White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

That is factual, black men kill more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists have killed TOTAL. Would you like to challenge that fact?
Riiiiiiight .... because "breeding them out of existence" is obviously a sign of high value.


LOL I said WOMEN and black women especially should choose to, I would take no part in such breeding.

WHO uh, posted it?

You new at this?

Duh I posted it. And when you pick and choose who you are going to date, are you not placing VALUE on people? Why yes of course you are.

Holy shit you are freaking dense....
Here's your line once again:

"Black women should be scared to death of black men and be actively trying to breed them out of existence"

That's you, opining what they "should" do. Not them deciding what they're gonna do.
Nice try at moving the goalposts; complete lack of cigar.

Oh no that man has an opinion based on facts, GET HIM!!!
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

That is factual, black men kill more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists have killed TOTAL. Would you like to challenge that fact?

WOWZA, That must make this many...

^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


So you have no answer as to how none of us were there to see, yet somehow you alone know what he could not see. Nor do you have an answer for what kind of words one person can say to another that warrants the latter shooting them point blank. In the face or anywhere else.

What was the proper way to react? He didn't need to open the door at all. Except he did in the sense that opening the inside door is the only way to get in position with his gun so that he can shoot her in the face. Cant do that through a closed inside door, right? You can't see through a solid inside door.

Whether killing her was the intention or not is irrelevant; shooting her was obviously his intention. And there is no scenario, no words, no nothing, that justifies shooting an unarmed teenage girl whose most serious trangression was waking you up in the middle of the night..

As long as we're grasping at straws, Holly, as long as you're unable to think of what kind of words, all by themselves, justify shooting an innocent girl in the face, why not go ahead and explain why a teenage girl who had wrecked her car would be knocking on doors threatening people that she had a gun?? What would be the point?

If your car breaks down or gets into an accident and you need assistance, do you go from door to door telling strangers "I have a gun"? Is that what you do?


You're not a good fiction writer, Holly. Hiding behind inane "god bless" signatures don't fool anybody.

P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.

Thanks for taking the test.
You have no heart.

Said it a million times, will say it again: we are a culture that worships death.
If you are not able to get what I have tried to explain to you, it isn't my problem. I will say one more thing about the subject though. If I was in need of help, my being drunk would not be the reason why I need it which is what makes me different compared to the girl. I believe that if she had not been drunk, she would have had a much better chance at getting the help she needed, but that right there is just it. If she had not been drunk, she wouldn't have been in the spot that she was in. Her being drunk is what compromised her position. People can do anything while they are under the influence which includes things that make other people feel the need to defend themselves in whatever way it is that they end up having to defend themselves.

God bless you and the man always!!!

^^^ Because a door was in between them, how could the guy have known that the girl was going to be shot in her face and not somewhere else? And because a door was in between the two of them, the guy could have missed every time that he fired his gun too. Also because you weren't there, you don't know what the girl said or did to make the guy feel that a gun was needed. If you were in his spot and she were to say that she had a gun in her hand, how would you respond if you couldn't see for sure that she did? Would you just shrug off her saying such a thing? I wouldn't. And because he couldn't see her with the door being in between the two of them, how do you know that actually killing her was his intention?

God bless you and him always!!!


So you have no answer as to how none of us were there to see, yet somehow you alone know what he could not see. Nor do you have an answer for what kind of words one person can say to another that warrants the latter shooting them point blank. In the face or anywhere else.

What was the proper way to react? He didn't need to open the door at all. Except he did in the sense that opening the inside door is the only way to get in position with his gun so that he can shoot her in the face. Cant do that through a closed inside door, right? You can't see through a solid inside door.

Whether killing her was the intention or not is irrelevant; shooting her was obviously his intention. And there is no scenario, no words, no nothing, that justifies shooting an unarmed teenage girl whose most serious trangression was waking you up in the middle of the night..

As long as we're grasping at straws, Holly, as long as you're unable to think of what kind of words, all by themselves, justify shooting an innocent girl in the face, why not go ahead and explain why a teenage girl who had wrecked her car would be knocking on doors threatening people that she had a gun?? What would be the point?

If your car breaks down or gets into an accident and you need assistance, do you go from door to door telling strangers "I have a gun"? Is that what you do?


You're not a good fiction writer, Holly. Hiding behind inane "god bless" signatures don't fool anybody.

P.S. That second choice you gave me is the one that I would go with. Yes I would be sad that my daughter is gone, but her choice of words and actions especially is what created the situation that she was in. If anyone had to die, why should it have been the guy when he was the one who was approached by a person who consisted of nothing but compromised judgement? I can't blame him for not taking any chances with his life. What would have made her life more valuable than his when her drunk choice of action is what put his life into danger? If a person can't deal with the consequences of getting drunk, they shouldn't indulge in any alcoholic beverage until they can.

Thanks for taking the test.
You have no heart.

Said it a million times, will say it again: we are a culture that worships death.
If you are not able to get what I have tried to explain to you, it isn't my problem. I will say one more thing about the subject though. If I was in need of help, my being drunk would not be the reason why I need it which is what makes me different compared to the girl. I believe that if she had not been drunk, she would have had a much better chance at getting the help she needed, but that right there is just it. If she had not been drunk, she wouldn't have been in the spot that she was in. Her being drunk is what compromised her position. People can do anything while they are under the influence which includes things that make other people feel the need to defend themselves in whatever way it is that they end up having to defend themselves.

God bless you and the man always!!!


I find sociopathic racists like you disgusting. I have defended you in the past but now realize I was wrong about you all this time. You've shown your true colors. And trying to constantly drag "God" into it makes you a damn hypocrite.

I'm putting you on ignore now as my computer's in fairly good shape and I'd rather not puke on it.
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

The poor woman had an accident and was trying to seek help. She chose to knock on his door hoping he would help her. That bastard saw a black woman, thought immediately she was there to rob him, and shot her.

The poor fucking woman never stood a chance. I hope he rots.
Besides, how could she break in through a locked screen door? He shot her in the face through the screen. He could have closed the door and called the cops, but no, like a typical white redneck, he shot the black woman and insisted he was a hero.
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

That is factual, black men kill more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists have killed TOTAL. Would you like to challenge that fact?

Almost any group you can make up has killed more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists. If you're gonna fuel on myths you're not gonna see a whole lot of traction.
Besides, how could she break in through a locked screen door? He shot her in the face through the screen. He could have closed the door and called the cops, but no, like a typical white redneck, he shot the black woman and insisted he was a hero.

He could have simply not opened his inside door, as noted earlier -- but that's the only way he could get her in his gun sights.
If she had not been drunk, she wouldn't have been in the spot that she was in. Her being drunk is what compromised her position. People can do anything while they are under the influence which includes things that make other people feel the need to defend themselves in whatever way it is that they end up having to defend themselves.

God bless you and the man always!!!


God bless the man? You mean God praises that scum for murdering an unarmed woman?
And so fucking what if she was drunk. She needed help and that bastard killed her.
Besides, how could she break in through a locked screen door? He shot her in the face through the screen. He could have closed the door and called the cops, but no, like a typical white redneck, he shot the black woman and insisted he was a hero.

He could have simply not opened his inside door, as noted earlier -- but that's the only way he could get her in his gun sights.

His intention was to shoot her. Soon as he saw it was a black person, it was game over.
If she had not been drunk, she wouldn't have been in the spot that she was in. Her being drunk is what compromised her position. People can do anything while they are under the influence which includes things that make other people feel the need to defend themselves in whatever way it is that they end up having to defend themselves.

God bless you and the man always!!!


God bless the man? You mean God praises that scum for murdering an unarmed woman?
And so fucking what if she was drunk. She needed help and that bastard killed her.

It's a phrase she hides behind. And now we know why.
SS you reallly need to take a break. This is a non issue
Actually not, as this is very much an issue, where there are a significant number of racists such as the OP who perceive African-Americans as 'bad guys' who need to be 'taken out.'

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by racists who identify as conservative is understandable, but you can't solve the problem of racists among the ranks of conservatives by attempting to sweep the problem under the rug.
This probably isn't a "hate crime" either...Just another little white girl murdered by a subhuman...Same old stuff

Suspect captured; 17-year-old still missing - Action News 5 - Memphis Tennessee

JACKSON, MS - The search for a missing 17-year-old at the center of the weekend Amber Alert may be over. Authorities have called a coroner to the scene of a morning search. Dewayne Thompson is accused of wounding and kidnapping Katelyn Beard. He was taken into custody on Monday, just a few blocks away from a home where police say the teen was shot Sunday morning. He's being charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping, and auto theft. Monday night, Thompson was seen leading officers around a field in the Pocahontas area, but there is no clarification or information to confirm what this was about. Crews are back out at that scene on Joe Coker road this morning. Our reporter on the scene says several bags and clothes have been pulled out of the woods. JPD confirms they've found her clothes in this search.

JACKSON, Miss. —Jackson police on Tuesday found the body of a 17-year-old girl who had been kidnapped last week. Dwayne Thompson, who is charged in the case, led police to Katelyn Beard's body, which was found about 9:30 a.m. in a wooded area off Darden Road, near Pocahontas, investigators said. Earlier in the morning, search crews found clothing belonging to Beard, police said. Dewayne Thompson was captured Monday around 5:45 p.m., police said. -

This is why homo sapiens shouldn't date homo erectus.
Let her sleep it off for 6-8 hours, then wake her with a bucket of ice water and insist she move on. Have a can of mace ready, if she objects.

No foul, no jail time.

God bless the man? You mean God praises that scum for murdering an unarmed woman?
And so fucking what if she was drunk. She needed help and that bastard killed her.
Do you actually think that people get smarter once they are drunk compared to how things are for them when they are sober? Yeah the girl needed help but with her being drunk, how do you think that she responded to the guy's decision to not help her? I don't know what you have experienced in your life, but sadly I am no stranger to those who drink and when some people are drunk enough enough, not only can they get mean, but they can get dangerously physical if you know what I mean. No that girl was not armed, but that doesn't mean that she wouldn't have done something harmful had the guy stood there and done nothing about her. You weren't there to see their interaction so how do you know that she did not blow up on him in any way when he refused to help her?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. How do you know for sure that the girl was not evil when you already know that she was under the influence of what can change a person's way of being and not for the better?
God bless the man? You mean God praises that scum for murdering an unarmed woman?
And so fucking what if she was drunk. She needed help and that bastard killed her.
Do you actually think that people get smarter once they are drunk compared to how things are for them when they are sober? Yeah the girl needed help but with her being drunk, how do you think that she responded to the guy's decision to not help her? I don't know what you have experienced in your life, but sadly I am no stranger to those who drink and when some people are drunk enough enough, not only can they get mean, but they can get dangerously physical if you know what I mean. No that girl was not armed, but that doesn't mean that she wouldn't have done something harmful had the guy stood there and done nothing about her. You weren't there to see their interaction so how do you know that she did not blow up on him in any way when he refused to help her?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. How do you know for sure that the girl was not evil when you already know that she was under the influence of what can change a person's way of being and not for the better?

Oh shuddup, your posts are getting more ignorant with each posting. A drunk teen vs a grown man. You're an idiot.

Bless your little heart.

I just listened to James Otto, and that's 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back.
^^^ How many grown people have died due to being hit by drunk teenagers who get behind the wheel and drive?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Have you ever lost a family member thanks to someone who was drunk? I have.

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