White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

Your own thread title, wallowing in the ignorance of a story that's a month old, goes out of its way to describe "super-drunk black" yet never mentions "female", "tennager" or "unarmed". Then you blame your own ignorance on black people and media "burying" a story because Numero Uno missed it. Then you made up another fiction that she was "breaking in" and denied that car accidents are "accidents". Then you attack me, pin it on somebody else, then you act surprised that the motherfucker got a sentence after being found guilty.

You're a lying racist hack sack of pus-infested wank product, and that's an insult to pus.

So she's female. Are you sexist?

Teenager? I guess so but she was 19 and that's an adult too

The white man didn't know she was unarmed.


YOU knew all the above, ya freaking weasel. YOU wrote the OP. YOU did all that. Time to put on some big boy pants and take responsibility for your textual diarrhea, DUMBASS.
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
If she was drunk, that is what made her a threat. People can do anything when they are under the influence.

God bless you and the man always!!!


Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?

Yes, I do believe Holly is insane.

No, she is more sane than 99% of the people here.

That's scary.

No, there is nothing wrong with her personality.

But you seem awfully judgemental.

Does her politeness and kindness creep you out because you are basically a rude little shit?

Then you're insane too. I guess you missed her justification response for killing the teen.

It is her opinion, dude, that doesn't make her insane.

Jesus, you libtards are so full of yourselves, anybody that disagree with you is insane, corrupt or stupid, in your closed minded ideological straight-jacketed perspectives..

Wanting an unarmed teenage girl to not-be-shot-to-death-in-the-face is a "closed minded ideological straight-jacketed perspective", is it?

1) she was not breaking into his house.
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
3) Does Michigan law allow people to normally shoot tresspassers? If not, he is guilty as sin and got what he deserved. He should have called the cops to arrest the drunk girl instead of taking the law in his own hands and killing her over a misdemeanor charge.

I find it difficult to believe you think this man should have walked, Shooter.

he gave himself away right off the bat

when he claimed it was an accidental discharge of his firearm

then changed up his story

Sounds like he tried to cover it up, like many would do, but when it happens unprepared, you need to go with 'lawyer up' not 'make shit up'.

personally i think his first explanation is the truth

usually statements made the closest to the event

tend to pull more weight

once he got a lawyer and the lawyer informed him

that an accidental shooting can not be claimed as self defense

he changed up the story
This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.

What the heck are you smoking?


Well, other than the white guy part, you shouldn't tell the cops anything till you have spoken to a lawyer first.

How about not shooting the teen in the first place?

Obviously, and that is as I have said from the first time I posted on this thread; unjustifiable homicide.

But I think the guy should have gotten manslaughter due to him just having been awakened in the middle of the night. But prosecutors these days maximize everything to get people to plead.

At least the perp had the balls to take it to court.

I could be wrong, but I believe you can be released from prison in 1-2 yrs on a manslaughter charge. I don't think that amount of time would be appropriate for this crime.

Then change the sentencing guidelines. The legal definition is manslaughter if the guy wasn't in complete control of his mind at the time, and being half asleep is such an altered mental state.

Then what the fuck is he doing handling firearms??? :banghead:

Did the gun shoot itself? That what you're saying -- the guy was asleep, so blame the gun?
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
If she was drunk, that is what made her a threat. People can do anything when they are under the influence.

God bless you and the man always!!!


Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?

Yes, I do believe Holly is insane.

No, she is more sane than 99% of the people here.

That's scary.

No, there is nothing wrong with her personality.

But you seem awfully judgemental.

Does her politeness and kindness creep you out because you are basically a rude little shit?

Then you're insane too. I guess you missed her justification response for killing the teen.

It is her opinion, dude, that doesn't make her insane.

Jesus, you libtards are so full of yourselves, anybody that disagree with you is insane, corrupt or stupid, in your closed minded ideological straight-jacketed perspectives..

Well, yes it does. If she really believes it's okay to kill a teenager just because she's drunk and outside your door, she is insane, and probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

Or more to the point, to serve on a jury.
1) she was not breaking into his house.
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
3) Does Michigan law allow people to normally shoot tresspassers? If not, he is guilty as sin and got what he deserved. He should have called the cops to arrest the drunk girl instead of taking the law in his own hands and killing her over a misdemeanor charge.

I find it difficult to believe you think this man should have walked, Shooter.

he gave himself away right off the bat

when he claimed it was an accidental discharge of his firearm

then changed up his story

Sounds like he tried to cover it up, like many would do, but when it happens unprepared, you need to go with 'lawyer up' not 'make shit up'.

personally i think his first explanation is the truth

usually statements made the closest to the event

tend to pull more weight

once he got a lawyer and the lawyer informed him

that an accidental shooting can not be claimed as self defense

he changed up the story

In such situations there is ZERO reason to speak to police without a lawyer present.

Why gamble that the cops are not going to target you due to lack of other suspects anyway? In this case the question was what degree of culpability was there? I don't think the mans lawyer served him well.
1) she was not breaking into his house.
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
3) Does Michigan law allow people to normally shoot tresspassers? If not, he is guilty as sin and got what he deserved. He should have called the cops to arrest the drunk girl instead of taking the law in his own hands and killing her over a misdemeanor charge.

I find it difficult to believe you think this man should have walked, Shooter.

he gave himself away right off the bat

when he claimed it was an accidental discharge of his firearm

then changed up his story

Sounds like he tried to cover it up, like many would do, but when it happens unprepared, you need to go with 'lawyer up' not 'make shit up'.

personally i think his first explanation is the truth

usually statements made the closest to the event

tend to pull more weight

once he got a lawyer and the lawyer informed him

that an accidental shooting can not be claimed as self defense

he changed up the story

In such situations there is ZERO reason to speak to police without a lawyer present.

Why gamble that the cops are not going to target you due to lack of other suspects anyway? In this case the question was what degree of culpability was there? I don't think the mans lawyer served him well.

"OTHER SUSPECTS"?? From inside the guy's HOUSE?

Yyyyeeeaah... it was the house gnome. That's it.

"other suspects"...
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2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
If she was drunk, that is what made her a threat. People can do anything when they are under the influence.

God bless you and the man always!!!


Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?

Yes, I do believe Holly is insane.

No, she is more sane than 99% of the people here.

That's scary.

No, there is nothing wrong with her personality.

But you seem awfully judgemental.

Does her politeness and kindness creep you out because you are basically a rude little shit?

Then you're insane too. I guess you missed her justification response for killing the teen.

It is her opinion, dude, that doesn't make her insane.

Jesus, you libtards are so full of yourselves, anybody that disagree with you is insane, corrupt or stupid, in your closed minded ideological straight-jacketed perspectives..

Well, yes it does. If she really believes it's okay to kill a teenager just because she's drunk and outside your door, she is insane, and probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

Lol, apparently you think insane means 'Disagrees with me about a legal opinion.'

That is not the meaning of insane, dear.

Okay, she's freaking crazy.

Now you go with switching to a synonym of the same damned thing?

Are you over the age of 12?

I'm sorry, but you are completely irrational, and so is your little friend.

And yo are now a psychiatric authority too?

Lol, internet wonder boy gives diagnosis without a license over the internet, story at eleven.

You are an idiot, and I couldn't care less what an idiot like you thinks of my mental condition.
This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.

What the heck are you smoking?


Well, other than the white guy part, you shouldn't tell the cops anything till you have spoken to a lawyer first.

How about not shooting the teen in the first place?

Obviously, and that is as I have said from the first time I posted on this thread; unjustifiable homicide.

But I think the guy should have gotten manslaughter due to him just having been awakened in the middle of the night. But prosecutors these days maximize everything to get people to plead.

At least the perp had the balls to take it to court.

I could be wrong, but I believe you can be released from prison in 1-2 yrs on a manslaughter charge. I don't think that amount of time would be appropriate for this crime.

Then change the sentencing guidelines. The legal definition is manslaughter if the guy wasn't in complete control of his mind at the time, and being half asleep is such an altered mental state.

You can't kill someone because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, dummy.

No, you cant, but it can be an extenuating circumstance, you betcha. Especially since the drunk was the one who woke the dude up in the first place with her shenanigans.

Jesus I am sick of irresponsible children acting like retards then everybody wants to burn the person that reacts to the stupid bullshit like they wouldn't have done the same damned thing.

Put yourself in that mans place...no, never mind, you simply do not have that in your mental capacity talking points.

I would have picked up the phone and called the police. I would start shooting if and when they decided to break down my door. How fucking hard is that?

half asleep, startled and afraid can make it pretty damned difficult.

Whats the matter? Cant have any bad vibes on your little guillotine party?
Your own thread title, wallowing in the ignorance of a story that's a month old, goes out of its way to describe "super-drunk black" yet never mentions "female", "tennager" or "unarmed". .

So she's female. Are you sexist?

Teenager? I guess so but she was 19 and that's an adult too

The white man didn't know she was unarmed.


When shooting in 'self defense' not knowing that they do not have a gun is NOT a justifiable case of self defense.

Dear Lord.
Jesus , Mary, and Joseph. I have over 500 guns and FULLY support the right to own weapons, but I want every single person in this thread who has openly said that you have a right to kill a person who is on your porch annoying you investigated and possibly institutionalized and all your weapons taken away from you.
This white guy was guilty of stupidity. He probably told the truth to the cops and that's usually a bad idea. There were no witnesses so he should have said something like "she was screaming like a nutter and said she had a gun and was going to come in and kill the white boy". Or perhaps just keep your mouth shut.

What the heck are you smoking?


Well, other than the white guy part, you shouldn't tell the cops anything till you have spoken to a lawyer first.

How about not shooting the teen in the first place?

Obviously, and that is as I have said from the first time I posted on this thread; unjustifiable homicide.

But I think the guy should have gotten manslaughter due to him just having been awakened in the middle of the night. But prosecutors these days maximize everything to get people to plead.

At least the perp had the balls to take it to court.

I could be wrong, but I believe you can be released from prison in 1-2 yrs on a manslaughter charge. I don't think that amount of time would be appropriate for this crime.

Then change the sentencing guidelines. The legal definition is manslaughter if the guy wasn't in complete control of his mind at the time, and being half asleep is such an altered mental state.

You can't kill someone because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, dummy.

No, you cant, but it can be an extenuating circumstance, you betcha. Especially since the drunk was the one who woke the dude up in the first place with her shenanigans.

Jesus I am sick of irresponsible children acting like retards then everybody wants to burn the person that reacts to the stupid bullshit like they wouldn't have done the same damned thing.

Put yourself in that mans place...no, never mind, you simply do not have that in your mental capacity talking points.

I would have picked up the phone and called the police. I would start shooting if and when they decided to break down my door. How fucking hard is that?

half asleep, startled and afraid can make it pretty damned difficult.

Whats the matter? Cant have any bad vibes on your little guillotine party?

he wasn't that afraid, else he wouldn't have opened the door
1) she was not breaking into his house.
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
3) Does Michigan law allow people to normally shoot tresspassers? If not, he is guilty as sin and got what he deserved. He should have called the cops to arrest the drunk girl instead of taking the law in his own hands and killing her over a misdemeanor charge.

I find it difficult to believe you think this man should have walked, Shooter.

he gave himself away right off the bat

when he claimed it was an accidental discharge of his firearm

then changed up his story

Sounds like he tried to cover it up, like many would do, but when it happens unprepared, you need to go with 'lawyer up' not 'make shit up'.

personally i think his first explanation is the truth

usually statements made the closest to the event

tend to pull more weight

once he got a lawyer and the lawyer informed him

that an accidental shooting can not be claimed as self defense

he changed up the story

In such situations there is ZERO reason to speak to police without a lawyer present.

Why gamble that the cops are not going to target you due to lack of other suspects anyway? In this case the question was what degree of culpability was there? I don't think the mans lawyer served him well.

certainly he did not bring on the situation that night

it came to him

i believe his lawyer served him as well as he could under the circumstances

it was impossible to take back the accidentally shot her statement

which makes it fall into a broad 2nd degree murder charge

i didnt watch this trial but what could his lawyer have done
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

I used to think that way also, but guess who it hurts? YOU. Learn to forgive and try your best to help in any small way you can. I agree many blacks get in trouble and end up dead or in Jail. I do not bury my head in the sand; but name calling and petty arguments do not help the situation.

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