White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

The national press has buried this story because even they know the white man was screwed every way but right side up. If the races were reversed, the press would be howling about this injustice.
Odd that you say that. I remember reading LOTS about this story ever since it happened. There's even been a few threads here about it since the git go.

Its been all over the news.

And, the shooter had it coming. Actions have consequences and he committed a horrible crime.
I have been a student, studying freaky human nature for quite some time, and I can tell that your irrational behavior stems from watching too much Fox "dumb-down" news. You know you're wrong, which is why you're acting like a little girl who's panties are in a wad.

No, you are a self-deluded liar and show no evidence having studied a damned thing.

You just engaged in ad hominem (attacking the news source instead of the use of the data), false claim of authority(oh, a student of behavior, I am so NOT impressed), and an unwarranted assertion that is obviously false (I know I am wrong about what, dear?).

You demonstrate yourself that you cannot think rationally, all I have to do is point out where and how.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"....LOL!
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.

And the two pretend opposing racist sides keep playing their muppet theater going for the sake of keeping the masses divided.

It just keeps working when you have no independent privately owned press not in the corporate crony network.

LOL....You are a drama queen!

Lol, no, I am what is called an observer. You and shooter are the drama queens pretending to argue about race when in all likelihood you serve the same ideology.
I have been a student, studying freaky human nature for quite some time, and I can tell that your irrational behavior stems from watching too much Fox "dumb-down" news. You know you're wrong, which is why you're acting like a little girl who's panties are in a wad.

No, you are a self-deluded liar and show no evidence having studied a damned thing.

You just engaged in ad hominem (attacking the news source instead of the use of the data), false claim of authority(oh, a student of behavior, I am so NOT impressed), and an unwarranted assertion that is obviously false (I know I am wrong about what, dear?).

You demonstrate yourself that you cannot think rationally, all I have to do is point out where and how.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"....LOL!

You are obviously a troll. Not one informative post, just these quick drive-by one liners.

Welcome to my ignore list, dear.
I have been a student, studying freaky human nature for quite some time, and I can tell that your irrational behavior stems from watching too much Fox "dumb-down" news. You know you're wrong, which is why you're acting like a little girl who's panties are in a wad.

No, you are a self-deluded liar and show no evidence having studied a damned thing.

You just engaged in ad hominem (attacking the news source instead of the use of the data), false claim of authority(oh, a student of behavior, I am so NOT impressed), and an unwarranted assertion that is obviously false (I know I am wrong about what, dear?).

You demonstrate yourself that you cannot think rationally, all I have to do is point out where and how.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"....LOL!

You are obviously a troll. Not one informative post, just these quick drive-by one liners.

Welcome to my ignore list, dear.

It just breaks my heart. How will I sleep?
Just got in on this and read the 1st page. Was the victim on his porch or in his house? Big difference.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. .

HAHAHA. Well hell, lets just start making stuff up around here. You have produced no evidence for that absurd statement. HAHAHA

He wasn't defending himself. She was asking for help, not threatening him.

Where is your evidence she was asking for help. An extremely drunk black woman pounding on your door at 4 AM. That's a threat in anyone's book.

BTW - the car crash this drunk caused occurred THREE hours before she showed up at Wafer's house?? Asking for help, my butt.

Shooter Theodore Wafer was a heavy drinker & parts delivery man who would ride a bike to the local bars to keep from getting pulled over & losing his license.

Renisha McBride had a job at the Ford Motor Company & was driving her Ford when she crashed. So she was also a productive tax payer & drinker, who should have also rode a bike. She did not break into Wafer's home. He blew her face off for knocking on his door.

Sounds like wafer is a good guy. I wish all boozers would use bikes instead of cars. The board notes you "forgot" to give a link to your claim that the woman worked for Ford.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.

BS - he made the right choice. Problem is we have a racist legal system that says the white man is always wrong. If the races were reversed here, the shooter would be regarded as a hero who took out one of the bad guys.
There's no point in discussing if she was looking for help or not. It doesn't matter why she was on the porch or what her previous history is. The point is you can't just shoot someone for knocking (or banging) on your front door. PERIOD.
When Wafer finally called 911 the police arrived in one minute. .

HAHAHA. Well hell, lets just start making stuff up around here. You have produced no evidence for that absurd statement. HAHAHA

Start watching Theodore Wafer pre-trial hearing at the 2:05:30 mark. At the 2:15:00 mark the Judge says police arrived about 1 minute after 911 was called.

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Shooter Theodore Wafer was a heavy drinker & parts delivery man who would ride a bike to the local bars to keep from getting pulled over & losing his license.

Renisha McBride had a job at the Ford Motor Company & was driving her Ford when she crashed. So she was also a productive tax payer & drinker, who should have also rode a bike. She did not break into Wafer's home. He blew her face off for knocking on his door.

Sounds like wafer is a good guy. I wish all boozers would use bikes instead of cars. The board notes you "forgot" to give a link to your claim that the woman worked for Ford.
"Friends described Ms McBride as an outgoing girl who loved cars and shopping. She had graduated from Southfield High School, where she was in the cheer squad, in 2012. Ms McBride had recently begun a job working for the Ford Motor Company."
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.


Ma'am pointing out facts about a subset of society is not racist.

FBI mdash NIBRS 2012 Home

Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

What's REALLY frightening about these statistics is that most of the time the black of father of the mother's children doesn't even live in the same household as the family

Single-Parent Families by Race Ethnicity Data and Trends in Quality of Life for Greater Rochester Region

Imagine how many women black men would be beating, raping, and killing if they lived with them full time.

Educate yourself.

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.

BS - he made the right choice. Problem is we have a racist legal system that says the white man is always wrong. If the races were reversed here, the shooter would be regarded as a hero who took out one of the bad guys.

Killing someone is NEVER the right choice. Sometimes it is the necessary choice, but is NEVER the "right" choice.

In this particular case it was the stupid choice.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.


Ma'am pointing out facts about a subset of society is not racist.

FBI mdash NIBRS 2012 Home

Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

What's REALLY frightening about these statistics is that most of the time the black of father of the mother's children doesn't even live in the same household as the family

Single-Parent Families by Race Ethnicity Data and Trends in Quality of Life for Greater Rochester Region

Imagine how many women black men would be beating, raping, and killing if they lived with them full time.

Educate yourself.

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

So you're saying that white men don't rape? Going by your logic, we would all be better off if no men existed. See how ridiculous you sound?


The above is a rapist.

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