White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Um what? I'm the guy who has posted FACTS. you have posted not one fact.

Explain, without emotion, why women should not be scared of black men despite the frightening statistics.
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Um what? I'm the guy who has posted FACTS. you have posted not one fact.

Explain, without emotion, why women should not be scared of black men despite the frightening statistics.

You just claimed to take the high road away from emotion, and then in literally the next sentence, went right to ..... emotion.

This has passed the point of surreal.
^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!

I don't drink, so no. But I've seen enough drunks to know that an unarmed teenage girl in such a state -- or for that matter anyone -- doesn't have the hand/eye coordination to be any kind of threat. I further know that there was already a door between them -- a door he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to.

So no, an unarmed drunk teenager does not deserve a sucker shot to the face just because she's black or any other color. Take that to the moral bank.

If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough.

I get unsolicited phone calls all the time. I tell them to stop; they don't. So I have the right to go to their office and shoot them in the face? Through the door??
A person can't know the color of who they are talking to if there is a door in between them, so the girl's color is not the issue. What does matter is whatever she said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed and since you were not there to see what happened, you can't say that the guy was wrong to use his gun. No one can. Also a phone call is not the same as a person actually showing up at your door. A phone call is harmless when talking is only thing that happens when a phone call is going on. Anything can happen when a person shows up at your door.

^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!

Still not a lethal threat.

Holly I pray that you or your loved ones do not take such drastic action in such a situation.

It would be very harsh to live with financially as well as emotionally.

Human life is sacred and precious, even us drunks. :D
Because there was a door in between the two of them, he had no way of seeing if she was armed or not and with the door being in between the two of them, he also had no idea what kind of person he was going to be shooting at, white, black, etc. And because we were not there to see what happened our selves, we do not know what the girl said or did to make the guy fire his gun at the door.

God bless you two and the man always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and JB, I saw your exchange with another person here about me. Thank you for all that you said. :) :) :)
^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!

I don't drink, so no. But I've seen enough drunks to know that an unarmed teenage girl in such a state -- or for that matter anyone -- doesn't have the hand/eye coordination to be any kind of threat. I further know that there was already a door between them -- a door he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to.

So no, an unarmed drunk teenager does not deserve a sucker shot to the face just because she's black or any other color. Take that to the moral bank.

If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough.

I get unsolicited phone calls all the time. I tell them to stop; they don't. So I have the right to go to their office and shoot them in the face? Through the door??
A person can't know the color of who they are talking to if there is a door in between them, so the girl's color is not the issue. What does matter is whatever she said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed and since you were not there to see what happened, you can't say that the guy was wrong to use his gun. No one can. Also a phone call is not the same as a person actually showing up at your door. A phone call is harmless when talking is only thing that happens when a phone call is going on. Anything can happen when a person shows up at your door.

^^^ Have ever you gone up to the door of a complete stranger while in such a condition and do nothing but pound on it even after you were ordered to leave?

Holy Holly Holly.... in what way is a drunk and unarmed teenage girl outside your door deserving of being shot in the face??? Are you insane?
Did the guy know that she was unarmed? Maybe he wasn't willing to open up his door to know for sure that she wasn't because opening up his door is what the woman would have wanted him to do and if he shot at her with the door in between them, how could he have known that he was going to get her right in her face? If he told her leave and she didn't, I can't blame him for taking action when sadly the law can not get to people who need them fast enough. Anything can happen before the law shows up after a call to them is made.

God bless you two always!!!

Still not a lethal threat.

Holly I pray that you or your loved ones do not take such drastic action in such a situation.

It would be very harsh to live with financially as well as emotionally.

Human life is sacred and precious, even us drunks. :D
Because there was a door in between the two of them, he had no way of seeing if she was armed or not and with the door being in between the two of them, he also had no idea what kind of person he was going to be shooting at, white, black, etc. And because we were not there to see what happened our selves, we do not know what the girl said or did to make the guy fire his gun at the door.

God bless you two and the man always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and JB, I saw your exchange with another person here about me. Thank you for all that you said. :) :) :)

No Holly, doesn't work. At all. You don't assume that what you can't see through a door is an intruder with a gun on the basis of nothing.

And because we were not there to see what happened our selves, we do not know what the girl said or did to make the guy fire his gun at the door.

If we were not there to see for ourselves, .... how then do you know what he "couldn't see"?

What can any person say to another person, in any circumstance whatsoever, that warrants them being shot in the face? What can any person say that FORCES another to shoot them in the face?

No you're not getting away with this. Let me give you what I call an "empathy test"....

Your phone rings one day. It's bad news. It seems your 19-year-old daughter, for whatever reason, got herself roaring drunk last night.

But wait, the news gets worse -- she got in her car to drive and wrecked it.

Now I hope you're sitting down because it gets worse still..... after the car accident, either from being drunk or as a result of being dazed by the accident, not sure which, she was KILLED by a homeowner whose door she banged on for help. He didn't offer her help, just shot her point blank in the face.


She's dead, Holly. Your flesh and blood you gave birth to 19 years ago, dead and gone forever.

Now the question is this --- what's your reaction to this news? Choose one:

(A) You're deeply shocked, overcome with grief, you feel like someone just sucker-punched you in the stomach, and you want some answers....
--- OR --
(B) You shrug your shoulders and say, "well she brought it on herself. She shouldn't have said something to piss off a stranger"

Pick one.
^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.
^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


So you have no answer as to how none of us were there to see, yet somehow you alone know what he could not see. Nor do you have an answer for what kind of words one person can say to another that warrants the latter shooting them point blank. In the face or anywhere else.

What was the proper way to react? He didn't need to open the door at all. Except he did in the sense that opening the inside door is the only way to get in position with his gun so that he can shoot her in the face. Cant do that through a closed inside door, right? You can't see through a solid inside door.

Whether killing her was the intention or not is irrelevant; shooting her was obviously his intention. And there is no scenario, no words, no nothing, that justifies shooting an unarmed teenage girl whose most serious trangression was waking you up in the middle of the night..

As long as we're grasping at straws, Holly, as long as you're unable to think of what kind of words, all by themselves, justify shooting an innocent girl in the face, why not go ahead and explain why a teenage girl who had wrecked her car would be knocking on doors threatening people that she had a gun?? What would be the point?

If your car breaks down or gets into an accident and you need assistance, do you go from door to door telling strangers "I have a gun"? Is that what you do?


You're not a good fiction writer, Holly. Hiding behind inane "god bless" signatures don't fool anybody.

P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.

Thanks for taking the test.
You have no heart.

Said it a million times, will say it again: we are a culture that worships death.
^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.

Wow, I hope you're not a gun owner.
^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.

Wow, I hope you're not a gun owner.

Or ever on a jury. :rolleyes:
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:
^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.

Wow, I hope you're not a gun owner.

Or ever on a jury. :rolleyes:

No doubt!!!
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You brought it up, purporting to kkkharacterize what "black men" are worth. Is that not a reference to kkkolor? Is "black" not an adjeckkktive delineating one group akkkording to race?


Racism requires a value judgment. You're the only kkklown who made one in this tangent.
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You brought it up, purporting to kkkharacterize what "black men" are worth. Is that not a reference to kkkolor?

Racism requires a value judgment. You're the only kkklown who made one.

I made NO statement about what anyone was worth.
Riiiiiiight .... because "breeding them out of existence" is obviously a sign of high value.

I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Um what? I'm the guy who has posted FACTS. you have posted not one fact.

Explain, without emotion, why women should not be scared of black men despite the frightening statistics.

You just claimed to take the high road away from emotion, and then in literally the next sentence, went right to ..... emotion.

This has passed the point of surreal.

There was a Mr. Bennett, from Ronald Reagan's cabinet, who said "I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could--if that were your sole purpose--you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."

This is the same kkkind of logikkk we are dealing with here, with not as smart as your average bear. And of course if we aborted every white baby, it would also reduce crime.

This is who we're posting with...

Riiiiiiight .... because "breeding them out of existence" is obviously a sign of high value.


LOL I said WOMEN and black women especially should choose to, I would take no part in such breeding.

WHO uh, posted it?

You new at this?

Duh I posted it. And when you pick and choose who you are going to date, are you not placing VALUE on people? Why yes of course you are.

Holy shit you are freaking dense....
Here's your line once again:

"Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence"

That's you, opining what they "should" do. Not them deciding what they're gonna do.
Nice try at moving the goalposts; complete lack of cigar.
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

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