White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

I used to think that way also, but guess who it hurts? YOU. Learn to forgive and try your best to help in any small way you can. I agree many blacks get in trouble and end up dead or in Jail. I do not bury my head in the sand; but name calling and petty arguments do not help the situation.

It hurts me to point out facts? That is an odd way of thinking. Anyway I'm off to bed, tomorrow I will post some facts about black men that will SHOCK you.
t hurts me to point out facts? That is an odd way of thinking. Anyway I'm off to bed, tomorrow I will post some facts about black men that will SHOCK you.

They aren't 'facts,' they're hasty generalization fallacies, the product of your fear, ignorance, and hate.
I think we should employ a value model in these situations. The woman was stupid, ignorant, and intoxicated. A mans home is his castle. She violated that sanctity. Now lets compare the value of both shooter and victim. The man is a tax paying home owner. The drunk woman is a non productive appendage of the welfare state. Her death has save tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in future legal fees and welfare payments. Gotta let the guy off...he did society a favor. He was not a vigilante. She a aggressed his societal perimeter.
The national press has buried this story because even they know the white man was screwed every way but right side up. If the races were reversed, the press would be howling about this injustice.

Why are you depriving Stormfront of your wit and wisdom? I think you'd be more appreciated there.
Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. Wafer never even called the cops before he blew her face off. At trial Wafer was caught in many bad judgements, unreasonable actions, inconsistency's & out right lies.

Wafer claimed he feared there were multiple people attacking different doors of his home. But when he shot McBride, he sat his gun there on the floor, never closed the door & went to get his phone. Therefore he lied again. Then he said he didn't have to cower inside his own home.

A security camera is a cheaper & way better option than a shotgun.
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I think we should employ a value model in these situations. The woman was stupid, ignorant, and intoxicated. A mans home is his castle. She violated that sanctity. Now lets compare the value of both shooter and victim. The man is a tax paying home owner. The drunk woman is a non productive appendage of the welfare state. Her death has save tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in future legal fees and welfare payments. Gotta let the guy off...he did society a favor. He was not a vigilante. She a aggressed his societal perimeter.

Shooter Theodore Wafer was a heavy drinker & parts delivery man who would ride a bike to the local bars to keep from getting pulled over & losing his license.

Renisha McBride had a job at the Ford Motor Company & was driving her Ford when she crashed. So she was also a productive tax payer & drinker, who should have also rode a bike. She did not break into Wafer's home. He blew her face off for knocking on his door.
if he had to shoot, shoot her in the leg or foot and call 911.

You obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about, Ninja.

When you are in a stress situation you are doing well if you can hit center of mass, let alone a foot.
Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. Wafer never even called the cops before he blew her face off. At trial Wafer was caught in many bad judgements, unreasonable actions, inconsistency's & out right lies.

Wafer claimed he feared there were multiple people attacking different doors of his home. But when he shot McBride, he sat his gun there on the floor, never closed the door & went to get his phone. Therefore he lied again. Then he said he didn't have to cower inside his own home.

A security camera is a cheaper & way better option than a shotgun.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.
he wasn't that afraid, else he wouldn't have opened the door

You cannot reasonably state that. People are put together differently than others.

Some hear violence and flee, others take a look, and still others run to it.

He had a drunk woman pounding on his door in the middle of the night and sounding all crazy. He understandably felt threatened, was foggy headed in all likelihood (wouldn't most of us be at 4am?), and panicked. He acted instinctively and opened the door while armed to confront what was causing his fear.

That is why I think maybe manslaughter would have been more appropriate, but since he changed his story during the investigation apparently the DA lost trust in the mans honesty. Once that happens, most of the time the DA is going to crucify you if possible from what I have seen. They have a practical need to maintain a 'it is better to not fuck with us' reputation.
Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. Wafer never even called the cops before he blew her face off. At trial Wafer was caught in many bad judgements, unreasonable actions, inconsistency's & out right lies.

Wafer claimed he feared there were multiple people attacking different doors of his home. But when he shot McBride, he sat his gun there on the floor, never closed the door & went to get his phone. Therefore he lied again. Then he said he didn't have to cower inside his own home.

A security camera is a cheaper & way better option than a shotgun.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.
With cameras he could have saw what was going on outside without looking out any doors or windows.

Security camera will stand watch 24hrs every day. Crime always happens at my property when I am away. My guns have been stolen along with other valuables. My cameras have caught & convicted 4 criminals in the last 6 years. My guns did not stop any crime, in fact they may be out there enabling crime with the thieves who stole them. The police did find one gun in a criminals stash, but they have never given it back to me & it's been over 4 years now.

Cameras save police work, tax dollars, catch criminals, lower crime, recover & save valuables & money. Wafer's gun took the lives of 2 tax payers, caused a crime instead of preventing any & now tax payers have to take care of him.
I think we should employ a value model in these situations. The woman was stupid, ignorant, and intoxicated. A mans home is his castle. She violated that sanctity. Now lets compare the value of both shooter and victim. The man is a tax paying home owner. The drunk woman is a non productive appendage of the welfare state. Her death has save tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in future legal fees and welfare payments. Gotta let the guy off...he did society a favor. He was not a vigilante. She a aggressed his societal perimeter.

For legal purposes your front door is not "your castle"
Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. Wafer never even called the cops before he blew her face off. At trial Wafer was caught in many bad judgements, unreasonable actions, inconsistency's & out right lies.

Wafer claimed he feared there were multiple people attacking different doors of his home. But when he shot McBride, he sat his gun there on the floor, never closed the door & went to get his phone. Therefore he lied again. Then he said he didn't have to cower inside his own home.

A security camera is a cheaper & way better option than a shotgun.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.
With cameras he could have saw what was going on outside without looking out any doors or windows.

Security camera will stand watch 24hrs every day. Crime always happens at my property when I am away. My guns have been stolen along with other valuables. My cameras have caught & convicted 4 criminals in the last 6 years. My guns did not stop any crime, in fact they may be out there enabling crime with the thieves who stole them. The police did find one gun in a criminals stash, but they have never given it back to me & it's been over 4 years now.

Cameras save police work, tax dollars, catch criminals, lower crime, recover & save valuables & money. Wafer's gun took the lives of 2 tax payers, caused a crime instead of preventing any & now tax payers have to take care of him.

A big dog works better
2) She was on his porch, how is that a threat?
If she was drunk, that is what made her a threat. People can do anything when they are under the influence.

God bless you and the man always!!!


Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?

Yes, I do believe Holly is insane.

No, she is more sane than 99% of the people here.

That's scary.

No, there is nothing wrong with her personality.

But you seem awfully judgemental.

Does her politeness and kindness creep you out because you are basically a rude little shit?

Then you're insane too. I guess you missed her justification response for killing the teen.

It is her opinion, dude, that doesn't make her insane.

Jesus, you libtards are so full of yourselves, anybody that disagree with you is insane, corrupt or stupid, in your closed minded ideological straight-jacketed perspectives..

Well, yes it does. If she really believes it's okay to kill a teenager just because she's drunk and outside your door, she is insane, and probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

Lol, apparently you think insane means 'Disagrees with me about a legal opinion.'

That is not the meaning of insane, dear.

Okay, she's freaking crazy.

Now you go with switching to a synonym of the same damned thing?

Are you over the age of 12?

I'm sorry, but you are completely irrational, and so is your little friend.

And yo are now a psychiatric authority too?

Lol, internet wonder boy gives diagnosis without a license over the internet, story at eleven.

You are an idiot, and I couldn't care less what an idiot like you thinks of my mental condition.

I have been a student, studying freaky human nature for quite some time, and I can tell that your irrational behavior stems from watching too much Fox "dumb-down" news. You know you're wrong, which is why you're acting like a little girl who's panties are in a wad.

Called the cops?? HAHAHA. And they show up 2 weeks later. This is detroit, you nitwit. The police don't do their job and the blacks will kill any white person they get their hands on. In a situation like this, you have to shoot.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. Wafer never even called the cops before he blew her face off. At trial Wafer was caught in many bad judgements, unreasonable actions, inconsistency's & out right lies.

Wafer claimed he feared there were multiple people attacking different doors of his home. But when he shot McBride, he sat his gun there on the floor, never closed the door & went to get his phone. Therefore he lied again. Then he said he didn't have to cower inside his own home.

A security camera is a cheaper & way better option than a shotgun.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.
With cameras he could have saw what was going on outside without looking out any doors or windows.

Security camera will stand watch 24hrs every day. Crime always happens at my property when I am away. My guns have been stolen along with other valuables. My cameras have caught & convicted 4 criminals in the last 6 years. My guns did not stop any crime, in fact they may be out there enabling crime with the thieves who stole them. The police did find one gun in a criminals stash, but they have never given it back to me & it's been over 4 years now.

Cameras save police work, tax dollars, catch criminals, lower crime, recover & save valuables & money. Wafer's gun took the lives of 2 tax payers, caused a crime instead of preventing any & now tax payers have to take care of him.

A big dog works better

My place has been robbed with my dog watching, plus he bit some innocent people. The dog did lower crime though, because since he died this winter my $250k barn burnt down a month later along with my security cameras. Now criminals have stolen stuff from there 3 times in 5 months. I got 3 game cameras installed in hidden locations a day after the second theft. The sheriff now has pictures of 2 thieves stealing copper, their truck & plate number. I am really missing "Jake" my Australian Cattle Dog. He was one bad ass farm dog, he was not good with kids though.

I say get cameras, then a good dog, then CCW training, then carry a gun.
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I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.

I have been a student, studying freaky human nature for quite some time, and I can tell that your irrational behavior stems from watching too much Fox "dumb-down" news. You know you're wrong, which is why you're acting like a little girl who's panties are in a wad.

No, you are a self-deluded liar and show no evidence having studied a damned thing.

You just engaged in ad hominem (attacking the news source instead of the use of the data), false claim of authority(oh, a student of behavior, I am so NOT impressed), and an unwarranted assertion that is obviously false (I know I am wrong about what, dear?).

You demonstrate yourself that you cannot think rationally, all I have to do is point out where and how.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.

And the two pretend opposing racist sides keep playing their muppet theater going for the sake of keeping the masses divided.

It just keeps working when you have no independent privately owned press not in the corporate crony network.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.

And the two pretend opposing racist sides keep playing their muppet theater going for the sake of keeping the masses divided.

It just keeps working when you have no independent privately owned press not in the corporate crony network.

LOL....You are a drama queen!

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