness creep you out because you are basically a rude little shit?
Not a gun, a two edged sword.

Which is why, as a gun owner, I believe in the right to have guns, but some shouldn't be anywhere near a gun. It's the five-percent thing.......

Those who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun are felons and the criminally insane.

No shrink or politician has the right to take away a God given right.

Reread what you responded to. NO ONE said anything about taking away rights.

However, yes a competency hearing CAN take away your right to own guns
Not a gun, a two edged sword.

Which is why, as a gun owner, I believe in the right to have guns, but some shouldn't be anywhere near a gun. It's the five-percent thing.......

Those who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun are felons and the criminally insane.

No shrink or politician has the right to take away a God given right.

Reread what you responded to. NO ONE said anything about taking away rights.

However, yes a competency hearing CAN take away your right to own guns

Where do you see that in the Second Amendment?
Not a gun, a two edged sword.

Which is why, as a gun owner, I believe in the right to have guns, but some shouldn't be anywhere near a gun. It's the five-percent thing.......

Those who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun are felons and the criminally insane.

No shrink or politician has the right to take away a God given right.

Reread what you responded to. NO ONE said anything about taking away rights.

However, yes a competency hearing CAN take away your right to own guns

Where do you see that in the Second Amendment?

Where do you see "can't yell fire" in the first?

For the love of God use some common sense, why would you POSSIBLY give those who would like take ALL gun rights away such ammo? Now some moron can legitimately claim that some gun nut posted on USMB that even people who have been determined to be insane should be allowed to own guns, and they would be right.

Not a gun, a two edged sword.

Which is why, as a gun owner, I believe in the right to have guns, but some shouldn't be anywhere near a gun. It's the five-percent thing.......

Those who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun are felons and the criminally insane.

No shrink or politician has the right to take away a God given right.

Reread what you responded to. NO ONE said anything about taking away rights.

However, yes a competency hearing CAN take away your right to own guns

Where do you see that in the Second Amendment?

Where do you see "can't yell fire" in the first?

First Amendment protects freedom of religious expression and political speech. Wince when is a potentially fatal prank either of those?

For the love of God use some common sense, why would you POSSIBLY give those who would like take ALL gun rights away such ammo?

Never make a deal with the Devil. These gon control fascists are merely settling for what they can get at the expense of all our freedoms. Any board can be loaded with ideologues who do not want an armed public, thereby you can give the government the legal tools to disarm us all. Don't be a fool.

Now some moron can legitimately claim that some gun nut posted on USMB that even people who have been determined to be insane should be allowed to own guns, and they would be right.

So what the fuck? If they didn't have me post that they would just make it up and LIE you dumb ass.

But what I said is right, true and FAITHFUL TO THE CONSTITUTION and I am sick of people like you who trade away Constitutional rights for temporary fig leaves of security or political tactics that vanish in the wind.

Read some history, dude.


Lawsuits over stupid shit like that is for libtards, not conservatives, which is why the Trial Lawyers Guild almost always supports Dimbocrapic candidates.

So a group that represents mostly the poor and middle class supports Democrats? I wonder why?

The middle class more supports the GOP these days, but I am sure a good chunk of them are like me and want a third choice that isn't sold out to the corporate crony network and step'n and fetchin for international corporations and Wall Street banks.

Those who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun are felons and the criminally insane.


Felons? Why should someone who cheated on their taxes or smoked some pot or passed a bad check lose their gun rights.? You obviously don't even know what a felony is. You'd be surprised how minor most felonies are.

Your own thread title, wallowing in the ignorance of a story that's a month old, goes out of its way to describe "super-drunk black" yet never mentions "female", "tennager" or "unarmed". .

So she's female. Are you sexist?

Teenager? I guess so but she was 19 and that's an adult too

The white man didn't know she was unarmed.


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