White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM


A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.

BS - he made the right choice. Problem is we have a racist legal system that says the white man is always wrong. If the races were reversed here, the shooter would be regarded as a hero who took out one of the bad guys.

Actually the problem is we have a racist poster (several really but it only takes one to post) who constructs his usual úbermensch fantasies and then parades a Hypothesis Contrary to Fact fallacy as a basis for putting his white hood on.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.


Ma'am pointing out facts about a subset of society is not racist.

FBI mdash NIBRS 2012 Home

Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

What's REALLY frightening about these statistics is that most of the time the black of father of the mother's children doesn't even live in the same household as the family

Single-Parent Families by Race Ethnicity Data and Trends in Quality of Life for Greater Rochester Region

Imagine how many women black men would be beating, raping, and killing if they lived with them full time.

Educate yourself.

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

So you're saying that white men don't rape? Going by your logic, we would all be better off if no men existed. See how ridiculous you sound?


The above is a rapist.

That is of course not even close to what I said.
Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.


Wow. Speak of Hypo Contrary and there it is...
That's gonna leave a mark. Probably as a sig line.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

Appeal to emotion... :eusa_hand:

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

OK, I stand corrected -- TWO sig lines.

Hard to believe as it is that somebody actually wrote that, it sounds hauntingly familiar... where have we heard this before...?

One phrase summed up Klan goals: "Native, white, Protestant supremacy." Native meant no immigration, no mongrelization of American culture. According to Imperial Wizard Hiram Wesley Evans, "The world has been made so that each race must fight for its life, must conquer, accept slavery, or die"
--- A People And a Nation (excerpt)
Perhaps this is more directly relevant -- actually it looks like the basis of the post, rewritten for a message board:

(testimony of John Lucas, South Carolina Klansman) --
It is as necessary now here as it was then to uphold White Supremacy and to protect the White Women of the South from insult and outrage.... His [the black's] criminal propensities and disposition to criminally assault our white women appear to increase in proportion to the educational opportunities furnished him.... When the illeterate [sic] negro acquires education, he aspires to attain social equality, and knowing how utterly impossible that is, South [sic], he broods on that thought and reads on the subject until becoming obsessed he by stealth and cupidity waylays and victimizes an unprotected white woman. Then he finds himself dangling at the end of a short rope, without judge or jury. Such summary punishment is as necessary here now as the Ku Klux Klan was then. 38

Klan members served warning that no racial mixing between black men and white women --however willing the women might be-- would be tolerated. Six to eight night riders shot a black man on the steps of the house where he allegedly lived in adultery with two white spinsters. The Klan reports do not mention the fate of the two white women. If the escaped the wrath of the Klan they were fortunate. Their alleged sexual aberration had shamed the entire white community39

Another white woman received hideous treatment from the night riders for her association with black men. When the Klan arrived at her home she was discovered hiding two black men under the floor of the house. The two men managed to escape, but Klan members ordered the woman out of the house, forced her to lie down on the road, then poured hot tar onto her "private parts" and ordered her to leave town within three days.

--The Great South Carolina Ku Klux Klan Trials, 1871-1872, pp. 33-34
So ...... that's where this road goes.

Still driving?
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Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.


Wow. Speak of Hypo Contrary and there it is...
That's gonna leave a mark. Probably as a sig line.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

Appeal to emotion... :eusa_hand:

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

OK, I stand corrected -- TWO sig lines.

We need to start a Wall of Shame! :biggrin:
Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.


Wow. Speak of Hypo Contrary and there it is...
That's gonna leave a mark. Probably as a sig line.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

Appeal to emotion... :eusa_hand:

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

OK, I stand corrected -- TWO sig lines.

Here, I'll give you another

Breeding white trash rednecks out of existence would be self defense for women as well.

Actually the problem is we have a racist poster (several really but it only takes one to post) who constructs his usual úbermensch fantasies and then parades a Hypothesis Contrary to Fact fallacy as a basis for putting his white hood on.

It's more than several. We have a ton of white-hating liberals who insist whites are always wrong even in self defense.

Killing someone is NEVER the right choice. Sometimes it is the necessary choice, but is NEVER the "right" choice.

In this particular case it was the stupid choice.

If the races were reversed you'd be singing the praises of the shooter. uraracist and white-hater

I have a feeling that if the races were reversed you'd be screaming "FIRST DEGREE MURDERING N****ER"

That's more like it. Hope i taught you a valuable lesson - When you make a claim, back it up. I always do.
He should have just called the police. If she actually entered his house then the shooting would be justified. That was probably the point of contention here.

Call the cops??? HAHAHA. This is detroit, you nitwit.
But at least there would be evidence he attempted to get help before using the gun and that would have made the difference. He is one more gun owner who was unaware of the most basic rule re: the use of deadly force.

I am strongly pro-gun but I believe some minimal test should be required for possession -- even if it's a simple written Q & A administered by the seller. Because if this fellow understood the most basic rule he wouldn't be facing seventeen years in prison. The jury had no latitude.

We need to demonstrate competence to obtain a driver license but no such test is required to obtain a device as lethally dangerous as a firearm.

Actually the problem is we have a racist poster (several really but it only takes one to post) who constructs his usual úbermensch fantasies and then parades a Hypothesis Contrary to Fact fallacy as a basis for putting his white hood on.

It's more than several. We have a ton of white-hating liberals who insist whites are always wrong even in self defense.

Yuh huh. Links to these statements then? :link:

I mean, since you "always" back up your shit and all... like you did with the victim here "breaking in", like you did with all the "if the races were reversed" fallacies, like you did pretending a month-old story was "buried"... should be easy to find if there's a "ton" --- right?

Killing someone is NEVER the right choice. Sometimes it is the necessary choice, but is NEVER the "right" choice.

In this particular case it was the stupid choice.

If the races were reversed you'd be singing the praises of the shooter. uraracist and white-hater

Uhmmm... who went out of his way to reduce the two parties in the story to "white man" and "super-drunk black", ShitSpitter?
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

If lying was cause for being kicked off this board your sorry ass would be gone a long time ago.

And she didn't attack him either, you filthy racist POS.
His own words: “Uh, yes.... I just shot somebody on my front porch with a shotgun, banging on my door,” he said.

You are a bigger pussy than this guy, if that is possible.

It's people like you that cause racial conflict. And when it kicks up its ugly head again I hope the blacks in your town hit your house first, drag you into the street and treat you like the sewer waste that you are.

From the article that ShitSpeeder didn't read: """..... gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch ........Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home ..."""""

And dishonest too -- no one on any side ever claimed the teenage girl was "breaking in".
You're part of the problem.

You're the liar. She was pounding on the door at 4 AM.!!!

Is knocking on someone's door at 4:00am illegal? No, you stupid shit-stain.

You simply don't open your fucking door and if they don't go away you call the fucking police.

If they TRY TO BREAK IN then you can use armed force to protect yourself, but it never got that far you idiot.

I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.


Ma'am pointing out facts about a subset of society is not racist.

FBI mdash NIBRS 2012 Home

Educate yourself, a woman is likely putting herself in mortal danger when she gets with a black man.

Don't you care about women being beaten up,raped, and killed by the men in her life?

What's REALLY frightening about these statistics is that most of the time the black of father of the mother's children doesn't even live in the same household as the family

Single-Parent Families by Race Ethnicity Data and Trends in Quality of Life for Greater Rochester Region

Imagine how many women black men would be beating, raping, and killing if they lived with them full time.

Educate yourself.

Breeding black man out of existence in this county is self defense for women.

So you're saying that white men don't rape? Going by your logic, we would all be better off if no men existed. See how ridiculous you sound?


The above is a rapist.

That is of course not even close to what I said.

I didn't say you said it. I said I was using your logic....or lack thereof.
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

You are as crazy as crazy gets. What a dupe. I think you just post stupid shit to piss people off. The guy executed this woman for banging on his door. She was not breaking into his home. He opened the door and began firing through the screen door. He should have gotten life. I hope he dies in prison.

Oh, no.....I don't want him to die in prison. I can't wait for him to meet his new boyfriend there....


This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

You are as crazy as crazy gets. What a dupe. I think you just post stupid shit to piss people off. The guy executed this woman for banging on his door. She was not breaking into his home. He opened the door and began firing through the screen door. He should have gotten life. I hope he dies in prison.

Oh, no.....I don't want him to die in prison. I can't wait for him to meet his new boyfriend there....


Carla would LOVE to have that guy as a son in law, I'm sure.
I'm white. I live not far from Detriot, and this OP is not how it happened. The white guy had his gun already cocked and loaded before opening the door.

The OP's a racist asshole, and he's been posting bullshit like this as long as he's been here. He's a joke.

I don't much care for blacks and think they have a LOT of problems within their own race, but fuck murder is murder. This was murder.

I agree. The I don't care for blacks comment is kind of ignorant though...... You should care for every person.

It's not ignorant at all. Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims. They are ESPECIALLY a danger if you are a black woman. Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence.

Does this apply to every single black man? Of course not. As a group though..............

All I can say is WOW!!! For a short moment, I thought you were okay. I was reading your postings, nodding in agreement, and wham....this!!!

I guess I'm just used to deciphering racist code. But oh no...not with you! You just let it all hang out.


Your flummox is understandable; I had the same impression. Apparently it was all a ruse. Or perhaps he had misplaced his white dunce cap hood.

We'll have to presume he's bipolar. Which to me would seem to violate the board rules about multiple accounts.

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