White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

^^^ How many grown people have died due to being hit by drunk teenagers who get behind the wheel and drive?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Have you ever lost a family member thanks to someone who was drunk? I have.

She wasn't driving her car through his house, dingbat, she was knocking on his door.
God bless the man? You mean God praises that scum for murdering an unarmed woman?
And so fucking what if she was drunk. She needed help and that bastard killed her.
Do you actually think that people get smarter once they are drunk compared to how things are for them when they are sober? Yeah the girl needed help but with her being drunk, how do you think that she responded to the guy's decision to not help her? I don't know what you have experienced in your life, but sadly I am no stranger to those who drink and when some people are drunk enough enough, not only can they get mean, but they can get dangerously physical if you know what I mean. No that girl was not armed, but that doesn't mean that she wouldn't have done something harmful had the guy stood there and done nothing about her. You weren't there to see their interaction so how do you know that she did not blow up on him in any way when he refused to help her?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. How do you know for sure that the girl was not evil when you already know that she was under the influence of what can change a person's way of being and not for the better?
This is as ignorant, hateful, and ridiculous as the OP.
^^^ Oh well. Any issue that you take with what I have to say is not my problem.

She wasn't driving her car through his house, dingbat, she was knocking on his door.
A drunk person doesn't need a car to threaten another person's safety. There are plenty of other ways for them to be a problem due to what getting drunk does to their frame of mind.

God bless you two always!!!

I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

That is factual, black men kill more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists have killed TOTAL. Would you like to challenge that fact?

Almost any group you can make up has killed more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists. If you're gonna fuel on myths you're not gonna see a whole lot of traction.

They are not myths.

And I am talking about the danger black men pose to WOMEN. Women should protect themselves by NOT DATING, MARRYING, OR HAVING KIDS WITH BLACK MEN.

give me another subset of society which beat, kills,rapes, and murders women at anywhere near the rate black men do and I would suggest women should breed them out of existence as well.
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

You are as crazy as crazy gets. What a dupe. I think you just post stupid shit to piss people off. The guy executed this woman for banging on his door. She was not breaking into his home. He opened the door and began firing through the screen door. He should have gotten life. I hope he dies in prison.

Oh, no.....I don't want him to die in prison. I can't wait for him to meet his new boyfriend there....


Carla would LOVE to have that guy as a son in law, I'm sure.

He might be a very nice guy. We can't really judge the book by the cover, can we?

All the neighbors thought this guy was really nice...


Ted Bundy! Bahahahahahaaaaa...

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.

BS - he made the right choice. Problem is we have a racist legal system that says the white man is always wrong. If the races were reversed here, the shooter would be regarded as a hero who took out one of the bad guys.

Killing someone is NEVER the right choice. Sometimes it is the necessary choice, but is NEVER the "right" choice.

In this particular case it was the stupid choice.

You got that one right. Taking a human life is something that you have to live with and the loud mouths like Shooter are not likely to have ever seen it.

True. They are cardboard kowboys with keyboards.

I had a loaded hunting rifle pointed in my face, about 6 or so inches from my nose, many years ago. It's like no other moment in your life, nothing you will ever forget.

A camera only records the crime, but a shot gun solves it...though if you use it wrong it can create another crime., but one you will live through.

What would that camera have shown him that he could not already see when he opened his door to see a drunk woman there anyway? Nothing more that would be useful. A camera cant show you a loaded gun tucked under the belt. The guy was not working with a clear head, that much is sure.

Still, better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, but this man made the wrong choice for everyone.

BS - he made the right choice. Problem is we have a racist legal system that says the white man is always wrong. If the races were reversed here, the shooter would be regarded as a hero who took out one of the bad guys.

Killing someone is NEVER the right choice. Sometimes it is the necessary choice, but is NEVER the "right" choice.

In this particular case it was the stupid choice.

You got that one right. Taking a human life is something that you have to live with and the loud mouths like Shooter are not likely to have ever seen it.

True. They are cardboard kowboys with keyboards.

I had a loaded hunting rifle pointed in my face, about 6 or so inches from my nose, many years ago. It's like no other moment in your life, nothing you will ever forget.

I've had to pull that trigger. Only a psychopaths takes it lightly. There are a few psychopaths posting here

And dishonest too -- no one on any side ever claimed the teenage girl was "breaking in".
You're part of the problem.

You're the liar. She was pounding on the door at 4 AM.!!!
pounding on the door at 4 am is not a reason to kill someone ! come on man ! you have to see that this is wrong ! a grown man shooting an unarmed woman for banging on your door ?
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

That is factual, black men kill more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists have killed TOTAL. Would you like to challenge that fact?

Almost any group you can make up has killed more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists. If you're gonna fuel on myths you're not gonna see a whole lot of traction.

They are not myths.

And I am talking about the danger black men pose to WOMEN. Women should protect themselves by NOT DATING, MARRYING, OR HAVING KIDS WITH BLACK MEN.

give me another subset of society which beat, kills,rapes, and murders women at anywhere near the rate black men do and I would suggest women should breed them out of existence as well.

Okay, fair enough.
"Beaters, killers, rapists and murderers". There ya go.

You're the wag who wants to identify them by color as if that's some kind of causal relationship. A preordained conclusion in search of a premise.

Non sequitur.

And dishonest too -- no one on any side ever claimed the teenage girl was "breaking in".
You're part of the problem.

You're the liar. She was pounding on the door at 4 AM.!!!

While I generally find Pogo to never have anything of value to say... the fact is criminals typically don't knock on the door.

There are a number of situation where I would defend the person defending themselves with a gun. This just isn't one of them.

Having been in a car wreck myself, and knocking on someone's house at 2 AM to get help... I'm glad I wasn't shot for it.

And dishonest too -- no one on any side ever claimed the teenage girl was "breaking in".
You're part of the problem.

You're the liar. She was pounding on the door at 4 AM.!!!

While I generally find Pogo to never have anything of value to say... the fact is criminals typically don't knock on the door.

There are a number of situation where I would defend the person defending themselves with a gun. This just isn't one of them.

Having been in a car wreck myself, and knocking on someone's house at 2 AM to get help... I'm glad I wasn't shot for it.

The God Bless Freak back there actually tried to suggest the girl might have "told the guy she had a gun".
I mean, that's the first thing we all do after a car accident --- knock on doors and tell them "I have a gun". (/sarc)

That's the extent these racist assholes will go to in order to rationalize their bigotry.
I have to wonder if I made the statement - and let me be clear I'm not comparing black men to dogs I'm just asking for illustrative purposes

As a group Pit Bulls are dangerous, and dog owners should breed them out of existence

would some of you get as emotional as you are here?

And further, would you stupidly post a picture of a Doberman Pincher as some sort of evidence that Pill Bulls aren't dangerous? :rofl:

Uhhhh... you're the guy trying to appeal to emotion here, hoodman. Checkkk yo' mirror.

Racist theories? LOL ahahahaha I posted links to FBI statistics, census bureau statistics , and a hot of other sources that PROVE exactly what I said about black men.

Nothing racist about it. It is FACT

Yyyyyeah..... kould you point us to the kuote where the KKK FBI, or the KKKoran census statistics or the "host of other Imperial Wizards sources tell us that "society would be better off without black men"? I just must have missed that linkkk.


Oh and maybe a bilogikkkal kkkuestion as well -- how exactly to you "breed them out of exsitence" while at the same time kkklaiming "this doesn't apply to all black men"? Does this not ignore the definition of "existence"? Let alone logikkk?

Besides, the women in question are themselves black. What happens when one of them gives birth to a boy? What would you have them do, kkkill the kkkid?

LOL...but I'm the idiot. :beer:

WOW, you are two are brain surgeons.

If a black woman and a white man have a child that child is NOT black. He's mixed. Or a black man and a Hispanic woman , or whatever.

You're stuck on skin color, like a couple of ummm racists.

You're the one carrying on about BLACK men, you big freaking dummy.

You: "Look at black men as a whole, society would be better off without them. I contend that they are a bigger danger than Muslims."

That is factual, black men kill more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists have killed TOTAL. Would you like to challenge that fact?

Almost any group you can make up has killed more Americans every year than Muslim terrorists. If you're gonna fuel on myths you're not gonna see a whole lot of traction.

They are not myths.

And I am talking about the danger black men pose to WOMEN. Women should protect themselves by NOT DATING, MARRYING, OR HAVING KIDS WITH BLACK MEN.

give me another subset of society which beat, kills,rapes, and murders women at anywhere near the rate black men do and I would suggest women should breed them out of existence as well.

Okay, fair enough.
"Beaters, killers, rapists and murderers". There ya go.

You're the wag who wants to identify them by color as if that's some kind of causal relationship. A preordained conclusion in search of a premise.

Non sequitur.

Your right there color is not a casual relationship to their criminality. the two are definitely linked
give me another subset of society which beat, kills,rapes, and murders women at anywhere near the rate black men do and I would suggest women should breed them out of existence as well.

Okay, fair enough.
"Beaters, killers, rapists and murderers". There ya go.

You're the wag who wants to identify them by color as if that's some kind of causal relationship. A preordained conclusion in search of a premise.

Non sequitur.

Your right there color is not a casual relationship to their criminality. the two are definitely linked

Well, you fight out that paradox in your head and let us know which side wins.

And dishonest too -- no one on any side ever claimed the teenage girl was "breaking in".
You're part of the problem.

You're the liar. She was pounding on the door at 4 AM.!!!
pounding on the door at 4 am is not a reason to kill someone ! come on man ! you have to see that this is wrong ! a grown man shooting an unarmed woman for banging on your door ?

The smart thing to do would have been to call the police
give me another subset of society which beat, kills,rapes, and murders women at anywhere near the rate black men do and I would suggest women should breed them out of existence as well.

Okay, fair enough.
"Beaters, killers, rapists and murderers". There ya go.

You're the wag who wants to identify them by color as if that's some kind of causal relationship. A preordained conclusion in search of a premise.

Non sequitur.

Your right there color is not a casual relationship to their criminality. the two are definitely linked

Well, you fight out that paradox in your head and let us know which side wins.

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The God Bless Freak back there actually tried to suggest the girl might have "told the guy she had a gun".
I mean, that's the first thing we all do after a car accident --- knock on doors and tell them "I have a gun". (/sarc)

That's the extent these racist assholes will go to in order to rationalize their bigotry.
For those of you who have not placed me on ignore like this person earlier said to me that they have done, I never said that "I have a gun." may have been the first thing out of the girl's mouth. I said that such a thing may have been what she said after learning that the guy was not going to help her. Think about it. What do you do after hearing the word "No." when you ask a person for help? Well what makes the girl different is her being drunk. What makes you think that a drunk person will walk away gracefully just like a sober person would after being rejected in such a way and not cause a scene that would make who told them "No." feel that a gun is needed? If threatening him is how she responded to his rejection, I don't blame him for taking action. The cops would have if they were in his spot so why couldn't the man?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Sometimes when someone threatens your life, you have to do whatever you have to do in order to defend yourself. You can't just wait for the law to enter the picture because them getting to you too late is always a possibility.
The God Bless Freak back there actually tried to suggest the girl might have "told the guy she had a gun".
I mean, that's the first thing we all do after a car accident --- knock on doors and tell them "I have a gun". (/sarc)

That's the extent these racist assholes will go to in order to rationalize their bigotry.
For those of you who have not placed me on ignore like this person earlier said to me that they have done, I never said that "I have a gun." may have been the first thing out of the girl's mouth. I said that such a thing may have been what she said after learning that the guy was not going to help her. Think about it. What do you do after hearing the word "No." when you ask a person for help? Well what makes the girl different is her being drunk. What makes you think that a drunk person will walk away gracefully just like a sober person would after being rejected in such a way and not cause a scene that would make who told them "No." feel that a gun is needed? If threatening him is how she responded to his rejection, I don't blame him for taking action. The cops would have if they were in his spot so why couldn't the man?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Sometimes when someone threatens your life, you have to do whatever you have to do in order to defend yourself. You can't just wait for the law to enter the picture because them getting to you too late is always a possibility.

he was supposed to call the cops
God bless the man? You mean God praises that scum for murdering an unarmed woman?
And so fucking what if she was drunk. She needed help and that bastard killed her.
Do you actually think that people get smarter once they are drunk compared to how things are for them when they are sober? Yeah the girl needed help but with her being drunk, how do you think that she responded to the guy's decision to not help her? I don't know what you have experienced in your life, but sadly I am no stranger to those who drink and when some people are drunk enough enough, not only can they get mean, but they can get dangerously physical if you know what I mean. No that girl was not armed, but that doesn't mean that she wouldn't have done something harmful had the guy stood there and done nothing about her. You weren't there to see their interaction so how do you know that she did not blow up on him in any way when he refused to help her?

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. How do you know for sure that the girl was not evil when you already know that she was under the influence of what can change a person's way of being and not for the better?

The guy was protected by his fucking screen door. All he needed to do was close the door and phone the police. He didn't have to shoot her. What part of that don't you get?
You seem to think she deserved to be shot because she was drunk.
[P.S. Sometimes when someone threatens your life, you have to do whatever you have to do in order to defend yourself. You can't just wait for the law to enter the picture because them getting to you too late is always a possibility.

And what kind of threat was a drunken black girl to a man who was standing behind a security screen?

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